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Bangladesh Air Force

Hey guys we need cheap cost effective long range UAVs! Remember the first gulf war? First US sends UAVs to test those Iraqi radars , Israel also used them to make Egypt firing its hole SAM stock to those UAVs pretending as fighters. I think a few hundreds of UAVs can breach any air defense system. UAVs could act as fake targets and enemy could fire its SAMs on it which will clear the path for next fighters. Expert opinion expecting?:woot:

C 295 is more in the class of lightweight -Medium Range aircraft ; while C130 is a medium weight - medium range aircraft.

Considering BAF few years ago requested additional C130, I believe they want something in that weight class. And that EDA request is not going to materialise, as I have mentioned last year. So new platform is the way I believe.

My choice aircraft would be the Shaanxi Y-9

@wanglaokan bro, do you know the unit cost of Y 9?
@Bilal9 Remember this discussion?
Khan saheb do u know how much time left for our AN32s? will BAF replace them! or will they serve further?
I didn't knew about the two engine thingy before. Any source you know about that we don't?

On that notion BAF 'S An 32 fleet is also needs to be replaced. Those are already somewhat 30 or more years old. I don't know how much life is left in them.

Of course... by definition.
IMHO while twine engine aircraft might suitable for army in their airborne troop operation. But for airforce it's not only about droping troops.

It's also hugely about how much war spporting materials & equipments you can carry to how much distances.

While C 295 will carry x amount to m distance,C130 carry almost 2x amount to m distance. You see the difference. While this weight to distance ratio is very relative ; but hands down you need both to fill their own shoes. It can't be expected of one do the job of other.

Last of all how much airframe you expect to maintain. How you plan to support a large amount of twine engine airframes? Where you will keep them? We can't just turn the whole airport to transport aircraft hub,we have limited spac. Also a large fleet is vulnerable in sense that you can't easily move or hide them.

A bigger airframe is there for a reason. Don't you think AFs that fought two World wars spent considerable amount of time thinking before inventing the wheel? Larger aircrafts cuts your maintenance & logistics hassle for 'x' amount of cargo displacement, if you only have small transporters in fleet. You will be spending more on MS&L just to displace the same amount of cargo, that could have been done much efficiently with a mix fleet of large & small aircraft.

Very logical. No argument their.

We should consider AN-178 to replace AN-32. I think its a good aircraft...

We are buying C-295 to either supplement or totally replace our aging an-32 .
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It's also hugely about how much war spporting materials & equipments you can carry to how much distances.

well, that depends on the purpose.... where in the map you wanna carry goods.... talked about the distance and stop-over requirements above....

Last of all how much airframe you expect to maintain. How you plan to support a large amount of twine engine airframes? Where you will keep them?

four engines mean four engines to maintain.... more people, more effort.... need accommodation and equipment space for more people..... in a remote place like African jungle, this counts....

We can't just turn the whole airport to transport aircraft hub,we have limited spac. Also a large fleet is vulnerable in sense that you can't easily move or hide them.

sorry brother, not agreeing here in case of space.... you can't just say because of lack of space we wouldn't have airports or have lesser number of aircraft.... thats the argument used by the Indian subversion in Bangladesh....

A bigger airframe is there for a reason. Don't you think AFs that fought two World wars spent considerable amount of time thinking before inventing the wheel? Larger aircrafts cuts your maintenance & logistics hassle for 'x' amount of cargo displacement, if you only have small transporters in fleet. You will be spending more on MS&L just to displace the same amount of cargo, that could have been done much efficiently with a mix fleet of large & small aircraft.

there is no argument about the mix of aircraft.... fully agree....

but bigger aircraft isn't just about carrying more cargo.... its also about the size of the cargo and the condition of the runway and maintenance facilities.... this again brings us back to the question - where we want our aircraft to land and on what purpose....

UAVs could act as fake targets and enemy could fire its SAMs on it which will clear the path for next fighters. Expert opinion expecting?:woot:

that time has passed, buddy.... UAVs do much more today.....
for the SAMs, there's a good lot of SEAD equipment and tactics available today.... I don't think UAV is an option today...
Бангладеш может купить эскадрилью российских вертолетов Ми-35М
Вооруженные силы Бангладеш намерены приобрести российские боевые вертолеты Ми-35М. Всего будет заказано примерно 12 таких машин.
Это будет сделано в рамках плана развития бангладешской армии Forces Goal 2030. Планируется закупить шесть Ми-35М, а впоследствии, вероятно, еще шесть единиц. Ими будут оснащена недавно сформированная группа армейской авиации сухопутных войск Бангладеш, пишет местный ресурс Bdmilitary.com.

Как передает военный блог bmpd, в минобороны страны рассматривалсь несколько разных вариантов вертолетов для войск — в том числе, американский Bell AH-1Z, турецкий TAI T129 и китайский Z-10. Однако выбор по совокупности критериев, включая наличие опыта боевого применения, боевые характеристики, стоимость, и доступность запасных частей, был сделан в пользу «россиянина» Ми-35М.

