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Bangladesh editor jailed for seven years over Israel visit

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Why should we recognise any country recognise Israel, we do not believe in the illegal occupation of Palestine. When they stop killing families, ripping mothers wombs, killing children, using phosphorus acid, bombing, emptying houses and taking away fathers and mothers from their children then we will reconsider. When they stop the blockade, allow charities to delivering aid and stop violating 60 UN laws then we will reconsider.

IamBengali, please go to Filistine and see how you get turned up side down, it's easy to be a bumlick here, I give you that.
I do not thing people of BD will kill an atheist unless he provokes them. I have atheist like friends, I can go with them, and even I sometimes talk like atheists, they did not come to kill us.
You also question religion don't you??I think it is natural for people to questin any and everything!
You also question religion don't you??I think it is natural for people to questin any and everything!

I do not prostelytise Atheism. I think it is something you should arrive individually.

And self righteous posturing is something I associate with evangelical religions.
You also question religion don't you??I think it is natural for people to questin any and everything!

yes I still do, [sometimes I think God is the biggest discriminator, and doubt his existence sometimes]
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yes I still do, [sometimes I say God is the biggest discreminator, and doubt his existance sometimes, even swear quietly]

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