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Bal Thackeray, Hindu leader and Shiv Sena founder, dies

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Filmmaker Ashok Pandit tweeted, "Balasahab stopped my community (Kashmiri pandits) from picking up arms by giving us education. After my exodus, I went to Balasaheb for help. He asked me wht do u want? I said our wealth is education. He immed creating a quota & gave us education."

Hats off to the our politicians to strategise his demise newz. Perfectly planned and executed with perfect timing. U will see no major outburst of anger from his goon supporters.
For whom? Dude, this legendary leader of masses passed away at 86, a natural death. Otherwise also, what difference does it make for you ? Heard of Raj ?

just ignore the haters who dont have the basic courtesy of not mocking a dead figure......who gives a dipshit what these paks think of him...he is immortal...
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