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Bangladesh Air Force

Something American is coming buddy. Whether we like it or not but its definitely coming. May be in 2025 or 2030 but its definitely coming.

Why get American when we can get European and have less issues to deal with ? If something American is coming we are FU*KED cause China will make sure it BD pays for joining with the West.
Nope. We can get whatever the hell we want (I meant F15/16/18) if we can pay. Joining quad is not necessary. Baf asked for F15 (refurbished) few years back but USA said No. But now they are ready to sell us anything. Market is competitive now. We can reject US offers if we want. We have options. So no point in attaching ridiculous strings cause we won't accept. Remember USA said "amra Bangladesh ke India er chokhe dekhi na" . They dont trust India and India dont trust them. They need a 3rd party in this region and Pakistan is not one of them. If we can play our cards right we can be benefited.

US sells equipment to get influence.

BD is definitely American weapons . probably in 1-2 years.

But it is coming after signing the dotted line to join quad.

Your BD govt has no cards to begin with. Not against USA.
So will we be refitting those American fighters to fire Chinese missiles?? Like we do our ships?
Throw in Russian pilot BD has a deadly cocktail

US sells equipment to get influence.

BD is definitely American weapons . probably in 1-2 years.

But it is coming after signing the dotted line to join quad.

Your BD govt has no cards to begin with. Not against USA.
There was no offer to join quad in the first place. They are gonna continue with the original 4 members. And to be honest Bangladesh is not that significant geopolitically as we are thinking. Trust me on this when I say WE ARE NOT JOINING QUAD. at least not in next 5 years. And bud we are not playing against USA. Its impossible. It's just bd govt is not liking the on growing Chinese influence. Specially after the way Chinese ambassador warned us. So they will try to balance things. Why do you think our foreign minister is continuously asking USA to invest in our infrastructures. Bd doesn't want to be dependent on China anymore. We need options. We are not going to put all the eggs in one basket. Same goes for military purchase. This is the reason we are talking about western jets in stead of su30s...but if buying US made weapons mean joining in a military squad then it's not happening. Bd wants stability.
Why get American when we can get European and have less issues to deal with ? If something American is coming we are FU*KED cause China will make sure it BD pays for joining with the West.
Bro even if we buy eft ,meteor is not coming any time soon. We will need amraams. So we need USA. If we were to buy gripens we would need USA. And if buying weapons from another source makes China super angry like you said then I would say we should avoid China as much as we can from now on. Chinese means business. So it's not gonna be problem. Like I said earlier bd had problems with a specific gsomia term. It was related to weapons tech sharing bla bla bla. So China had objection. Then bd asked for a revised term. If USA approves then China wont have any problem if we procure weapons from USA.
Bro even if we buy eft ,meteor is not coming any time soon. We will need amraams. So we need USA. If we were to buy gripens we would need USA. And if buying weapons from another source makes China super angry like you said then I would say we should avoid China as much as we can from now on. Chinese means business. So it's not gonna be problem. Like I said earlier bd had problems with a specific gsomia term. It was related to weapons tech sharing bla bla bla. So China had objection. Then bd asked for a revised term. If USA approves then China wont have any problem if we procure weapons from USA.

Well either way Bangladesh has to be careful , cause it better know U.S strings and back stabbings are coming it's way. We can't use certain weapons to deter India I guess

China will be concerned if we do get U.S weapons cause even though the Chinese care about money or business it knows American influence is coming and it doesn't like that.
Well either way Bangladesh has to be careful , cause it better know U.S strings and back stabbings are coming it's way. We can't use certain weapons to deter India I guess

China will be concerned if we do get U.S weapons cause even though the Chinese care about money or business it knows American influence is coming and it doesn't like that.
You know what, I am sick and tired of worrying about strings.
Thailand, Indonesia, Egypt, etc. get along with China just fine despite operating F-16s. If there comes a time when the US refuses to support, we will get some hardware urgently from China.
The US may have greater stakes in India but they will not let India simply steamroll BD unless BD attacks first.
US does not want us in no stupid QUAD.

Just order the damn fighters for fcuk's sake!
Makes sense for the US to offer the F-16 to Bangladesh.

