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Bangladesh Air Force

Not sure it is the same thing as the one being double-crossed would never know for sure.

A "kill switch" is obvious but not when you are being defeated with better tactics and aircraft knowledge as you cannot be sure how your enemy got this.

I suppose. In this scenario you can never be completely sure. Only solution produce your own war machines otherwise you are at the mercy of others interference.
I suppose. In this scenario you can never be completely sure. Only solution produce your own war machines otherwise you are at the mercy of others interference.

We aren't even industrialized yet , any weapons if we do make it will have 90-99% of parts from a foreign nation.

BD has to rely on foreign nations for weapons while it has to kickstart it's own indigenous military industrial complex.

1 :Start with development of small arms like pistols and rifles , and on combat drones
2: Then move onto radars and radios
3: Eventually move onto bigger systems like Trainer aircraft and military satellites
4: Finally now more complex systems like rockets both military and commercial like space rockets

Low flight night training? on J-variant?
PRC is for India.
West for Myanmar.

Men you are rich, you need two different fighters to counter each nation LOL

I still dont understand BD members here that think they cannot use Western fighters jet to go against India.......

No way you will attack India, and if India attack BD there will be condemnation from the West to India.

BD is not West enemy
Men you are rich, you need two different fighters to counter each nation LOL

I still dont understand BD members here that think they cannot use Western fighters jet to go against India.......

No way you will attack India, and if India attack BD there will be condemnation from the West to India.

BD is not West enemy
You are correct in that we would not strike first, however we are concerned the West will only offer lip service against India like they are doing with Palestine.
They might stop selling supplies.

It does not make sense for the West to risk losing the Indian market from an economic perspective.

The call for West/China diversification of fighter jets is out of necessity and not luxury.
You are correct in that we would not strike first, however we are concerned the West will only offer lip service against India like they are doing with Palestine.
They might stop selling supplies.

It does not make sense for the West to risk losing the Indian market from an economic perspective.

The call for West/China diversification of fighter jets is out of necessity and not luxury.

Invading BD is not Western interest. Western will try to make any Indian government to stop that invasion (which I see ridiculous by seeing densely populated BD) by putting sanction to india or at least still supply BD with equipment.

Why ? Because Indian is democratic, one admin can be replaced by other admin while Western has interest with India in long term basis and also the West cannot be seen as against Muslim. They will try to avoid Muslim go to China camp since Muslim countries will surely be against India possible attack to BD.

Unless if BD does the attack which is impossible
Invading BD is not Western interest. Western will try to make any Indian government to stop that invasion (which I see ridiculous by seeing densely populated BD) by putting sanction to india or at least still supply BD with equipment.

Why ? Because Indian is democratic, one admin can be replaced by other admin while Western has interest with India in long term basis and also the West cannot be seen as against Muslim. They will try to avoid Muslim go to China camp since Muslim countries will surely be against India possible attack to BD.

Unless if BD does the attack which is impossible
Western corporate interests trump everything else. The US will never sanction India unless they are directly under attack.
Western corporate interests trump everything else. The US will never sanction India unless they are directly under attack.

BD cannot rely on anyone else but itself for its own defence.

India is the real and only realistic threat to BD sovereignty and so it must build up most of its forces to counter them. Myanmar is less of a threat but more pressing now due to Rohingya issue and its own constant instability.

Anyway BD is no longer a dirt-poor 3rd world country. It has a growing economy large enough to sustain 2 or maybe 3 types of fighter platforms over the next 1-2 decades. I would go in order Western(not USA) - Chinese - Turkey(if their TF-X project is somewhat successful)
Invading BD is not Western interest. Western will try to make any Indian government to stop that invasion (which I see ridiculous by seeing densely populated BD) by putting sanction to india or at least still supply BD with equipment.

Why ? Because Indian is democratic, one admin can be replaced by other admin while Western has interest with India in long term basis and also the West cannot be seen as against Muslim. They will try to avoid Muslim go to China camp since Muslim countries will surely be against India possible attack to BD.

Unless if BD does the attack which is impossible

- West will not invade BD or bargain with India, supply weapons or provide diplomatic support, let alone impose sanctions on India in favor of BD. BD is a trading partner of the west. If you really want to paint a picture here. BD needs the west more than the west needs BD. Its a mutually beneficial economic relationship. One which BD needs for its economic survival and solvency. The west , while does benefit from this relationship, does not need the relationship with BD to survive economically.

- However, West needs India. No way west will jeopardize their relationship with India in the favor of BD. The Indian economic market alone is lucrative to the west compared to the BD market. There is also the military as well. India is a nuclear power. West is not stupid. They will not impose sanction's on a nuclear power in the favor of a small country.

- If the West can support Israel against Palestine despite condemnation from Muslim world. Then West will definitely never lift a finger in favor of BD to appease the Muslim world. This is why the Chinese and the Russians are now talking against Israel. To take the Muslim world in their corner. BBC and CNN can drum as much as they want about Uighur's but end of the day the Chinese have been successful in their effort to bring the Muslim world firmly in their camp.

