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@ BD members

Does our Bangladesh capable to start a missile program in future limited within 800-1200 km? Is that will be controversial if we ever start? As we have no intention for making any nuke (but can be collected ready-made nuke from others e.g. N. Korea if we ever need) but we can take only simple conventional missile program. BTW, how effective is missile program to them who does not have nuke program? Now, please, do not say that BD is a poor country. We are not going for race with others, we will not make hundred of missiles but few to test our capability to do pride as many Bangladeshi believe we are not less talent than our neighbors. Don't you want to be an audience of that moment in your life time where we will test our simple (at least) homemade missiles?

I think a simple missile test can make us more enthusiastic to develop in other sectors e.g. social/economical/technological/educational etc. It can boost our economy, dignity, and confident. If BD can pride still for 52 and 71, then why not make some new pride? Would we always feel pride for those only which we (new generation) did not see? So the new generation needs something new to do pride.

Dear brotherbangladesh,

You have addressed Bangladeshi members in your post, and many have intelligently replied, but some have missed some Key and Critical Aspects. Perhaps I should have refrained from replying but because of above mentioned reasons, I could not resist. Therefore Asking for pardon in advance.

For the Purpose of Deep Understanding my post is divided into two parts.


For any country to have a credible defense to safe guard its honor and sovereignty, Its very important to set a clear road map and list the priorities right. This very basic criteria holds the key to success, which if otherwise not set and followed carefully can lead to disaster.
Safe guarding Honor and Sovereignty comes at price, which is more then OK, If the Price paid ensures to achieve the set objectives. It is useless and can prove fetal if the Price paid does not achieve its prime objectives, similarly if the price is over paid for the objectives that can be achieved with the help of burning less resources. In short If you screw up here, you get screwed for the unthinkable, So the only way to achieve the optimal balance is Setting your priorities right.

Since you can find a number of examples who pay less then required for defense needs and safeguarding their Sovereignty, often fall victims as a consequence. On the other hand you find less examples, who over burned their national resources for unjustifiable military expenditures and adventures and thus had to fall head first.
One such example is of USSR, I wont go into the details bust certainly they failed to achieve the optimal balance and the result is well clear. Recently America has done the same mistake, although not with regard to their Defense Procurements and Programs but with regards to their misadventure. I am Quoting theses two as they were/are perceived to be the most powerful also known as Superpowers. If they can pay so heavy prices then what about third world counties like us???? A screw up here will ensure that you are domed in all regards, be it political, economical, military, dent in the image or other important aspects wise, it will simply break the neck.

Ballistic and Cruse missile are regarded as Weapons of Mass Destruction. Starting such a program in my View is totally un-justified for Bangladesh, the reasons for which i quote as below:

1) Identify your enemy and the amount of threat you perceive from that enemy. Also Identify the strengths and weaknesses in the relevant field against whom such a program is aimed.
a) If the perceived enemy is week and does not intend to start a similar program, then justifying such an expensive program is the first step towards wrong direction.
b) If the perceived enemy is too strong and way ahead in this Field which can not be caught by, if the competition begins, then it is also a wrong approach to justify a massive budget sucking project like this. A technological gap which is to wide, and cannot be covered up but trying to cover it will draw one into the sinkhole.
c) Only if the perceived enemy is weak and Intends to start such a program, Then it justifiable to by all regards to have a head start.
d) Similarly If the perceived enemy is marginally strong and ahead in the related Field, then the program should be well supported and is by all means justifiable. Not doing so will simply widen the gap to a limit which couldn't be caught by, giving the perceived enemy a clear advantage, and all that was developed with respect to the resources burnt would deserve a place in the garbage bin.

Here I would take a moment and ask you, who does Bangladesh considers its enemy??? Is it India or Is it Burma??? Or is it Both???

In either case as I have given you the Inferences, the result if we apply deductive logic does not justify, the need for such a program.