Lockheed Martin says that it plans to "commoditize" its F-16 Viper fighter jet line by offering jets in a single standardized configuration, based on the latest Block 70/72 variant, with a standard base price tag. The goal here is to streamline things for both the manufacturer and potential customers, especially foreign buyers, and it follows a massive U.S. Air Force-managed contract for the production of Vipers for export over the next decade.

FlightGlobal was first to report on Lockheed Martin's new plans for its F-16 product line on Sept. 4, 2020. The Air Force had awarded the company an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract, valued at up to $62 billion over 10 years, to build at least 90 Block 70/72 Vipers – 66 for Taiwan and 24 for Morocco – for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers on Aug. 12, 2020.

"The development of the pricing, and the back and forth with the country on the pricing, and then the actual pricing when we deliver it to them in the form of an offer and acceptance letter, that takes a very long time," J.R. McDonald, the Vice President of Business Development for Lockheed Martin's Integrated Fighter Group, told FlightGlobal. “And, it takes a lot of money to develop those individual contracts for each individual country.”

"It’s a way to streamline contracting, make the pricing as transparent as possible in an [Foreign Military Sales] environment," he continued, referring to the new plane for a standardized base F-16. “Everybody knows what the baseline is.”


An artist's conception of a Block 70/72 F-16 Viper.
The new standard Viper configuration will have a default set of "avionics, mission systems, an active electronically scanned array [AESA] radar, electronic warfare suite, Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System and an engine," according to FlightGlobal, though it is not clear what those specific systems will be. Lockheed Martin has already been pushing toward standardizing the Viper line with its Block 70/72 F-16s and the related F-16V upgrade package that brings older jets up to a similar configuration.
These versions, outgrowths of the F-16IN Super Viper variant developed for India, all feature the AN/APG-83 Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR), an AESA type from Northrop Grumman that you can read about in more detail in this recent War Zone piece, as well as other common avionics and other mission systems. Lockheed Martin presently offers Block 70 F-16s with General Electric F110 engines and Block 72 variants with Pratt & Whitney F100s.


A page from a Lockheed Martin brochure from 2016 regarding its pitch at the time to sell Block 70 F-16C/D Vipers to that country that specifically mentions that configuration becoming the new baseline variant.

Another slide from the same brochure highlighting some of the mission systems found on Block 70 Vipers, including the AN/APG-83 AESA radar.
McDonald told FlightGlobal that the baseline configuration will have the lowest price point, but did not say what that might be. Like when one buys a car, Lockheed Martin will continue to offer other features and functionality for customers who want specific capabilities and are willing to pay for them. However, these additions will be handled under separate contracts, effectively as modifications to base variant aircraft.
The country-specific version of the Viper that Lockheed Martin is presently pitching to India, which it is marketing as the F-21, is a prime example of what the company could offer on top of the base variant. The F-21, compared to Block 70/72 types, has a completely different cockpit arrangement with a single large flat panel multi-function display, a probe-and-drogue refueling system that fits inside a modified conformal fuel tank, and an enlarged dorsal spine, seen on other F-16 variants, capable of holding various mission systems, among other features. You can read more about this advanced Viper in detail in this past War Zone piece.

The U.S. Air Force's System Program Office first proposed the idea of a standardized Viper to Lockheed Martin as a way to help simplify FMS cases by creating a universal price list that a potential customer could review, according to FlightGlobal. The company also said that it expects virtually all future F-16 sales to go through the U.S. government-managed FMS process via contracting vehicles such as the multi-billion dollar IDIQ deal it received in August. The F-21 pitch to India will remain an unrelated direct sale, no doubt in part due to the Indian government's requirement for companies competing in the tender to supply 110 new fighter jets to the Indian Air Force to offer significant industrial cooperation packages as part of their offers.
Beyond helping with the contracting process, a standardized F-16 would also help simplify production, supply chain management, and sustainment. Back in 2017, Lockheed Martin announced that it would move its Viper production line to South Carolina from Texas as part of a restructuring at the latter facility to focus more on building F-35 Joint Strike Fighters. The South Carolina site was smaller, but could also concentrate more on F-16 work, amid what appeared to be at the time dwindling demand for the older jets.

