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Bangladesh Army confirmed purchasing of Chinese made VT-5 Light Tanks and kasirga T-300 MLRS

So, when do you think there will be a war between India and BD? People should plan for the near future. To me the near future is MM. What are your weapons suggestions in that case?
If we plan for Myanmar, then we will loose against them. I have already said, we should strive for deterrence against India. If we can achieve deterrence against India then beating Myanmar will not be a problem. Among our neighbors, only India has the potential to be a threat against our sovereignty and territorial integrity. Burmese do not have capability to capture our land. Our current army is enough to foil any such misadventure. Myanmar army even can not beat the ethnic rebels who run multiple de facto independent states within Myanmar. If they can not beat those rebels, what chance they have against a better trained, professional army numbering 200,000 armed with weapons quantitatively and qualitatively as good or better than them ? We have an edge in Navy also. One or two squadron of 4.5 generation combat aircraft and some mid range air defence system will nullify their edge in air force against us. These are coming anyway. These are not ambition. We should not lower our expectation to such a low.
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If we plan for Myanmar, then we will loose against them. I have already said, we should strive for deterrence against India. If we can achieve deterrence against India then beating Myanmar will not be a problem. Among our neighbors, only India has the potential to be a threat against our sovereignty and territorial integrity. Burmese do not have capability to capture our land. Our current army is enough to foil any such misadventure. Myanmar army even can not beat the ethnic rebels who run multiple virtual independent states within Myanmar. If they can not beat those rebels, what chance they have against a better trained, professional army numbering 200,000 armed with weapons quantitatively as large as those possessed by Myanmar and qualitatively better ? We have edge in Navy also. One or two squadron of 4.5 generation combat aircraft and some mid range air defence system will nullify their edge in air force against us. These are coming anyway. These are not ambition. We should not lower our expectation to such a low.
Even for India, it will be difficult to keep a Fully independent Bangladesh under control, a country of a near Homogenous population of more than 160+ Million people will always be a threat. Not to mention the amount of Bangladeshis already present in India along with the importance of the Siliguri corridor India has a lot to be afraid of. As of the moment, Bangladesh is a subdued state with a growing economy. But once the right time comes we will be able to become a key player in the region, the continent and maybe the world.
Even for India, it will be difficult to keep a Fully independent Bangladesh under control, a country of a near Homogenous population of more than 160+ Million people will always be a threat. Not to mention the amount of Bangladeshis already present in India along with the importance of the Siliguri corridor India has a lot to be afraid of. As of the moment, Bangladesh is a subdued state with a growing economy. But once the right time comes we will be able to become a key player in the region, the continent and maybe the world.
Our short term(20 years) goal should be to become one of the top 20 military in the world. There is a strong possibility that, Bangladesh may become among the top 25 economy in the world by 2040. So, with 8th largest population and 25th largest economy, ambition of becoming one of top 20 military is not any pipe dream. We need vision and determination.
Our short term(20 years) goal should be to become one of the top 20 military in the world. There is a strong possibility that, Bangladesh may become among the top 25 economy in the world by 2040. So, with 8th largest population and 25th largest economy, ambition of becoming one of top 20 military is not any pipe dream. We need vision and determination.

