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Bangladesh Air Force

yea but what if they are upgraded with Captor-E (better than rafle ) + HMD and PGM capabilities ? maybe supplement the new (16) jets with old ones to increase numbers.

Can not be done for various reasons.... these airframes are basicly garbage...
BAF should go for EFT trance 2..... to supplement it better to get more migs or something else altogether different....

EFT trance 1 is just not that great..... it was innovative when it was produced but trance 2 is the truely finished product.

Trance 1 is too buggy and in many ways incomplete
Can not be done for various reasons.... these airframes are basicly garbage...
not sure how much the tranche 3 variants are going to cost ( unit cost), they will be cheaper to run than t-1
BAF wants $186 million for 16 jets not sure we can get the entire EFT package or 16 fighters with that money , so i have a bad feeling we might get Rafle
not sure how much the tranche 3 variants are going to cost ( unit cost), they will be cheaper to run than t-1
BAF wants $186 million for 16 jets not sure we can get the entire EFT package or 16 fighters with that money , so i have a bad feeling we might get Rafle

We wont get anything for £186m......maybe 2 eft tranche 2 at most.

Raffle will cost the same....
nah bro i was just saying the cost will be 186 million for each aircraft. 3 billion USD /16 is 187.5 ( made a mistake there)

French will take some losses, but will still manage to sell their fighters.
Aah understood.... i think we can bring that price down, but if it includes weapons and incountry MRO then i think its a good deal .

If BD goes for 16 with MRO i think more will come.

I would like BAF to avoid the raffle. Between raffle and EFT i think EFT serves BD needs most.

For single engine potential western jets there is only grippen and F16. Grippen on paper is better but F16 is battle tested. Either would be great....but we should probably go chinese j10b/c as the low in our high low mix.
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Aah understood.... i think we can bring that price down, but if it includes weapons and incountry MRO then i think its a good deal .
Agreed MRO plant is a must for us. About the weapons packages , i think we'll get some basic A-A ,A-G weapons in initial package. After that , order the munitions separately (1 year before delivery of the jets )
Agreed MRO plant is a must for us. About the weapons packages , i think we'll get some basic A-A ,A-G weapons in initial package. After that , order the munitions separately (1 year before delivery of the jets )

I would suggest that we place orders of meteors alongside the jet and payment conditional on delivery of both.....

There is absolutely no reason to leave anything to trust. This is a critical purchase, BAF must have a plan for the entire lifespan of the jet and do everything possible to secure delivery of ammunition, parts and servicing. BAF needs to ensure strict financial penalties are in place for non performance. If GB disagrees BAF should walk.... it simply means the supplier is untrustworthy.
Given the RAF Tranche 1 that will be retired and available for re-sale as well the the German Tranche 1s, I hope BAF doesn't buy these.
Given the RAF Tranche 1 that will be retired and available for re-sale as well the the German Tranche 1s, I hope BAF doesn't buy these.

I do not think even BAF would be so dumb....but then again they have always underperformed even against the lowest bar..... good god i hope not.... heres hoping BAFs legendary skill for quick descision will help us dodge this bullet
Malaysia procurement is basically running based on what I have suggested for Bangladesh Air Force. Malaysia will start another procurement for MRCA when KF 21 is expected to reach mass production.

Current procurement is not for MRCA but LCA/ Fighter Lead in Training for 18 planes

RMAF and BAF are blood bothers with a shared disregard for national security of their respective countries.
Both suffer from ADHD when it comes to buying anything useful.
RMAF has made progress in recent years but the fleet is still quite pathetic considering their economy and geopolitical landscape.
RMAF and BAF are blood bothers with a shared disregard for national security of their respective countries.
Both suffer from ADHD when it comes to buying anything useful.
RMAF has made progress in recent years but the fleet is still quite pathetic considering their economy and geopolitical landscape.


Tell us how you really feel!

I agree though.

RMAF and BAF should BOTH be bigger and stronger than they are.
RMAF and BAF are blood bothers with a shared disregard for national security of their respective countries.
Both suffer from ADHD when it comes to buying anything useful.
RMAF has made progress in recent years but the fleet is still quite pathetic considering their economy and geopolitical landscape.

They are pragmatic due to their economic problem, they face slower economic growth if we compare with ASEAN countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, and Philippine. With this Covid pandemic, their problem is getting much worse, while Indonesia is still able to just post minus 2 percent growth last year, Malaysia economy was severely hit and posted minus 6 % growth in 2020. For 2021, Malaysia economy is projected by their Government to grow about 3-4 % due to prolong Pandemic situation where Fitch Rating even downgrade their previous projection on Malaysia into Zero percent growth this year. Actually I still believe Malaysia can get at least 3 % growth this year, but this growth is still not enough to bring back their GDP like in 2019.

On the other hand RCEP will get effective maybe around 2023 and most ASEAN nations inside it will try to strengthen their competitiveness since the competition will be more fierce than before. Any one wants to be a winner in this FTA framework, and it includes my nation, Indonesia. Indonesia is also pragmatic and focus more in bringing the financial healthiness into our economy after debt to GDP ratio increases from 30 % (2019) into 43 % this year ( end of 2021) due to Economic stimulus and Health/Social spending to cushion Pandemic impact. We have hard experience during Asian Financial Crisis and dont want the same experience happen again in the future.

This is why ambitious Prabowo plan on Rafale/F 15 EX/ FREEM get hurdles to be executed due to conservative and strategic calculation by our economic team (MoF, MoP, MoI). Not surprising that instead of ordering Rafale, our government choose C 130 J SuperHercules and additional T 50 Golden Eagle to be acquired soon. Hercules is needed because we only have 23 of them and many are already old while T 50 Golden Eagle is choosen since we are preparing more MRCA in the future and get at least 11 MRCA squadrons to fulfil our MEF (Minimum Essential Force) plan.

In term of MRCA, the highest possible acquisition is F 16 V for just 10-12 planes as our MoF only approve 1.1 billion USD foreign loan for this Jokowi final term (2020-2024). This is intended to make our former F 5 squadron get permanent fighters while Today they only can operate 3 SU 30 which is borrowed from other squadron.
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As for fighters, from what I have heard, 1 sqd EFT was almost a done deal. However, intense US lobbying might sway the govt towards putting heavy MRCA procurement on hold and instead getting single engine F-16V's to replace some of the current trash.
I support prioritising single engine fighter procurement.

^^ Based on what I personally heard before, the below from Defseca may be correct on this occasion. I need further confirmation to actually believe:

The Bangladesh Defence Analyst

Our sources in Bangladesh Air Force who are no less than 'Air Commodore' are pretty much sure about induction of ' F-16 Viper ' to replace F-7 fleet. To them, only a 'miracle' can make happen Gripen. The possible replacement will start from 2026.

After independence of 50 years, we are yet to be strong in diplomacy, yet to get more people in chair who thinks for their country. DEFSECA will not talk about Gripen anymore as miracle do not happens everyday ...
#DEFSECA #BangladeshAirForce #F16Viper #MMRCAProgram

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