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Ban on burkini is a manifestation of a colonizer's frustration and bigotry.

Are the french pissed because they are failing to corrupt muslims with their secular values?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 46.9%
  • NO

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • French politicians are just a bunch of lecherous perverts

    Votes: 7 21.9%

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Luffy 500

Jan 2, 2012
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BY Dr. Yasir Qadhi

So the French authorities once again display the true reality of laicite - their extreme, fundamentalist version of 'secularism'.

The mayor of Cannes has banned Muslim women who cover their bodies modestly (in what has been termed the 'burkini') from coming to the beach. Unabashed in his ignorance and proud of his xenophobia, he proclaims that a woman covering her body is in fact a sign of allegiance to terrorists.

Frantz Fanon, a French citizen of Caribbean descent, and one of the founders of post colonialism theory, wrote more than fifty years ago of the frustration that the French colonizers in Algeria had regarding Muslim women who wore the face veil.

He said that '...this [Muslim] woman, who sees without being seen, frustrates the colonizer.' By abjuring Western standards of liberation, she asserts an identity, and even power, of her own, thus refusing to acknowledge the validity of, and inherent power in, her colonizer's unveiling, subjugation and rape of her own culture.

Ironically, Fanon wrote, in claiming to liberate women from the constraints of the veil, the colonizer is forced to do so with violence and force, thus becoming the culprit of the very crime that he purports to fight.

And Arundhati Roy, another icon of post colonialism, writes, "When, as happened recently in France, an attempt is made to coerce women out of the burqa rather than creating a situation in which a woman can choose what she wishes to do, it’s not about liberating her, but about unclothing her. It becomes an act of humiliation and cultural imperialism. It’s not about the burqa. It’s about the coercion. Coercing a woman out of a burqa is as bad as coercing her into one.

I personally would really not mind if the French (or anyone else for that matter) would wear their bigotry and hatred on their sleeves. Just say, loudly and clearly: there are two separate rules, one for Muslims, and one for everyone else. Proclaim that you shall treat all Muslims differently, and then let us decide whether we should remain in your lands or not. But don't pretend that you are champions of 'Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity'.

Spare us your hypocrisy, and we'll at least acknowledge your honesty.

@Zibago @waleed3601 @Kaptaan @pak-marine @haviZsultan @Hell hound @Sliver @third eye @Kaniska @Joe Shearer @PersonasNonGrata @flamer84 @A.P. Richelieu @Vergennes[/QUOTE]
@jamahir @Nair saab @Rain Man @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri
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You are in France,what did you expect ?
Your religion,your values aren't above those of the République. If you think so,you just landed in the wrong country.
Now,everyone that doesn't like France,its laws can go to another country that suits them better.

BY Dr. Yasir Qadhi

So the French authorities once again display the true reality of laicite - their extreme, fundamentalist version of 'secularism'.

The mayor of Cannes has banned Muslim women who cover their bodies modestly (in what has been termed the 'burkini') from coming to the beach. Unabashed in his ignorance and proud of his xenophobia, he proclaims that a woman covering her body is in fact a sign of allegiance to terrorists.

Frantz Fanon, a French citizen of Caribbean descent, and one of the founders of post colonialism theory, wrote more than fifty years ago of the frustration that the French colonizers in Algeria had regarding Muslim women who wore the face veil.

He said that '...this [Muslim] woman, who sees without being seen, frustrates the colonizer.' By abjuring Western standards of liberation, she asserts an identity, and even power, of her own, thus refusing to acknowledge the validity of, and inherent power in, her colonizer's unveiling, subjugation and rape of her own culture.

Ironically, Fanon wrote, in claiming to liberate women from the constraints of the veil, the colonizer is forced to do so with violence and force, thus becoming the culprit of the very crime that he purports to fight.

And Arundhati Roy, another icon of post colonialism, writes, "When, as happened recently in France, an attempt is made to coerce women out of the burqa rather than creating a situation in which a woman can choose what she wishes to do, it’s not about liberating her, but about unclothing her. It becomes an act of humiliation and cultural imperialism. It’s not about the burqa. It’s about the coercion. Coercing a woman out of a burqa is as bad as coercing her into one.”

I personally would really not mind if the French (or anyone else for that matter) would wear their bigotry and hatred on their sleeves. Just say, loudly and clearly: there are two separate rules, one for Muslims, and one for everyone else. Proclaim that you shall treat all Muslims differently, and then let us decide whether we should remain in your lands or not. But don't pretend that you are champions of 'Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity'.

Spare us your hypocrisy, and we'll at least acknowledge your honesty.

@Zibago @waleed3601 @Kaptaan @pak-marine @haviZsultan @Hell hound @Sliver @third eye @Kaniska @Joe Shearer @PersonasNonGrata @flamer84 @A.P. Richelieu @Vergennes
@jamahir @Nair saab @Rain Man @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri[/QUOTE]
There are extremes everywhere. France is taking an extreme step. But lets not forget that Christmas is banned in Burnei and Somalia, churches and temples cannot be built freely without permission from authorities in UAE/Saudi. We are as rotten as they are and justify it the same way they do-by saying our country our rules.

