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Bangladesh Army select Turkish Hisar-o as MRSAM

BAF is nearly a lost cause.

BD needs to look at the iranian strategy. Massive missile force instead of an airforce.

We are cash strapped.....missiles in the armory goes a long way in addressing this deficiency.
MRCA will come, no doubt. But they seems to put this particular procurement in the last slot. Current priority seems to procure combat helicopter, MRSAM, armed drone, radar, transport aircraft, trainer aircraft etc. The problem is, we get virtually no news about the thinking process of BAF guys and what they are intent to buy. In other countries, fighter jet deal get a lot of media coverage, specially media persons get regular information about the negotiation process and updates about the development. Think about the Rafael deal of India. But we get no news about what our BAF bosses are up to.
MRCA will come, no doubt. But they seems to put this particular procurement in the last slot. Current priority seems to procure combat helicopter, MRSAM, armed drone, radar, transport aircraft, trainer aircraft etc. The problem is, we get virtually no news about the thinking process of BAF guys and what they are intent to buy. In other countries, fighter jet deal get a lot of media coverage, specially media persons get regular information about the negotiation process and updates about the development. Think about the Rafael deal of India. But we get no news about what our BAF bosses are up to.

I am fairly certain there is very little going on in BAF. They are absolutely the worst of the three services.

All offensive procurement is being undertaken by the army and the navy.

Personally i longer have any confidence in them. For me i would rather that we develop SAM capacity then to rely on BAF.

Let the army and navy develop respective airwings. Let BAF become a logistics operation. When funds allow completely start afresh. I think BD would be making a mistake trusting current BAF leadership....top to bottom it is an organisation that reeks failure. I am absolutely certain they will not be able to obtain a single kill in any potential conflict and i doubt they will be able to scamble even double digit number of asset in the air before they are wiped out. BAF is an absolute disaster.
Hisar Air Defense System: Bangladesh To Take Before TSK
Orhan Turan Monday, November 18, 2019 Actual, Article,

Hisar air defense system
Turkey in recent years, has gained great momentum in military weapons industry. Military weapons and vehicles produced by Turkish companies, especially Aselsan, are now demanding from foreign countries.
Friendly and brotherly Bangladesh, the US, and instead air missile defense systems produced by Russia Turkey Hisar by-One chose to produce.
According to the report of Southasian Monitor, HİSAR-O has received orders from friend and brother Bangladesh before entering the Turkish Armed Forces Command inventory.

Bangladesh preferred HİSAR-O Air Defense System developed by ASELSAN and Roketsan instead of Russian Pechora 2M Medium Range Air Defense System.
HİSAR-O can perform the destruction of fixed and rotary wing aircraft, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and airborne missiles.
As part of the air defense of fixed troops and critical facilities, HİSAR-O ensures that fixed and rotary wing aircraft, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and air-to-land missiles are inactivated up to 25+ km range.
The system, which continues its tests successfully, is planned to be included in the Turkish Armed Forces Command inventory by 2021.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke as follows about Hisar Projects, which were launched to meet the air defense needs with domestic and national facilities:
"We developed Hisar completely nationally and locally by ASELSAN and ROKETSAN under the management of the Ministry of Defense. Hisar-A low altitude air defense missile system target was destroyed 100 percent successfully in the final facilities built yesterday (previous day).
= "font-family:" arial "," helvetica ", sans-serif;"> This is an important and critical success. Hisar was made by our engineers, our resources, our employees, our institutions and our nation.
Hisar Project aims to protect military bases, ports, facilities and troops from weather threats. It is an effective defense system against fixed and rotary wing aircraft, cruise missiles, airborne missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.
After yesterday's successful test, we start mass production of Hisar. I hope the Turkish Armed Forces will start using this low altitude air defense missile system starting next year. This success is also a great news for our long-range air defense missile system SIPER.
In other words, it's time for systems like patriot and S-400. If they have patriots, we will have SUPER. "
HİSAR Missiles are air defense missiles used against warplanes, assault helicopters, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles to protect military bases, ports, facilities and troops from air threats.
HİSAR missiles have been designed in a family integrity, in compliance with different platform integrations and changing fire control and command control infrastructures.
Tactical & Technical Properties (HİSAR-O Missile)
System Prevention Range: 25 km
High Explosive Particle Activity
Intermediate Stage Infrared Imager with Inertial Navigation and Data Link Terminal Guidance with Seeker Cap
Double Stage Rocket Engine
Viewer Infrared Seeker Title
Target Types (Fixed Wing Aircraft, Rotating Wing Aircraft, Navigation Missiles, Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV), Air to Land Missiles)
Meanwhile, Hisar-A (low altitude) is planned to be delivered to the armed forces in 2021 and Hisar-O (medium altitude) in 2022.


Translated from Turkish by Google translate.

Hopefully this happens sooner rather than later.
BAF is nearly a lost cause.

BD needs to look at the iranian strategy. Massive missile force instead of an airforce.

We are cash strapped.....missiles in the armory goes a long way in addressing this deficiency.
So you are saying Bangladesh should make MRBMs like Iran? It might invite sanctions.
I hope this news doesn't turn out like the LY-80 hoax from BD Military, if anyone remember what i am talking about. :lol: Me and my friend had huge argument about that. :lol: This time it seems different though.

It's strange that BD is going for two missiles which is not even fully operational in Turkish armed forces yet. Doesn't something feel off? What's so special about these two missiles that attracting BD so much?

We already now that ther was a interests about Hisar but Tiger missile is new.

Not new actually. Both news were revealed last year.


Acc to this info, Bangladesh officials visted Roketsan institute. A deal will be signed for Hisar-O soon.