Обслуживание винтокрылых аппаратов наладят на предприятии Bangabadhu Aeronautical Centre. Оно уже имеет сертификат на сервисные работы по вертолетам семейства Ми-17.

Ранее бангладешские военные уже получили из России шесть транспортно-боевых вертолетов Ми-171Ш.

Вертолет Ми-35М предназначен для уничтожения бронетанковой техники и живой силы противника, оказания огневой поддержки подразделениям Сухопутных войск и десантам, эвакуации раненых, а также перевозки грузов в кабине и на внешней подвеске. На вооружении вертолета — противотанковые ракеты «Штурм-В», неуправляемые ракеты С-8 калибра 80 мм и С-24 калибра 240 мм, один 12,7-мм и два 7,62-мм пулемета, 30-мм гранатомет и бомбы весом от 50 до 500 килограммов.

Бангладеш может купить эскадрилью российских вертолетов Ми-35М
Вооруженные силы Бангладеш намерены приобрести российские боевые вертолеты Ми-35М. Всего будет заказано примерно 12 таких машин.
Это будет сделано в рамках плана развития бангладешской армии Forces Goal 2030. Планируется закупить шесть Ми-35М, а впоследствии, вероятно, еще шесть единиц. Ими будут оснащена недавно сформированная группа армейской авиации сухопутных войск Бангладеш, пишет местный ресурс Bdmilitary.com.

Как передает военный блог bmpd, в минобороны страны рассматривалсь несколько разных вариантов вертолетов для войск — в том числе, американский Bell AH-1Z, турецкий TAI T129 и китайский Z-10. Однако выбор по совокупности критериев, включая наличие опыта боевого применения, боевые характеристики, стоимость, и доступность запасных частей, был сделан в пользу «россиянина» Ми-35М.

Обслуживание винтокрылых аппаратов наладят на предприятии Bangabadhu Aeronautical Centre. Оно уже имеет сертификат на сервисные работы по вертолетам семейства Ми-17.

Ранее бангладешские военные уже получили из России шесть транспортно-боевых вертолетов Ми-171Ш.

Вертолет Ми-35М предназначен для уничтожения бронетанковой техники и живой силы противника, оказания огневой поддержки подразделениям Сухопутных войск и десантам, эвакуации раненых, а также перевозки грузов в кабине и на внешней подвеске. На вооружении вертолета — противотанковые ракеты «Штурм-В», неуправляемые ракеты С-8 калибра 80 мм и С-24 калибра 240 мм, один 12,7-мм и два 7,62-мм пулемета, 30-мм гранатомет и бомбы весом от 50 до 500 килограммов.


translation of first part:
"Bangladesh may buy a squadron of Russian Mi-35 m
Bangladesh armed forces intend to purchase Russian Mi-35 m attack helicopters. All will be ordered approximately 12 such machines.
This will be done in the context of the development plan of the Bangladesh Army Forces 2030 Goal. It is planned to purchase six Mi-35 m, and subsequently, probably still six units. They are equipped with a newly formed group of Army aviation, the army of Bangladesh, says a local resource Bdmilitary.com."

this was actually a BDMilitary report, not an independent Russian source, unless BDMilitary posted it after getting tipped from Russia.... anyway, the point is, Mi-35 is an old platform and concept..... I don't see a real purpose of Mi-35 against modern armor.... its use is more in the COIN role, which is not a real priority for us at the moment....

COIN is for a country that is plagued with internal troubles.... but heavy anti-armor helos tell everyone that the country is giving a look towards the potential enemy that wishes to show a red-eye.... Mi-28 is thus for a strong country; while Mi-35 is for an internally weak country....
translation of first part:
"Bangladesh may buy a squadron of Russian Mi-35 m
Bangladesh armed forces intend to purchase Russian Mi-35 m attack helicopters. All will be ordered approximately 12 such machines.
This will be done in the context of the development plan of the Bangladesh Army Forces 2030 Goal. It is planned to purchase six Mi-35 m, and subsequently, probably still six units. They are equipped with a newly formed group of Army aviation, the army of Bangladesh, says a local resource Bdmilitary.com."

this was actually a BDMilitary report, not an independent Russian source, unless BDMilitary posted it after getting tipped from Russia.... anyway, the point is, Mi-35 is an old platform and concept..... I don't see a real purpose of Mi-35 against modern armor.... its use is more in the COIN role, which is not a real priority for us at the moment....

COIN is for a country that is plagued with internal troubles.... but heavy anti-armor helos tell everyone that the country is giving a look towards the potential enemy that wishes to show a red-eye.... Mi-28 is thus for a strong country; while Mi-35 is for an internally weak country....

