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Balkanization of India is viable but I don't care

What does that mean?
PRTP GWD .............:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:






:undecided: ?

I don't think the South Indians don't have balls. Haven't you heard of LTTE? They practically were the pioneers of suicide bombing.
A most dangerous yet ingenious insurgency.



Air Capability


took out a Prime Minister of India.

I don't think the South Indians don't have balls. Haven't you heard of LTTE? They practically were the pioneers of suicide bombing.
You don't know one phenomenon. I don't know how it happens. Two communities living side by side or in vicinity can be completely different to each other. For example, Bengalis of Bangladesh have balls but just arross the border, Bengalis of Indian state of West Bengal don't. And I vouch for the fact that most of Southies are scaredy crows.

Did you consider that it takes balls along with hatred to balkanize? Southies don't have balls. Heck many, if not most, in North don't have balls. Bengalis in erstwhile United Pakistan, Sikhs and Kashmiris in India had balls. So they at least tried. Some succeeded others didn't. African-Americans are able to protest against racism because they got balls. Breakup of Yugoslavia happened because it's constituent states had balls. One ingredient of economic collapse may be created in India. But what about other ingredient?

@aryadravida @MayaBazar @SrNair @Arulmozhi Varman @manlion @Jyotish @Nilgiri @Raj-Hindustani @Raj-Hindustani @Syama Ayas @Indus Pakistan @Naofumi @Cliftonite

Brexit was a bad news for this world. Now you will see white people opposing whites, and supporting coloured people.
What you can't see is the engineering west did with India (and of course with Pakistan).
Hindutva rose before every balkanization of India. Same this time.
What you can't see is the engineering west did with India (and of course with Pakistan).
Can you elaborate it in short? I know nothing about it.


Note: Those who read why India's balkanization is viable should also read why I don't care.

I am a civilian. I know nothing about security issues - internal or external. But I am the person on ground and I can vouch for the plethora of inter-community dislike or animosity. Why, I have read that even the cadets of that sacred institution - whose objective is to protect the country - the magnificent NDA, practice provincialism. The senior cadets often befriend and spare the juniors the ragging if they hail from their own state.

This is an incomplete list of who hates/dislikes whom and other subversive elements in India:

* Hindus hate Muslims and vice versa

* Negligible hate between Hindus and Christians but mixing of the rituals of the two religions and Hindu-Christian marriage are a taboo

* In some rural regions of Hindi belt the caste violence is so intense that entire families are wiped out including children

* The numbers of tribals - who serve as cannon fodder in naxalite groups - is high. They are a great destabilizing factor.

* Northies hate Southies and vice versa

* A percentage of Maharashtrians dislike bhaiyyas of UP and Bihar

* A percentage of Maharashtrians dislike/hate Kannadigas

* Kannadigas hate almost everyone else and vice versa

* Tamilians hate almost everyone else

* A percentage of Keralites hate Kannadigas

* Northies find Telugu speaking people (both from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh) particularly disgusting and nauseating and have given them jocular names

* Many states in North East - with the exception of Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and nowadays hopefully Assam - hate mainland India

* Mainland Indians don't necessarily hate North East Indians but have a strong dislike and aversion to them and discriminate against them due to their Mongoloid features

* Goans are a special kind of idiots. They brawl with domestic tourists from all over the country but suck up to Whites and allow their nudity.

* Silver lining is nobody hates Sikhs and Sikhs hate nobody. Khalistan is history.

India also has two or three powerful enemies with whom it shares very long borders. But this situation is not an unusual case. In fact everywhere in the world balkanization process is ignited by foreign hand only.

One factor that works against the balkanization of India is the docility of South Indians. For balkanization, probably the entire populace should be of rebellious and perhaps a bit boisterous nature.

Why I don't care about India's fate?

Earlier I would root for singlehanded Indian victory over multiple external and internal enemies like Pakistan, China, USA, naxalites, Bangladesh etc. I would wonder if India is good enough to win and follow this "game". It would take exceptional intellect to prevent a tinderbox like India from inflaming. If one is able to hold India together like the British did, it would be nothing short of a work of a genius.

But I have had a bad experience with a genius. I was disappointed. Ever since, I have a dislike for geniuses. An explanatory paragraph:

I hate geniuses. I hate scientists, mathematicians, chess champions, prodigious engineers, prodigious economists and other technical prodigies. Earlier when I hadn't met one (or thought that I hadn't) I guessed being in the company of a genius would be riveting, thrilling, exciting etc. Like watching 1978 movie ‘Don’, reading the entertaining excerpts of the novel 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' (by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), listening to great music etc. I had incorrectly thought that their presence is something worth looking forward to in life. But the reality really seems to be different. Now I know the feel of a company of a genius may be no better than workplace banality. I had presumed meeting a genius would be fun. But meeting with genius turned out to be an ordinary experience. It was not much pleasure.

It's very painful. If the best of humankind are boring, then is there anything to look forward to?

Since then, I am past caring. I stopped bothering about whether the establishment pulls the challenging feat off or whether they fail. The moment I think of the actuality of geniuses I instantly lose interest in the games of international politics.

@baajey @Robbie

Did you consider that it takes balls along with hatred to balkanize? Southies don't have balls. Heck many, if not most, in North don't have balls. Bengalis in erstwhile United Pakistan, Sikhs and Kashmiris in India had balls. So they at least tried. Some succeeded others didn't. African-Americans are able to protest against racism because they got balls. Breakup of Yugoslavia happened because it's constituent states had balls. One ingredient of economic collapse may be created in India. But what about other ingredient?


Not really . For south indians you got LTTE. And remember most of maoist leadership is from Andhra(south) - they still show hell to most central forces. And they are pretty much the only ones who atleast take some stand for their languages - marathis and bengalis(and punjabis too) who should take a bigger stand seems to have given up. Having said that, India is mostly a ball less country in general. THe brahmin virus made them in to sheep, they blindly follow their caste norms. I have been with some most elite young indians - almost none of them have human agency to even change their food norms - but they talk a good deal about tech and blah blah.
It means Southies are to blame. In this respect (dog nuisance & hazard), the situation is not so bad elsewhere. @jamahir

At least in Andhra, Nagarjuna wife Amala campaigned against slaughter of street dogs instead batted for their sterilization. So you see more dogs in the street.
At least in Andhra, Nagarjuna wife Amala campaigned against slaughter of street dogs instead batted for their sterilization. So you see more dogs in the street.
I don't know how it works. But I suspect the sterilization methods are advocated by civic staff because of the scope for corruption. Probably fudging the population of dogs or even actually increasing dog population gets them more funds for sterilization instruments. That's why they give lame excuses. Sample this:

"Killing of dogs is unscientific because once dogs are wiped out in a particular area, dogs from other area move there, thereby keeping the dog population constant."

:hitwall: :hitwall:

And this culture of domestication of dogs is more rampant in South, I think.

SOME SOUTHIES :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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