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Bangladesh Air Force

5:20 onwards was quite frank actually. He admitted our deficiencies and lamented that the last procurement of worthy fighters was more than 20 years ago.

One can only hope that the lament translates into procurement of a few dozen fighters.

Finally he admitted that we are in a dire need of new fighter jets , hoping we do actually buy something.

We can't defend our skies with 8 old migs and F-7s , our neighbors have upgraded so should we
5:20 onwards was quite frank actually. He admitted our deficiencies and lamented that the last procurement of worthy fighters was more than 20 years ago.

One can only hope that the lament translates into procurement of a few dozen fighters.
He speaks frankly on failures and dire need.

One thing is clear, it not completely BAF's leadership's fault like @Destranator @mb444 say. If
Hasina doesn't want people to make sound while getting pinched she should make some defense projects like MRCA, SAM top priority. Otherwise we can't really stop monkeys violating our airspace thousands times.
One thing is clear, it not completely BAF's leadership's fault like @Destranator @mb444 say. If
Hasina doesn't want people to make sound while getting pinched she should make some defense projects like MRCA, SAM top priority. Otherwise we can't really stop monkeys violating our airspace thousands times.

What do you think is the problem?

Why the delays?
Budget constraints.

They get a unified budget (the armed forces) and somebody else besides the AF has been on a buying spree but then again it's just my opinion (or what I've gathered from others who know), could be something else.

Air power is crucial.

What's the BN gonna do with all their nice ships when Myanmar sends its JF-17 and Flankers with its anti-ship missiles?
5:20 onwards was quite frank actually. He admitted our deficiencies and lamented that the last procurement of worthy fighters was more than 20 years ago.

One can only hope that the lament translates into procurement of a few dozen fighters.

Atlast some progress...... that BAF is the reason for the rohingya debacle is good to hear..... that BAF has no teeth is good to hear.

Until they recognise the problem there can not be any solution..... hopefully we have reached the nadir and from this point on they will start to address the issues and get better.
Air power is crucial.

What's the BN gonna do with all their nice ships when Myanmar sends its JF-17 and Flankers with its anti-ship missiles?

We're gonna take our Bengali moms and tell them to throw sandals at the monkeys
Budget constraints.

They get a unified budget (the armed forces) and somebody else besides the AF has been on a buying spree but then again it's just my opinion (or what I've gathered from others who know), could be something else.

Well that sucks , BAF is the only branch that doesn't have much of a fighting chance
Ex ZH883 destined for BAF towed back to H17 area today. She retains her special tail but has a few new panels and more bits removed.

©Alexey Trailspotter





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One thing is clear, it not completely BAF's leadership's fault like @Destranator @mb444 say. If
Hasina doesn't want people to make sound while getting pinched she should make some defense projects like MRCA, SAM top priority. Otherwise we can't really stop monkeys violating our airspace thousands times.
He could be this frank only because he’s related to Hasina, anyone else would have lost his job already. But he’s right, when your leader expects you to keep quite when provoked and not prepare good deterrence, there’s no way they can do anything to protect the country from pickles like rohynga crisis
He could be this frank only because he’s related to Hasina, anyone else would have lost his job already. But he’s right, when your leader expects you to keep quite when provoked and not prepare good deterrence, there’s no way they can do anything to protect the country from pickles like rohynga crisis

I like this guy.

He was honest.

InshAllah, his concerns will be addressed soon.
Well, one thing's for sure, he's not the incompetent imbecile that I perceived him to be.

That's a positive, a small one but good to know nonetheless.

So does this mean he can fully convince others to actually buy the fighter jets ?
So does this mean he can fully convince others to actually buy the fighter jets ?

I don't know, I don't think it's that simple.

It's about threat assesment, it all depends on how the civilian government perceives the threat posed by Myanmar and India, every moment that we remain weak and poorly equipped.

They are the ones that call the shots at the end of the day. Now, having said that, AFAIK the purchase of 16 MRCA has already been greenlighted by the government.

So, I'm not exactly sure what's the hold up, it's more complex then we think it is...
I like this guy.

He was honest.

InshAllah, his concerns will be addressed soon.
For sure inshallah
The guy who’s supposed to be chief after him is also cool
I remember dissing esrar but apparently he did a lot for the force.
Well, one thing's for sure, he's not the incompetent imbecile that I perceived him to be.

That's a positive, a small one but good to know nonetheless.
Here’s to hoping under his terms and the next guy, Air Force will become stronger. They’re really trying to expand pool of well trained pilots and acquire at the same time

What's with the DEFSECA article about BAF upgrading AAM for F-7?

As far as I know BAF has PL-5, PL-7 and PL-9.

PL-10? or are they referring to the relatively new PL-9?
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