Mi-35 and Mi-24 can be used in both transporting and attacking. Very useful for newly formed army aviation.
Russia used Mi24 far more than mi-28 in Syria.
Mi-35 and Mi-24 can be used in both transporting and attacking. Very useful for newly formed army aviation.
Russia used Mi24 far more than mi-28 in Syria.

carrying 8 troops inside an attack helicopter is a Cold War concept, not applicable today..... Russia used the Mi-24 in Syria because Syrian opposition wasn't using many tanks.... Syrian Army hardly required any anti-tank missiles because of that.... for Russia, Syria was more of a COIN operation, where Mi-24 was needed....

Bangladesh's reality is different.... Bangladesh Army is being equipped with thousands of anti-tank weapons because of the threat perception.... a heavy attack helicopter like the Mi-28 goes with this threat perception....
By 2022-24 the Bangladesh Air Force will induct the FD-2000 Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile system. It promises to be a strategic game changer for the country's air defence network, which will have LY-80E running already.

The FD-2000 (export version of HQ-9) is an advanced long-range air defense missile weapon system designed and manufactured by the Chinese Defense Company CPMIEC (China Precision Machinery Import & Export Corporation). It can perform air-defense engagement mission in massive air raid under intense electronic jamming. It can intercept not only aircraft, armed helicopter and UAV, but also cruise missile, air-to-ground missile and stand-off precision guided bomb. The FD-2000 is used as air-defense system to protect political, military and economic facilities. With two-level of command and control capability, it can command other air defense weapons to form a layered aor defense system. The FD-2000 was unveiled for the first time to the public at the 8th Zhuhai Airshow in 2012. The export version of HQ-9 provides extra anti-stealth capability by incorporating YLC-20 passive sensor as an option.

- FD-2000:
export version of HQ-9 with Anti stealth capabilities.
- FT-2000: with passive homing-all-the-way variant of the HQF-91 LR-SAM, which operates in conjunction with a ground-based DWL-002 passive surveillance system (PSS), which has been developed by CETC International Co Ltd.
- HHQ9: naval version
- HQ-9B: with extra range and dual seeker.

Missile launcher unit
The FD-2000 Launcher Erector Truck (TEL) has four missile containers. In firing position, the missiles containers are placed at the vertical to the rear side of the truck, two stabilizers are deployed at the rear and center of the chassis.
The HongQi 9 (HQ-9) is a two-stage missile. The first stage has a diameter of 700 mm and the 2nd stage 560 mm, with a total mass of almost 2 tons and a length of 6.8m. The missile is armed with a 180 kg warhead, has a maximum speed of Mach 4.2. and has a maximum range of 125 km up to an altitude of 27 km. The missile has a proximity fuse with an effective range of 35 m, which goes active when the missile is 5km away from its target.
Truck tractor
The missile containers are mounted on a Chinese Taian TA-5380 8x8 truck chassis which is based on the Russian truck the MAZ-543. The TAS-5380 is powered by an air-cooled diesel engine.
Command and control vehicles
A battery of FD-2000 consists:
- 1 Command and coordination vehicle
- 6 Command and Control vehicle
- 6 Target designation radar
- 6 guidance radar vehicle
- 48 Missile launching vehicle
- 198 missile in conatiner
- 1 set of positioning and orientation vehicle
- 1 set of communication vehicle
- 1 set of power supply vehicle
- 1 set of support equipment

By 2022-24 the Bangladesh Air Force will induct the FD-2000 Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile system. It promises to be a strategic game changer for the country's air defence network, which will have LY-80E running already.

The FD-2000 (export version of HQ-9) is an advanced long-range air defense missile weapon system designed and manufactured by the Chinese Defense Company CPMIEC (China Precision Machinery Import & Export Corporation). It can perform air-defense engagement mission in massive air raid under intense electronic jamming. It can intercept not only aircraft, armed helicopter and UAV, but also cruise missile, air-to-ground missile and stand-off precision guided bomb. The FD-2000 is used as air-defense system to protect political, military and economic facilities. With two-level of command and control capability, it can command other air defense weapons to form a layered aor defense system. The FD-2000 was unveiled for the first time to the public at the 8th Zhuhai Airshow in 2012. The export version of HQ-9 provides extra anti-stealth capability by incorporating YLC-20 passive sensor as an option.

- FD-2000:
export version of HQ-9 with Anti stealth capabilities.
- FT-2000: with passive homing-all-the-way variant of the HQF-91 LR-SAM, which operates in conjunction with a ground-based DWL-002 passive surveillance system (PSS), which has been developed by CETC International Co Ltd.
- HHQ9: naval version
- HQ-9B: with extra range and dual seeker.

