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Bangladesh Navy indigenous Frigate development program.

Simple mathematics based on current economic trend expected to continue in near future.

world bank predicts your growth rate in immediate 3 years as 6.4-6.7, but let take it as 7.

Your present GDP is 246 billion.

13 years later, it would be ~$600 billion.

Where did $750 billion come from ?

Too much for him to work out.

Aw...says someone who claims that Bangladesh will have $1 trillion GDP in 2030. :lol:
world bank predicts your growth rate in immediate 3 years as 6.4-6.7, but let take it as 7.

Your present GDP is 246 billion.

13 years later, it would be ~$600 billion.

Where did $750 billion come from ?
With inflation and base year changing it will certainly hit 1 trillion.
world bank predicts your growth rate in immediate 3 years as 6.4-6.7, but let take it as 7.

Your present GDP is 246 billion.

13 years later, it would be ~$600 billion.

Where did $750 billion come from ?
Something called rebasing after a period of time. So currently BD economy actually bigger that $246 billion. I will add 20% to it to stay in the safe side.
There will be at least two more rebasing due in 13 years.
Then if the economy grows at this pace and export multiplied and foreign currency gets fatter there are more likely that BDT will appreciate 20-50% like what happens in China.

Aw...says someone who claims that Bangladesh will have $1 trillion GDP in 2030. :lol:

I wont be surprised if it comes very close or surpasses $1 trillion.

PS: if BD can keep its current conversion rate steady then we can safely take nominal growth rate which is 12-13% per year instead of 6-7% a year.
I just calculated, it will be 1.2 trillion in 13 years with a anual growth of 13% without taking rebasing in account.
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although missile range is crucial what is more crucial than that is your ability to detect and tracking the incoming hostile and reliably feed the data to your combat management systems to process the entire engagements. And please except the Bangabandhu class the BDNavy surface forces is very seriously lacking in this area, and the collection of handpicked old Frigates and newly acquired Type 056 corvettes doesnt address this problem at all

In what way specifically? As compare to what? Says who ?

BNS Bangabndhu
Sensors and processing systems:
  • Thales TACTICOS combat management system.
  • Thales DA08 (SPQ-501/RAWS03) E/F band (S-band) medium range 2D air search radar (145-195km, depending version)
  • Thales VARIANT lightweight short/medium range 2D surface search radar, simultaneously operating in the X and C-band. It can track surface targets up to 70km and air targets up to 120km
  • Kelvin Hughes 1007 I-band navigation radar
  • Thales LIROD Mk 2 K-band TWT fire control radar
  • Thales MIRADOR optical surveillance and tracking system
  • Chinese Type 345 fire control radar (for FM-90)
  • Atlas ASO-90/ DSQS-21 Mod Sonar
  • Link Y Mk2 communication
Electronic warfare & decoys:
  • ESM:Racal Cutlass 242; intercept

Kyan Sittha
Sensors and processing systems:
  • Combat management system: ? (likely either Chinese ZKJ-3C or Indian BEL CMS)
  • BEL RAWL-02 Mk III L-band long range 2D search radar (MkIII=270km; mkII=165km) = licence built Signaal/Thales LW-08 (230km)
  • Chinese Type 362 missile-targeting X-band radar 3D short/medium range air search (100km)
  • 2 x Type 347 series fire control raders
  • BEL HMS-X hull mounted sonar
Sensors and processing systems:
  • Combat System: BAE Systems Insyte Nautis F combat data system
  • Thales Netherlands (Signaal) DA-08 E/F band (S-band) medium range 2D air search radar (230km)
  • Search radar: Ericsson Sea Giraffe-150 Surface search radar G and H bands (180km)
  • Navigation radar: Thales Defence I-band navigation radar
  • Fire control radars:
    • 2 × Marconi 1802SW / BAE SYSTEMS 1802 fire control radars operating at I and J bands
    • Radamec Series 2000 Optronic weapon director
  • Sonar: Thales Underwater Systems Spherion TSM 2633 LF sonar
  • Thermal Imager: BAE Type V 3001
Electronic warfare & decoys:
  • ESM: BAE Mentor-A