2) As mentioned early, These weapons are regarded as Weapons Of Mass Destruction. There should be no doubt that they will create a big controversy, a controversy more then enough to handle. Your neighbors situation is well clear to you, no need for me to go into that detail. Lets talk about what the international community has to say bout that??? You know, what has happened to Iraq in the name of WMD, Libya is another example. North Korea and Iran facing bone shivering sanctions, Pakistan faced for more then a decade, just because 9/11 changed the spectrum of world politics helped us out of those sanctions by joining the international community in WoT, otherwise we still would have been sitting in the swing.

a) Is your country capable and willing to take such hard beatings???

b) Is it worth taking the punishment. Means is it going to provide you the necessary capability (I am deliberately not using the word deterrence here) to make your enemy sit quite for a long long time???

c) If not, which is the most likely case in my view, then a part from all the other implications like sanctions, embargo's, Bans etc etc you are asking for a war before its due time. certainly your enemy wont like to let you reach a position where it loses its conventional high grounds. It would like to cripple you before that, and break your backbone i.e strategic infrastructure, if it decides to be too kind not to take you slaves and hoist their flag in your capital.

3) What good is it gonna serve, even if you get through the hells gate??? how much is it gonna cost you in financial terms?? How much you can produce and field them?? These Toys are super expensive, the cost of a medium tech IRBM is too high to help you out conventionally. That is why only Nuclear weapon states have them, they are not primarily meant for conventional wars. They are meant to deliver nuclear warheads in the case of adversity. Iran so far remains an exception in this case, but they are believed to be building the nukes, if not already built. Although the case of Iran is different, their threat perception is different then yours. Look towards the west, i mean the developed world which does not have nuclear capability.

a) Do they have them???

b) If not, Do they intend to have them??

c) If not, what means are they applying to safeguard their sovereignty??

4) How about if the perceived enemy is going to come out with counter tactics, How about them placing a Missile defense shield?? which in India's case is very plausible. Wouldn't it be worth throwing in the bin then ??

a) can you come with a possible answer??

b) If yes, then how long is it gonna take to come up with answer of the enemies counter tactics??

c) This cycle is an ongoing concern, have you the capacity to continue it???

5) You mentioned buying a nuclear weapon from North Korea. Although its naive, to argue on that, but still for the purpose of understanding i would propose.

a) Is it possible to buy a Nuke??

b) Will the International community (for get enemies, when you have International community you don't need enemies) let that happen???

c) Will any country be willing to sell you their nukes??

d) how close your relations are with any nuclear capable states??? How much influence do you have over them to sell you their nukes??

e) Even if they want to sell you their nukes ( highly unlikely, to put it mildly) are they willing to take the wrath of the International Community by taking such a step??

f) How are you going to transport these babies, from their country to your country???

6) lets suppose for purpose of understanding ,Even if that gets cleared by some miracle, then what next. You are now a nuclear capable country. And in the advent of war, you would surely like to use them against an enemy who is conventionally far superior, other wise the whole comment will go to ground.

a) The first question, is being a dare devil you decide to use first strike option, Can you destroy them all??? can you annihilate them??? If not what then??

b) Do you have second strike capability??? if not what then???

c) The missiles as per your say,and for which the whole saga is created, would have a reach of 1200 km per maximum, how do you Intend to hit the part of a country which is 2500 km away??

d) The, off-the Shelf Nukes which you bought, are they compatible with your home grown missiles???

If the Answer to these questions is NO, what then???

Given the Inferences, who is the likely winner of the war???

How are you going to position a loser of such a Nuclear War???

6) Economy as you said should not be considered or discussed, and therefore I will not, But in the light of the above mentioned realities , I would only say Closing your eyes and believing that the monsters are not out there, is mere self deception and nothing more.

7) Regarding the comment you made about talent, I would say its not about talents, No buddy doubts your talents( Bangladeshis are one of the most talented people on earth, from the pilots in PAF to the Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Youns, have proved their worth) But its about being intelligent and making smart decisions, at the right times, that ensures the safeguard of your home land without dragging you through all that fuss.

8) Wishing to be the audience of a prestigious Missile display, smoking out its rockets, I think it would be wise to wish for building a defense structure that ensures your sound sleep in your bedroom free of worries, at a cost that does not bury you and your countrymen to shoulders in heavy Taxes and Loans that enslaves you for a never ending time.

The BIG Question is how??? That I would explain in the next part.

(I would like to leave the rest of your post as my post is getting long.)

(Continue part in part B)​



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Looking at the picture one does not see a pleasant site, Not now, Not in the near future, the gap is to wide, and its getting even wider. In every field the enemy has huge advantage, Be it the Military, Be it political, Be Technological, Be it Numerical, Be it geographical, When looking at it, one just wants to close his eyes, but that wont help either so what to do??? Let down your guards??? Accept the Enemies dominance ??? Always be Puppets in hands of others??? Never being able to break the shackles??? Always live at the mercy of others?? Losing self Integrity and opting to cheer lead for the New masters????