- A neutral BD is a direct threat to Indian control in the Indian NE. India needs to use BD territory for logistics to supply its forces in the NE. if BD stay neutral or becomes pro china , that is disaster for India. India will never tolerate this. Never. Also a mid- scale conflict with BD will give the BJP massive propaganda value because this will appease their voters who hate Muslims and BD is a much low risk conflict option compared to Pakistan and China. Indian military will feel confident they will be able to control the size and scope of the conflict. Therefore a small - mid scale conflict between BD and India is likely within this decade. The recent Chinese diplomatic victory in BD only highlights how much BD has slipped into Chinese orbit. How insecure the Indian's are becoming due to this . Perfect opportunity for Modi and Co to score some propaganda victory before 2024 election's.
- West will not invade BD or bargain with India, supply weapons or provide diplomatic support, let alone impose sanctions on India in favor of BD. BD is a trading partner of the west. If you really want to paint a picture here. BD needs the west more than the west needs BD. Its a mutually beneficial economic relationship. One which BD needs for its economic survival and solvency. The west , while does benefit from this relationship, does not need the relationship with BD to survive economically.

- However, West needs India. No way west will jeopardize their relationship with India in the favor of BD. The Indian economic market alone is lucrative to the west compared to the BD market. There is also the military as well. India is a nuclear power. West is not stupid. They will not impose sanction's on a nuclear power in the favor of a small country.

- If the West can support Israel against Palestine despite condemnation from Muslim world. Then West will definitely never lift a finger in favor of BD to appease the Muslim world. This is why the Chinese and the Russians are now talking against Israel. To take the Muslim world in their corner. BBC and CNN can drum as much as they want about Uighur's but end of the day the Chinese have been successful in their effort to bring the Muslim world firmly in their camp.

- A neutral BD is a direct threat to Indian control in the Indian NE. India needs to use BD territory for logistics to supply its forces in the NE. if BD stay neutral or becomes pro china , that is disaster for India. India will never tolerate this. Never. Also a mid- scale conflict with BD will give the BJP massive propaganda value because this will appease their voters who hate Muslims and BD is a much low risk conflict option compared to Pakistan and China. Indian military will feel confident they will be able to control the size and scope of the conflict. Therefore a small - mid scale conflict between BD and India is likely within this decade. The recent Chinese diplomatic victory in BD only highlights how much BD has slipped into Chinese orbit. How insecure the Indian's are becoming due to this . Perfect opportunity for Modi and Co to score some propaganda victory before 2024 election's.

See the contex of previous conversation to understand my comment. I dont say USA or Europe countries desire to invade BD, but whether they will allow India invade BD or not.....

Israel is a different context and it is only USA that support Israel, while the rest of European are in the side of Muslim countries with 2 state solution based on pre 1967 border.

USA support on Israel is due to their Evangelical belief. This cannot be intervened, even due to geopolitical needs to get Muslim support, similar like how Muslim countries are against USA in Palestine-Israel conflict.

No, they will not support India if India attack BD (which is absurd logic unless you have huge oil and gas/nickle/or huge and vertile land which is still empty).

I believe they (USA) dont want to make Muslim countries side with China further. They think Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the limit already that they cannot avoid due to religious belief.

Actually the case in Myanmar could be seen as example. Myanmar is nobody, Rohingya is also no body, but they still support Rohingya and BD position regardless
See the contex of previous conversation to understand my comment. I dont say USA or Europe countries desire to invade BD, but whether they will allow India invade BD or not.....

Israel is a different context and it is only USA that support Israel, while the rest of European are in the side of Muslim countries with 2 state solution based on pre 1967 border.

USA support on Israel is due to their Evangelical belief. This cannot be intervened, even due to geopolitical needs to get Muslim support, similar like how Muslim countries are against USA in Palestine-Israel conflict.

No, they will not support India if India attack BD (which is absurd logic unless you have huge oil and gas/nickle/or huge and vertile land which is still empty).

I believe they (USA) dont want to make Muslim countries side with China further. They think Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the limit already that they cannot avoid due to religious belief.

Actually the case in Myanmar could be seen as example. Myanmar is nobody, Rohingya is also no body, but they still support Rohingya and BD position regardless
I did not say that they will support/not support. It will be a lip service similar to a condemnation. Nothing substantial will come from the west. They will simply remain neutral and not get involved in a India BD conflict.

For Muslims Jerusalem is a bigger issue. Rohingya issue is a tragedy but again the west played little more than lip service to protect them. If you want an example here you are. In a India - BD conflict the west will play a similar role that it has played to protect the Rohingya. Nothing will be done to deter India from the action and but lip service will be given to appease the Muslim world. Muslim leaders will condemn but do very little.

FYI the west does not need every Muslim countries. GCC is firmly in their pocket. NATO ally turkey controls the Bosporus. As long as these countries have good terms with the west, they don't give two hoots about the rest of the Muslims world. What the West wants from the Muslim world they already have. The don't need anything more from the Muslim world. The Uighur issue is played up to discredit china's reputation and to help western allies in the Muslim world. For example put a dent in the Pakistan - China relationship. Which helps India ( Western ally) far more than the west.

India is far more important to the GCC and the West than BD. Therefore BD must choose her allies carefully and should become self sufficient in defense .

Troubling times are ahead for BD. Very , very few realize this .
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