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Bangladesh Falls Apart

I had high hopes on BNP winning, really wanted it so that bd members will shut the f up.

A rejoinder to above accusation of RAW infiltration in BNP among close associates of KZ and TR. Mr. Hossain claims that they (KZ and TR) will come out victorious in the end, despite this alleged RAW infiltration:
তারেক রহমানের বিকল্প জাতীয়তাবাদীদের আছে কি? |

To the writer Mr. Hossain, I would like to say 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating', show us the results first please.
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So you wanted an incompetent nincompoop as your pm? makes sense! :lol:

Well, these people don't really want anything. Or they don't know what they want.

A negative identity and self loathing does that. Sometimes one feels sympathy for them...
Well, these people don't really want anything. Or they don't know what they want.

A negative identity and self loathing does that. Sometimes one feels sympathy for them...

I do feel pity for the likes of kalu miah. He is a confused soul. He is good at making khayali pulao and then things don't go according to his whims and fancies, he changes his "geopolitical vision". Look how his fraud was exposed here Photos of Ayub Khan visiting East pakistan (bangladesh) | Page 4
I do feel pity for the likes of kalu miah. He is a confused soul. He is good at making khayali pulao and then things don't go according to his whims and fancies, he changes his "geopolitical vision". Look how his fraud was exposed here Photos of Ayub Khan visiting East pakistan (bangladesh) | Page 4

Even more interesting was the "big bully nations" khayali pulao where he wanted a Japan and Korea led coalition against China (protecting all Muslim countries).

When Japan became little more friendly to India, it became "racist" and now he wants China to save all Muslim countries.

Earlier he was in negotiations with Sushi waiters, now with the corner noodle shops.
Sheikh Hasina has to go..........

Currently there is no better leader but Sheikh Hasina.

Khaleda Zia is a half literate (only class 8 passed, not even passed school) woman who can't even speak properly. His son Tareque has very bad name among common public for his corruption.

I know why you are saying Hasina has to go. She is hugely anti-Pakistan and from her point of view she is rightfully so. Pakistan is a gali in Bangladesh. Massive hatred exists for Pakistan as a nation among Bangladeshis. Well, cricket is another issue. People don't like to mix up sports with politics. Weakness for Muslim team is the reason why many BDeshis support Pak team in cricket over other teams. Even now Afghanistan is also in favorite list due to Muslim factor but when it comes to other issues you can't imagine how much hatred for Pakistan is there in Bangladesh. So I understand, being Pakistani you will get offended by Hasina's stand but you have to understand, your army men killed millions of Bangladeshis many years ago in a brutal genocide , the most heinious and gory genocide after world war 2.

Two lakhs women were raped by Pakistani armed forces and Razakars. That wound of 1971 will never heal completely.
No, am least bothered from Pakistani point of view on Bangladesh....Sheikh Hasina has to go and will go because she is corrupt to the core, filthy hypocrite which ruined Bangladesh. Bangladesh is under foreign Indian influence because of her. She is corrupt and incompetent to the core and has made Bangladesh as its today.

Trust me, Pakistanis really do not get bothered abt Bangladesh as such, since Pakistan donot equate itself to Bangladeshi level. Yes a hitch or two with JI leaders hanged bothered us but that was really it.

Have you ever seen Pakistanis running after Bangladeshi's, mostly Pakistan considered it a former colony, a former state which couldnot become part of Indian akhand bharat, that is it.

Pakistan cannot be on Bangladesh level ever, Bangladesh is not made on the name of Islam, and it has done nothing for the War on Islam, neither it has any Muslim identity or qualities where Pakistanis really feel jealous off. Bangladesh is a poor country born on ethnicity, Bengali. It is a Bengali nation essentially who happen to be muslim. It is secularist in nature, caste system and ethnically defined.

Bangalis are not asked from any big Muslim powers to let a hand in the wars in central-south asian region and middle eastern countries.

Bangladesh is neither a military power, not an economic power, not even a technological scientific power, Geographically distant, neither its even looked up to in the world and especially Muslim matters regarding Ummah safety and other issues.

Bangladesh has least importance as you can see past decades .
Even more interesting was the "big bully nations" khayali pulao where he wanted a Japan and Korea led coalition against China (protecting all Muslim countries).

When Japan became little more friendly to India, it became "racist" and now he wants China to save all Muslim countries.

Earlier he was in negotiations with Sushi waiters, now with the corner noodle shops.

Well I guess he just doesn't like our aloo chaat and vadaa pao!:cry::cry:
No, am least bothered from Pakistani point of view on Bangladesh....Sheikh Hasina has to go and will go because she is corrupt to the core, filthy hypocrite which ruined Bangladesh. Bangladesh is under foreign Indian influence because of her. She is corrupt and incompetent to the core and has made Bangladesh as its today.

Trust me, Pakistanis really do not get bothered abt Bangladesh as such, since Pakistan donot equate itself to Bangladeshi level. Yes a hitch or two with JI leaders hanged bothered us but that was really it.

Pakistan cannot be on Bangladesh level ever, Bangladesh is not made on the name of Islam, and it has done nothing for the War on Islam, neither it has any Muslim identity or qualities where Pakistanis really feel jealous off. Bangladesh is a poor country born on ethnicity, Bengali. It is a Bengali nation essentially who happen to be muslim. It is secularist in nature, caste system and ethnically defined.

Bangladeshis are not asked from any big Muslim powers to let a hand in the wars in central-south asian region and middle eastern countries. Bangladesh is neither a military power, not a an economic power, neither its even looked up to in the world and especially Muslim matters regarding Ummah.

Actually Hasina has a clean image compared to her rival Khaleda. About Indian influence in BD. Well, Bangladesh massively, I repeat massively depends on India. I have already made a thread on it few days back. Its not about Awamis, even BNP partisans know it very well that without support of India Bangladesh can't really survive well since we are almost completely inside India geographically. For India , Bangladesh is the most critical neighbouring country since its north eastern region is almost completely detached due to BD map. Also anything happens in Bangladesh hugely impact north eastern regions of India. So Bangladesh is a critical factor for India and vise versa.

Bangladesh is made on ethnicity and language but Islam is not just a religion in Bangladesh. For BDeshis (90%) Islam is their life. Bangladesh hosts World's second largest Muslim gathering every year in Tongi, adjacent city of Dhaka. Its second to Hajj esp. for Bangladeshi Muslims. Indians, Pakistanis, Iranians, Arabians also join the gathering every year. So Islam is deeply rooted in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is not an ideal secular country. Its state religion is Islam but its also a secular country by constitution. So its not really an ideal secular country. An unique secular country where Islam is given status of the state religion.
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No, am least bothered from Pakistani point of view on Bangladesh....Sheikh Hasina has to go and will go because she is corrupt to the core, filthy hypocrite which ruined Bangladesh. Bangladesh is under foreign Indian influence because of her. She is corrupt and incompetent to the core and has made Bangladesh as its today.

Even if true, how is that different from any of the pakistani leaders? You should care about pakistan first.
Agreed and True. Pakistan First needs to be cared. BUT, I donot understand y an Indian entangling in a bilateral talk of Pakistan-Bangladesh members. Indian poking and trolling is a worst habit.

For the same reason your compatriots spend hours on indian news sites and blogs trying to find anything that shows India in a negative image and post it here and troll on it like a bunch of losers.
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