Burqa should also not be forced. In Canada I knew a number of women who wore Hijab under threat from their parents rather than their own personal free will.
You are in France,what did you expect ?
Your religion,your values aren't above those of the République. If you think so,you just landed in the wrong country.
Now,everyone that doesn't like France,its laws can go to another country that suits them better.
There are many countries in World which give importance to certain ideology based upon religion, faith or moral values.

Among them mostly are Muslim countries. These countries put restriction on various matters based upon social, regional, political, religious and economic matters. Such countries are blamed as back ward minded, orthodox, human right violator, Jail for freedom etc etc. Well Fine with that.

But most Western countries, who claim to be Champs of Human rights and carry awards of ''equal rights for all' ''freedom of expression & speech'' also behave in same way. Look at current example which is just one among numerous.
Either these countries should prove their so called Claims or better stop mentioning them selves as prime nations for human rights............:tdown:

If Muslims countries ban stuff then also don't claim to be some super duper human rights freedom protector. Its west claim, so west should ACT to prove this claim. Other wise they are as ''worse'' as rest of ''Barbarian'' countries are .................:angry:
@jamahir @Nair saab @Rain Man @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri
There are extremes everywhere. France is taking an extreme step. But lets not forget that Christmas is banned in Burnei and Somalia, churches and temples cannot be built freely without permission from authorities in UAE/Saudi. We are as rotten as they are and justify it the same way they do-by saying our country our rules.

Burqa should also not be forced. In Canada I knew a number of women who wore Hijab under threat from their parents rather than their own personal free will.

^^^^ Here comes the first defenders of french colonialists and secular imperialism. Not surprisingly both are pro-western intellectually colonized liberal living in the muslim world. Truly sad state of affairs.
The Municipal decree states that : "Access to the beaches are prohibited to any person not properly dressed, not respectful of morality and secularism, not respecting the rules regarding health and safety adapted for swimming in public maritime domain".

More and more municipalities are taking same steps.
There are many countries in World which give importance to certain ideology based upon religion, faith or moral values.

Among them mostly are Muslim countries. These countries put restriction on various matters based upon social, regional, political, religious and economic matters. Such countries are blamed as back ward minded, orthodox, human right violator, Jail for freedom etc etc. Well Fine with that.

But most Western countries, who claim to be Champs of Human rights and carry awards of ''equal rights for all' ''freedom of expression & speech'' also behave in same way. Look at current example which is just one among numerous.
Either these countries should prove their so called Claims or better stop mentioning them selves as prime nations for human rights............:tdown:

If Muslims countries ban stuff then also don't claim to be some super duper human rights freedom protector. Its west claim, so west should ACT to prove this claim. Other wise they are as ''worse'' as rest of ''Barbarian'' countries are .................:angry:

Brother , you have to first realize what is this human rights? The post modern post-colonial notion of human rights is totally an western concept based on western beliefs of individualism and absolute sovereignty of men. Its highly anti-religious and as such anti-islamic. Liberalism and secularism are new religions with their own sects and creed. The french laicite (like ataturk's kemalism) is one such sect of secularism. Here rights and freedoms are many times defined based on opposition to religion. Face veil or the head scarves become restrictions on freedom since for them freedom means freedom from religion. Thus you saw headscarve ban in turkey until very recently which was actually upheld by European court of human rights. Their notions of neutrality and right and wrong are also sometimes based on total antipathy towards religion and muslims are the only people on earth that actually take their religion seriously and thus get targeted.

Western notion of human rights contradicts almost every single aspect of sharia. Not only is it contrary to sharia but its also contrary to many eastern and african culture and ethics. They managed to normalize this whole notion of human rights (their version of rights defined by them) and forced it down the throat of the rest of the world because they became the rulers of the world post world war II. Education system in the muslim world some how or the other is also effected by western social values and as such muslims don't think of these things critically. I am totally against the notion of western human rights. Humans don't get to decide rights based on arbitrary societal norms and changing whims and desires. Only Allah (swt) has the right to define human rights and He (swt) gave humans their due rights 1400 years ago. Freedom , right and wrong , human rights should be defined within the frame work set by Allah (swt) , other wise there will be chaos like you see in the world today.
^^^^ Here comes the first defenders of french colonialists and secular imperialism. Not surprisingly both are pro-western intellectually colonized liberal living in the muslim world. Truly sad state of affairs.
neither am i secular not do i support colonization, but their country their rules, dont like it, go to some other country,
^^^^ Here comes the first defenders of french colonialists and secular imperialism. Not surprisingly both are pro-western intellectually colonized liberal living in the muslim world. Truly sad state of affairs.
This is so lame. Here you are starting a threat which claims all sorts of things about the French etc. (without good argument or case or evidence) and then you turn on the first person who disagrees or objects and vilify that person. You're not interested in discussing a topic, you merely what to shout your point of view and get acknowledge by the likeminded stooges you invite along.

There is no real topic or point of discussion in this threat. @mods: please delete this non-content, which is insulting to the forum..
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neither am i secular not do i support colonization, but their country their rules, dont like it, go to some other country,

They are citizens of the country, and they have a right to dress as they want. Having your input in the laws of the country is called democracy.

And they will go to the beach.

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