Is it Acceptable to The Bangladeshis???? The same Bangladeshis Who fought and kicked out the super power Brits, The same Bangladeshis who Carved out their own partition from India, The same Bangladeshis who got their Independence from Pakistan. The history shows us some thing else, a nation who dealt with three other powers to achieve their Independence, the Home land Bangladesh, the dream for which they didn't hesitate to Sacrifice anything, The dream for which they fought for centuries, The dream which turned into reality just 40 years back, how can they let that happen. A nation of this character is a brave one, a nation of this character is a resilient one, No sir, they wont let their guards down not matter how bad the situation is. No sir, they wont let their motherland be ruled by someone else once again. No sir, No sir, that's not acceptable at all. Independence and Sovereignty are price less.

Normally a statement used quite often, suggesting peace is better then war and its better to make friends with your neighbors then to make enemy. Absolutely right and no disagreement about that. But who knows when another Hitler is going to rise, and attacks another friendly Poland ??? who knows, will he be from the east or the west??? So its better to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

With all the disappointments, If one looks deep into the mist, he will certainly find a way to overcome all the negativism and way ahead.
If you remember in the First part of my post, I mentioned about deterrence. This word is used quite often these days, lets digg a bit deep and find out the meaning of deterrence and minimum deterrence.

Deterrence means, the capability of a Country to Check an aggressive party/country from making any mis-adventure. But that doesn't mean they have to face them with an equal force.

The whole point of having a jet fighter, a Tank, a war ship or any Arm for that matter by a country who is weaker, or just want to defend its borders and sovereignty and have no offensive desires/designs is to have a minimum deterrence, that makes the aggressive party think twice, before making a misadventure. Giving them an early warning, that, you would suffer also if you try inflict harm on us, and we simply wont let you run through us.

Every war/conflict is measured with respect to Cost-to-Benefit. The whole point of minimum deterrence is to increase that Cost to an extent where the benefit becomes insignificant.

Up till know now problem, but how to achieve that minimum deterrence??? against Burmese there is no difficulty to achieve that. But against Indians, the threshold of the minimum deterrence is quite high but yet achievable if the use of scarce resources is planned out well. A non conventional deterrence is out of the question, so only conventional ways are to be mended to do the job.

Lets look into the three Armed Forces > Army, Air force and Navy.

(A proper and detailed analysis would require a lot of details and time, so i will try to make at short with a just a few examples)

1) Army



Brigade x 17
Divisional Headquarters x 7

Brigade x 1

Division x 1

Brigade x 1

Brigade x 1

I Cant argue about its insufficiency and details because i am unaware of the geographic conditions and ground realities, but certainly one would like to see an increase of at least 80,000 minimum Troops considering the country has to secure both eastern and western borders.

The Armour brigade should be increased to possibly a div strength, If not possible, At least make it double of the current. The current 180 T-59/69 should be heavily upgraded. Al- Zarrar has long been on offer, a capable up-grade, works for Pakistan, why not for Bangladesh?? Gob should Take it as soon as possible. The new brigade should involve new generation tanks, Al-khalid from Pakistan, Russian T-90 but Indians have them, which nullifies its chances, T-96 from China, T-84 from Ukraine all are acceptable and would do the job. Considering MBT-2000 beat All others in the Peruvian competition makes it the most favorable for me.

Even in more bad shape then Armour . All in all 130 guns, that are to old and obsolete models of 105,122 and 130 mm guns. No modern Sp or towed 155 mm gun. Numbers need drastic increase. Good, effective and cheap howitzers are offered by china and turkey. Must go for it to bring some much needed life.

MBRLS no news, much needed again Rocketsan from turkey is offering very effective systems. Chinese systems are also very good. Have to have some much needed units.

Army Aviation No Attack helis, where is the troops and Armor gonna get close air support from??? American platforms are good if you can hands on that. Turkish Atak is also very promising but a few years away. Doesn't matter from where you get, you need them.

Lets not talk about Army air defense.

The bottom line is the whole Army needs to be overhauled.