The Hisar-A missiles will be enhanced into the level of Hisar-O (~30km range, 15+km altitude) in production period and The remaining requirements will be met with Hisar-O missiles (passed serial production)

The capabilities of Hisar-O is being enhanced (2018 decision). During serial production period of Hisar-O, New Hisar-O missiles (~50km range) will be released from mass production line.

It's already in serial production? But you previously said it won't be operational till 2021/22. Recent news suggest that HISAR-O is active in Syria or close to it's border.

How are you doing it? Is it because you have started serial production?

What did the President of Turkish Defense Industries mean by "HİSAR-O has become operational in the field with certain elements, but there are still works to be completed."?


Did BD have any part of developing the system or ATMACA? Financially i mean........as we lack skilled manpower in aerospace sector. I am asking this because i never heard any country to select a SAM and AShM which aren't fully operational yet in OEM's own country. So i find it bit unusual/odd.

If BD orders it how will Turkey supply BD's demand before it's own armed forces? Will it get the 50km extended version of HISAR-O you talked about? Or will it be 25km version?

Will BD get Hisar-G if it buys from Aselsan? Will it be same like Hisar-O?

The person is reliable, we will hear soon offically a announcement.

Who is this guy? Is this other guy below also reliable?

TR300 Kasirga(Hurricane) is a MLRS. TRG300 Kaplan(Tiger) is a missile. As far as I know Bangladesh bought TR300.

MRCA will come, no doubt. But they seems to put this particular procurement in the last slot. Current priority seems to procure combat helicopter, MRSAM, armed drone, radar, transport aircraft, trainer aircraft etc. The problem is, we get virtually no news about the thinking process of BAF guys and what they are intent to buy. In other countries, fighter jet deal get a lot of media coverage, specially media persons get regular information about the negotiation process and updates about the development. Think about the Rafael deal of India. But we get no news about what our BAF bosses are up to.

16 MRCAs are coming on priority-3 basis. President already made it clear. Radar, transport aircraft and trainer are coming under previous deals which are already signed. MRSAM is for army. Didn't hear anything about BAF's MRSAM from president. Air Chief was the last person to talk about it in a parade long ago.

We don't get much coverage cause unlike India, we are small country with small defense budget and air force. We buy in small batch so we don't attract to much attention.

According to the report of Southasian Monitor, HİSAR-O has received orders from friend and brother Bangladesh before entering the Turkish Armed Forces Command inventory.

SAM copied the news from Defseca but Turkish news site gave credit to SAM :lol: I hope those two guys from tweeter and FB didn't get the news from same source.

TR300 Kasirga(Hurricane) is a MLRS. TRG300 Kaplan(Tiger) is a missile. As far as I know Bangladesh bought TR300.

According to army chief we are getting it with missile which has 120km range.
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Never mind. I found the most credible source. Seems like we haven't finalized anything yet, only showed interest. The news was published last year. But still i need some answers for some of my questions in my previous thread.

Aselsan Hisar Program Manager Şaban Karakaya stated that, “There is a huge interest in systems for export. Bangladesh has had a particular publication. Last year we performed in a screening to Bangladesh. There are demands from many countries, of course, systems developed with current technology, systems owned by very few countries. In this sense, we find our export potential at a very high level.”

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It's already in serial production? But you previously said it won't be operational till 2021/22. Recent news suggest that HISAR-O is active in Syria or close to it's border.

I will try to summarize the answers in respect to your questions. The official timeline for serial production and delivery schedule was 2021/22 (Hisar-A/Hisar-O) but Idlib war reminded us about the importance of having national surface to air missiles so The government/institutes took precuations to accelerate delivery schedule. In this aspect, Army realised that Hisar-O is more vital than Hisar-A variants in terms of aversiveness/effectiveness so It was agreed that Hisar-A will be produced in limited number while remaining (previously planned) Hisar-A missiles will be enhanced into the level of Hisar-O (~30km range, 15km altitude) and Hisar-O missiles are being enhanced into the Hisar-O+ (~50km range, ~18km altitude). In paralel to this decisions, The production of Hisar-A and O missiles have been commenced for Turkish Army at present and Hisar-O+ will be revealed soon. Some Hisar-O missiles were deployed in Syria as well.

Did BD have any part of developing the system or ATMACA?

Atmaca has passed into serial production phase after completed qualification trials but This missile will still have French TR-40 engines and domestic equivalents will replace them in 2021 so Serial production will most likely commence with French engine.

Will it get the 50km extended version of HISAR-O you talked about? Or will it be 25km version?

Extended range version is not operational yet so If Bangladesh and Turkey sign a deal for Hisar missiles, It will be Hisar-A and Hisar-O at present.

Will BD get Hisar-G if it buys from Aselsan? Will it be same like Hisar-O?

Hisar is the name of a large surface to air missile family containing around 8 state of art missiles. When they were fully functional, The brother states will certainly benefit from these missiles and its technologies. G missiles (Goktuğ family) are in trial phase at present so Hisar-G is not an option for any costumers. What I see Bangladesh officials have shown serious interests to Turkish missiles so I see a great opportunity both state can benefit. Most likely, Turkish officials are giving some unknown capabilities about the systems that has completed qualification trials because That is the second time Bagladesh and Turkish officials came together and they are negotiating for Hisar missiles. I think We will form a good cooperation not only for Hisar but also network centric softwares called HERIKKS that is improving the effectiveness of SAM missiles.
It's strange that BD is going for two missiles which is not even fully operational in Turkish armed forces yet. Doesn't something feel off? What's so special about these two missiles that attracting BD so much?
One is a missile other is a GMLRS
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