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Bangladesh Air Force

A beast of a jet.

What's most remarkable about the MiG-25 isn't its phenomenal performance (2nd only to SR-71), it's no more difficult to service, maintain, or mechanically temperamental than a "normal" supersonic fighter plane of the same era.

Although completely different airplanes (MiG-25 a universal platform, recon, interceptor, even bomber, with a huge radar and armament, SR-71 being a no-compromise spy plane), the SR-71 is like a racehorse. With a lot of pampering, and under the best of conditions, she can outrun most other horses. The MiG-25 is like a warhorse, it'll perform no matter how nasty the conditions are. That's how the Russian design their hardware. The nastier the conditions, the more it swings in their favor. MiG-25s can scramble in the middle of a Siberian snowstorm, or over dusty scorching heat over the middle-east, without any kind of modification or pampering.

Fun fact, MiG-25 is one of the very few aircraft that makes more thrust at a higher altitude than at sea level. At sea level, each engine produces around 24,000ib thrust. At each 2.5+ at 70,000ft+, they produce a massive 38,000ib+, due to its intake design

Btw, if you're lucky enough to see it in real life, you'll be shocked to see how that huge chunk of metal even manages to fly, let alone cross the Mach-3 barrier! Look closer up, you'll be even more shocked about the quality of the welding, rivet joints, and so on. Yet they were tank-like rugged.
What's most remarkable about the MiG-25 isn't its phenomenal performance (2nd only to SR-71), it's no more difficult to service, maintain, or mechanically temperamental than a "normal" supersonic fighter plane of the same era.

Although completely different airplanes (MiG-25 a universal platform, recon, interceptor, even bomber, with a huge radar and armament, SR-71 being a no-compromise spy plane), the SR-71 is like a racehorse. With a lot of pampering, and under the best of conditions, she can outrun most other horses. The MiG-25 is like a warhorse, it'll perform no matter how nasty the conditions are. That's how the Russian design their hardware. The nastier the conditions, the more it swings in their favor. MiG-25s can scramble in the middle of a Siberian snowstorm, or over dusty scorching heat over the middle-east, without any kind of modification or pampering.

Fun fact, MiG-25 is one of the very few aircraft that makes more thrust at a higher altitude than at sea level. At sea level, each engine produces around 24,000ib thrust. At each 2.5+ at 70,000ft+, they produce a massive 38,000ib+, due to its intake design

Btw, if you're lucky enough to see it in real life, you'll be shocked to see how that huge chunk of metal even manages to fly, let alone cross the Mach-3 barrier! Look closer up, you'll be even more shocked about the quality of the welding, rivet joints, and so on. Yet they were tank-like rugged.
Seen mig 21 and mig 19 in ukraine so I can only imagine how huge that is
hat's most remarkable about the MiG-25 isn't its phenomenal performance (2nd only to SR-71), it's no more difficult to service, maintain, or mechanically temperamental than a "normal" supersonic fighter plane of the same era.
i read somewhere that the Foxbat required 5kg of silver to service the engines(when it needed to be serviced). It Managed to shoot down a USN F-18 with an R-40R missile.
Kind of sad how the MiKoyan Design Bureau is dead and being sidelined by Sukhoi
Did u see his recent post where he said bdmilitary suggested Baf to buy eft ? 🤣🤣
He is behaving as if he is some Gov. Official. Seriously why would anyone do such a thing ? Why would a defense contractor contact some rando with a facebook page to sell their stuff to BD ? Please Look at the wording on this tweet.

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The Yak-130 and M-346 share a common background.

Given that Bangladesh looks set to acquire "Western" multirole fighters i.e. Eurofighter, can Yak-130 be used for training?

Meaning can Leonardo modify the aircraft to make make it more conducive for training for Western types?

By this I mean software, avionics and cockpit interface related.

The Yak-130 and M-346 share a common background.

Given that Bangladesh looks set to acquire "Western" multirole fighters i.e. Eurofighter, can Yak-130 be used for training?

Meaning can Leonardo modify the aircraft to make make it more conducive for training for Western types?

By this I mean software, avionics and cockpit interface related.

Yes they can be configured to mimick Western fighters. If Irkut refuses to cooperate, BAF should reach out to Leonardo.
Yes they can be configured to mimick Western fighters. If Irkut refuses to cooperate, BAF should reach out to Leonardo.

I would be nice if BAF could replace the 3 lost examples and work with Leonardo to optimize the Yak to train future pilots for Eurofighter.
The Yak-130 and M-346 share a common background.

Given that Bangladesh looks set to acquire "Western" multirole fighters i.e. Eurofighter, can Yak-130 be used for training?

Meaning can Leonardo modify the aircraft to make make it more conducive for training for Western types?

By this I mean software, avionics and cockpit interface related.

i think it isn't necessary but it is optimal.

see @The Ronin post regarding this issue
BAF should divert every penny they have towards procuring fighters. The three Yaks can be replaced later.

who actually makes procurement decisions?

why the interest in a two engined fighter over a greater number of cheaper single engined ones?
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