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Balance of power tips toward Iran

Iranians and Arabs are fighting a racist conflict which about to go in top gear. As i've stated before 'apny ooper rehem karo' and sleep this one out. We don't need to pick sides and none of them will invade us. For us there's nothing to gain or loose. Let's just focus on our own country and keep our enemies out of Afghanistan. This is the only battle we need to fight...

Deep down you know you support the Iranians, that must be the racial side to you, you will deny it I know.

You are right we just need to stabilize Afghanistan, concentrate on ourselves.
Deep down you know you support the Iranians, that must be racial side to you, you will deny it I know.

You are right we just need to stabilize Afghanistan, concentrate on ourselves.

Our focus should be seeking cooperative depth in Central Asia. Afghanistan for us is a critical family member. We need to rise ourselves and then shake hands with whoever is left in the middle east and Iran. In diplomatic capacity we should offer a neutral platform for negotiations between Persians and Arabs. However its less likely as they are out for blood. Over 1 million Muslims are dead in last 10 years in Iraq and Syria, many more are doomed to die.

Check few of my posts below.

Pakistan declines to join Saudi Arabia's anti-Iran alliance
Deep down you know you support the Iranians, that must be racial side to you, you will deny it I know..

Its also cultural and historic relations with Iran.

You are right we just need to stabilize Afghanistan, concentrate on ourselves.

We should leave Afghanistan to Afghanis and give them full support. No more support for any faction in Afghanistan specially barbaric Talibans.
Its also cultural and historic relations with Iran.

We should leave Afghanistan to Afghanis and give them full support. No more support for any faction in Afghanistan specially barbaric Talibans.

Afghans not Afghanis, yes I agree with you.
Its also cultural and historic relations with Iran.

We should leave Afghanistan to Afghanis and give them full support. No more support for any faction in Afghanistan specially barbaric Talibans.

Taliban are barbarians but are Northern Alliance champions of Human rights?

I have video of Abdul Rashid Dostum telling Pashtun tribesmen that if you don't play by the rules we'll kill your kids and rape your women. Cut a slack!

Now we have a MUCH balanced policy on Afghanistan and its an Afghan lead and owned process. Having said that, we can't be oblivious of Afghanistan. They need our help and we need them.
Taliban are barbarians but are Northern Alliance champions of Human rights?
I have video of Abdul Rashid Dostum telling Pashtun tribesmen that if you don't play by the rules we'll kill your kids and rape your women. Cut a slack!
Now we have a MUCH balanced policy on Afghanistan and its an Afghan lead and owned process. Having said that, we can't be oblivious of Afghanistan. They need our help and we need them.

Now they have balanced government, we should support and convince them to close Indian terrorist consulates in their country.
Now they have balanced government, we should support and convince them to close Indian terrorist consulates in their country.

Only reason we didn't bomb the fk out of TTP in Kunar after Peshawar massacre is the knock on effect it would've had on Dr Ghani's govt. Gen Raheel instead chose a path of cooperation and understanding which gave huge credibility to Dr Ghani in his own country.

He's a good and wise leader and i fully support - supporting him.
Iran, Arab, Turk blocks will act against each other so one doesn't get too strong over the other.
Pakistan has close cultural and historic relation with Arab, Iranian and Turkic blocks. Also with the South Asian block.

Pakistan never needs to worry about this. This power struggle between Iran, Turks, and Arabs is very old one. As all of them get strong simultaneously, who knows what could happen.
Pakistan never needs to worry about this. This power struggle between Iran, Turks, and Arabs is very old one. As all of them get strong simultaneously, who knows what could happen.

Hopefully like Europe after WW II these countries will have friendly relations.
What's your point of posting about Iranian prostitutes? Do you want @The Last of us to answer you back and post photos of Turkish prostitutes?
Read the damn thread, instead of speaking non-sense.

You have gone too low.
look who is saying this stuff to me.

If you have not balls to stand against your own government for any reason,

you won't need to brush their balls either.
This one is your lie. Which you can never prove.

Have some honor in yourself.
Honorless people can not lecture me about honor.

At least remain quiet instead of brushing balls of the dictator.
This one is your lie. Which you can never prove.

Erdogan =Hitler?

If he was anything like hitler the Middle East would be glass ( all of us). Plus as an Azerbaijani you should be the last to complain about Turkeys attitude. We share military tech with you and train your army (and you recently activated TANAP with us). From who else will get such friendly relations. Guess living in the US distorts ones views of real events back home

He is not Azeri...ask him to speak Turkish if he can. He can speak Farsi but not Turkish.
Iran's strategic importance lies in the fact that she is the 2nd largest source of natural gas in the world, after Russia. She has over 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas , thus representing 15% of the world's supply. America, as an energy consumer, has to change policy. In fact, this is seen in Netenyahu's recent tirade against Obama's 'warming' towards Iran.

Interesting paradigm shift.


A ‘foul spectacle,’ a ‘clown show’: How Iran reacted to Netanyahu’s speech - The Washington Post

This post is filled with too much animosity , buddy. Let's keep it civil without having to put down certain nations.

Iran's geostrategic location is almost of more importance than the resources. It is a large country with direct land connections to Middle East, Anatolia (turkey), not to mention Central Asia. And placed between two bodies of water of global importance which is the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea.
Its a large and educated population and the most stable country in the region. These are the most important reasons Iran is strategically quite important.

In the words of neocons: "Anyone can go to Baghdad but real men go to Tehran".
Except they've realised they cant actually reach Tehran and occupy it (without an unbearable cost), so they are going for the next strategic option which is accomodation/detente.
Heck they couldnt even sustain their occupation in Iraq.
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Where is our fellow countryman that dreams Turkey submits to an Islamic Revolution like Iran did.

Ozledim o gerizekali yi:rofl:
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