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Bangladesh Air Force

Good high level interaction between IAF and BAF over the years


2019 with the Mark-III Dhruv in Assam

To the senior most officer in BAF in AI 2021 on the Tejas trainer
Hasina wants Tejas
Say what you want but BAF have now had a look inside Tejas and even observed how it flies.
The air chief is a MiG-29 pilot so he must have noticed a few things about the performance of Tejas vs MiG-29s.
The chosen must be really careful. After 2030 Bangladesh probably only has J 31, SU 57, and KFX/IFX (if program is inshaAllah successful) as option as India will induct AMCA. USA will not let Muslim countries have F35. Indonesia proposal to get F35 has been rejected by Trump administration. TFX has engine issue that hasnt been fixed now with their indigenous engine and hasnt yet got USA approval to get F 110 engine if their indigenous engine is not ready yet in time.

There also is fear that China will not let Bangladesh to have J 31 or J 20 after 2030 due to its connection with Myanmar. Bangladesh economy around 2030's will be 1 trillion USD so Bangladesh have financial capability to induct latest generation fighter.

The plane that want to be bought should be inline with future induction. If Bangladesh keep buying Russian fighter it means it has long planning to get SU 57.

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Myanmar's economy being 1 trillion :rofl: sorry fam sounds like a joke , also none of us know the future. Did you think Covid-19 would be a thing in 2020 , yeah none of us did.

Myanmar is an unstable nation who is sanctioned and run by the military , their recent coup really showed their picture.

If Myanmar has a 1 trillion dollar economy by then then Bangladesh will have 5+ trilllion dollar economy , Bangladesh's 2030 air force goals are uncertain

Also Qatar is getting F-35s to it depends , Bangladesh's only hope is Turkey not Russia and there's no way China will not sell their J-31 to us since they sell to both sides.

Again none of us knows the future , but I hope for the best

Also Bangladesh has 0 arms industry , we can't even make our own indigenous assault rifles or even shot guns or handguns.

Singapore aka a nation wayyyyy smaller than us has a better military industrial complex than us , Bangladesh has no excuse but I feel like India doesn't want Bangladesh to make it's own weapons cause then we can defend ourselves much better.
Say what you want but BAF have now had a look inside Tejas and even observed how it flies.
The air chief is a MiG-29 pilot so he must have noticed a few things about the performance of Tejas vs MiG-29s.

Yeah our heffer of a BAF chief follows long history of retards right into a sh*thole. This is likely to be more than an ill advised photo op.

When it comes to BAF lower every expectation you have and prepare for catastrophe because there is absolutely no bar these idiots will not give their all to achieve.
Yeah our heffer of a BAF chief follows long history of retards right into a sh*thole. This is likely to be more than an ill advised photo op.

When it comes to BAF lower every expectation you have and prepare for catastrophe because there is absolutely no bar these idiots will not give their all to achieve.

I am sure someone higher up asked him to 'take a look'. For Allah's sake, Indians have been after us to buy these garbage for ages.

It's not like anyone will actually 'volunteer' to go take a look and 'get cozy' with the likes of Dhruv's and Tejas crap.

Here are the latest in a long line of (scores of) Dhruv crashes (since 2006) - the latest one 11 days ago.

Read this,

And here's the clincher, after Indians bribed the Ecuadorians to buy these, and four crashed, they had enough, they finally cancelled the contract. 'Garbage' is the right moniker...

Indians are just looking for suckers like us to finance their "tek-na-laji" plans, which will come to naught, because it is India after all....

And look at this - the main parts of the helicopter are all developed from an older platform developed by MBB Germany, a large portion of the parts (as is common with HAL) is manufactured overseas and shipped to India. If they can f*ck up a German platform, think about how incompetent as a company one has to get.
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Yeah our heffer of a BAF chief follows long history of retards right into a sh*thole. This is likely to be more than an ill advised photo op.

When it comes to BAF lower every expectation you have and prepare for catastrophe because there is absolutely no bar these idiots will not give their all to achieve.

My opinions on BAF as an organisation needs not restatement to members here and it cannot hit any lower.

However, my assessment of the subject activity is independent of that. We should not be turning down an opportunity to have a close look at an aircraft that might dominate IAF and IN in the coming days.

When military personnel return from official trips, they undergo mandatory debriefing where lessons learnt are formally documented. BAF may currently be run by utter morons, but the lesson learnt from this trip will remain accessible to all future leaders including those who might revamp BAF.

I don't care about optics or photo ops as I don't care about public opinion. All that matters to me is material outcomes.
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Say what you want but BAF have now had a look inside Tejas and even observed how it flies.
The air chief is a MiG-29 pilot so he must have noticed a few things about the performance of Tejas vs MiG-29s.

Performance is as piss poor as it can get.

They designed it to be too small, the wings are also too small. It was supposed to be a modern 'Gnat'.

Gnats can't carry any payload worth crap. Ditto for this one.
Good high level interaction between IAF and BAF over the years


2019 with the Mark-III Dhruv in Assam

To the senior most officer in BAF in AI 2021 on the Tejas trainer

Well - there ya go, pilgrim !!

Purchase contract complete.
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Myanmar's economy being 1 trillion :rofl: sorry fam sounds like a joke , also none of us know the future. Did you think Covid-19 would be a thing in 2020 , yeah none of us did.

Myanmar is an unstable nation who is sanctioned and run by the military , their recent coup really showed their picture.