Everything is possible, granted BAL, BNP & JI aren't in office.
Everything is possible, granted BAL, BNP & JI aren't in office.
Irrespective of who remain in power, if they can maintain peace and stability and pursue reformist economic policy, then economic progress will come anyway. Economic progress is much more than just political leadership. There are many drivers of economy. Much of our economic activities comes from private sectors, our demographic trends will play an important role. Our private sector is dynamic and we have positive demographic outlook, peace and stability also seems to holding. So, political leadership can not spoil everything even if they are very incompetent and corrupt. Private sectors and demographic reality will force them to choose the correct decisions. Military might a lot depends on economic might. It is easy for an economically strong nation to build a strong armed forces rapidly without straining the economy or compromising the living standard of citizens. Our primary focus should be economy then military. I remain generally optimistic despite many shortcoming and incompetence of our leadership.
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If people from TIB (transparency international Bangladesh), Centre for policy dialogue (CPD), BRAC and renowned academics came together to form a party and got elected to lead Bangladesh, I would die of happiness.
If people from TIB (transparency international Bangladesh), Centre for policy dialogue (CPD), BRAC and renowned academics came together to form a party and got elected to lead Bangladesh, I would die of happiness.
4 things bangladesh needs to become great power
1. Bring good politicians/leaders (not like haseena)
2. Indiginization/self reliance/Technology transfer
3. Develop nuclear capability
4. Develop better relations with Pak and China
4 things bangladesh needs to become great power
1. Bring good politicians/leaders (not like haseena)
2. Indiginization/self reliance/Technology transfer
3. Develop nuclear capability
4. Develop better relations with Pak and China

How is Pakistan doing with #1? Genuinely curious
Built up your Air Forces, equip your infantry with latest standard gears, more modern ATGM system, helicopter (both assault and attack helos), and more modern Naval equipments (Frigate, corvettes, LST and LPD).
In the short term we need multirole fighters in numbers. We need to develop BMs in the long term to ensure credible deterrence.

Due to our geography, we are extremely vulnerable to enemy artillery. Only BMs can ensure our neighbours avoid war at all costs.

The aim of any weapon be offensive or defensive is to build a credible deterrence.... Now as most bd members suggest that BM alone will achieve it .... the idea in itself is highly flawed .... A ballistic missile is strategic weapon in nature (not considering tactical/battlefield BMs) .... Its main purpose is to achieve the destruction of enemy population centers/Targets of strategic value... which aren't reachable through conventional means..... however alone no matter how frighting and deadly the word Ballistic Missile sounds cannot achieve the purpose of building deterrence .... the reason being.... some inherent flaws to this thinking... how and where does it fail to to build and provide deterrence?
As mentioned earlier, being a strategic weapon it surely can be used for striking at long distances deep in enemy's heart ..... as some here suggested 2500 or 3000 km..... but what good would that be ? how much fear it can instill in enemy's heart? how much of a destruction value it can achieve ? Not much if you ask me honestly..... with a conventional payload ...it would not achieve more then a long range artillery..... except for the fact that its not long range artillery and cannot be used in that capacity .... without a nuclear payload .... A ballistic missile does not help to provide you the deterrence you are desperately seeking to make your adversary back off...
Now another misconception which is commonly placed amongst folks is the question of ...why not ?? why cant we have em' and deter the enemy with thousands and thousands of it raining upon the enemy ....hitting every nook and corner of its territory ...would force it to back off.... the answer .... no, you simply cannot .....these systems are highly complex and expensive to build, operationalize and maintain..... how many units of such systems do you think declared nuclear powers like India or Pakistan maintain ? definitely not by thousands or even hundreds ...the very nature of such systems prevent them to be build in such numbers....
Do members here remember the night after 27th of Feb 2019 when India threatened Pakistan with missile attack but had to back off because of the consequences ....though it was totally humiliated in the air warfare.....was it because of us having missiles of our own both ballistic and cruise ....or was it the fear of a nuclear war? with the use of theses weapons you jump the escalation ladder to uncharted waters ....the thoughts of which cannot only make both the countries shiver but the entire world...

why do the west in general do no develop and employ such weapons(except for the nuclear powers).... being part of the developed world how hard is for them to build one.... realistically speaking how hard would it be say for a country like Sweden to build an IRBM or even ICBM?

