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Bangladesh Military Thread

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True, you really need some more migs.......leon told,you only got 8 of the 16 ordered.......but i was amazed to see they were armed with the R-77 a2a missile,good.......but still your airforce,needs a few more jets.......i think the land force of bd is very well equiped,and your apc's are impressive.......go bd go!!! Get some more jets!!!

Russia supplied 8 migs between 1996 and 2001. Then they supplied another 8 between 2001 and 2005. This is confirmed in russia's own arms sales report. But don't you worry. India's force is still much larger than bangladesh and pakistan together.

So be happy with quantity and frequency as you have large country, large population, large poverty,large economy, large democracy as well as large forces.

Just make sure the damage will not be larger like everything else if things go bad (some people say India to be invaded by its next door neigbours, it's a myth anyway ! ). :rofl:
New BDR uniform.
What do you all think about it?

I don't understand WHY our military cloth designers are so jerk that they always design clothes that looks like 1950's ?

Didn't they ever see an uniform of western forces? It's not like those are very expensive to make.

In fact, we are the third largest exporter of ready made cloths in the world after China and Turkey. If we can't make and give some better designed, better looking cloth to our forces, then it's a shame.

This uniform looks like it's made for "Darwan" or security guards who works in building security.

Our designers should take a look at US marine corps, Canadian army or any other modern army uniform with MARPAT/NATO camouflage.
What does the Chief of Staff got to do with running the entire armed forces???

Can anybody tell me how are the brigades and divisions organised in the army?Asked this question before,though not sure whether it was answered.
I suggest horses.That's even more maneuverable.
I think horses as well as motor cycles may be needed depending upon the terrain.
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that uniform is uglyyyyyyyyy...
i dont know how they found uniforms like this...i love the usa, uk, iran and isreal military outfit..i think their bulletproof but im not sure though
Come on guys, India cares about Bangladesh and there is nothing Bangladesh has done that has hurt India. There will always be minor issues, but that will always be there with any country, or even two different people even though you trust them enough.

Regarding giving weapons to Burma. We are stuck supporting them. You would be aware we were against the military junta and wanted democratic govt restored. But China took advantage of the situation and started providing weapons and getting free access to naval ports. If India does not do more and bind them into some kind of economic arrangement, there is a possibility that Chinese will start appearing in Bay of Bengal. That is the only reason.

I am very confident if ever Burma attacks and Bangladesh govt asks India for help, India will do so.

Think about the incident only a decade back when Maldives was taken over by a tamil junta (LTTE?) from Sri Lanka. When Maldives asked for help, Indian forces reached there in 4 hours and freed the country. Since, relations have become so much better.

They now provide India with access to their naval ports and in return India promised them with anti-missile cover for their country when India will have one for free. (some time around 2015 or so).

I don't think that India would be allowed to interfere between BD-Burma war.Instead I can see US marine troops taking over rangoon(Uncle Sam has an eye on Burmese oil :tongue:) OR US supplying Bangladesh with arms on priority.US already offered for joint patrol on Bay of Bengal.
Apart from oil,Uncle Sam also eyes St.Martins island,to be used as a military base.
Off course US will be a greater trouble for us later on.That's why we need to strengthen our army so that we can deal with our problems ourselves.

And Maldives and Bangladesh are two totally different scenario.They didn't have a strong army to defend them from terrorists,but BD is different case.Above all,Let's face it,we don't trust Indian Govt.That's the reality.There are many reasons behind this mistrust,I believe you know the reasons.
I always love to see US marine in St. Martin Island. Or a air base.. marvellous.
US forces stationed in the Pacific may come and help us but doesn't mean they will get a base.They will just help us.
So far majority of US forces coming to BD had been Marines and the US Navy.

I think it should be us doing our job this time.Last time somebody helped us.....I am sure how much "khuta" they have given about that.
US forces stationed in the Pacific may come and help us but doesn't mean they will get a base.They will just help us.
So far majority of US forces coming to BD had been Marines and the US Navy.

I think it should be us doing our job this time.Last time somebody helped us.....I am sure how much "khuta" they have given about that.
Do not worry about the mean-minded KHUTA from the Indians. In reality, we gifted them a big win. For that they should be grateful to us. For a win like that India lost only 1300 of its troops and we lost many lakhs. They very clearly know how the anti-Pakistani population helped the Indians in 1971. But, they say all those things only to save their face.
I don't understand WHY our military cloth designers are so jerk that they always design clothes that looks like 1950's ?
They are still living in the 50s.BTW,they are 'Darwans' in a sense.They are guardsmen after all.But it still sucks anyhow.I share your frustration.

i dont know how they found uniforms like this...i love the usa, uk, iran and isreal military outfit..i think their bulletproof but im not sure though

that's got nothing to do with uniform.It's a matter of using body armour.

BTW can anybody tell me how our battalions,brigades and divisions and military districts are organised?
I always love to see US marine in St. Martin Island. Or a air base.. marvellous.
A Christian dominated US base in any part of BD has many negative impacts upon the culture of the locals. Not only that our fundamentalists will see it unkindly, but also that a US base will give rise to fundamentalism.

An Afghanistan-like situation may evolve gradually. It will only open a Pandora's box. Moreover, Saint Martin should remain a tourist spot.
Better we get help from USA to build our defence forces, but do not give them any military facility, except, perhaps some observation outpost.
They are still living in the 50s.BTW,they are 'Darwans' in a sense.They are guardsmen after all.But it still sucks anyhow.I share your frustration.

that's got nothing to do with uniform.It's a matter of using body armour.

BTW can anybody tell me how our battalions,brigades and divisions and military districts are organised?

my baddd....
we don't know our own order of battle?Have you seen the USA,USMC,USAF websites and their pages in Wikipedia?
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