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Bangladesh Air Force

This is me after the last two days...

Eh I wanna major in finance btw yeah I guess those bois have been making BANK from DogeCoins

I was also wondering what if BAF made a crypto currency ? :tongue:
What would that be? RideShare Coin? ImbecileCoin?
Naah don’t think so mate. The maximum absurdity it can reach is 2.5 and that’s with US economy in shambles
I lost some in recent crashes but my bet is I’ll 20-50x long term 🥴😌
Don't say such shit. I wanna be rich. :cray:
I was going to buy new gaming rig... Instead threw around 30% to 40% into doge and others into more Cardano and Eth.
I took half my money and put it in xrp 😂 averaged down to 1.3 during the crash. Could have gone to 1.1 but missed it.
the rest are in vechain, cardano and monero
Oh and for meme coin that can actually beat doge…. Hoge. I got 550k on a autostake 😆
This is me after the last two days...

View attachment 745792
Pretty much. 🐸 Buying the dip
Eh I wanna major in finance btw yeah I guess those bois have been making BANK from DogeCoins

I was also wondering what if BAF made a crypto currency ? :tongue:
It will take 20 years to collect 3 billion
I took half my money and put it in xrp 😂 averaged down to 1.3 during the crash. Could have gone to 1.1 but missed it.
the rest are in vechain, cardano and monero
Oh and for meme coin that can actually beat doge…. Hoge. I got 550k on a autostake 😆

Pretty much. 🐸 Buying the dip

It will take 20 years to collect 3 billion

Why Vechain?

Why XRP?

Check out Polygon.

Check out FEG.

Why Vechain?

Why XRP?

Check out Polygon.

Check out FEG.

Vechain because China approved and it should be adopted into countries supply chain. Good potential
Xrp because central banks and govt would be more willing to accept this instead of bitcoins and other decentralized currency. I think of xrp as swift replacement.
Polygon is Indian and it pumped while the market wasn’t performing well and stayed up when bitcoin crash. I feelthere’s more chance of Indian whales manipulating it.

Feg interesting hmm 🤔
Bhai I would give Saint Martin to burma for f15ex 😝
We could then bomb it and take it back

If we give the yanks a naval base in Chittagong they'll give us F-15EX , F-18. Heck, They might even offer F-35.
Myanmar is the soft underbelly of you know who.... operation cyclone 2.0
I know that's not gonna happen i'm just kidding of course. BD will never give a Naval base to yankee. unless😉

Myanmar is kept on a tight leash by its master so it won't attempt anything on St.martin unless there is a crisis in BD.
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