And the idea of developing a BM .... how realistic is it for Bangladesh? the amount of complexity involved ...do you have the scientific and industrial base for it....do you have enough connections in the international market to provide you with the key technologies and parts?? How about the time frame involved...even if you ignore the core philosophy of its use and start building one now? how many years it would take you guys to develop a meaningful intermediate range or even a medium range BM ? what about the world reaction? how would they respond to such a news? with obvious next step to develop a nuclear program....without which BMs are meaningless? how about your threat perception... would India allow it for you to have one? would it not sabotage it or destroy such a program at its very inception ...when it can..then to allow for you to develop such a program(Hell arent they trying to impose a defense deal on you guys at this very moment? figure it out)? and for a moment even if we imagine ...you get some miraculously from outside... how would you protect them? given the current levels of your conventional forces ...Air force in particular, air defense another one Viz-a-Viz India...which are almost insignificant if not none... how would you ensure the safety(from with-in) and protection of these strategic assets? then comes the other factors like ABM defense and multi-layer shields that India is in the process of developing/procuring and deploying? how do you plan to counter them? its and un-ending cycle....which would literally break your bank.....even if we ignore the other factors..... these are some serious questions that needs to be answered.... but nowadays one hears this statement from our bangladeshi friends quite often..."We have the money now" ...that might be true....so use it wisely rather... build your defenses ....Invest in areas which are long ignored and are required to develop deterrence w.r.t your threat perceptions....
Rather then planing to invest in BMs .... would it not be be better to invest in the right kind of Anti Ballistic Missile defense? How about building up your long neglected navy? other then surface vessels how about building of a fleet of say Six A-class submarines which would ensure AA/AD? how about updating your badly needed Airforce? buying a few 4+ or even 4.5+ generation squadrons would certainly not hurt the cause....what about building the non-existing early warning system?...how about updating your army with not only equipment but training too? how about investing in interoperability and net-centric warfare capabilities? how about finding and investing in areas asymmetry to your advantage? get the qualitative edge where ever possible.... you name it and you need to build it from scratch or rebuild it entirely....thats the amount of work and investment you need to build your conventional deterrence.... and it does not mean the deterrence is solely based on defensive posturing but also adding the right kind of teeth for offensive purpose...
Then comes the idea of building alliances....with the right kind of friends that have your back at the hour of your need.... those who can help you build capabilities and capacities ..... what has Bangladesh done in this regard? have you ever considered the case of Europe? Individually many of the counties in E.U...wont be able to survive on their own ....its their pact which bind them in a strong alliance....which make them work in a pack rather alone....hence makes them strong even against the strongest of countries like USSR.... alone most of them wouldn't stand a chance.....Bangladesh is lucky in this regard ....where India takes Pakistan as its main enemy as it challenges its regional hegemony ...focusing and deploying the bulk of its resources against it.....then comes china.... which it does not want to confront as an enemy ...for obvious reasons ....but is forced to do so.... for natural reasons.... India focuses on Bangladesh to the extent that it remains under its umbrella of influence perpetually like other smaller countries of the region ....which is suffocating for the people of Bangladesh.... Unfortunately your PM has been stuck in the bitter past and her shortsightedness are going to have repercussions for the security of her country.....she hard swam in the opposite direction....while it might have worked for her in the short term ...but in the long run she might have put your country's sovereignty at stake... anyways you guys are wise enough to choose for yourself... and only time will tell which decision was right and which one wrong...

Lastly, the idea of building BM is no different to the case of some naive Pakistanis asking for Aircraft carrier .... without realizing the ground realities....and its implications on our defense... at this point of time.

Sorry for posting off-topic....but I felt to highlight this issue raised by Bangladeshi members from time to time.... confusing range with the choice of weapons....and its implications for their country.

