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Bangladesh envoy slams Pakistan army, Advani endorses

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lol I don't really care for a chini certificate of all things, not sure why Pakistanis see chinis almost as godfather, sometimes it's like borderline worshiping!

Good for you then if you don't need "Chini" certificate.

We don't worship Chinese. We just agree with them on many issues including this one. :)
very well dude, whatever makes you feel better. It's futile to argue with a rock anyway.
Isn't this a repeated phenomenon:

- we get frustrated with Hindu Zaminders 1757-1947, so we decide to shoot our-self at the foot by going for partition
- we get frustrated with West Pakistan unfair treatment, 1947-1971, so we decide to shoot our-self at the foot by going for "independence", which in effect is becoming a virtual vassal state of India
- we get frustrated with BNP antics, of Tareque the idiot, so we decide to shoot our-self at the foot by going for RAWamy league

When will we wake up, when will it stop? Again pathetic. Emotional Bangali's screwing up every time without fail.

Fact is we were always a slave nation and we will remain one, we just have to figure out whose feet washing will improve our situation without emotion.

Please forgive my language.

Yes us Bangladeshis can get very emotional and all that.But Ive always seen it expressed in the wrong places.

And its sad,how when actually being oppressed and deprived by present time politics,they tend to turn a blind eye on it.The "clueless masses",i think voting for them is as simple as deciding the vote by tearing petals off a flower.Then come the "Ignorant masses",where they convince themselves that life is perfect and nothing needs change,where as they dont live such a life.Then come the ones i hate the most,the "Hypocritical Patriots",people who wont admit whats wrong with the country because "its my country and there cant be anything wrong with it".These people deny that there is something wrong,and on top of that,they deny to accept any problems that has been within the country for long enough too cause damage,hence the the problems are not attended to.

Slave nation??Dont think so....Its more like "Kaajer shomoy naam nai." And yeah just remembered,they can be merely bribed with a cup of a tea and two biscuits to go on hartal....
The first comment from The Pakistani "opinionator" sums up the mentality of Pakistanis towards fellow muslims of the sub-continent from India and Bangladesh ..

No, not fellow muslim rather toward a Bharti dalal. "Dog" was right word to describe that creature.
PDF is infested with Islamists of Bangladesh. God or Allah save Bangladesh from this zealots. We all want to see a progressive, model democratic Bangladesh. We DO NOT want an Islamic Basket Case that we have to our west.

Nor do we want to see Hindutva basket case to our east. :)
you seriously need to control Population man. Worry about Polemics and politics later.

Agreed...for us population is a problem and for you it's population and open defecation, WHO is really worried about you. 626 million indian practice this, sixty per cent of the "global total" :no:

The Hindu : Health / Policy & Issues :

So, according to your logic you seriously need to control these two of your problems, there's no question for you to worry about even your own Polemics and politics. And for 200 years ahead you have no space to nose in our or anyone's matter, are you really following that, are you really shy for breaking your own logic? Of course with the practice of open defecation the term shyness evaporates...no wonder!
That's one pathetic jahil low quality post. BD members have supported us against this guy's statement and such type of pathetic posts aren't going to help Pakistan or BD. You should refrain from such posts. Post reported.

I was replying to Joekrish. Did you read his post? Do look at the context before you jump. And as for as BD members supporting bravo. Gestures means nothing. Don't forget how our boys got treated in 1971. Brothers fight all the time but never, I mean never do they invite their enemies into their home to kill their fellow brother.

1971 was the biggest disaster and humiliation Pakistan has ever suffered. Anytime I have slight tangle with Indian's the first thing they bring up is 1971. As far as I am concerned a leopard never changes his spots.

And LaBong I don't give a toss about what your average Calcutan thinks of me. I and more concerned about what my fellow Pakistani's think.

And it was a Indian [JoeKrish] who used the 'dog' referance. I am not the one who brought up that language first.That 'Kol Kat Ta' referance was to him that he was also abusing his own countrymen. Don't mix nationalism with tribalism. Mine was a re-action to his action. How come your not mouthing off about him?
I was replying to Joekrish. Did you read his post? Do look at the context before you jump. And as for as BD members supporting bravo. Gestures means nothing. Don't forget how our boys got treated in 1971. Brothers fight all the time but never, I mean never do they invite their enemies into their home to kill their fellow brother.

