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Bangladesh Air Force

At the risk of getting beaten up in this thread:

how angry on a scale of one to ten would you guys be if the new aircraft turned out to be FTC-2000G? Personally I really, really hope that this isn’t the case.


Pretty disappointed.

I can't imagine this to be the case however.

With the recent articles about the Army Chief and PM (not new info to many)etc.....morale is probably pretty low around here.
Also bringing back Bangladeshis from America is like finding a needle in a haystack , Bangladeshis rather work at Boeing or NASA than corrupt filled Bangladesh.

The Bangladeshi that do come end up getting disappointed at the state of Bangladesh

wont the solution then be, as a shortcut, for Bangladesh to enter a partnership with China/Turkey/Pakistan to build aircraft. since those 3 countries are doing some stuff in this field, it would bypass Bangladeshi corruption and give Bangladeshi minds a clean environment to work in.
At the risk of getting beaten up in this thread:

how angry on a scale of one to ten would you guys be if the new aircraft turned out to be FTC-2000G? Personally I really, really hope that this isn’t the case.
FTC-2000G is a fighter trainer albeit supersonic. From a tactical perspective, it would add little value as BAF pilots already get trained on IJTs, AJTs and OCUs.
It lacks BVR capabilities.
However, BAF being utter brain dead morons loves trainers so don't lose hope.
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At the risk of getting beaten up in this thread:

how angry on a scale of one to ten would you guys be if the new aircraft turned out to be FTC-2000G? Personally I really, really hope that this isn’t the case.
I would avoid paying taxes at all cost to see BAF shut down for good then.
Bangladesh Air Force An-32 crews offering afternoon namaz at Yalehanka Air Force Station. For your information, the Chief of Air Staff has reached Bangalore to take part in the Aero India 2021.
@ops room

Bangladesh Air Force An-32 crews offering afternoon namaz at Yalehanka Air Force Station. For your information, the Chief of Air Staff has reached Bangalore to take part in the Aero India 2021.
@ops room

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they’re praying “Hey allah please get us something other than trainers, ameen!”
Or in reality
“Hey Allah, please get us more UN ferry fleet so we can earn more than we earn in our country, ameen!”

I reckon it’s the second since only that wish came true
wont the solution then be, as a shortcut, for Bangladesh to enter a partnership with China/Turkey/Pakistan to build aircraft. since those 3 countries are doing some stuff in this field, it would bypass Bangladeshi corruption and give Bangladeshi minds a clean environment to work in.

Hmm it's almost like you need brilliant or talented minds to make certain complex things like aircrafts , Bangladeshi talent ends up going to other nations sadly.

Turkey is helping us along with China and other Western nations on our aircraft development , our Aerospace University opened up and we hope it puts out talented individuals to make our first aircarft aka trainer.

We hope we can also make our own satellites too , but again Bangladesh is slow with anything revolving around tech.

Pretty disappointed.

I can't imagine this to be the case however.

With the recent articles about the Army Chief and PM (not new info to many)etc.....morale is probably pretty low around here.

My morale has been low ever since my mom told me " Sorry son Bangladesh's airforce sucks"

Every single Bangladeshi that knows anything about BAF is now bringing up MRCA , and these youtubers that have made multiple videos on MRCA and that MUH HUH SU30 is coming is now getting shat on
Any update regarding the last 2*C-130J? It's been a long time since the last delivery was made.
IMO Bangladesh should pursue the Gripen E/F. I don't think they'll have a problem securing a financing facility from Sweden (e.g., great economic outlook). Order 36 aircraft, and then finance them (including maintenance costs) for 12 years, and after that, pivot to the KAI KFX. Don't worry about fighter numbers; make the early move to UCAVs via air-teaming.

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