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Bangladesh Air Force

I'm fairly sure Bangladesh received excess J-6 from PAF inventory as far back as 1991. So your argument
is invalid.

wrong that was a different time, different politics, means that you are absolutely ignorant of current situation in Bangladesh.
those people who were in govt in 1991 have been hung for treason, permanently branded as traitors. decades of brain washing will make the new generation completely anti pakistan

those are more like political rhetoric.... even the PM rejected the suggestion from some quarters to cut relations with Pakistan.... continuing diplomatic relationship with Pakistan is one of the key elements of Bangladesh's India policy.... its a priceless bargain, which Bangladesh can't afford to lose, whatever the cost....

on the other hand, in terms of military deals, its just an extension of that diplomatic deal.... if Bangladesh goes forward with a military deal with India, there would be no stopping of similar deals with China, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and others.... at that time, India would lose their bargain completely (which they have already lost mostly).....

as far as I can think, JF-17 for BAF is more of a real future thing than a dream....
recent Bangladeshi PM is suggesting to apply to UN about Pakistani genocide in 1971

the relation ship between Bangladesh and Pakistan will be and now are no different than almost at war Pakistan and india(who do maintain diplomatic relationship)

This would ensure that current political party will be the only party left in Bangladesh, infact it won uncontested the last election and i expect that to continue, more like in pattern of single party dictatorship.
if only we could get to convince china in tech transfer to make j-10 in our country for our needs... not necessarily for foreign sales... we requested it around 10 years back, we should try again now that china has j-20 and higher tech to prevent loss in advantage
wrong that was a different time, different politics, means that you are absolutely ignorant of current situation in Bangladesh.
those people who were in govt in 1991 have been hung for treason, permanently branded as traitors. decades of brain washing will make the new generation completely anti pakistan

recent Bangladeshi PM is suggesting to apply to UN about Pakistani genocide in 1971

the relation ship between Bangladesh and Pakistan will be and now are no different than almost at war Pakistan and india(who do maintain diplomatic relationship)

This would ensure that current political party will be the only party left in Bangladesh, infact it won uncontested the last election and i expect that to continue, more like in pattern of single party dictatorship.

well, there's no point arguing about a relationship when it is beneficial for both..... a rift between Bangladesh and Pakistan only helps India.... both Bangladesh and Pakistan know this and have continued military relationship behind the scenes.... Bangladesh has recently acquired some military hardware (plz don't prompt me on this if you don't know) that reflects this.... those who know this, know that Bangladesh-Pakistan relationship (including military relationship) will continue, unlike what JI politicians in both the countries think.... both the countries would never forgo such a huge bargain for the petty interests of JI.....

remember, this isn't 1971.... there's no point clinging to the notion that India's shadow hangs over Bangladesh.... if you fail to realize this, all your calculations would be wrong....
well, there's no point arguing about a relationship when it is beneficial for both..... a rift between Bangladesh and Pakistan only helps India.... both Bangladesh and Pakistan know this and have continued military relationship behind the scenes.... Bangladesh has recently acquired some military hardware (plz don't prompt me on this if you don't know) that reflects this.... those who know this, know that Bangladesh-Pakistan relationship (including military relationship) will continue, unlike what JI politicians in both the countries think.... both the countries would never forgo such a huge bargain for the petty interests of JI.....

remember, this isn't 1971.... there's no point clinging to the notion that India's shadow hangs over Bangladesh.... if you fail to realize this, all your calculations would be wrong....
If I remember correctly even at the end of last year pakistans SSG and 1st para commando battalion of bd army excercised together in Pakistan!
a bit off topic but does anyone know when Myanmar will take delivery of its jf-17s?

I am assuming they will get the sd-10a as well.

right now we have some r-27s. But from whatever I've read they are very unreliable.

I wonder what BAF's next bvr missile will be for the new platform or platforms?
egypt buying rafales too? these masri saeedis need load and aid every year to survive yet have the money to spend on rafales? o_O

The package with the French includes a FREMM multi purpose frigate and a huge supply of missiles.

Also add 50 MiG-35s with high presicion pods,Ka-50 and Ka-52K choppers,2 large Mistral Class carriers,current inventory of 200-250 F-16s,a 700 million worth military satellite and much more.
Egypt is just arming itself for another Arab-Israeli war!