Even after building more than 4,600 F-16s of all types, and with some 2,280 still in service worldwide, Lockheed Martin is optimistic that there will be more new Viper sales on the horizon. In addition to the Block 70/72 jets it is building for Taiwan and Morocco, it is also producing additional examples for Bahrain and Bulgaria. Indonesia, among other potential customers, has also considered new Vipers to meet its future fighter jet needs.
“Those are in the end of service life and countries around the world are having to find themselves in a situation where they need to replace them,” McDonald told FlightGlobal, specifically referring to fleets of older Soviet-era combat jets, such as MiG-21s and MiG-23/27s, as well as early MiG-29s, that remain in service around the world. In addition, the outlet noted that some countries that still fly these and other Soviet-designed types have faced challenges in modernizing them or otherwise extending their service life due to U.S. sanctions on Russian aviation and defense companies.
Operators of these jets, many of which are former Soviet republics, as well as other countries that have been in its sphere of influence during the Cold War, are a major potential market for U.S. firms looking to sell new advanced fourth-generation fighter jets. Many of them, including some that are now NATO members, are looking to modernize their fleets, but are very unlikely to be able to secure approval to buy the F-35, opening the door for the F-16.
All told, the F-16's future already seems very bright still and Lockheed Martin's new effort to simplify production and sales can only help keep the Viper front and center for countries looking for new fighter jets for the foreseeable future.
F16 blk 70/72 while we are dancing around yeahhh we got it

First of all its the most expensive and sophisticated F16 ever built
Second of all why do you think we remove the except israel part
thirds we must officially be slave of usa there is will be a lot of string attach
Fourth dont forget also the Euro Fighter & Apache

GO TO CHINA RUSSIA non of this required
You know what, I am sick and tired of worrying about strings.
Thailand, Indonesia, Egypt, etc. get along with China just fine despite operating F-16s. If there comes a time when the US refuses to support, we will get some hardware urgently from China.
The US may have greater stakes in India but they will not let India simply steamroll BD unless BD attacks first.
US does not want us in no stupid QUAD.

Just order the damn fighters for fcuk's sake!

Well I guess screw the J-10C , F-16s will replace the dam F-7s and EFT will replace our Mig-29s.

I mean I have a very odd feeling Bangladesh may be getting some kind of American weapon system for sure , cause like why would the dam Air Chief visit the Pentagon let alone sit in an F-16 simulator ?

F-16s for the win I guess :confused:
i hope we acquire Block 72 or EFT or whatever that is being looked at as soon as possible.
MyAF will get su-30s (which will be serviced in India)
MyAF chief in ''raptor of the east'' Su-30MKI

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F-16s for the win I guess :confused:
why that sick feeling ?
nothing wrong with a little american pie (f-16) eh ?

It may be high in calories, but that's exactly what BAF needs.
i guess you're worried about sanctions. well, Bd is not the kind of country that gets sanctioned.

Well I guess screw the J-10C , F-16s will replace the dam F-7s and EFT will replace our Mig-29s.
we'll have a formidable AF if that is where we go. If Bd is to get into a conflict it is most likely going to be against Myanmar. Can the J-10c be relied upon ?
i hope we acquire Block 72 or EFT or whatever that is being looked at as soon as possible.
MyAF will get su-30s (which will be serviced in India)
MyAF chief in ''raptor of the east'' Su-30MKI

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Actually BAF ' s main threat is IAF.

With so much internal trouble no Burman will want a conflict with BD. No matter how many sukhios MKI they buy.

Get J-10 or EFT or girppen. Even better get tot and start producing inhouse.

F-16's even by some miracle USA does not put conditions now, they will do so when they want to. Why risk? F-16's are nice shiny toys but rather see the job get done.
Actually BAF ' s main threat is IAF.

With so much internal trouble no Burman will want a conflict with BD. No matter how many sukhios MKI they buy.

Get J-10 or EFT or girppen. Even better get tot and start producing inhouse.

F-16's even by some miracle USA does not put conditions now, they will do so when they want to. Why risk? F-16's are nice shiny toys but rather see the job get done.

I mean if we get J-10 we can sorta use it against Myanmar cause China wouldn't care that much , but they also can care if they really care about defending Myanmar

So either way we're fked
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