That is odd.

Even though the West Pakistanis knew the Agartala Conspiracy Case was true (it is a fact today), they let Mujib go. The reasons for the action are unknown to this day. I wonder what Pakistanis have to say on the matter.

If they kept Mujib and his aides in custody, things may have turned out differently.
That is odd.

Even though the West Pakistanis knew the Agartala Conspiracy Case was true (it is a fact today), they let Mujib go. The reasons for the action are unknown to this day. I wonder what Pakistanis have to say on the matter.

If they kept Mujib and his aides in custody, things may have turned out differently.

Oh come on, you give too much credit to mujib and co, if it was not him, it would have been a kujib.
The difference was too much, both in geography and culture, and an enemy country in the middle did not help either.


Spot on. I find myself agreeing with a Indian.


I may have reacted a tad harshly, I have Bengali friends here. But let us call a spade a spade. Why do we have to look at things through rose tinted glasses. The truth is there is no nation on earth where two such disseparate peoples living in two equal population wings 1,200 miles apart. Having a hostile medium India just about finishes of the perverse formula.

The only connect we had was we were Muslim. Well if that was indeed a glue than every Muslim country from Marocco to Indonesia would be one nation. In fact why do have have a Durand line on the western Pakistani border? Afghanistan and even Tajikistan should be one block. On both sides of Durand line the same Pashtun live. Dhaka is nearly 1,200 miles from Islamabad. Kabul is 200 and Dushanbe in Tajikistan is 400 miles. Hint: Religion alone cannot glue people togather, it can be one strand but it needs motre than one strand to bind a nation. 1971 proved that.

Todays Pakistan is cohesive, compact, almost all within the Indus Valley and has shared history and association going over centuries. Even than we are having problems.

If you read the Lahore Declaration it refers to 'states' as in plural thus suggesting more than one country for Muslims. Even Allama Iqbal's speach only included the provinces in north west sub continent as Pakistan.

"I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluschistan amalgamated into a single state. Self-government within the British Empire, or without the British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim state appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North West India”.

Some Ignored Facts About The Allahabad

The tragedy was power crazy members of ML managed to steamroll East Bengal into Pakistan and you know very soon after 1947 trouble started with language riots etc. Finally Mujib tapped a widespread sentiment of the Bengali's. Had he been alone he would have not got anywhere.

The disaster was that our leaders should have seen the writing on the wall and agreed on a mutual divorce. Instead you know what happened. Thee are many versions but you know horrible things were done by both sides leading to the biggest humilation which even now haunts us. only a few days ago in these very forums a Indian member was posting picture of Gen. A.K Niazi surrendering to Gen Aurora and taunting us.

Of course today we should get along but let us not get carried away on some romantic caravan. Cup only break once.

Oh come on, you give too much credit to mujib and co, if it was not him, it would have been a kujib.
The difference was too much, both in geography and culture, and an enemy country in the middle did not help either.

Both Atanz and you make good points. That is one reason why I say 1947 partition was a mistake, specially the way the country was divided. It should have been made 3 different parts with clean cut borders, instead of 2, with the strange and twisted Radcliffe line that is causing geopolitical nightmares. Lord Mountbatten also said the same, that this was a crazy idea and it would not last more than 25 years, it lasted 24 years and 7 months.

Speaking of geography and culture/demographics, the fundamental elements of geopolitics, I just spoke with a Sylheti friend of mine (related to famous Chowdhury family many of whom are in the Army) some of whose ancestors were Hindu Ahom Zaminders and part of his family are still Ahom's living in Gowhati. He told me that the same situation that you describe above exist between "mainland" India and North East states, is that a wrong impression? If it is true then what does that mean for the future of this region?



Spot on. I find myself agreeing with a Indian.


I may have reacted a tad harshly, I have Bengali friends here. But let us call a spade a spade. Why do we have to look at things through rose tinted glasses. The truth is there is no nation on earth where two such disseparate peoples living in two equal population wings 1,200 miles apart. Having a hostile medium India just about finishes of the perverse formula.

