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Bangladesh Air Force

well said, brother....
let me share another one with you....

you'll win every war if both warring parties belong to you....
China government is calm and pragmatic, they never hesitate on something might help us building up advantages. We have money and Russia doesn't.

All we need to do is get the best they have and keep ours at the darkness side.

Any update on J10b to BAF?
If it comes at 50, MRO is a must. An assembly line will be just too expensive, it depends on BAF's determination.

Bangladesh is determined to have its own aircraft..... and that requires some early work.... building up MRO centers has happened for several aircraft models.... its time to move on to the next level.... I hope there's likely to be some determination in that line....
The Bangladesh Air Force purchase the Selex RAT-31DL air defence radar from Italy. The radar station is being built at Barisal to monitor the approaches from the Bay of Bengal. This long range radar has an instrumented range of over 500 km and is the longest ranging radar of the Bangladesh Air Force. Bangladesh Army and Air Force are upgrading their multi-level air defence network from the ground up using Italian, Chinese, Russian and Belarusian technologies.

More update : Bangladesh air force will buy another 5 MI-17 helicopter from Russia. Deal were sign during FM Mahmud ali's visit to Russia. And army too will by more MI-117SH for army airborne command.
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any knows about the update news of BAF fighter aircraft procurement 8+4 & J 10b. both matter are silent!!!
any knows about the update news of BAF fighter aircraft procurement 8+4 & J 10b. both matter are silent!!!

this was just rumor talking and plus some new reports , news that is all no deal is signed until now its not that simple
the new Mi-28 looks cool....

"The armoured cabin can withstand 20 mm calibre guns and the composite main rotor blade can safely complete flight even after being hit by 20-30 mm caliber shells. Moreover, the fuel system can suppress explosion or ignition of fuel tank."


meanwhile.... South African Rooivalk helicopters prove the usefulness of attack helicopters over Congo....

"Early reports from sources in the area indicate that the action was successful, with the Rooivalks’ tactical approach through the clouds taking the M23 defenders by surprise and their rocket fire being accurate enough to disperse them and destroy one of the 14.5 mm anti-aircraft guns that had been previously used to fire at the Rooivalks and other helicopters."

"Two South African Air Force Rooivalk attack helicopters were used to provide close air support while an Oryx hoisted crewmembers aboard with another providing support"


"Our combat helicopters have inflicted losses in the ranks of the ADF (Allied Democratic Forces) and the operations are continuing," he said.
"MONUSCO attacked the ADF with combat helicopters in the depths of Semuliki", a village near the Ugandan border, Congolese military spokesman Mak Hazukay said.
China government is calm and pragmatic, they never hesitate on something might help us building up advantages. We have money and Russia doesn't.

All we need to do is get the best they have and keep ours at the darkness side.

Any update on J10b to BAF?

14 will be procured in the first phase to replace the F-7MBs.
14 will be procured in the first phase to replace the F-7MBs.
Are they retired yet or nah? Man I am disturbed to see those rust buckets in service still. My profound hate arises from how many young pilots died because of those. :/ back when I still dreamt of becoming a fighter pilot/childhood days

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