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Bangladesh Falls Apart

Do you really want me to disappeared from scene. Do you really want @IamBengali type obedient subject instead of nationalist like us? :undecided:

Without me you will lose excitement and boredom will literally kill you. :disagree:

Imagine Pakistan-India cricket match and compare it with India-Nepal version. Which one you prefer? :azn:

OK, so you are just providing entertainment value to us? ;)

I just want peace in the region so that our poor people can progress and get opportunities in life. We don't need haters and bigots here.

Live and let live.
Brother their laws evolved in the course of 800 years and rooted to bible only. Even the monarch is based on Christianity and their church.
show me a piece of legislation that has anything to do with bible...

I am not saying they have to do the opposite of what bible says to be secular. Christian views on abortion and homosexuality is completely disregarded here.

Dont let the looks fool you, the monarchy has no real power, nor does head of anglican church got any real influence.
show me a piece of legislation that has anything to do with bible...

I am not saying they have to do the opposite of what bible says to be secular. Christian views on abortion and homosexuality is completely disregarded here.

Dont let the looks fool you, the monarchy has no real power, nor does head of anglican church got any real influence.

Now you are confusing yourself. You asked me whether a non secular state will be able to deliver with equal and human rights and my answer was UK. Yes they could and its a compliment.

Still the king has to be a protestant to be a king right? Most of the law which you see as English common law are rooted in bible or with churches approval.
OK, so you are just providing entertainment value to us? ;)

I just want peace in the region so that our poor people can progress and get opportunities in life. We don't need haters and bigots here.

Live and let live.

I agree however one condition must established before peace prevail.

1) Friendly relationship based on mutual respect ( I am who I am and you are who you are). No dictation, no big brother attitude, no interference, no unwanted advise and so on.
Now you are confusing yourself. You asked me whether a non secular state will be able to deliver with equal and human rights and my answer was UK. Yes they could and its a compliment.

Still the king has to be a protestant to be a king right? Most of the law which you see as English common law are rooted in bible or with churches approval.
you took my challenge literally .. and not in spirit.. uk is secular country.. predominantly...
there are certain minor abberations.. I agree.. but they make little difference to actual law.

If one has to look for perfection, there will be no country that can be called truely secular, (except may be france and earlier turkey)... but as a guilding principle the more secular they are the more chance of getting equality for people of all religions.
And UK in practice is more secular than India or even USA.
I agree however one condition must established before peace prevail.

1) Friendly relationship based on mutual respect ( I am who I am and you are who you are). No dictation, no big brother attitude, no interference, no unwanted advise and so on.

I think that is fair.

Advice is free, one is free to take it or not.
@iajdani kindly give a few examples of countries that do not follow secularism yet manage equality among citizen of different religions or have good human rights record.
If the country is full of people that follow a single religion or are all atheists, they wont need secularism obviously.

Bangladesh had been a great example until india and Awami League start orchestrating attack against hindus and using them as shield.
you took my challenge literally .. and not in spirit.. uk is secular country.. predominantly...
there are certain minor abberations.. I agree.. but they make little difference to actual law.

If one has to look for perfection, there will be no country that can be called truely secular, (except may be france and earlier turkey)... but as a guilding principle the more secular they are the more chance of getting equality for people of all religions.
And UK in practice is more secular than India or even USA.
How many national Hindu holidays u enjoy in UK?
i noticed that BAL politicians have been talking tremendously for some time now that BNP should stop alliance with JI. i was recently watching BAL's Mohammad Arafat debating with Mahi Choudhary (son of ex-BNP Dr. Badar-ud-Doja) on TV. M. Arafat kept maintaining that BNP and JI has produced an 'unhealthy' alliance and associated their alliance to "fundamentalism" and "terrorism". and then the usual BAL loose talk of chetana chetana.

what does BAL or even India have to gain from this or what is your take on the dynamics here?

