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Bangladesh Navy indigenous Frigate development program.

you understand the difference between automatic and manual? Automatic target tracking and firing vs firing with sight from soldier?
lol who said it's manual ? already upgraded to fully automatic system.

does not need to do anything. We are here to watch the
seem u still dont get the point what he explained already.


Both have 76mm main gun, ASW rockets and ASW torpedoes.

Both have same AShM, but Kyan Sittha has 2x4 verses 056 with 2x2
056 has 2 single 30mm canno versus Kyan Sittha's 3x 30mm gatling and 2x 14.5mm gatling.
056 has only a helicopter pad, while Kyan Sittha has that plus a hangar (i.e. organic heli)
More/Better sensors on Kyan Sittha

So, NO advantage for the corvette here

So, it is just that 056 has 1x 8-round FL3000N versus Kyan Sittha's 1x6 Pedestal mounted manpads.

FL-3000N missile:
  • Minimum range: < 500 meters
  • Maximum range: > 9 km for subsonic targets, > 6 km for supersonic targets
North Korean HT-16PGJ MANPADS
  • consistently identified as the similar Soviet Igla-1E (SA-16 [9M313])
  • operational range 5.6 km (3.2 mi)
That, my dear, is not a huge advantage...

and i want to add if the missile in box is not HT-16PGJ but SA-24 or 18, it wont be much more different with ur Fl-3000N.

BD cant to nothing about it. :D
Pls stop copying some else's post.
I have to say I was skeptical about Forces Goal 2030, but looking at developments like this, man I have to say Bangladeshi government is serious....

Just look at the systematic way they are rapidly acquiring platforms. At first just random cost effective platforms upgraded to give some capability. But now longer term aims of standardization as well as some level of indigenous capability.

This guided missile frigate requirement made me a believer.

Damn, I'm impressed.

Some on the forum may laugh about "Forces Goal 2030" but it will happen.
The idea is to make any bullying/military attack by India so painful to it that it will only do so
as a very last resort and so full BD sovereignty is maintained.
I also read your other post that is sceptical about 10 squadrons of 4+/5 gen Fighters. Let me
say that without these numbers, then BAF won't be able to provide the proper deterrence
against IAF in the region. This would mean that a massive component of the idea behind "Forces
Goal 2030" will not have been fulfilled. BD Army and Navy will not have the proper protection to be
able to do their jobs effectively in this case. Even the Navy will rely on the SU-30SMEs proving support against
enemy ships and aircraft in Bay of Bengal. Just their SAM/AShM systems will not be enough to provide the
necessary protection.

It is not guaranteed but I am confident that BD military by 2030 will be a large and world-class fighting force.
So back to the frigates. Derivatives of Chinese Type 054+? I would assume the first examples have to be built in China. And evenutally inshAllah in house production.

These ships are 4000 tons approxamately.

Damn man. c-803 and hq-16s....with vls.

each example is around 350 million though so how can BN afford it?
Yea probably. Also in house production will be very good in general for the shipbuilding industry, and the economy as a whole. more skilled jobs....

If the goal is at least 6, I'm sure the first few will be built in China. With the others at Chittagong....
@Penguin. What are your thoughts on this particular Bangladesh Navy program to acquire 6 "Guided Missile Frigates" What do you think?

Based on Chinese Type 054+?
I haven't see an RfP or contract text, but China has much more ships on offer than 054A, which, at over 4000 tons, is a fairly large ship and possibly too large for the needs of a great many navies that would buy Chinese export ships. And purchases will depend on available budget + extended credit.

There are great offerings such as further developments of F22P (2 variants: Tiger andC28A), and there is also a further development of the C28A itself. On the lower end of the spectrum the multimission frigate. And at the higher end there are the High performance frigate and the 4k ton frigate.

Multimission frigate (1500 ton)

"F22P with VLS for HQ16" (don't know the official name, "Tiger frigate"?)


Modified C28A with VLS (don't know the official name. Note absense of radar target illuminators > VL SAM is NOT th HQ16 > active radar homing DK-10?)

High performance frigate (HQ16)

4000 ton frigate(DK10?)

Do you understand the difference between automatic and manual? Automatic target tracking and firing vs firing with sight from soldier?
As shown, and as I have indicated in another thread some time ago, there are indeed 2 versions of the MANPAD launcher out there, one manned and one unmanned.

Aside from that, you should also realised that the fact there is a person in the missile unit does not preclude an automated slew to cue function. This is e.g. how the optically tracked US Avenger system (Stinger on Humvee) works: the engagement is under control of the turret operator but when hooked up to the FAAD C3I system, the turret automatically slews to the target general direction, placing the target in the gunner's field of view, cued by an external AN/MPQ-64 battlefield air-defence radar.

These Burmese shipships are not armed properly.I agree with you.But that's if they put this or if they put that.All they put were a few manpads.
Just look at the range of their sam.
Don't attempt to twist what I said. The Burmese ships are armed just fine as they are. Equal or better in terms of all weapon systems except the SAM, compare to the four (light) frigates I mentioned. And given a very good close in gun armement, they are still well protected. However, they would be even better with a VL SAM, mainly because this would better against attacks with multiple missiles arriving from different directions simultaneously. But that also applies for F22P and Bangabunhu.

Better range is always nice but note VL Sea Wolf does only 10km versus 50 for ESSM. FL3000N does 6-9km depending on target type. A manpads with 5.5-6km isn't much poorer and does have advantage of easier reloading while at sea, which will be an issue with FL3000N and HQ7/FM90.
Pakistan Navy has 10 Frigates while Bangladesh Navy has 7...Pakistan Navy has 13 Fast Attack Crafts while Bangladesh Navy has 22. (Respective Wiki Pages)

I think the Bangladeshi Navy put much more than a dime...
Pakistan doesn't place emphasis on their navy. Hence they got the destroyers sunk in their own port by the Indians in 71... There is more concentrated resource in the bay than perhaps any other place in the world. It's all to protect them too.
So back to the frigates. Derivatives of Chinese Type 054+? I would assume the first examples have to be built in China. And evenutally inshAllah in house production.

These ships are 4000 tons approxamately.

Damn man. c-803 and hq-16s....with vls.

each example is around 350 million though so how can BN afford it?

Being built in BD, we are looking at around 250 million US dollars per ship. 6 would come to 1.5 billion US dollars.
Now these ships will come into service all the way through to 2025-2030 depending on how quickly BD can produce the vessels.
With a growing BD economy and Chinese easy payment terms finance will be no problem.

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