Funny thing is these arab countries always have very fancy toys and in huge numbers. Ironically they always come short in execution.
The package with the French includes a FREMM multi purpose frigate and a huge supply of missiles.

Also add 50 MiG-35s with high presicion pods,Ka-50 and Ka-52K choppers,2 large Mistral Class carriers,current inventory of 200-250 F-16s,a 700 million worth military satellite and much more.
Egypt is just arming itself for another Arab-Israeli war!

Funny thing is these arab countries always have very fancy toys and in huge numbers. Ironically they always come short in execution.
more like they're ready for another *** kicking by the israelis.... jews are clever and smart people... in arab world everyone hates egyptians, because of how dumb and stupid they're... it's surprising they made the pyramids tbh...

and this time... there isn;t good pilots from PAF or BAF for that matter to cover for them in their war... we don't have those kinds of relations anymore. this time they will be signing declaration of surrender

Some of these were never reassembled & put into service. Still in the crates, in storage the way they were delivered.
why don't the airforce get rid off them through public auction then? or put them to jet conversion training curriculum? i think they're not airworthy?
a bit off topic but does anyone know when Myanmar will take delivery of its jf-17s?

I am assuming they will get the sd-10a as well.

right now we have some r-27s. But from whatever I've read they are very unreliable.

I wonder what BAF's next bvr missile will be for the new platform or platforms?
Delivery starting in 2017
The package with the French includes a FREMM multi purpose frigate and a huge supply of missiles.

Also add 50 MiG-35s with high presicion pods,Ka-50 and Ka-52K choppers,2 large Mistral Class carriers,current inventory of 200-250 F-16s,a 700 million worth military satellite and much more.
Egypt is just arming itself for another Arab-Israeli war!

Egypt gets FMS grants from US and annual 5B $ gift from KSA. Their economy is failing.
well, there's no point arguing about a relationship when it is beneficial for both..... a rift between Bangladesh and Pakistan only helps India.... both Bangladesh and Pakistan know this and have continued military relationship behind the scenes.... Bangladesh has recently acquired some military hardware (plz don't prompt me on this if you don't know) that reflects this.... those who know this, know that Bangladesh-Pakistan relationship (including military relationship) will continue, unlike what JI politicians in both the countries think.... both the countries would never forgo such a huge bargain for the petty interests of JI.....

remember, this isn't 1971.... there's no point clinging to the notion that India's shadow hangs over Bangladesh.... if you fail to realize this, all your calculations would be wrong....
honestly, i have never seen such a denial..
just put on the news and listen to your PM, the daughter of Mr Mujeeb ur rehman both used politics to strength their rule
honestly, i have never seen such a denial..
just put on the news and listen to your PM, the daughter of Mr Mujeeb ur rehman both used politics to strength their rule
Denial is what has led to separation of India into two more states... it's what people of this region are champion of!
Aircraft of Bangladesh Air Force
List of Aircraft of Bangladesh Air Force
Man Power:14,000+
Total Active Aircraft:138+
Total Aircraft Delivered:200+
Fighter Aircraft:50
Attack Aircraft:7
Attack Helicopter:3+8
Transport Aircraft:7
Unarmed Helicopter:41
Trainer Aircraft:36
On order:24 Yak-130
4 C-130B
5 Mi-171sh
Future Plan:48 Su-30MK2/F-16 (3 squadron)
Combat aircraft
Aircraft Image Origin Series In service

Russia S 6
UB 2

F-7 China BG 16
BGI 16
MB 16

chang A-5 China C 10

Aero L-39 Albatros Czechoslovakia ZA 7

Shenyang FT-6
China 6

Trainer Aircraft
Nanchang PT-6 China A 24

Bell 206 Long Ranger USA L-2 2
L-4 2

ssna T-37 Tweet USA B 12

Transport Aircraft

Lockheed C-130 Hercules USA B 4+4

Antonov An-32 Ukraine C 3

V.I.P. Transport Helicopter

Mil Mi-17V-5 Russia V 2

Attack Helicopter

Mil Mi-171 Russia Sh 3+5


Mil Mi-17 Russia H 22

Bell 212 USA 13

Air Defence



On Order:

5 Mi-171sh


24 Yak-130


4 C-130E Hercules

Link: http://www.defencebd.com/p/aircraft-of-bangladesh-air-force.html

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