@MBI Munshi @kalu_miah @Md Akmal @M_Saint @Skies (others feel free to discuss)

My conclusion from this election debacle is that Khaleda Zia, Tarique Rahman and their advisers in top leadership of BNP-Jamat alliance are responsible for the lost battle in Indian proxy war on Bangladesh land mass against people of Bangladesh. I believe in this simple principle that one should never engage in battle if there is no possibility to win. The strength and battle readiness of the opposition was not known to us who are mostly outsiders expressing our views online on issues, but it was the job of BNP-Jamat leadership to know the status of their parties. Using this yardstick BNP-Jamat leadership have failed the people of Bangladesh. In my opinion, it is because of their incompetence and short-sightedness the situation in Bangladesh today has become like this over many decades and so many people lost their lives in last 5 years, specially last one year and recent few months.

In order to minimize damage, reduce further loss of lives and damage to economy (avoiding famine), if BNP-Jamat leadership care about people of Bangladesh, they should accept defeat unconditionally and accept whatever terms AL offers them to go forward. Whoever replaces them in the future, should know that people of Bangladesh should not follow incompetent leaders for loosing their long war and struggle against Indian hegemony. It is better to wait for proper leadership who will prepare the people for a new battle with competence and thorough preparation. For now, people of Bangladesh should accept and live under Hasina's dictatorship and Indian hegemony to minimize further damage to the country and save people's lives.

Chetona is of course the Chetona of Indian dependence and slavery, but blame that to our own brainwashed communist and socialist "revolutionary" heroes like Taher, Ziauddin, Bhashani, all of whom failed to see what secession will bring to us in 1971, all our leaders failed us and it is not India's or Pakistan's fault.

@khair_ctg , hopefully the above answers your question.
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In order to minimize damage, reduce further loss of lives and damage to economy (avoiding famine), if BNP-Jamat leadership care about people of Bangladesh, they should accept defeat unconditionally and accept whatever terms AL offers them to go forward.

Aside from lack of leadership and strategic thinking, one major mistake opposition made was miss-calculation that india and Awami League will not resort to genocide. That being said, there had been non stop propaganda campaign about defeat of opposition. But in reality is it the case? Not by a long shot.

From the beginning who was reading the polarization india/Awami League made and gun power they used, concluded that it will be long drawn struggle. Opposition is massively successful in engaging public (all but Dhaka) to prove that election was a farce and Awami League regime is illegitimate one installed by india. That alone is a huge success.

Source of India backed Awami power is gun barrel. And off course, silence of Dhaka based urban and well to do class. Can Awami League sustain in power with ONLY gun barrel, for how long? That is the question haunting south block as well as Awami League honchos.

For those urban elite class who are afraid of loss of life, you need to come out of your selfish comfortable shell and sense the reality. Even if you accept indian hegemony and Awami League repression, they will come and take your asset and even kill you. Hindus recently learned that hard way and just yesterday Rajshahi University students suffered Awami League bullets not for political cause but protesting tuition hikes 5 folds.

If you own a mid size garments, the way Awami League deliberately weaken the sector ( by hostile policy, interest rate hike, gas and electricity price hike) more than likely you would not able to run your company and will become victim of easy indian prey. In last 5 years, there are many garments taken by indians using this very tactic.

Bangladeshi financial system is on verge of collapse - no investment, pile of classified bank loans, wholesale looting from govt banks and govt borrowing destroyed financial capability long before political unrest started. To supplement financial destruction Awami League deployed contractionary monetary policy where interest rate is so high that taking loan from foreign banks is less costly than local banks. Without local business and with burden of classified loans, It would not be surprise if banks starts falling prey to indians soon.

Manpower export and Remittance earnings are decreasing at alarming rate because of Awami League indian prescribed policy. Voting for Russia over UAE on EXPO 2020 completely shut the prospect of restarting manpower export in ME.