Sensors and processing systems:
  • Chinese ZKJ-3C CMS (a variant of the French TAVITAC)
  • Chinese SUR 17 (Type 517) A-band/VHF long range air surveillance radar (300km)
  • Chinese SR-60 (Type 360) E/F-band air/surface search radar (250km)
  • Kelvin-Hughes KH 2007 navigation radar
  • Chinese Type 345 director for FM-90N
  • 2x Chinese Type 347 CIWS fire-control radar
  • Atlas ASO-94 Hull Mounted Sonar
Electronic warfare & decoys:
  • RWD-8 intercept
Sensors and processing systems:
  • Saab 9LV Mk. 4 combat management system with Saab TIDLS data link system
  • Thales LW08 L-band long range 2D search radar (230km)
  • Saab Sea Giraffe AMD G-band 3D surveillance radar (180km?)
  • Raytheon AN/SPS-64 either X or S band (depending version) navigation radar (120km)
  • 2 × Saab CEROS 200 radar (Ku band) and optronic tracking fire control director
  • Atlas DSQS-24d sonar
Electronic warfare & decoys:
  • ESM ITT ES-3601 (AN/SLQ-4)
You really think FM-90 or VL Sea Wolf is (still) good enough? In that respect all the example with the exception of F25T are seriously lacking. And should I have to choose between FM-90 and VL Sea Wolf, I would still choose the latter, even if it has shorter range.

Yes, it is infrared homing. Just like Igla-1A, by the way. So, the main differences are range and warhead weight.
Erm I was talking about igla Sam system not VL Sea wolf.
Something called rebasing after a period of time. So currently BD economy actually bigger that $246 billion. I will add 20% to it to stay in the safe side.
There will be at least two more rebasing due in 13 years.

Let's see what happens. BTW, you know how much your government spends every year as a percent of GDP ? and how much of that goes to defense ?
Do some research before starting to blabber.

Ever heard of Thales TACTIOS? BNS BB (DW 2000) deploys Thales tacticos, which is fully autonomous combat & data management system. This ship continually scans the deployed area, air & sea; uses Friends or Foe identification check to automatically pick,lock & fire upon the enemy target/targets. Moreover it deploys EW & ECM measures to prevent being targeted or hit by a enemy platform. DW 2000 class is eqaual to most of the western systems from that era & weight class. If some are not on the friendly list of that ship & not more powerful ship(by both qualitative & quantitative capabilities), they can start spending the sweat in getting better.

Type 56 too has an wide range of modern electronics, Link 16, EW & ECM & most advanced Chinese origin combat management system. They might not be big ship but they are fully capable of giving a bloody nose even to a bigger adversary. Long gone those days when someone can afford being a snooty nose about Chinese systems.

lol read first then talk, what i said before is except BB class there is no serious asset within BD Navy and then they more likely to acts as stand alone system without data sharing ability with the rest of Bangladesh Navy. Ouch shit i forget this subforum still glorified platform over integrated networking system. Those type 56 fleets you had, as good as they may as corvettes but they lack of sonar and other ASW systems seriously hampered her capability as fleet escort
I think In 2030, BN will have-
6 submarine- 2 Yuan class, 2 song class, 2 ming class
14 frigate-6 Type 054, 4 Daegu/Incheon class, 1 Ulsan class(Bangabandhu) and 3 Jianghu class(Refitted)
10 corvette-8 Type 056, 2 Castle class
42 Patrol vessels-8 Durjoy class, 24 Padma class, 10 other(Island class mostly)
@UKBengali @TopCat @Nabil365 @Khan saheb @BDforever what do you think?
Cancel out the Korean frigates,very unlikely that they are coming.The navy can't afford so many different kinds.
Rest looks fine.
There will be at least two more rebasing due in 13 years.

So 13 years later, you would have a ~$600 billion economy ( in current dollar, given that you grow at an average 7%) & a ~$110 billion budget (again, hoping that your tax to GDP & hence budget expenditure to GDP ratio will improve). So your defence budget might be ~$7 billion, same as Pakistan today.

And you want to operate a 4 destroyers as well as an air force larger than RAF ?
So 13 years later, you would have a ~$600 billion economy ( in current dollar, given that you grow at an average 7%) & a ~$110 billion budget (again, hoping that your tax to GDP & hence budget expenditure to GDP ratio will improve). So your defence budget might be ~$7 billion, same as Pakistan today.

And you want to operate a 4 destroyers as well as an air force larger than RAF ?

Yes. BD will get soft loans and Chinese equipment is cheaper than UK. All doable.
Yes. BD will get soft loans and Chinese equipment is cheaper than UK. All doable.

Yawn...come up with better arguments than that.

If that was the case, Pakistani military would have been very much different from what it is now.
So 13 years later, you would have a ~$600 billion economy ( in current dollar, given that you grow at an average 7%) & a ~$110 billion budget (again, hoping that your tax to GDP & hence budget expenditure to GDP ratio will improve). So your defence budget might be ~$7 billion, same as Pakistan today.

And you want to operate a 4 destroyers as well as an air force larger than RAF ?
It will be more likely 1 trillion. With 1.5% of the GDP the defence budget will be close to 15 billion.

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