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Bangladeshi peacekeepers train 1st Engineer Company for Liberia's new army

Source: United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL)

Date: 02 Dec 2009


Gbarnga, Liberia – The first engineer company of the new Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) have graduated after receiving three months of training in basic combat engineering from Bangladesh Engineer Contingent-12 of the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). The 60-strong company received tuition in various disciplines of combat engineering, including road and bridge construction, masonry, mine laying and mine clearing, field defence and obstacles, water supply, engineering plants, roads and airfield construction. Additionally, the officers' corps of the company took lessons in engineer tactics, engineer intelligence, and engineer support planning.

Before the graduation ceremony, the new AFL engineers put on a show of the military engineering techniques and tactics they had acquired, by effectively displaying their ability to use hand power tools, and remain calm under stress. They conducted an obstacle breaking operation, assault river crossing operation, mine laying and mine clearing operations, as well as executing target demolition.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony, UNMIL Sector B Commander Brigadier-General Rahman Muhammad Majibur noted that UNMIL was now increasingly involved in peace-building efforts rather than peacekeeping in Liberia. "We would like to see the AFL, along with other security agencies, take full charge of the country's security and other law and order situations," he said. To the newly trained AFL engineers, General Majibur cautioned them that their careers "are full of challenges which can only be overcome by professional efficiency, sheer hard work, and dedication."

On his part, Liberia's Deputy Defence Minister for Operations, Danesius Seigbe expressed the gratitude of the Government of Liberia to UNMIL, especially the Bangladeshi peacekeepers, for the training, saying, "We are grateful for the mentorship and training opportunities we continue to receive from our international partners." Mr. Seigbe assured Liberians that in addition to its core mission, the new AFL would play a major role in the country's reconstruction. "We will make the commitment; we will make the sacrifice; we will go through vigorous training to become the ultimate defenders of this noble republic," he added.

AFL Chief of Staff Major General S.A. Abdurrahman, who also spoke at the ceremony, described the new AFL engineering unit as a "path finder that will lead the way for Liberia's recovery and reconstruction." He told them that, military engineers, also known as sappers, are an important component of every army in the world. "They are the first to go the battlefield, and the last to leave," he pointed out, reminding them that as the pioneer engineers of the new AFL, they had a huge responsibility to go to every nook and cranny of Liberia to open up the country for development.

Certificates were presented to the new engineers by Deputy Defence Minister Danesius Seigbe, Sector B Commander General Majibur and AFL Chief of Staff, Major General Abdurrahman. Prior to the combat engineering training provided by the Bangladeshi peacekeepers, the soldiers had received general military training from two commercial American military training organizations.

ReliefWeb » Document » Bangladeshi peacekeepers train 1st Engineer Company for Liberia's new army
"We are grateful for the mentorship and training opportunities we continue to receive from our international partners."------Liberia's Deputy Defence Minister for Operations, Danesius Seigbe

The reason I quoted this is,that our Govt. and Businessmen should take the opportunity to do business in Liberia and many other places,where Bangladesh is viewed very positively.
All thanks to our military for creating such a good impression with their work.

But till now we have not been able to reap benefits of these.Sierra Leone's President had personally asked for Bangladesh's investment there,but I don't think so we have done anything significant.

Our medicines and other products,would easily beat any competition in terms of price and also quality in places like ivory Coast.Where we have good reputation,once again thanks to our armed forces.But no significant step there too.
The reason I quoted this is,that our Govt. and Businessmen should take the opportunity to do business in Liberia and many other places,where Bangladesh is viewed very positively.
All thanks to our military for creating such a good impression with their work.

But till now we have not been able to reap benefits of these.Sierra Leone's President had personally asked for Bangladesh's investment there,but I don't think so we have done anything significant.

Our medicines and other products,would easily beat any competition in terms of price and also quality in places like ivory Coast.Where we have good reputation,once again thanks to our armed forces.But no significant step there too.

Market is really small. On to of that security concern.
Only good business I think of are to exploit their natural resouces which Chinese and Indians are doing.
BAF to deploy contingent in UN Peacekeeping Mission

Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) is going to deploy contingent BANAIR-1 at United Nations Mission in Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT), reports UNB.

BANAIR-1 (Aviation Unit) comprising of 104 BAF members would be deployed at MINURCAT from January 10, said an ISPR release Thursday.

Main body of BANAIR-1 would leave the city for Chad on January 20.

Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal SM Ziaur Rahman briefed the members of BANAIR-1 in the city Thursday.

He called upon them to discharge their duties with honesty, professionalism and sincerity and bring honour for BAF as well as for the country.

BAF also is going to deploy three helicopters at MINURCAT.

BAF to deploy contingent in UN Peacekeeping Mission

Nice....hope they bring in more respect to our nation....:victory:

Btw, is it the first time helicopters are being sent?