Awami League started and continued destruction of core foundation of Bangladesh growth and livelihood for last 5 years; long before opposition protest started. By submitting to indian hegemony and Awami League, you may buy few months/years but life, livelihood and comfort zone urban elites and businessman using as an excuse will be destroyed by Awami League and its backer India.

Fortunately through, there are only few in your line of submissive thinking. Vast majority of Bangladeshis who suffered and suffering under Indo-Awami repression will keep resenting and NOT expecting any easy road.
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Aside from lack of leadership and strategic thinking, one major mistake opposition made was miss-calculation that india and Awami League will not resort to genocide. That being said, there had been non stop propaganda campaign about defeat of opposition. But in reality is it the case? Not by a long shot.

From the beginning who was reading the polarization india/Awami League made and gun power they used, concluded that it will be long drawn struggle. Opposition is massively successful in engaging public (all but Dhaka) to prove that election was a farce and Awami League regime is illegitimate one installed by india. That alone is a huge success.

Source of India backed Awami power is gun barrel. And off course, silence of Dhaka based urban and well to do class. Can Awami League sustain in power with ONLY gun barrel, for how long? That is the question haunting south block as well as Awami League honchos.

For those urban elite class who are afraid of loss of life, you need to come out of your selfish comfortable shell and sense the reality. Even if you accept indian hegemony and Awami League repression, they will come and take your asset and even kill you. Hindus recently learned that hard way and just yesterday Rajshahi University students suffered Awami League bullets not for political cause but protesting tuition hikes 5 folds.

If you own a mid size garments, the way Awami League deliberately weaken the sector ( by hostile policy, interest rate hike, gas and electricity price hike) more than likely you would not able to run your company and will become victim of easy indian prey. In last 5 years, there are many garments taken by indians using this very tactic.

Bangladeshi financial system is on verge of collapse - no investment, pile of classified bank loans, wholesale looting from govt banks and govt borrowing destroyed financial capability long before political unrest started. To supplement financial destruction Awami League deployed contractionary monetary policy where interest rate is so high that taking loan from foreign banks is less costly than local banks. Without local business and with burden of classified loans, It would not be surprise if banks starts falling prey to indians soon.

Manpower export and Remittance earnings are decreasing at alarming rate because of Awami League indian prescribed policy. Voting for Russia over UAE on EXPO 2020 completely shut the prospect of restarting manpower export in ME.

Awami League started and continued destruction of core foundation of Bangladesh growth and livelihood for last 5 years; long before opposition protest started. By submitting to indian hegemony and Awami League, you may buy few months/years but life, livelihood and comfort zone urban elites and businessman using as an excuse will be destroyed by Awami League and its backer India.

Fortunately through, there are only few in your line of submissive thinking. Vast majority of Bangladeshis who suffered and suffering under Indo-Awami repression will keep resenting and NOT expecting any easy road.

With due respect, you have missed the point of my post. That India and Indian agents will try to and are working on destroying Bangladesh and its future is a given which I already accepted and described. That is what is expected from our eternal sworn enemy. But our own KZ has lost the battle due to her incompetence (lets not make excuses like miscalculation), you can fight only when you have a winning strategy and preparation and logistics to back up that strategy. Till we have these things, it is better to be submissive and follow the people who are holding guns to our head and save our life to fight another day than loosing our life.

So my advice to you and others in the opposition is to work on these:
- competent leadership
- strategy
- logistics
- international support

Only when you can ensure all of the above, then it will be better to engage Bangladeshi people and get them ready for a struggle. As for my personal comfort zone, lets not make things personal, I am expressing my opinion as a Bangladeshi, as one of the people thinking of our national interest, not as an individual speaking for my personal interest.

The only point I agree with in your post is that it has become clear to Bangladeshi people what they are up against, so that is a good thing even in this current defeat. Perhaps it will be a foundation for a future win. But that remains to be seen. Time will answer that question. People of our land mass have been known to choose unwisely, lets see if we have finally become wise.
In order to minimize damage, reduce further loss of lives and damage to economy (avoiding famine), if BNP-Jamat leadership care about people of Bangladesh, they should accept defeat unconditionally and accept whatever terms AL offers them to go forward.