Now lets Check AIR FORCE



CAC F-7, MiG-29 'Fulcrum', A-5C-III 'Fantan'

Mi-17 'Hip-H', An-32 'Cline', C-130B Hercules

The MIGs are well known for their condition, and what numbers are they in??? simply means no 4th generation fighter and No BVR (dont count BGs as BVR Capable). Other then that no UAVs, No EAWACS ??? A must requirement nowadays. Situation is even Bad then Army

I would like to post my thoughts which posted regarding BAF in another thread,

" F7s and Mig 21s are third generation fighters, be it their latest variants, their era is long over and cannot compete on any basis with modern fighters. BAF is in bad shape they need modern contemporary fighters to fulfill their needs and maintain a respectable fleet. Money is a big issue in third world countries where there is even less defense spending, in order to acquire that, BAF needs to maintain an optimal mix of Hi-Lo fighters,same as PAF, both to get them numbers and quality. At least 100 modern day fighters would be required to give them some what credible deterrent. F18s, if the news is true, would do the job by filling in Hi quarters , although would cost much more then Chinese or Russian platforms, but they are spotless in any regard, and hence worth it. At least two squadrons of them, and they should be augmented by a low cost yet dependable modern fighter at least 4 squadrons to fill in the low quarters. This is where JF- 17 comes to mind, which fit in perfectly, specially now that it has come a long way from its initials. BAF can also follow PAFs path and integrate some western stuff into them to make them near capable fighters of their western contemporaries at a quarter of their price tags. I know even some Pakistani ill informed and naive souls criticize it for no good reasons, But I believe this is Gods blessing on poor nations like us to equip themselves with modern tech, which can do the job well, without selling their souls to the west.

Now I am sure this will cost good amount of money,but sovereignty is priceless, and if BAF can carve out a plan for the next 8 to 10 years, this can be well achieved, not pushing them to hard for the money.

F7 at this stage will be throwing your money into a garbage bin. Remember every new procurement would be expected to serve for at least next 30 years or so to live out its life at a perceived cost. Now if F7s are already thought to be obsolete, what good be them by 2040???

Just my thoughts, spare me if i crossed my limits."

Some people think that a strong Air defense will diminish the need for a strong Air force, which is totally wrong as they are mixing up the roles of Air defense and Air force. The Air Defense role is to augment, the Air force at home ground. It wont provide the guarantee of completely safe guarding the air space, which only a strong air force can/will do.

Any how Regarding Air defense, a mid/long range SAM like HQ-9 would enhance the defense capabilities by multi-folds. And is Need of time.


Lets not go into formal details, Just imagine, its weakness by the fact that, the country isn't operating even a single SUB, where it would need at least a fleet of 4 to 5. Pakistan would be retrying soon some of its own, opportunity to take some for the price of peanuts if not free. Once the capability is obtained competencies can be created. This will be a slow process if Bangladesh starts even today, it would take them at least 10 years to induct 5. Two used from Pakistan and three new possibly from Europe with AIPs.

Lack of quality frigate force, should by old cheaper but capable platform like OHP as done by Pakistan or buy new from china. At least 4-6 are needed to consider the big cost line, plus numerous Fast Attack Missile Boats like MRTP 33 would be needed. Chinese have also very potent Fast Attack Missile Boats.

Lots and Lots of things, more needed to be said on this issue but I think now you can have a fair Idea of what I tried to explain. With the current condition of the Armed Forces, You can well judge that You lack the minimum deterrence that you need, first and foremost. And Investing in IRBM wouldn't get you anywhere but more problems. You need to Fix the Core Problems and then ,move on towards the big ticket items slowly, once you have secured the current concerns. So Conventional should be the priority right now, building an ordinance factory is far better then building a missile factory right now. All this is going to cost you big time, so indiginaization through Joint ventures for what ever is possible seams the best option and should be hardly pursued.

Hope You have got the Idea, and I have communicated my views in understandable format. You are more then welcome to dis-agree.


PS: These are my personal views and in no way meant to OFFEND The Bangladeshis, Indians Or Pakistanis or Some other Nationalities.


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Thank you for enlighten my limitations nicely. Though I asked to BD members only to hear from them firstly but after a certain time anyone can join. And as far I know you, you are always welcome.