The aim of any weapon be offensive or defensive is to build a credible deterrence.... Now as most bd members suggest that BM alone will achieve it .... the idea in itself is highly flawed .... A ballistic missile is strategic weapon in nature (not considering tactical/battlefield BMs) .... Its main purpose is to achieve the destruction of enemy population centers/Targets of strategic value... which aren't reachable through conventional means..... however alone no matter how frighting and deadly the word Ballistic Missile sounds cannot achieve the purpose of building deterrence .... the reason being.... some inherent flaws to this thinking... how and where does it fail to to build and provide deterrence?
As mentioned earlier, being a strategic weapon it surely can be used for striking at long distances deep in enemy's heart ..... as some here suggested 2500 or 3000 km..... but what good would that be ? how much fear it can instill in enemy's heart? how much of a destruction value it can achieve ? No much if you ask me honestly..... with a conventional payload ...it would not achieve more then a long range artillery..... except for the fact that its not long range artillery and cannot be used in that capacity .... without a nuclear payload .... A ballistic missile does not help to provide you the deterrence you are desperately seeking to make your adversary back off...
Now another misconception which is commonly placed amongst folks is the question of ...why not ?? why cant we have em' and deter the enemy with thousands and thousands of it raining upon the enemy ....hitting every nook and corner of its territory ...would force it to back off.... the answer .... no, you simply cannot .....these systems are highly complex and expensive to build, operationalize and maintain..... how many units of such systems do you think declared nuclear powers like India or Pakistan maintain ? definitely not by thousands or even hundreds ...the very nature of such systems prevent them to be build in such numbers....
Do members here remember the night after 27th of Feb 2019 when India threatened Pakistan with missile attack but had to back off because of the consequences ....though it was totally humiliated in the air warfare.....was it because of us having missiles of our own both ballistic and cruise ....or was it the fear of a nuclear war? with the use of theses weapons you jump the escalation ladder to uncharted waters ....the thoughts of which cannot only make both the countries shiver but the entire world...

why do the west in general do no develop and employ such weapons(except for the nuclear powers).... being part of the developed world how hard is for them to build one.... realistically speaking how hard would it be say for a country like Sweden to build an IRBM or even ICBM?

And the idea of developing a BM .... how realistic is it for Bangladesh? the amount of complexity involved ...do you have the scientific and industrial base for it....do you have enough connections in the international market to provide you with the key technologies and parts?? How about the time frame involved...even if you ignore the core philosophy of its use and starting building one now? how many years it would take you guys to develop a meaningful intermediate range or even a medium range BM ? what about the world reaction? how would the respond to such a news? with obvious next step to develop a nuclear program....without which BMs are meaningless? how about your threat perception... would India allow it for you to have one? would it not sabotage it or destroy such a program at its very inception ...when it can..then to allow for you to develop such a program(Hell arent they trying to impose a defense deal on you guys at this very moment? figure it out)? and for a moment even if we imagine ...you get some miraculously from outside... how would you protect them? given the current levels of your conventional forces ...Air force in particular, air defense another one Viz-a-Viz India...which are almost insignificant if not none... how would you ensure the safety(from with-in) and protection of these strategic assets? then comes the other factors like ABM defense and multi-layer shields that India is in the process of developing/procuring and deploying? how do you plan to counter them? its and un-ending cycle....which would literally break your bank.....even if we ignore the other factors..... these are some serious questions that needs to be answered.... but nowadays one hears this statement from our bangladeshi friends quite often..."We have the money now" ...that might be true....so use it wisely rather... build your defenses ....Invest in areas which are long ignored and are required to develop deterrence w.r.t your threat perceptions....
Rather then planing to invest in BMs .... would it not be be better to invest in the right kind of Anti Ballistic Missile defense? How about building up your long neglected navy? other then surface vessels how about building of a fleet of say Six A-class submarines which would ensure AA/AD? how about updating your badly needed Airforce? buying a few 4+ or even 4.5+ generation squadrons would certainly not hurt the cause....what about building the non-existing early warning system?...how about updating your army with not only equipment but training too? how but investing in interoperability and net-centric warfare capabilities? how about finding and investing in areas asymmetry to your advantage? get the qualitative edge where ever possible.... you name it and you need to build it from scratch or rebuild it entirely....thats the amount of work and investment you need to build your conventional deterrence.... and it does not mean the deterrence is solely based on defensive posturing but also adding the right kind of teeth for offensive purpose...
Then comes the idea of building alliances....with the right kind of friends that have your back at the hour of your need.... those who can help you build capabilities and capacities ..... what has Bangladesh done in this regard? have you ever considered the case of Europe? Individually many of the counties in E.U...wont be able to survive on their own ....its their pact which bind them in a strong alliance....which make them work in a pack rather alone....hence makes them strong even against the strongest of countries like USSR.... alone most of them wouldn't stand a chance.....Bangladesh is lucky in this regard ....where India takes Pakistan as its main enemy as it challenges its regional hegemony ...focusing and deploying the bulk of its resources against it.....then comes china.... which it does not want to confront as an enemy ...for obvious reasons ....but is forced to do so.... for natural reasons.... India focuses on Bangladesh to the extent that it remains under its umbrella of influence perpetually like other smaller countries of the region ....which is suffocating for the people of Bangladesh.... Unfortunately your PM has been stuck in the bitter past and her shortsightedness are going to have repercussions for the security of her country.....she hard swam in the opposite direction....while it might have worked for her in the short term ...but in the long run she might have put your country's sovereignty at stake... anyways you guys are wise enough to choose for yourself... and only time will tell which decision was right and which one wrong...