If Myanmar has a 1 trillion dollar economy by then then Bangladesh will have 5+ trilllion dollar economy , Bangladesh's 2030 air force goals are uncertain

Also Qatar is getting F-35s to it depends , Bangladesh's only hope is Turkey not Russia and there's no way China will not sell their J-31 to us since they sell to both sides.

Again none of us knows the future , but I hope for the best

Also Bangladesh has 0 arms industry , we can't even make our own indigenous assault rifles or even shot guns or handguns.

Singapore aka a nation wayyyyy smaller than us has a better military industrial complex than us , Bangladesh has no excuse but I feel like India doesn't want Bangladesh to make it's own weapons cause then we can defend ourselves much better.

Look, where in my comment I said Myanmar will have 1 trillion economy ?

Qatar is different since there is already US base there and their request also hasnt been accepted yet. One of the reason they reject our proposal is also because Indonesia cannot fulfill US demand to make Indonesia one of permanent refuelling base for their plane.

Again what is the relation between your defense industry with possible KFX/IFX acquisition ?
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Look, where in my comment I said Myanmar will have 1 trillion economy ?

Qatar is different since there is already US base there and their request also hasnt been accepted yet. One of the reason they reject our proposal is also because Indonesia cannot fulfill US demand to make Indonesia one of permanent refuelling base for their plane.

Again what is the relation between your defense industry with possible KFX/IFX acquisition ?

Oh sorry I read that wrong my bad , the relation with our defense industry is that we want to be able to build or even modify certain things about the KFX and I feel like we won't be able to do that depending on the future. I mean that doesn't mean we can't get the KFX

Also isn't Indonesia against the CCP ? Or do they just don't want American presence there ?
Oh god no , Gripen or EFT all the way I don't want the same aircraft India flies
I think the chance of getting rafale is higher than other jets. Did you see how French are pushing it ? Team from dassault aviation visited our base and then had a meeting with coas in 8april 2019. Then delegates from safran electronics and defense had a meeting with coas at 26th September. And then 4days later 30th September French ambassador in Bangladesh had a meeting with coas. Then French def minister came to Bangladesh in February 2020. French papers wrote about baf's interest on rafale before and after def minister's visit. I saw rafale brochure in a pilots house.
I know we are frustrated about baf's mrca procurement and people might call me a "sudanir fua" for bringing it again but I personally think rafale has more chance than eft
Oh sorry I read that wrong my bad , the relation with our defense industry is that we want to be able to build or even modify certain things about the KFX and I feel like we won't be able to do that depending on the future. I mean that doesn't mean we can't get the KFX

Also isn't Indonesia against the CCP ? Or do they just don't want American presence there ?

Yup, Indonesia doesnt want to have US present in our territory, it is a matter of principle to us and even Indonesia do protest when Darwin in Australia become US base during SBY administration.

We are not against China as their nine dash line doesnt approach our territory in South China Sea, there is dispute in EEZ but China is not really aggressive against Indonesia, they tend to do enroachment if they feel upset with our official statement about Uigyur. The enroachment in January last year for instant is merely a respond when our foreign minister educate their foreign ministry directly in a meeting about the importance of freedom of religion.

This is our F 16 fly above China frigate in our EEZ in SCS. Ship can freely sail in other country EEZ and only economic activity which is banned.


Pretty much SCS choke point is inside our sea territory (archipelagic nation)

I think the chance of getting rafale is higher than other jets. Did you see how French are pushing it ? Team from dassault aviation visited our base and then had a meeting with coas in 8april 2019. Then delegates from safran electronics and defense had a meeting with coas at 26th September. And then 4days later 30th September French ambassador in Bangladesh had a meeting with coas. Then French def minister came to Bangladesh in February 2020. French papers wrote about baf's interest on rafale before and after def minister's visit. I saw rafale brochure in a pilots house.
I know we are frustrated about baf's mrca procurement and people might call me a "sudanir fua" for bringing it again but I personally think rafale has more chance than eft

I mean just because France pushes something doesn't mean we will buy it , although yeah sadly the Rafale has a better chance but again Bangladesh is also very interested in the EFT also since we have better relations with U.K and somewhat with France.

Rafale makes no sense cause again we don't want the same aircraft India has , in a war situation France will support India not us.

We don't truly know if the pilots want the Rafale
I think the chance of getting rafale is higher than other jets. Did you see how French are pushing it ? Team from dassault aviation visited our base and then had a meeting with coas in 8april 2019. Then delegates from safran electronics and defense had a meeting with coas at 26th September. And then 4days later 30th September French ambassador in Bangladesh had a meeting with coas. Then French def minister came to Bangladesh in February 2020. French papers wrote about baf's interest on rafale before and after def minister's visit. I saw rafale brochure in a pilots house.
I know we are frustrated about baf's mrca procurement and people might call me a "sudanir fua" for bringing it again but I personally think rafale has more chance than eft
Zero chance of Rafale being procured. A lot of countries visit Bangladeshi officials and hand brochures. I know enough defence personnel to know how many souvenirs they receive from suppliers promoting their products. Means nothing.

Rafale is simply not affordable. For the same reason EFT is also less likely. DGDP is also mighty pissed at the Russians due to their arm-twisting aftersales tactics although they have many lobbyists. J-10s are most likely to fullfill the approved procurement of 16 fighter jets.

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