Lots and Lots of things, more needed to be said on this issue but I think now you can have a fair Idea of what I tried to explain. With the current condition of the Armed Forces, You can well judge that You lack the minimum deterrence that you need, first and foremost. And Investing in IRBM wouldn't get you anywhere but more problems. You need to Fix the Core Problems and then ,move on towards the big ticket items slowly, once you have secured the current concerns. So Conventional should be the priority right now, building an ordinance factory is far better then building a missile factory right now. All this is going to cost you big time, so indiginaization through Joint ventures for what ever is possible seams the best option and should be hardly pursued.

After reading you helpful and valuable analysis, especially, the last part quoted above; I’ve no way to disagree with you. You’ve suggested for developing our defence system in conventional way at first. And then if we could afford, ever, or if time will require then go for farther dream. Okay, all right.

Cos of those thinking:

Now let me say why I thought those fantasy stuffs. Actually, those I said supposedly on basis of future relation among new Indian and Bangladeshi generations. Although apparently there is no threat right now to BD but I was thinking about future i.e. after 25 years. Since BD is a tiny land burden with over population there could be an extreme food crisis (most strong threat to me for BD) therefore both India and BD will face the same problem of food crisis for over population in future certainly. In that situation if India will not solve the water issue or stop water flow totally to resolve their demands then what will happen?? Or if BD will badly need more water to produce more food to maintain supply to the demand then there could be a possible conflict. Or if BD will ever become too much more developed than its adjacent states of India and if those states will rant for separation then India, obviously, will try to suppress us progress to solve its own problems. Or in another way if we could not develop well then there is also a threat that India could try for make us 100% obedient of them. A scholar told me (may be he is wrong) that there could be no independence of BD after 25 or 30 years due to become a seriously dependent and failure state. And, no doubt, our criminal politicians are going to that way right now. There are also few reasons that India could be our adversary as we know today Indian BSF is killing our people illegally so who knows what will happen tomorrow when India will be a super power (damn). May be in that time India could try to make us their complete stooge as our young generation is going in wrong direction.

I thought that if N. Korea can make nuke then we can also try at least for few simple missiles. I said about 1000km of missile because I no need to cover any country’s full range but just to destroy enemy’s several parts. Also I said about 2 or 3 readymade nukes after 10 years if ever need (not sure, but I think it is possible to buy and bring it with the help of China from N. Korea) though there is no scope to use nuke at all. Actually, I just thought about them as defence elements not attacking. Moreover, if we can spend more dollars for conventional weapons then why not for simple missiles too? I think if we have these then no one will want to attack us, so I’m not thinking about win actually. Also my other intention to start simple missile program was that if BD people can pride and enjoy and feel more confident and also if they can show off that they are talent. But now I want to forget everything after reading you rational analysis! Also our army knows well what they need and I have confidence on them. And I believe more or less that even will not have those but no one can defeat us.

If India will ask us that why you need simple missile then I will ask them why you need advance missile. But at last I want to say that peace is the ultimate goal as we fight also for peace. So if peace is possible without war then why we will kill each other. I want good relation with my neighbors!

Lastly, I know it was easy for you to judge our demand because you judged from a neutral view. But it is really difficult to give some favor to an unconventional thinking which I thought. By the way, I’m impressed and I must say that your sincere precious analysis about our army proves clearly that how friendly, brotherly and sincere is Pakistan to Bangladesh now. But, sadly, max BD people do not know that. You said about join-cooperation but sadly our present AL government will not let it happen. But no problem because your post undoubtedly represents that your country is our well wisher.

Regards and thanks.
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The New Nation - Internet Edition

Hasina witnesses BAF exercise: Big defence purchase plan unveiled
UNB, Dhaka

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wednesday unveiled her government's big defense-purchase plan for procuring soon fighter aircraft, surface-to-air missile system, helicopters, air-defense radars and armaments for Bangladesh Air Force.

Besides, she said, the government has already approved a development plan for constructing necessary infrastructure at Cox's Bazar for smooth operation of fighter jets and transport aircraft to ensure security of economic activities in the vast maritime territories and relief operation in remote areas to protect people during natural calamity.

The Prime Minister revealed the government's defence plans while addressing the Bangladesh Air Force officers on the occasion of Air Force's annual exercises dubbed "WINTEX-2010" at the BAF main fighter base at Kurmitola inside Dhaka Cantonment at noon.

"Within just one year of assuming office, procuring fighter aircraft, surface-to-air missile system, helicopter, air-defense radar, and armaments has been put in process," she told her military audience.