The only connect we had was we were Muslim. Well if that was indeed a glue than every Muslim country from Marocco to Indonesia would be one nation. In fact why do have have a Durand line on the western Pakistani border? Afghanistan and even Tajikistan should be one block. On both sides of Durand line the same Pashtun live. Dhaka is nearly 1,200 miles from Islamabad. Kabul is 200 and Dushanbe in Tajikistan is 400 miles. Hint: Religion alone cannot glue people togather, it can be one strand but it needs motre than one strand to bind a nation. 1971 proved that.

Todays Pakistan is cohesive, compact, almost all within the Indus Valley and has shared history and association going over centuries. Even than we are having problems.

If you read the Lahore Declaration it refers to 'states' as in plural thus suggesting more than one country for Muslims. Even Allama Iqbal's speach only included the provinces in north west sub continent as Pakistan.

"I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluschistan amalgamated into a single state. Self-government within the British Empire, or without the British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim state appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North West India”.

Some Ignored Facts About The Allahabad

The tragedy was power crazy members of ML managed to steamroll East Bengal into Pakistan and you know very soon after 1947 trouble started with language riots etc. Finally Mujib tapped a widespread sentiment of the Bengali's. Had he been alone he would have not got anywhere.

The disaster was that our leaders should have seen the writing on the wall and agreed on a mutual divorce. Instead you know what happened. Thee are many versions but you know horrible things were done by both sides leading to the biggest humilation which even now haunts us. only a few days ago in these very forums a Indian member was posting picture of Gen. A.K Niazi surrendering to Gen Aurora and taunting us.

Of course today we should get along but let us not get carried away on some romantic caravan. Cup only break once.


What is this romantic caravan and cup? Are you trying to say that some here are trying or hoping for a reunification of Pakistan and Bangladesh?

If the taunting bothers you, would it not be better to try to understand more of what actually happened, what mistakes were made, so something can be learned from the past? I don't think you can wish away history just because it bothers you and can be used by others to humiliate your pride and ego that is required for your nationalism.
So US is treating you as dog now and teaching manners everyday the way you should be treated...huh?

I think it is the other way around. First of all this America is a superpower and not to be easily trifled with. I saw in these forums your countrymen in virtuel orgasmic delight over just the notion of America asking you guy's for a Naval base - even when this was just a false deluded pipedream.

In our case we have milched these Yanks and then behind their backs shafted them. To top it all we have them now coming back angry one minute and softy the next asking for NATO supply route and our help to stabilize Afghanistan. They blow hot and cold air. They have regular crisis meetings in White House and regular visits to Islamabad by some hot shot American 4 star General or Presidential aide pleading.

The Afghan Taliban [Haqqani Faction ] to quote Admiral Mike Mullen in his hearings to Congress "are a veritable arm of the ISI" and use Pakistan for refit, rest, recuperate and then go back into Afghanistan to shoot American soldiers. All America can do is send some drones.

All the while Kayani sits there with a grin on his face blowing smoke into the aggravated faces of the Americans, so no my friend I would say we have made a bi*ch out of the only superpower.

Just so as you know I don't support this aggresive policy but I brought it up to counter your assertion.
An average Indian Muslim is more literate and earns more than an average Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim. I'd not even compare their achievements as Indian Muslims scores many times over.

I loled at this one... i wonder if they are so rich and educated than why is the indian media and reports lying? claiming tht they are the poorest,most uneducated and least represented community of india despite being the largest minority
May be because of your good IQ you didn't know that the paper which Chinis quote place Indians and Pakistanis in the same category.

Dil behlanay kou yeh khayal bhi acha hai ghalib....

But it's not surprising as I have seen Pakistanis insulting Indian because of our colonial past, while conveniently forgetting they shared the same past as well. You guys are amazing! :tup:

Thts coz the british ruled over for more than 200 years and treated you like slaves while in our case it was less than 49 years and still we were autonomous .. although financial tributes were probably paid to them....

" honour the baluch"....
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