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Bangladesh Navy indigenous Frigate development program.

Actually I don't want put my faith on a n. Korea system.
Well, their Hwasong-7, also known as Rodong-1 or Nodong-1, medium-range ballistic missile is quite popular, feeding developments of Iranian Shahab-3 and Pakistan's Shaheen-1. They've also managed to make nuclear weapons. More than most countries have managed, I would say.

Alongside main battle tanks upgraded by the DPRK, various types of artillery, anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) and light machine guns (LMGs) already present in today's conflict hotspots, analysis of imagery of weaponry used in the Syrian Civil War shows the presence of North Korean man-portable air-defence systems (MANPADS) amongst various factions opposing the regime of president Bashar al-Assad. The sighting of this system has become common enough to suggest the scale of their initial delivery to the Assad regime was sizeable, although the fact that they are consistently identified as the similar Soviet Igla-1E (SA-16) system also used in Syria means they have largely remained unnoticed to this date.
Although MANPADS in general appear to be referred to as Hwaseong-Chong (Arquebus) in North Korea, it is thought the specific type exported to Syria is of their third or fourth indigenously developed generation. Early types copied from the Soviet 9K32 Strela-2 (SA-7) MANPADS (which might have donned the designation PGLM or CSA-3A) were likely developed in the 1980s, and what appears to have been an indigenous variant of the 9K34 Strela-3 (SA-14) was spotted as early as 1992. Development has ultimately resulted in a system which has only been identified in recent years, and which seems to have been derived from the Russian 9K38 Igla (SA-18). However, the MANPADS currently seen in Syria shares the most resemblance with the older 9K310 Igla-1 (SA-16) system, but with the characteristic tricone nose mounted on the missile replaced with the more modern aerodynamic spike also seen on the 9K38 Igla (SA-18) and 9K338 Igla-S (SA-24) systems it is likely its performance has been improved. The most significant other difference that allows the North Korean system to be discerned from it Soviet/Russian counterparts is the foreward placement of the thermal battery which powers the MANPADS. This component also determines whether the system is still operable; its depletion means the MANPADS has become useless.
Careful study of the box containing the missiles reveals that no less than three-hundred boxes were delivered, containing two missiles each for a total of 600 HT-16PGJ MANPADS.
Despite the fact that the Syrian War has seen its fair share of MANPADS variants, ranging from Soviet-legacy Strela-2M, Strela-3s and Igla-1s to Chinese FN-6s supplied by Qatar through Sudan and Russian Igla-S' provided a few years before the start of the conflict, anti-air defence from the multitude of factions currently roaming the Syrian skies remains scarce
Although unlikely to be the most capable MANPADS system currently to be found on the Syrian battlegrounds (a title which belongs to the Russian Igla-S system), it is certainly more effective than the older Strela-2, Strela-3 and Igla-1 systems, and possibly even the Chinese FN-6, which was found to be unreliable by the rebels that used them.


Likely SA-13 modernization using MANPADS

Much like this Russian SA-13 modernization, capable of Igla-1 or Igla-S.
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So you have a point you wish to make? Because I don't follow.

North Korean Nongo class (note SAM launcher and 14.5mm gatling guns)




New North Korean corvette (Note SAM launcher rear, covered 14.5mm gatlings forward)
Chinese origin in design bro?
I know what you were talking about. And I asked you a question that is related. Yes, FL3000N, Sea Wolf and FN-90 have longer range than Igla-1A. However, in today's environgment, do you really think it matters if range is 6, 9, 10, or even 15km? Please consider Umkhonto and VL-Mica (both 20+km), RAM block II (22.5km rather than 9km), CAMM (at least 25km, possibly up to 60km), ESSM (50+km).

How 'superior' do F22P, Bangabundhu, Lekiu appear now, based on their SAMs? It is a BS line of argument: all these older systems (even FL-3000N and RAM block I) are barely adequate in today's environment with long-range supersonic antiship missiles. There is no reason to claim 'superiority' of FM-90 or Sea Wolf over Igla-1A, just because of a few kilometers, while the former themselves are already barely adequate.