She said the process is underway to arrange necessary funds for implementing the development plan for the Air Force.

"Budget allocation for the Bangladesh Air Force under the present fiscal year is the biggest amount in the history of the force," she told the function.

The Prime Minister further said various other welfare projects for the members of the Air Force are under active consideration of the government

"The present government will take all possible measures to build up the country's Air Force as an up-to-date force by arming it with modern technology-based war weapons," she said.

Sheikh Hasina said her government is firmly commited to building up a modern, knowledge-based air force excelled in training and technology in order to ensure security of the country and its people.
Reposting to keep the thread updated:

PM unveils big defence purchase plan
Fighter aircraft, surface-to-air missiles, radar, armaments to be procured for Air Force

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina witnesses spectacular flying display of Bangladesh Air Force's (BAF) fighter and transport planes and helicopters at its annual exercises titled 'WINTEX-2010' at the BAF main fighter base at Kurmitola inside Dhaka Cantonment yesterday.Photo: PIDUnb, Dhaka

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday unveiled her government's big defence purchase plan to procure fighter aircraft, surface-to-air missile system, helicopters, air-defence radars and armaments for Bangladesh Air Force soon.

Besides, she said, the government has already approved a development plan for constructing necessary infrastructure at Cox's Bazar for smooth operation of fighter jets and transport aircraft to ensure security of economic activities in the vast maritime territories and relief operation in remote areas to protect people during natural calamity.

The prime minister revealed the plans while addressing the Bangladesh Air Force officers on the occasion of the Air Force's annual exercises titled 'WINTEX-2010' at the BAF main fighter base at Kurmitola inside Dhaka Cantonment.

"Within just one year of assuming office, initiative has been taken to procure fighter aircraft, surface-to-air missile system, helicopter, air-defence radar, and armaments," she said.

The process is also underway to arrange necessary funds for implementing the development plans for the Air Force, she added.

"The budget allocation for the Bangladesh Air Force in the present fiscal year is the biggest in the history of the force," she told the function.

The prime minister also said various welfare projects for the members of the Air Force are under active consideration of the government.

"The present government will take all possible measures to build the Air Force as an up-to-date force by equipping it with modern technology-based war weapons," she added.

Sheikh Hasina said her government is committed to building a modern, knowledge-based air force excelled in training and technology in order to ensure security of the country and its people.

Besides, the government is giving attention to ensuring financial solvency of the members of the Air Force, she said.

"In this regard, our main goal is to increase participation of Air Force members in the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission. I have already talked to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and presented our logical demands in various international forums."

The prime minister said the number of Bangladesh Air Force members in UN Peacekeeping Mission has now gone up to 467, almost double in comparison to the previous year.

Besides, the government is considering sending 100 to 150 more Air force members to the UN missions.

Regarding the MIG-29 Purchase Case filed against her during the last BNP-Jamaat government, Hasina said the then government had kept the MIG-29 unused for a long time just to put her in trouble.

She urged the Air Force members to know about the real history of the liberation war of 1971 and prepare themselves as confident, skilled and ideal military men.

Earlier, the prime minister witnessed spectacular flying display of BAF fighter and transport planes and helicopters, including MIG-29 fighter plane, at the Kurmitola Base.

During the air-raid exercises code named 'EX-THUNDER', BAF jets showed various modern aerobatic tactics of air warfare when troops were dropped from helicopter by rappelling while transport aircraft dropped logistics with parachute which is indigenously made by the Bangladesh Air Force, said an ISPR press release.

Earlier, on her arrival at the BAF Base, the Prime Minister was received by Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal SM Ziaur Rahman.

Security Adviser to the Prime Minister Maj Gen (Retd) Tarique Ahmed Siddique, Defence Secretary Khandaker Md Asaduzzaman and Press Secretary to the Prime Minister Abul Kalam Azad were also present.

PM unveils big defence purchase plan
Reposting to keep the thread updated:

PM unveils big defence purchase plan
Fighter aircraft, surface-to-air missiles, radar, armaments to be procured for Air Force

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina witnesses spectacular flying display of Bangladesh Air Force's (BAF) fighter and transport planes and helicopters at its annual exercises titled 'WINTEX-2010' at the BAF main fighter base at Kurmitola inside Dhaka Cantonment yesterday.Photo: PIDUnb, Dhaka

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday unveiled her government's big defence purchase plan to procure fighter aircraft, surface-to-air missile system, helicopters, air-defence radars and armaments for Bangladesh Air Force soon.