What happened to the guerrilla resistance with bow and arrows? Can't be out of youtube videos surely!
For those urban elite class who are afraid of loss of life, you need to come out of your selfish comfortable shell and sense the reality. Even if you accept indian hegemony and Awami League repression, they will come and take your asset and even kill you. Hindus recently learned that hard way and just yesterday Rajshahi University students suffered Awami League bullets not for political cause but protesting tuition hikes 5 folds.

Awami League started and continued destruction of core foundation of Bangladesh growth and livelihood for last 5 years; long before opposition protest started. By submitting to indian hegemony and Awami League, you may buy few months/years but life, livelihood and comfort zone urban elites and businessman using as an excuse will be destroyed by Awami League and its backer India.

I've heard some local Awami leaders are saying they do not have enough money now. I wonder why, BAL being in power, they do not have enough money now, as I see the corruption is extremely high now, Army, Police, RAB, govt officers take bribes together. We know how one BAL fights with another BAL, and the league vs league fight. So it could be appeared as true that one day who are not resisting BAL today, may become prey of BAL soon. May be they will not be killed, but have to bribe BAL to run their legitimate business.

Today the BAL is recruiting chosen and new police and govt. officers by taking bribes, like 7 lakh, 10 lakhs, 15 lakhs, tomorrow those newly recruiting officers have to resort into extortion from the general public to recover/compensate their initial cost aka the bribe they have given already during their recruitment.

If 50,000 new officers are recruited at 1000,000 tk bribe by BAL, somehow ultimately the general people have to bribe 50,000 x 1000,000 tk. to the govt. and BAL will get their chosen officers and the officers will get their secure and chosen jobs at the cost of the expense of general people's money. I wonder if I earn in honest way, and have to bribe or pay more for syndicated/artificial price hikes, how would I recover my loss incurred by bribing others.
Odd......Jamaat won only 17/300 seats during the BNP-era. I've always wondered about their fuss over such a pathetic and inconsequential party. De-linking BNP with Jamaat would have little effect on the opposition. Jamaat supporters will simply vye for BNP.

There many smaller Islamist parties in Bangladesh as well. One simply cannot eliminate freedom of thought and expression as acceptable in a society and culture. Otherwise, reality will fall apart gradually. Islam is still very much ingrained within Bangladeshi society.

Their erroneous line of thought hasn't changed. In a word, thoughtless with lungs filled with intense negativity and perhaps extreme paranoia.

Food for thought: You don't like them, don't vote for them. Simple. Leave the theory crafting to professionals.

I've heard some local Awami leaders are saying they do not have enough money now. I wonder why, BAL being in power, they do not have enough money now, as I see the corruption is extremely high now, Army, Police, RAB, govt officers take bribes together. We know how one BAL fights with another BAL, and the league vs league fight. So it could be appeared as true that one day who are not resisting BAL today, may become prey of BAL soon. May be they will not be killed, but have to bribe BAL to run their legitimate business.

Today the BAL is recruiting chosen and new police and govt. officers by taking bribes, like 7 lakh, 10 lakhs, 15 lakhs, tomorrow those newly recruiting officers have to resort into extortion from the general public to recover/compensate their initial cost aka the bribe they have given already during their recruitment.

If 50,000 new officers are recruited at 1000,000 tk bribe by BAL, somehow ultimately the general people have to bribe 50,000 x 1000,000 tk. to the govt. and BAL will get their chosen officers and the officers will get their secure and chosen jobs at the cost of the expense of general people's money. I wonder if I earn in honest way, and have to bribe or pay more for syndicated/artificial price hikes, how would I recover my loss incurred by bribing others.

BAL as a government cannot sustain like that forever. No government can.

Though, they can prove useful later.
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