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Bal Thackeray, Hindu leader and Shiv Sena founder, dies

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I understand mate but attacking/demonsing those who just want to make an honest living in a new place because back home is not great is not the way to go. Surely you agree? And the level to which this man is/was idolised is not on either-there shouldn't be tension throughout a megacity ecause of the passing of a single man. It's not even like he was murdered! Just think is this creating a pleasant experince for all the foreingers in Mumbai right now? Is this creating a climate that they will want to return to anytime soon?

You jus dont understand how Indians love their leaders. For example when Dr.MGR died (he was a film actor/CM of TN) riots ensued all over Tamil Nadu because people just refused to accept he died. For them he could not die. Over 30 people self-immolated. When Annadurai died over 15 million people attended his funeral and Tamil Nadu shut down for a week and it was not even forced, It was spontaneous.Similar things happened in Andhra when Dr.NTR died and it happened in Bangalore when Kannada actor Rajkumar died. This is Indian politics. This is how things roll here.

And even if what he did was wrong, when the system fails, people take the matters into their hands. Look, the 4 southern states and Maharashtra are extremely proud of their linguistic identity. That is the ground reality and that reality must be respected at the end of the day. Constitutionally migrants are welcome, but if the localites feel their state's unique linguistic culture is being disturbed they are going to oppose that unrestricted and unchecked migration. From one such state, I completely empathize with that feeling of the Marathis who feel under siege in their own city. For them Mumbai is first a part of Maharashtra, only then India.
Guyz. U are saying on basis of newz reports. I am sying this on basis of inner information.

Why do u think they are not exposing the true fact.

Its Diwali, Policemen are on leave, Sudden newz can be a shocker for his goon supporters and hence a reason for chaos in Mumbai.

The party hotshots are gonna do exactly what Pakistan is doing with respect to 26/11.


When ShivSainiks will be convinced that Bala Saheb is critical for a long time its natural for him to pass away anytime, the reactions wont be that strong.

PS : This newz was out of my personal information. Not everything can be justified with a newz link. Dont be shocked after couple of days the newz is broke out. :)

You were right after all
i've heard that them manoos used to beat delhiites tooo.is that right???
ontopic-rip bal thackray
i've heard that them manoos used to beat delhiites tooo.is that right???
ontopic-rip bal thackray

Most of the things you hear about Thackerays in english media is bullshit.
Most of the things you hear about Thackerays in english media is bullshit.
nup it's my friend who told me that.he said they ask you to speak in marathi and if you don't they beat you.:cheesy:
nup it's my friend who told me that.he said they ask you to speak in marathi and if you don't they beat you.:cheesy:

I'm from Tamil Nadu and I spoke only broken Hindi and absolutely no Marathi. And I lived some of the best time of my life in Mumbai (not Bombay) . The haters and the fake liberals can hate all they want, but Balasaheb or SS was nothing like they try to portray or atleast these guys show only one side of them. There were many incidents where those people personally helped me even after knowing I was not a Marati.
Though I disliked his regionalist/statist-mentality, what he did for the Kashmiri Hindu victims of organized religion's barbarity, is commendable.

May his soul laurel on the good deeds he did and realize from the mistakes he made in his life, to find eternal peace in the World Beyond.

nup it's my friend who told me that.he said they ask you to speak in marathi and if you don't they beat you.:cheesy:

That's MNS. Shiv Sena did indeed get regionalist bouts sometimes which is wrong, but I am certainly not opposed to their faith-based right wing views.

In fact, that's something commendable IMO; at least someone in politics was willing to stand up for the Hindus. It is sad to see the once-protector community of this country for centuries now always get trampled by secularist lunatics in politics.
Who gave him this degree of being Hindu LEADER , That's actually very embarrassing for me as an hindu.

Who gave him this degree of being Hindu LEADER , That's actually very embarrassing for me as an hindu.
Hated by 99% of Indians for his propensity of bringing in KKK style purity mixed with thuggery. Good riddance... a stain has been washed.
just ignore the haters who dont have the basic courtesy of not mocking a dead figure......who gives a dipshit what these paks think of him...he is immortal...

Actually even 90% Indians don't give a cent about him:lol: . It's funny Shiv Sena appealed for "calm". I'm sure people were the least bothered because they won't get a free holiday either way. He never did anything good.
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