Besides, she said, the government has already approved a development plan for constructing necessary infrastructure at Cox's Bazar for smooth operation of fighter jets and transport aircraft to ensure security of economic activities in the vast maritime territories and relief operation in remote areas to protect people during natural calamity.

The prime minister revealed the plans while addressing the Bangladesh Air Force officers on the occasion of the Air Force's annual exercises titled 'WINTEX-2010' at the BAF main fighter base at Kurmitola inside Dhaka Cantonment.

"Within just one year of assuming office, initiative has been taken to procure fighter aircraft, surface-to-air missile system, helicopter, air-defence radar, and armaments," she said.

The process is also underway to arrange necessary funds for implementing the development plans for the Air Force, she added.

"The budget allocation for the Bangladesh Air Force in the present fiscal year is the biggest in the history of the force," she told the function.

The prime minister also said various welfare projects for the members of the Air Force are under active consideration of the government.

"The present government will take all possible measures to build the Air Force as an up-to-date force by equipping it with modern technology-based war weapons," she added.

Sheikh Hasina said her government is committed to building a modern, knowledge-based air force excelled in training and technology in order to ensure security of the country and its people.

Besides, the government is giving attention to ensuring financial solvency of the members of the Air Force, she said.

"In this regard, our main goal is to increase participation of Air Force members in the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission. I have already talked to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and presented our logical demands in various international forums."

The prime minister said the number of Bangladesh Air Force members in UN Peacekeeping Mission has now gone up to 467, almost double in comparison to the previous year.

Besides, the government is considering sending 100 to 150 more Air force members to the UN missions.

Regarding the MIG-29 Purchase Case filed against her during the last BNP-Jamaat government, Hasina said the then government had kept the MIG-29 unused for a long time just to put her in trouble.

She urged the Air Force members to know about the real history of the liberation war of 1971 and prepare themselves as confident, skilled and ideal military men.

Earlier, the prime minister witnessed spectacular flying display of BAF fighter and transport planes and helicopters, including MIG-29 fighter plane, at the Kurmitola Base.

During the air-raid exercises code named 'EX-THUNDER', BAF jets showed various modern aerobatic tactics of air warfare when troops were dropped from helicopter by rappelling while transport aircraft dropped logistics with parachute which is indigenously made by the Bangladesh Air Force, said an ISPR press release.

Earlier, on her arrival at the BAF Base, the Prime Minister was received by Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal SM Ziaur Rahman.

Security Adviser to the Prime Minister Maj Gen (Retd) Tarique Ahmed Siddique, Defence Secretary Khandaker Md Asaduzzaman and Press Secretary to the Prime Minister Abul Kalam Azad were also present.

PM unveils big defence purchase plan
Besides her empty rhetorics and usual but cheap BNP bashings, SH hasn't demonstrated any progress in signing a Mil-deal yet.
DHAKA: Bangladesh set up a special tribunal on Thursday to try people accused of committing war crimes during the country's bloody 1971 liberation struggle against Pakistan.

Investigation and prosecution teams were also named to prosecute people who sided with Pakistan and committed murder, rape and arson during the war, law minister Shafiq Ahmed told AFP.

“The tribunal will hold trials of those suspected of committing crimes against humanity and genocide,” he said.

Bangladesh was part of Pakistan until the independence campaign led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the country's founding leader. The government says the war left three million people dead.

Rahman, the father of the current prime minister Sheikh Hasina, had planned to put the alleged war criminals on trial before his assassination in a coup in 1975 -- which Hasina says was masterminded by war criminals.

At least 11,000 war crime suspects were set free by the post-coup government, and Bangladesh has since struggled to come to terms with its bloody birth and the break-up of the subcontinent's Muslim homeland.

A private group that has investigated the conflict has identified 1,775 people, including Pakistani generals and local Islamists allied with Pakistan, as complicit in the atrocities.

Law minister Ahmed said Pakistani generals and army officers would not be tried by the tribunal.

“Only the Bangladeshis who formed auxiliary forces to aid the Pakistani army and committed crimes against humanity will be put on trial,” he said.