Lastly, the idea of building BM is no different to the case of some naive Pakistanis asking for Aircraft carrier .... without realizing the ground realities....and its implications on our defense... at this point of time.

Sorry for posting off-topic....but I felt to highlight this issue raised by Bangladeshi members from time to time.... confusing range with the choice of weapons....and its implications for their country.


Thanks for this great post rich in thought provoking content.

Agree completely.

This post was really needed.

When I get the time, I wanna delve into it deeper and ponder about the points you brought up.

It really was comprehensive in many ways and serves as a reality check for sure.

Off the cuff however, I am really concerned about the potential for internal factors in Bangladesh which have been allowed to be established to essentially "neuter" the nation's actual military capability.

It's quite a difference to announce scattered purchases here and there for public/military consumption and assuagement rather than have an actual ability to bring capability to the battlefield and be able to fight to defend national interests.

Hard for me to say as a civilian with no formal knowledge of any of this and for that matter not being in Bangladesh for decades.

But even a cursory examination of the topic would lead one to focus on the prospect of India using its soft power to handicap the capabilities of the Bangladeshi armed forces.

Where my interest lies is mainly the air force and its apparent lack of action to rectify deficiencies.

Obviously, we don't know the happenings behind closed doors and all the real issues at play.

But is this lack of effective action a case of incompetence?, financial difficulties?, navigating challenging and changing political realities?, or the effects of an Indian effort to limit the fighting ability and capabilities of the BAF through internal and external forces.

Hopefully, I'm just paranoid.
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The aim of any weapon be offensive or defensive is to build a credible deterrence.... Now as most bd members suggest that BM alone will achieve it .... the idea in itself is highly flawed .... A ballistic missile is strategic weapon in nature (not considering tactical/battlefield BMs) .... Its main purpose is to achieve the destruction of enemy population centers/Targets of strategic value... which aren't reachable through conventional means..... however alone no matter how frighting and deadly the word Ballistic Missile sounds cannot achieve the purpose of building deterrence .... the reason being.... some inherent flaws to this thinking... how and where does it fail to to build and provide deterrence?

As mentioned earlier, being a strategic weapon it surely can be used for striking at long distances deep in enemy's heart ..... as some here suggested 2500 or 3000 km..... but what good would that be ? how much fear it can instill in enemy's heart? how much of a destruction value it can achieve ? No much if you ask me honestly..... with a conventional payload ...it would not achieve more then a long range artillery..... except for the fact that its not long range artillery and cannot be used in that capacity .... without a nuclear payload .... A ballistic missile does not help to provide you the deterrence you are desperately seeking to make your adversary back off...

