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Bangladesh Air Force

Israeli Air Force : They look cool , but they look even better when we shoot them down
how about no. Egyptian SAMs made a lot of difference in 1973. Basically forced IDF to think twice before using air assets.
Can we buy AH-1Z and UH-1Y under EDA?

Better go for Z-10 from China in good numbers with ToT at a friendly price.

You mean this Z-10? 😂 I don't expect BAF/BA to buy large amount of attack helicopter. So maybe another MRO but notToT.


Regardless, Z-10 is what Bangladesh "should" buy given the options available in the market, what they cost and the strings they come with.

Better opt for other sources like Turkey or EU. I see Korea and Ukraine have potential to develop attack helicopter. If we can invest money, we may develop one with them at low cost. Turkey could be a option too but MRO has more chance with TAI and BAF. @Indos does Indonesia have any plan to develop an attack helicopter in future?

Can we buy AH-1Z and UH-1Y under EDA?

You mean this Z-10? 😂 I don't expect BAF/BA to buy large amount of attack helicopter. So maybe another MRO but notToT.

View attachment 727976

Better opt for other sources like Turkey or EU. I see Korea and Ukraine have potential to develop attack helicopter. If we can invest money, we may develop one with them at low cost. Turkey could be a option too but MRO has more chance with TAI and BAF. @Indos does Indonesia have any plan to develop an attack helicopter in future?


Hmm Turkey seems like a good option for us now , I'm not sure about China or Korea
i prefer the desert camo. Historical EAF camos like this
View attachment 727975
Now I see where the name comes from f6 enthusiast 🤨😉
You must know a lot about it I reckon, familiar with the mig 19 too?
Better opt for other sources like Turkey or EU. I see Korea and Ukraine have potential to develop attack helicopter. If we can invest money, we may develop one with them at low cost. Turkey could be a option too but MRO has more chance with TAI and BAF. @Indos does Indonesia have any plan to develop an attack helicopter in future?
I would not develop anything except porno with the Ukrainians. Nothing against the people but the govt and administration is corrupt and inefficient. You’ll sink billions with little to show for
True , but the Egyptian pilots were meh
Terrible meh is putting it kindly
Infact most gulf pilots were terrible
Except ihsan shurdom the only guy I reckon shot down something
Can we buy AH-1Z and UH-1Y under EDA?

You mean this Z-10? 😂 I don't expect BAF/BA to buy large amount of attack helicopter. So maybe another MRO but notToT.

View attachment 727976

Better opt for other sources like Turkey or EU. I see Korea and Ukraine have potential to develop attack helicopter. If we can invest money, we may develop one with them at low cost. Turkey could be a option too but MRO has more chance with TAI and BAF. @Indos does Indonesia have any plan to develop an attack helicopter in future?


We had that plan before but never got funding from government, I will give you the model as soon as I can access my computer again, but IMO better to use drone as attack hellicopter can get shot by short range missile easily..
Maybe Bangladesh can upgrade Skyguard in the future to Skynex for airbase protection from Rheinmetall. It will use a Skyknight anti CRAM/PGM/CM from a UAE company.

It will probably be the best air defense SHORAD in the world for a little bit, sixty missiles in each launcher and up to three launchers per Skynex. Twenty missiles in the air at the same time per launcher(Total eighty simultaneous interceptions) and 16 launched in 3.5 seconds.


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Now I see where the name comes from f6 enthusiast 🤨😉
You must know a lot about it I reckon, familiar with the mig 19 too?

I would not develop anything except porno with the Ukrainians. Nothing against the people but the govt and administration is corrupt and inefficient. You’ll sink billions with little to show for

Terrible meh is putting it kindly
Infact most gulf pilots were terrible
Except ihsan shurdom the only guy I reckon shot down something
All info I know about fighters is from DCS world but the f-6 is something special.

Can you identify the pilot standing next to the F-6 in this picture ? (Hint : very famous guy in Bangladesh)
you will get a virtual biriyani if you can find his name :-)

All info I know about fighters is from DCS world but the f-6 is something special. View attachment 728053
Can you identify the pilot standing next to the F-6 in this picture ? (Hint : very famous guy in Bangladesh)
you will get a virtual biriyani if you can find his name :-)

View attachment 728054
Riaz got his name from reverse image search. Now where is my biriyani?
Nothing against the people but the govt and administration is corrupt and inefficient. You’ll sink billions with little to show for
has the war in Ukraine died down ? I assume you live in Kiev so it must be pretty chill out there.
All I know about Ukraine is that they inherited industries from the USSR. It's a shame they aren't able to produce the BM oplot tanks quickly enough to keep up with foreign orders.

has the war in Ukraine died down ? I assume you live in Kiev so it must be pretty chill out there.
All I know about Ukraine is that they inherited industries from the USSR. It's a shame they aren't able to produce the BM oplot tanks quickly enough to keep up with foreign orders.

Rife corruption and inferior products limit their defense industry.
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