JS body holds closed-door meeting on defence policy

Staff Correspondent

'The culture of secrecy' in running the country's armed forces should come to an end, as the citizens have the right to know how the forces are being run, suggested a number of members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence Ministry yesterday.

They made the suggestion during a closed door meeting of the committee that opened a scrutinising discussion on a draft of the country's first defence policy prepared by the Armed Forces Division.

After the meeting, some of the committee members talked to The Daily Star about some of their discussions.

"We will seek opinions of ministries concerned and the army, navy and air force once we have a framework in place for the defence policy," M Idris Ali, chief of the committee, told The Daily Star after the meeting.

He said more discussions on the draft will follow in the committee.

"The ultimate product of our meeting will not be kept secret. We will disclose everything for the public, except some sensitive matters if there is any," the committee chief added.

Talking to The Daily Star after the meeting, a number of committee members said in the meeting some of them also suggested modernisation of the armed forces in line with the changing time.

They also said the draft of the defence policy is voluminous, which it should not be, adding that it deals with many unnecessary things in it as well.

A member of the committee said the meeting also discussed the issue of the army's role being questioned after August 15, 1975 for a series of coups and counter coups, and for grabbing of the state power twice by the force.

He said however their role in preparing the latest voter list with photographs, and in assisting victims in post natural disaster situations are lauded by the people.

Meanwhile, Planning Minister Air Vice-marshal (retd) AK Khandker, yesterday told the House that a total of 75 officials of the armed forces had been sent to forced retirement or dismissed from the services during the BNP-led alliance government.

Khandker, who is also in charge of defence ministry affairs in the parliament, in a scripted answer to a query of ruling Awami League lawmaker Nasrul Hamid said 36 of those defence officials were of the army, 26 of the navy, and 13 of the air force.

In reply to a query of BNP lawmaker ABM Ashraf Uddin Nizan, the planning minister said a total of 1,069 officers of the armed forces are working in UN peacekeeping missions, 907 of whom are from the army, 67 from the navy, and 96 from the air force.

He said foreign currencies equivalent of over Tk 5,194 crore have been deposited in Bangladesh Bank as their incomes from the missions till now.

JS body holds closed-door meeting on defence policy

Thanks for posting the pics,however this thread is for News mainly.There is a thread dedicated to pics,which you can access through search.
I found this video....hope you all like it....:)

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And this one as well....am not sure whether it is posted somewhere else or not....so doing it....

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I know the news already posted,but just updating the thread:

Big plan on war weapon purchase
JS told of 10-yr dev plan for armed forces
Staff Correspondent

The government yesterday unveiled its plans and ongoing processes of purchasing weapons of war and armoured vehicles to enhance and consolidate combat proficiency of Bangladesh Army, Navy and Air Force.

Planning Minister Air Vice Marshal (retd) AK Khandker, also in charge of the defence ministry in parliamentary affairs, yesterday notified the parliament about the government's plans and on going processes for the purchase.

He said the government has planned to buy various weapons of war and combat vehicles in the current fiscal year as part of its 10-year-long development plan for the armed forces.

Efforts have been made to purchase seven tanks and one armoured recovery vehicle for army, and 80 armoured vehicles, five armoured recovery vehicles, five armoured ambulances and two helicopters for UN peacekeeping mission, added Khandker.

"Besides, the government has approved in principle and allocated necessary funds to double the capacity of Bangladesh Ordnance Factory to produce ammunition for small arms," said the planning minister in reply to a written query from BNP lawmaker Harunur Rashid.

He said, the process of purchasing two maritime patrol aircraft through international tender and building of five patrol craft at Khulna shipyard is underway. The decision on building or purchasing two large patrol craft, a hydrographic survey vessel and one oil tanker at local or foreign shipyard is also under consideration.

In addition, the government has planned to purchase one or two old frigates for navy from other countries under government to government deal, he said, adding that process of purchasing of offshore patrol vessel from UK navy and a large patrol craft are progressing.

"The government also has plans to upgrade missile boats and patrol crafts with modern missiles to improve the combat efficiency of navy," he said.

On modernising the air force Khandker said the government has a scheme to purchase a fighter squadron, air-to-air missiles, one surface-to-air missile system, one air defence radar and two helicopters in the current fiscal year.

In reply to AL lawmaker Israfil Alam's query, the planning minister also placed a report on the armed forces' previous five years' expenditure on medical and training purposes through military medical service directorate.

According to the report, since fiscal year 2005-06 Tk 338.03 crore was spent on medical purpose while Tk 1.35 crore on training.

In response to a query from Jatiya Party lawmaker MA Jabber, the planning minister said the government has a plan to set up a women's cadet college in Gopalganj or in Khulna or Bagerhat depending on availability of land and fund.

Big plan on war weapon purchase
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