And the idea of developing a BM .... how realistic is it for Bangladesh? the amount of complexity involved ...do you have the scientific and industrial base for it....do you have enough connections in the international market to provide you with the key technologies and parts?? How about the time frame involved...even if you ignore the core philosophy of its use and start building one now? how many years it would take you guys to develop a meaningful intermediate range or even a medium range BM ? what about the world reaction? how would they respond to such a news? with obvious next step to develop a nuclear program....without which BMs are meaningless? how about your threat perception... would India allow it for you to have one? would it not sabotage it or destroy such a program at its very inception ...when it can..then to allow for you to develop such a program(Hell arent they trying to impose a defense deal on you guys at this very moment? figure it out)? and for a moment even if we imagine ...you get some miraculously from outside... how would you protect them? given the current levels of your conventional forces ...Air force in particular, air defense another one Viz-a-Viz India...which are almost insignificant if not none... how would you ensure the safety(from with-in) and protection of these strategic assets? then comes the other factors like ABM defense and multi-layer shields that India is in the process of developing/procuring and deploying? how do you plan to counter them? its and un-ending cycle....which would literally break your bank.....even if we ignore the other factors..... these are some serious questions that needs to be answered.... but nowadays one hears this statement from our bangladeshi friends quite often..."We have the money now" ...that might be true....so use it wisely rather... build your defenses ....Invest in areas which are long ignored and are required to develop deterrence w.r.t your threat perceptions....
Thanks for this caring effort here. I think, you have somewhat misunderstood me or I was unable to explain in details due to non availability of counter point of views here before. My suggestion of BM (which I consider for at least 20 years to fruition even if we start working today) is never in isolation or out of nowhere. I very much understand the huge technological gap still need to overcome for Bangladesh to achieve something like that. You may not have noticed, in earlier post here, I suggested Bangladesh armed forces to start working on tactical and short range ballistic missile and then move on higher range step by step. Some sources says that, Bangladesh army already working on it and it's first tactical ballistic missile would be named as Bajra-1. I do not know how reliable it is. But still, there are talks going on about it in defence circle. I never implied anything which may sound neglecting air force or air defence or submarine force and going after for BM only. All need synchonization. I also never said, only long range ballistic missile is enough for achieving deterrence or making the enemy to completely back-off. My point was, it will dissuade the enemy for going after the city infrastructure if they fear retaliation of similar scale in their vital urban centers. that's it. I know the limitation of ballistic missile for winning any war. My argument was purely on urban infrastructure specific.
Then comes the idea of building alliances....with the right kind of friends that have your back at the hour of your need.... those who can help you build capabilities and capacities ..... what has Bangladesh done in this regard? have you ever considered the case of Europe? Individually many of the counties in E.U...wont be able to survive on their own ....its their pact which bind them in a strong alliance....which make them work in a pack rather alone....hence makes them strong even against the strongest of countries like USSR.... alone most of them wouldn't stand a chance.....
I do not think we are doomed militarily unless we are part of some sort of NATO like structure. Our only potential military threat, India is not USSR of 1960s and Bangladesh is not small European countries like Sweden or Norway. The power gap between USSR and Norway was perhaps 100:1. While for India and Bangladesh this ratio is around 10:1 now. With dedicated effort to build our economy and military, we can reduce this gap to 4:1. Which I think will be enough for us. As you have mentioned, Indian bulk of the energy is engaged to tackle China and Pakistan. In this sense, we can achieve a kind of deterrence against them with 4:1 military might. Plus I think, Bangladesh need to build strategic partnership and close co-operation with either western camp or China. It would be better for Bangladesh to enters into some sort of strategic partnership with US like Singapore, Australia or South Korea has. Or alternatively with China, which I think would be a lesser choice for us considering all other aspects.
. India focuses on Bangladesh to the extent that it remains under its umbrella of influence perpetually like other smaller countries of the region ....which is suffocating for the people of Bangladesh.... Unfortunately your PM has been stuck in the bitter past and her shortsightedness are going to have repercussions for the security of her country.....she hard swam in the opposite direction....while it might have worked for her in the short term ...but in the long run she might have put your country's sovereignty at stake... anyways you guys are wise enough to choose for yourself... and only time will tell which decision was right and which one wrong...
Sheikh Hasina will not rule Bangladesh forever. If she can deliver Bangladesh political stability, economic growth and decent military modernaization(which she is doing anyway within her capacity) by maintaining a low profile vis-a-via with India and Myanmar, then I would say she has done her job. Tackling India should be the job of future nationalistic govt. of Bangladesh when Bangladesh will narrow the still huge economic and technological gap with India . She cower to Indian line because she knows, Bangladesh need peace and stability right now for healthy growth, playing showdown games with neighbors particularly with a powerful neighbor like India will hamper our progress. India so far has not done any grave damage to us, so we did not feel threatened in a way that put us into survival mood. But there is a big threat related to NRC. For which we need to work silently to make Bangladesh a strong nation economically and militarily rather than over reacting now prematurely.
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Our short term(20 years) goal should be to become one of the top 20 military in the world. There is a strong possibility that, Bangladesh may become among the top 25 economy in the world by 2040. So, with 8th largest population and 25th largest economy, ambition of becoming one of top 20 military is not any pipe dream. We need vision and determination.
You are placing too many assumptions. The economic development is not something like a wishful thinking. Whatever you want to do with economy, you require a properly trained manpower who can create wealth in the mechanical workshops. I do not see any such symptoms. BD imports almost all its mechanical goods and exports only low-value textiles.

