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Bangladesh Air Force

Hmm any proof ? BAF buys trainers more faster than they do anything else lol

Lmao if the Army wanted they can threaten the leader rn :sarcastic:
Yes but right now its just the army. What if the airforce and navy and BDR chooses not to follow the new military govt?

However if there is joint chief all military and paramilitary will fall under his command. Atleast from the point of view of awami league
Yes but right now its just the army. What if the airforce and navy and BDR chooses not to follow the new military govt?

However if there is joint chief all military and paramilitary will fall under his command. Atleast from the point of view of awami league

Ah true , I mean the AL is blind anyways lol :sarcastic:
No mere 16 EFT can not do that, also no country will come to our aid, we are alone.

A large mobile missile force needs to back up our 3 services, in this i whole heartedly agree. BD needs to be able to hit all of india to achieve true deterrence.

India can not afford a war and neither can we. But we lag behind in every avenue as defense has been traditionally deprioritised with BAF being the absolute worst.

I do not think that BD needs to go for a ballistic missile force that would anyway take decades to acquire as the MTCR prevents BD buying anything with greater range than 300km.

BA has been smart and has already brought 18 units of the 120km range Kasirga MLRS. There is a longer-range 300km version available and once BD has that it can hit all important Indian military installations that can threaten BD. This will provide the deterrence that BD needs against Indian misadventure.
Elaborate on this a little more. 16 EFT won’t have air superiority or have deterrence if it has to face all of the 36 rafale.
if anything we will face a mixture of sukhoi and rafale will be about a squadron.

Actually the UK is developing the Mk 2 AESA radar for EFT to be ready by 2025 that is a whole generation ahead of the AESA radar that the French Rafale has which is being exported to India.

16 EFTs with Mk2 radar would be able to hold off 36 Indian Rafales.

Remember EFT is a better air-to-air fighter than Rafale due to it's canard-delta design and more powerful engine, that allows greater speed and better manoeuvrability in high-level BVR duels.
Source? "will" asserts a lot of certainty.
By saying "will buy" I meant baf will sign contract. They showed in "shomorasthro prodorshoni" on baf's air defense system plans and awacs was shown there I think. I dont have any source guys. It's a guess and in sha Allah it will come true.
Joint chief wont be formed. Awami league still has nightmares of 1975.

If JC is formed awami league will think this is empowering an all powerfull military dictator.
I thought they named aziz
Actually the UK is developing the Mk 2 AESA radar for EFT to be ready by 2025 that is a whole generation ahead of the AESA radar that the French Rafale has which is being exported to India.

16 EFTs with Mk2 radar would be able to hold off 36 Indian Rafales.

Remember EFT is a better air-to-air fighter than Rafale due to it's canard-delta design and more powerful engine, that allows greater speed and better manoeuvrability in high-level BVR duels
Tranche 4 has a chance of being sold with that but tranche 3 will come with captor e
It is also possible UK won’t sell that to third party country. Reason I come to this conclusion is when they reviewed f35 radar they found its generation ahead of captor e and they started work on it without investments from the other partners
Tranche 4 has a chance of being sold with that but tranche 3 will come with captor e
It is also possible UK won’t sell that to third party country. Reason I come to this conclusion is when they reviewed f35 radar they found its generation ahead of captor e and they started work on it without investments from the other partners

I think UK will sell its latest version as they are desperate for sales to keep production of the Typhoon going till the Tempest comes into production in early 2030s.

BAF needs to dangle the carrot of follow-up to first 16 to give the UK even more incentive to sell the EFT with Captor-E Mk. 2 radar. Doubt the UK will think there is any national security implications by selling this version to BD as BD will not reveal the technology to anyone else. Only thing I can think of is Indian pressure on Brexit Britain but that is an unknown right now.

EFT with Captor-E Mk 0. radar will be a little worse electronically than the Indian Rafales and so only really useful against Myanmar in small numbers like a squadron of 16.
EFT with Captor-E Mk 0. radar will be a little worse electronically than the Indian Rafales and so only really useful against Myanmar in small numbers like a squadron of 16.
I wouldn’t know since everything related to this is classified but from articles they said captor e is good but not as much as f35 & f22 radar and hence they started development to make one better than those.
now I assume mk0 was on par with rafale. Just maybe not as good as the American ones
I wouldn’t know since everything related to this is classified but from articles they said captor e is good but not as much as f35 & f22 radar and hence they started development to make one better than those.
now I assume mk0 was on par with rafale. Just maybe not as good as the American ones

Captor E Mk 0 is behind the level of the Rafale radar as development was prolonged due to 4 nation EFT partnership. France used newer tech for the Rafale AESA radar.

As a rough estimate on tech levels with 1 being the most advanced:

1. F-35 AESA = EFT Captor E Mark 2, although UK claims it should be even better than F-35 radar.

2. Rafale AESA radar. Remember this radar is a follow on to the excellent PESA that was the initial radar for Rafale.

3. F-22 AESA radar = EFT Captor E - Mk 0

So you can clearly see how deadly 16 EFTs with Mk 2 radar would be to India’s 36 Rafales, especially as aerodynamically EFT is a better air-to-air fighter.
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EFT with Captor-E Mk 0. radar will be a little worse electronically than the Indian Rafales and so only really useful against Myanmar in small numbers like a squadron of 16.
India fighting two front war with pakistan and china is more likely than bd fighting india in isolation. we will not be fighting a war in isolation. Don't know if the indian leadership is foolish enough to fight a 3 front war.
Indian defence circles (not losers on a forum ) consider BD a neutral country.
listen to this guy, he speaks some sense (used to work for Jane's)

We should however maintain minimum deterrence.
EFT with Captor-E Mk 0. radar will be a little worse electronically than the Indian Rafales and so only really useful against Myanmar in small numbers like a squadron of 16.
Whatever baf buys t3 or t4 it doesn't matter anymore...the real deterrence capability will depend on the weapons package we will buy with the jets.
Captor E Mk 0 is behind the level of the Rafale radar as development was prolonged due to 4 nation EFT partnership. France used newer tech for the Rafale AESA radar.

As a rough estimate on tech levels with 1 being the most advanced:

1. F-35 AESA = EFT Captor E Mark 2, although UK claims it should be even better than F-35 radar.

2. Rafale AESA radar. Remember this radar is a follow on to the excellent PESA that was the initial radar for Rafale.

3. F-22 AESA radar = EFT Captor E - Mk 0

So you can clearly see how deadly 16 EFTs with Mk 2 radar would be to India’s 36 Rafales, especially as aerodynamically EFT is a better air-to-air fighter.
Again mate this is a speculation at out part we have no test data on radar performance available but yes it should be close to the speculation
This is really a good opportunity for Bangladesh especially for air force and navy to buy some of them as stop-gap, upgrade and get a jump start at low cost.

We should jump and pick up the apaches if there are life left in them, the AWACs and the frigates definately as if we have bought EFTs then all these other platforms would be complimentary.

Even buy 2 Tranche 1 EFT if they are there at throw away price as trainers....

My fear is the BAF morons might have gone ahead and bought tranche 1 EFT that can not integrate meteors....
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