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Balance of power tips toward Iran

We will see how strong anyone's influence is after the long term results of the battles for Tikrit and Mosul.

Iraq will be under irans influence for a long time, I just wish it wasnt purely religious and was more balanced.
Mosavi and RM5 seems to hint claims against Arab states. We support rights for Shia majority in Bahrain and Lebanon and also Shia minorities in Saudi Arabia. While Sunnis don't have any mosque in Tehran.

What on earth is a sunni mosque? Are you making things up now?
Since when do we have Shia and sunni mosques?

He was elected (for better or worse) that clearly doesn't make him a dictator o_O

Hitler was also elected, but he was a dictator. Democracy is not just about the right to vote. People need to have freely access to information so they can truly elect their leaders. Censorship in Turkey is not democratic. BTW, that's just the preliminary step. What matters even more is what elected leaders do. Jailing and prosecution for having different opinions or the so called "Insulting the President" is what dictators do. No need to talk about corruption, violating constitution, ...
As an Azerbaijani, seeing Turkey moving in the right path would be truly making me happy, but, unfortunately the reality is far from my wishes.
That will not happen anytime soon. Arab nationalism died in 2010, and since then Islamist groups like the MB have gained influence among Sunnis, who are out to either eradicate Shias (in the case of Daesh) or oppress them and deny them rights.

Which will mean neither Iranian influence will grow because they'll always have a well-armed and funded counter fighting them.

Who is the most powerful state in the region? All countries in the region are regional player by the virtue of being in the region. Being a regional power is something else.

Obviously not Iran. Lacking money, allies and solely relying on taking over minnows and war-torn countries, they can barely call themselves "the most powerful state in the region."
What on earth is a sunni mosque? Are you making things up now? Since when do we have Shia and sunni mosques?

This what by Iranian friends tell me also in Canada. Whether we like it or not sectarian mosques exist. In Pakistan, Shias have their own mosques and hussainyas. Should we also close them and tell them to attend Sunni mosques ? I will post your reply in ShiaChat and lets see what other Shias say about it.

There is no reason for anyone to be afraid of Iran's rise. Unless you're a zionist,al saud or some neo con yankee.

What about a well-wisher genuinely perturbed that one oppressive theocracy is being replaced by another?
This what by Iranian friends tell me also in Canada. In Pakistan, Shias have their own mosques and hussainyas. Should we also close them and tell them to attend Sunni mosques ?

There no such thing as sunni or shia mosque. Just because many sunnis go to a mosque it does not make it a sunni mosque does it? The reason why there is no "sunni mosque" in Tehran is because Tehran has barely any sunnis in it and the fact there is no such thing as a sunni mosque is another factor. Iranian sunnis live in the Baluchistan region and Kurdish regions, thus if there was such a thing as a sunni mosque, they would be in those regions.
We will see how strong anyone's influence is after the long term results of the battles for Tikrit and Mosul.

I hope the situation pacifies and stabilizes after removal of ISIS. poor Iraqi people have suffered too much for 4 decades.
Hitler was also elected, but he was a dictator. Democracy is not just about the right to vote. People need to have freely access to information so they can truly elect their leaders. Censorship in Turkey is not democratic. BTW, that's just the preliminary step. What matters even more is what elected leaders do. Jailing and prosecution for having different opinions or the so called "Insulting the President" is what dictators do. No need to talk about corruption, violating constitution, ...
As an Azerbaijani, seeing Turkey moving in the right path would be truly making me happy, but, unfortunately the reality is far from my wishes.

Erdogan =Hitler?

If he was anything like hitler the Middle East would be glass ( all of us). Plus as an Azerbaijani you should be the last to complain about Turkeys attitude. We share military tech with you and train your army (and you recently activated TANAP with us). From who else will get such friendly relations. Guess living in the US distorts ones views of real events back home

I hope the situation pacifies and stabilizes after removal of ISIS. poor Iraqi people have suffered too much for 4 decades.
On that I agree with you. The Iraqi people deserve peace and the right to fully elect their own government.
This what by Iranian friends tell me also in Canada. Whether we like it or not sectarian mosques exist. In Pakistan, Shias have their own mosques and hussainyas. Should we also close them and tell them to attend Sunni mosques ?

Yup and we see how Sunni Shia has blinded you before nationalism, am a Sunni a hanafi but that doesn't matter as am a Pakistani not an Arab nor Iranian but I will tilt towards Iranians because of cultural and historical and even racial reasons.

I rather see a strong and dominant Pakistan.

What are your reasons for tilting towards the Arabs?, just curious.
Yup and we see how Sunni Shia has blinded you before nationalism, am a Sunni a hanafi but that doesn't matter as am a Pakistani not an Arab nor Iranian but I will tilt towards Iranians because of cultural and historical and even racial reasons.

Ridiculous reason. Historical and cultural connection in the past does not mean you should support them. Should we go back to supporting the British?

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