Ahmed said a date for the court's first hearing had not yet been scheduled as the investigators would first have to gather evidence and then press charges.

“The tribunal has been set up as part of the pledge made by the prime minister,” he said, adding that anyone convicted would be able to launch court appeals.

Ahead of formation of the tribunal, Bangladesh became the first south Asian country to ratify the founding Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the ICC said on Wednesday.

The ICC is the world's only independent, permanent court with the jurisdiction to try genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.—AFP
DAWN.COM | World | Bangladesh sets up 1971 war crimes court
sorry i am posting this here since i can't open a new thread being new guy.
Besides her empty rhetorics and usual but cheap BNP bashings, SH hasn't demonstrated any progress in signing a Mil-deal yet.

I guess she is intelligent enough to realize that anything she buys will go poof in 10 mins. if tried to use it.She is actually saving u money.
I guess she is intelligent enough to realize that anything she buys will go poof in 10 mins. if tried to use it.She is actually saving u money.

You are entertaining yourself in an Indian fantacy dream, may be because of watching too many of science fiction movies. Ground reality is different than your TV games. USA now understands what is real war by unnecessarily engaging in two MUSLIM countries, Afghanistan and Iraq. What weapons people of these countries have? And why the only world power has to drag the war for 10 years?

Do not say they are different than BD people. Then, I must say that we are different from you and however you try we are not going to discard our Muslim identity.

Indian nose will be bloodied if it wages war upon a militarily weak BD. You have to understand that it is man that makes a fighter-soldier and not the machine. So, even without Begum Hasina purchasing new weapons we will make your army POOF. People and terrain are different than what you think of BD.
You are entertaining yourself in an Indian fantacy dream, may be because of watching too many of science fiction movies. Ground reality is different than your TV games. USA now understands what is real war by unnecessarily engaging in two MUSLIM countries, Afghanistan and Iraq. What weapons people of these countries have? And why the only world power has to drag the war for 10 years?

Do not say they are different than BD people. Then, I must say that we are different from you and however you try we are not going to discard our Muslim identity.

Indian nose will be bloodied if it wages war upon a militarily weak BD. You have to understand that it is man that makes a fighter-soldier and not the machine. So, even without Begum Hasina purchasing new weapons we will make your army POOF. People and terrain are different than what you think of BD.

India is not US, we have are own experiences in kasmir to learn from.India is not going to attack ungrateful and pitiable countries.Religious fanaticism is ur own worst enemy. If u are happy with it remain so.
India is not US, we have are own experiences in kasmir to learn from.India is not going to attack ungrateful and pitiable countries.Religious fanaticism is ur own worst enemy. If u are happy with it remain so.

Indian undeclared wars on our water and territory does not necessarily make us fanatics. It makes us nationalist and this nationalism is based partially on our religion. We cannot discard this when a militarily much stronger India tries to bully us.
A new video:

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Should BD buy some UAV for patrol purpose or anything else?
India is not US, we have are own experiences in kasmir to learn from.India is not going to attack ungrateful and pitiable countries.Religious fanaticism is ur own worst enemy. If u are happy with it remain so.

Pretty strong words from the land of Shivshena and BJP and scores of religious riots.
Reposting to keep the thread updated:

PM reveals plans to modernise Navy
Govt to buy submarine, missile, frigate

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Sunday revealed the government's mega plan for building Bangladesh Navy as a deterrent and three-dimensional force by incorporating submarines, helicopters, missiles, new frigates and other necessary modern equipment and vessels, reports UNB.

Addressing the officers and sailors at Naval Headquarters, the Prime Minister said soon, two more frigates will be included to Bangladesh Navy fleet.

Sheikh Hasina said during her recent China visit, she had requested the Chinese government to provide Bangladesh Naval Force with two newly-constructed frigates including helicopters, and the Chinese government gave consent in this regard.

Besides, naval ship Bangabandhu, decommissioned during the last BNP-Jamaat government on political ground, will be made fully operational again, she said.

The Prime Minister further disclosed that agreement signing has already been completed to buy two helicopters and missiles, while the process for collecting two offshore petrol vessels from the United Kingdom is at the last stage.

Moreover, work is also proceeding to collect a Hydrographic Survey Vessel from the UK, and process is ongoing in China to equip two Large Patrol Crafts with missiles, Hasina added.

PM reveals plans to modernise Navy
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