Having said that, I'ld still rather have a ship with one or 2 Simbad-RC mounts (with 2 Mistral manpads) than one with just guns.
"SIMBAD-RC provides an extremely effective defence capability against all threats including anti-ship missiles, combat aircraft, UAVs, helicopters, as well as small surface threats such as those presented by FIACs."

Yes, Bangabundhu is much better compares to the 3 ex-Chinese 053H1/H2. The ex-USCG Hamilton is a different animal (as this was capable of Harpoon, ASW torps, Phalanx CIWS etc. Used to have sonar as well), but now it only retains the 76mm Oto installed the 1980s (but its CMS may still be relatively good. It is called the 'Command, Display and Control system' (COMDAC), which collects and displays data on ten display screens to monitor subjects being tracked, maneuver, avoid collisions, create search and rescue patterns and locate individuals in the water. This system is also used for navigation, piloting and internal communications. COMDAC's uniqueness lies in its ability to receive data, to process and format it in accordance with predetermined doctrine (Navy and Coast Guard), and then to display it at any of several locations. The use of COMDAC provides for the reduction of Plotters and Status Board Keepers and also allows for the NTDS interface to accomplish the various Navy missions.).

Type 056 likely has a CMS (comparable to F22P or 053H3), it has what looks like a Chinese SR-60 (Type 360) E/F-band air/surface search radar (250km), a navigation radar set and a Type 347G radar/EL-OP director and a seperate ELOP gun director. It has another radar set to assist helicopter landings. All have bow sonar at least. Some also feature a sternmounted towed array / VDS.



BD variants doesnt sport bow mounted sonar nor bringing triple launcher torps. Thats C13B for you.


integrated my ***, with nitpicking assets and lacks of integrated command and surveillance systems what kind of C4ISR capability BD has
As in that article approximate price is about 350 million per unit. Not sure if that figure refers to Type 054 or 54+.
BD variants doesnt sport bow mounted sonar nor bringing triple launcher torps. Thats C13B for you.


integrated my ***, with nitpicking assets and lacks of integrated command and surveillance systems what kind of C4ISR capability BD has
Actually they got secret aegis system
BD variants doesnt sport bow mounted sonar nor bringing triple launcher torps. Thats C13B for you.


integrated my ***, with nitpicking assets and lacks of integrated command and surveillance systems what kind of C4ISR capability BD has
It has haul mounted sonar and can be fitted with twoed sonar. Torpedo launchers are plug in, load, shoot. See the Chinese tv report. Your ignorant blah blah blabbering is amusing.:rolleyes:

Yes yes, I know you must have an ***, no doubt there. I am just not sure whether you keep your head between them. :rolleyes:
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It has haul mounted sonar and can be fitted with twoed sonar. Torpedo launchers are plug in, load, shoot. See the Chinese tv report. Your ignorant blah blah blabbering is amusing.:rolleyes:

Yes yes, I know must have has an ***, no doubt there. I am just not sure whether you keep your head between them. :rolleyes:
Let them be.They try desperately to compete with SG navy.
Meanwhile in Changi Naval Base:lol:lol:

BD variants doesnt sport bow mounted sonar nor bringing triple launcher torps. Thats C13B for you.

All depictions of 056 show a bow mounted sonar, 056A also has towed array/VDS. But indeed P18/C13B is without ASW fit and this is pretty ... shortsighted: even BNs 053H1/h2 have sonar and basic ASW weapons. Well, ... at least they have done something about the close in gun armament (if perhaps at the cost of ASW capability?). Anyway, these will come with some form of CMS, either similar to that on Durjoy or e.g. that used on F22P and/or C28A.

BNS Shadhinota (F111)

BNS Prottoy (F112)

integrated my ***, with nitpicking assets and lacks of integrated command and surveillance systems what kind of C4ISR capability BD has
I'm just looking at the ships, not what backs them.
Ambitious project. Just as it should be. I would love to see the design when its ready. And all the best BD.

India is also planning on a super abtitious project with the design looking something like this. We have never done anything remotely close. Will be fun.
Mind you this is only an indicative design on the kind of stealth exterior we are going for.


@Aung Zaya your new corvette is really nice looking man. Beauty.


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