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Bangladesh economy may overtake western countries by 2050

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Bangladeshis were a ungrateful & selfish bunch...

Urdu was made official language because everyone in West Pakistan as well as East Pakistan could understand. No one in West Pakistan could understand Bengali

Even our President didnt understand Bengali

71' threads are that way ---->
bangladeshi bengali is full of urdu farsi arabic words

majority BDshis dont even know which word is bengali which 1 is not
Bangladeshis were a ungrateful & selfish bunch...

Urdu was made official language because everyone in West Pakistan as well as East Pakistan could understand. No one in West Pakistan could understand Bengali

Even our President didnt understand Bengali

I am sure Idune is happy to hear you insult Bangladesh and insult Bengalis and have made him feel happier, after he felt bad reading positive news about Bangladesh.

Anyway we won the war in 1971 and Yahya Khan's traitor army lost.

Worry about Karachi where 6 people are killed every day due to Pakistani infighting e.g. MQM v ANP, PPP v MQM etc
Edhi Foundation is the biggest NGO and helps poors in Bangladesh.

Never heard of BRAC Pakistan in my life, till now.

How about some reading the damn source before commenting? Or are you going to say that my source is some "Zionist" propaganda? :lol:
BRAC, based in Bangladesh, is (as of November 2012) largest non-governmental development organization in the world, measured by the number of employees and the number of people it has helped.[1][2][3][4] Established by Sir Fazle Hasan Abed in 1972 soon after the independence of Bangladesh, BRAC is present in all 64 districts of Bangladesh as well as in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Haiti and The Philippines as of 2012.
BRAC employs over 100,000 people, roughly 70 percent of whom are women, reaching more than 126 million people

BRAC (NGO) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BRAC helps 126 million people world wide, it's founder Fazle Hasan Abed has often been spoken about a future Nobel Prize winner.

In my post above I said nothing critical about Pakistan and I respect the noble work of Maulana Edhi you moronic and stupid troll.

Never heard of BRAC in my life...

Edhi operates alot in Bangladesh maybe you've seen their ambulances?

On the other hand, I just heard of BRAC a few minutes ago.
That wasn't at all my point.

My point is this.

1. This Bihari has a serious hatred of Bangladesh.
2. He is obsessed with India and cannot stop posting about India. His whole life revolves around India, Awami, India, Awami etc
3. He works 24-7 to make Bangladesh look bad as possible which will contribute to Pakistanis and Indians hating us even more than they do now.

This will please this foul-mouthed and psychopathic Bihari.

4. He starts personal attacks and insults on posters without provocation in the way he harasses CaptainPlanet on this forum non-stop. On this thread he started the personal attack and insults against me.

5. He is repetitive, predictable and deceptive in the way he puts spins on threads.
Never heard of BRAC in my life...

Edhi operates alot in Bangladesh maybe you've seen their ambulances?

On the other hand, I just heard of BRAC a few minutes ago.

No Edhi ambulance runs in Bangladesh.

The only Edhi thing I see collecting money here in BD for Pakistan.

Contact Edhi Foundation
I am sure Idune is happy to hear you insult Bangladesh and insult Bengalis and have made him feel happier, after he felt bad reading positive news about Bangladesh.

Anyway we won the war in 1971 and Yahya Khan's traitor army lost.

Worry about Karachi where 6 people are killed every day due to Pakistani infighting e.g. MQM v ANP, PPP v MQM etc

You never won the war buddy. Don't give yourself too much credit. Your Mukti Bahinis were getting bombed, and were about to surrender. Remember USA aircraft carrier group? Your rebels **** their pants after hearing about that and fled to India where they got killed by Bodos.
It was only India that saved the day for you guys or else East Pakistan would have remained colonized. Ungrateful & sefish bunch you guys are, you hate your liberators.

As for your Karachi post, I can say bunch of things about death in Bangladesh, but I just had a month ban because of you lot and I don't want to have another
what does razakar mean? Pakistan lovers?

The anti-Islamic bengali mushrik culture loving islamic named fasiq munafiq use razakar against pro-islamic Bangladeshis.
1. I do not support any political party in Bangladesh.

You call me a thug, but that is because you are a Bangladesh-hating razakar traitor who is angry with the existence of an independent Bangladesh.

Bangladesh-hating razakar fanatic and traitor.

1. The Awami League are not my mentors you lying shameless razakar thug and traitor.

Only Awami thugs uses "razakar" and "anti Bangladesh" against people who exposes or speak up against Awami looting and killing. Even Kader siddqui was called "razakar" by Awami League thugs. Dr. yunus was labelled as he was obstructing Bangladesh development. Use of this type of lie and label in Awami blood to cover up for wholesale looting and killing. Bangladesh will not have its development potential with Awami League looting going on.
Only Awami thugs uses "razakar" and "anti Bangladesh" against people who exposes or speak up against Awami looting and killing. Even Kader siddqui was called "razakar" by Awami League thugs. Dr. yunus was labelled as he was obstructing Bangladesh development. Use of this type of lie and label in Awami blood to cover up for wholesale looting and killing. Bangladesh will not have its development potential with Awami League looting going on.

1. Stop your political BNP agenda on this forum.

The Bangladeshi elections will not be won or lost based on what a few internet users here think or don't think.

2. Stop your harassment of Captain Planet and ruining every thread that he starts with positive news about my country.

You initiate abuse of him by calling him a "thug", an Awami League supporter.

You stalk him through out the forum and are obsessed with him.

You are carrying a campaign of cyber-bullying by going on huge, consistent and incessant attacks on people who disagree with your views in order to silence them.

3. Stop attacking and insulting my country Bangladesh by trying to potray it as a failure.

4. Stop your personal attacks, lies and insults against me as you did on this thread.

You never won the war buddy. Don't give yourself too much credit. Your Mukti Bahinis were getting bombed, and were about to surrender. Remember USA aircraft carrier group? Your rebels **** their pants after hearing about that and fled to India where they got killed by Bodos.
It was only India that saved the day for you guys or else East Pakistan would have remained colonized. Ungrateful & sefish bunch you guys are, you hate your liberators.

As for your Karachi post, I can say bunch of things about death in Bangladesh, but I just had a month ban because of you lot and I don't want to have another

1. I will not start a flame war between Bangladeshis and Pakistanis as that is your goal and objective in this thread.

2. I will not respond to your attacks against my nation and the insults that you have used against us.

All I can say is that MQM terrorist and godfather Altaf Hussain fought in 1971 against Bengalis. His defeat in that war probably makes those who follow his brutal terrorist organization hate Bangladesh and seek to sabotage friendly relations between Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Altaf Hussain failed to destroy Bangladesh, he will fail to destroy Pakistan as he is seeking to do.
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