Missile launcher unit
The FD-2000 Launcher Erector Truck (TEL) has four missile containers. In firing position, the missiles containers are placed at the vertical to the rear side of the truck, two stabilizers are deployed at the rear and center of the chassis.
The HongQi 9 (HQ-9) is a two-stage missile. The first stage has a diameter of 700 mm and the 2nd stage 560 mm, with a total mass of almost 2 tons and a length of 6.8m. The missile is armed with a 180 kg warhead, has a maximum speed of Mach 4.2. and has a maximum range of 125 km up to an altitude of 27 km. The missile has a proximity fuse with an effective range of 35 m, which goes active when the missile is 5km away from its target.
Truck tractor
The missile containers are mounted on a Chinese Taian TA-5380 8x8 truck chassis which is based on the Russian truck the MAZ-543. The TAS-5380 is powered by an air-cooled diesel engine.
Command and control vehicles
A battery of FD-2000 consists:
- 1 Command and coordination vehicle
- 6 Command and Control vehicle
- 6 Target designation radar
- 6 guidance radar vehicle
- 48 Missile launching vehicle
- 198 missile in conatiner
- 1 set of positioning and orientation vehicle
- 1 set of communication vehicle
- 1 set of power supply vehicle
- 1 set of support equipment
The air defence efforts are led by an officer of Lt Gen rank under the Central Integrated Air Defence System. CIADS is composed of a 5-layer air defence network comprising of multi-tier GBADS.

  • Type 90 AAG
  • FN-16 MANPAD
  • FM-90 SHORAD
  • FM-3000 SHORAD
  • LY-80E/D MRSAM
  • FD-2000 LRSAM
By 2022-24 the Bangladesh Air Force will induct the FD-2000 Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile system. It promises to be a strategic game changer for the country's air defence network, which will have LY-80E running already.

The FD-2000 (export version of HQ-9) is an advanced long-range air defense missile weapon system designed and manufactured by the Chinese Defense Company CPMIEC (China Precision Machinery Import & Export Corporation). It can perform air-defense engagement mission in massive air raid under intense electronic jamming. It can intercept not only aircraft, armed helicopter and UAV, but also cruise missile, air-to-ground missile and stand-off precision guided bomb. The FD-2000 is used as air-defense system to protect political, military and economic facilities. With two-level of command and control capability, it can command other air defense weapons to form a layered aor defense system. The FD-2000 was unveiled for the first time to the public at the 8th Zhuhai Airshow in 2012. The export version of HQ-9 provides extra anti-stealth capability by incorporating YLC-20 passive sensor as an option.

- FD-2000:
export version of HQ-9 with Anti stealth capabilities.
- FT-2000: with passive homing-all-the-way variant of the HQF-91 LR-SAM, which operates in conjunction with a ground-based DWL-002 passive surveillance system (PSS), which has been developed by CETC International Co Ltd.
- HHQ9: naval version
- HQ-9B: with extra range and dual seeker.

Missile launcher unit
The FD-2000 Launcher Erector Truck (TEL) has four missile containers. In firing position, the missiles containers are placed at the vertical to the rear side of the truck, two stabilizers are deployed at the rear and center of the chassis.
The HongQi 9 (HQ-9) is a two-stage missile. The first stage has a diameter of 700 mm and the 2nd stage 560 mm, with a total mass of almost 2 tons and a length of 6.8m. The missile is armed with a 180 kg warhead, has a maximum speed of Mach 4.2. and has a maximum range of 125 km up to an altitude of 27 km. The missile has a proximity fuse with an effective range of 35 m, which goes active when the missile is 5km away from its target.
Truck tractor
The missile containers are mounted on a Chinese Taian TA-5380 8x8 truck chassis which is based on the Russian truck the MAZ-543. The TAS-5380 is powered by an air-cooled diesel engine.
Command and control vehicles
A battery of FD-2000 consists:
- 1 Command and coordination vehicle
- 6 Command and Control vehicle
- 6 Target designation radar
- 6 guidance radar vehicle
- 48 Missile launching vehicle
- 198 missile in conatiner
- 1 set of positioning and orientation vehicle
- 1 set of communication vehicle
- 1 set of power supply vehicle
- 1 set of support equipment

The air defence efforts are led by an officer of Lt Gen rank under the Central Integrated Air Defence System. CIADS is composed of a 5-layer air defence network comprising of multi-tier GBADS.

  • Type 90 AAG
  • FN-16 MANPAD
  • FM-90 SHORAD
  • FM-3000 SHORAD
  • LY-80E/D MRSAM
  • FD-2000 LRSAM

News about FD-2000 is something new!

A question bro, if HQ9 is good enough, then why China purchasing S400 from Russia?
I have a BMW, it can't prevent me buying a Mercedez. Russia boast how good is S400. We buy some and check whether it's really as good as they promote. To study your competitor is a way to make progress and set up sales tactics accordingly. 知己知彼,百战不殆. Means you will win every war if you knows your enemy's pros and cons.
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