All the developed countries of today since before 150 years have graduated to mechanized products from textiles. China is the latest. How about BD? You are talking about a 2040 BD economy at near the top when in reality the present economy has gotten bashed by the coronavirus and the country is collecting alms from those countries which are themselves at the to 25.

Even for India, it will be difficult to keep a Fully independent Bangladesh under control, a country of a near Homogenous population of more than 160+ Million people will always be a threat.
Do not you think Bd is already under India's control without firing a bullet and your 160 million people cannot do anything about it? Does India need to invade us? On the contrary, Bd needs a confrontation with MM. The country should do whatever is needed to get control of the Rohingya situation.
You are placing too many assumptions. The economic development is not something like a wishful thinking. Whatever you want to do with economy, you require a properly trained manpower who can create wealth in the mechanical workshops. I do not see any such symptoms. BD imports almost all its mechanical goods and exports only low-value textiles.

All the developed countries of today since before 150 years have graduated to mechanized products from textiles. China is the latest. How about BD? You are talking about a 2040 BD economy at near the top when in reality the present economy has gotten bashed by the coronavirus and the country is collecting alms from those countries which are themselves at the to 25.
Well, currently 25th largest economy is Iran, GDP nominal 458 billion dollar while Bangladesh is 39th with GDP 317 billion dollar. Not that a large gap you are assuming. Even if Bangladesh can grow at 6 percent(lower than previous 10 years average) while world economy at 3 percent which it grown last several years, still Bangladesh would reach that level in 20 years. You are assuming corona virus will dent on only Bangladesh economy while rest of the world will continue as before and our economic development from now on will regress rather than progress and manpower development growth will irreversibly stop. This is not how the economy work. There will be bounce back. Otherwise world economy should not have grown after 1920 Spanish flu pandemic.

Quest for export diversification in Bangladesh will continue in coming years and Bangladesh should find some success. Bangladesh may not export a lot of mechanical goods currently but compared to 10-15 years ago, much of our mechanical goods used domestically comes from within our factories rather than totally import dependent like before. This means our industrial development in a right path and a time will come when it will be able to increase it's foreign footprint. At least to propel economy to increase 40%-50% size cumulatively in 20 years relative to world economic size in 20 years. I do not believe in bul!shit of ''developed by 2041''. But reaching 25th position with 5000 dollar income per capita(very much a developing country) with 800-900 billion dollar economy(which would invariably put it at least 25th position compared to current 458 billion for 25th) is within our reach in 20 years even in as usual progression of our economy.
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