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Bangladesh cricket team to join anti-war criminals protest.

I'm all for uncovering the truth & punishing the culprits responsible for the '71 War; Pakistan should retrospectively court-martial & punish all military & civilians guilty of transgressions in the crackdown as, I believe, determined in the Hammod-ur-Rehman Commission Report ! I hope that the Bangladeshi Govt. too would prosecute those from the Mukhti Bahini & Bengali Mobs responsible for butchering Bihars & other West Pakistani civilians ! :tup:
Are U kidding? It has nothing to do with punishing W Pakistani or Bihari but all had to kill opponent leaders out of revenge for foreign master. RAWAMY dalals know very well that if they try to trespass PAK's boundary then their bluff will be called. Infect the issue got re-solved when SK. Mujib forgave 195 accused after meeting Bhutto and Indira in Shimla. By signing a trilateral treaty, they already buried the war crime issue. What was propagated by the dalals was just an eye-wash to net JI leaders later to try them for a different case named 'Manobotar Birudde Bichar' (Crime against Humanity). So it was a 'bait and switch game' to begin with that put the proponent of the trial's character in question to start with.
People here in PDF have been thinking that people like M_saint, idune, zakir, akmal represented Bangladesh. Now their real identities are exposed to the world. Dear Jamatis, you have no power or influence over Bangladesh! Give up now, or you will be dealt with!

And oh, one other thing, Jamatis have been trying hard to use western media in their advantage. They are using lobbyists in the US. Now I wonder, if they are malaunic nation and media, then why bother? Afterall, when they rejected you, that's what you bunch called them!
People here in PDF have been thinking that people like M_saint, idune, zakir, akmal represented Bangladesh. Now their real identities are exposed to the world. Dear Jamatis, you have no power or influence over Bangladesh! Give up now, or you will be dealt with!
Since U were threatening us, could U also tell how with all the influences RAWAMY dalals won only 58 seats in a free and fair election at 2001? If we didn't have any power over Bangladeshis then how did our BNP led 4 Party alliance won 195 seats and JI 18 as well? So, who should give up, U or us? Lemme tell U now, if UR venomous farting has any substance that would only be curry and we know the reach of Veggies for that they have been rounded for 1000 of yrs. So, give up or else..
M_Saint er nani'r gaye jor. Public er reaction dekhe kuttapagol hoye gese. Shahbag e aye beta shahosh thakle. Chhagu!
As per Chittagonian joke, " haggol Commie Chudanir Poainae iguner maaer punther vitor diye aye ede"; I would humbly ask if I were deodorant Bepari to take commie-crap's smell off? Nah ! Toi aaro veggie kethe aye na amar ekhane, emon shader nepala, flying veggier sadh pabi jate tour jonome aar paykhanay jawa bondo na hoy, bujli?
By putting up this thread with falsified info, Hammer-fist hijacked national team image by putting fascist and political label. He still has not substentiated his claim.
I put him on my ignore list. How is he quoting me? :S Anyway, don't wanna see his post anyway. Win-win situation for me. Keep spreading bullshit you scum! People will find you!
Since UR intellectual bankrupt ness is evident here then U are resorting personal attack, no? Now, U want to see the rat's azz, a*hole? Then go to the border of UR Bharat Mata but don't threaten me here because I don't give rat's azz on what dalals think or how many of his own baals that he wants to rip off for not getting close to myself.
Just reading in independent tv duronto rashshahi have join the protest :tdown:
Just ignore this American posting from New York. He lives in America, posts on a Pakistani forum and loves Urdu.

He is actually a Bihari... probably escaped Bangladesh right after independence... the way he tries to communicate in a mixture of Bangla and Urdu reveals his true identity ...
Since UR intellectual bankrupt ness is evident here then U are resorting personal attack, no? Now, U want to see the rat's azz, a*hole? Then go to the border of UR Bharat Mata but don't threaten me here because I don't give rat's azz on what dalals think or how many of his own baals that he wants to rip off for not getting close to myself.
So who ever stands against the war criminals and fundamentalist mullahs are dalal and puppets of India? Sorry to say some of you guys are just using this foolish anti-India stance to hide your inability to make progress towards a developed,secular country.
Just ignore this American posting from New York. He lives in America, posts on a Pakistani forum and loves Urdu.

He is actually a Bihari... probably escaped Bangladesh right after independence... the way he tries to communicate in a mixture of Bangla and Urdu reveals his true identity ...

you are an awami league poster in a pakistani forum. what does that make you? a malaun?
Good answer.

It is sad to see relatively sane Indian posters, trying their $hit off to drag Pakistan into something that is an internal issue of BDesh.

Pathetic effort by Indian poster. Dare I say!

@FaujHistorian @genmirajborgza786 , pls quit the holier than thou attitude. Contrarion's post was in response to your pathan bhai's post that dragged in India. He was only replying in the same vein. Its really pathetic that not only some pakistani posters (and all jamatis) are dragging india into this, but when replied back have the cheek to offer a free lecture.

Both of you have been very good posters and there was a time genmirajborgza786 to me represented all that is good about religion, but this forum tends to make people angry, doesn't it?
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Duranta Rajshahi went there, not a surprise... I know the owner personally... An awamileague leader Mohon......
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