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Bal Thackeray, Hindu leader and Shiv Sena founder, dies

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When we speak we refer to this, for the sake of brevity as "nationalism" as opposed to saying "Marathi opposition to mass controlled immigration in to Maharashtra".

Plus insisting on people speaking in Marathi and legislators taking swearing in oaths is more than just anti "uncontrolled immigration" sentiment, it is consciousness and pride in being Marathi.
the shiv sena will be digging pitches in his mourning :lol:
can you keep these wet dreams and weird ideologies to yourself plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

anyway i dont want anyone to die wont thank GOD for death but who knows maybe with this his extremist ideals will die with him and thus could reduce some tensions tooo lets just hope his followers would take a different turn

Wet dreams? Dude do u even know to comprehend and understand the use of WET DREAMS in a sentence? Har jagah nahin ghusa dete is word ko.

Also I openly challenge you to go and discuss with the senior members on PDF and ask them what is the truth ? Fuget it I will show u something to educate urself. Its important for you to get the facts correct after studying some Army imposed History. U are so lucky to be on PDF. :)

(Dont go on the title of da video. Listen to the content with open mind. U will get you answers). Also do understand that if its not as per pakistani mentality it neednt be undisputedly wrong.
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99.9999% don't care if he's alive or not. He is only a cheerleader, he is not a political heavy weight in India. Pakistani's would take notice if a heavy weight like Modi or Sonia Gandhi passed away.
Then why do Pakistanis keep on trolling be comparing him with Terrorists of Pakistan and Moderators also supported their stance.

Now what u said above, every Indian has been saying the same thing since ages. Well its great now we wont see Pakistanis calling him terrorist and coming up with counter argument against Hafeez Saeed.
These guys are politicians, they will keep changing their stands and goal posts for votes.

Bal Thakeray also started off with Marathi nationalism then moved to Hindu nationalism.

Relax guyz. dont tell us some unconfirmed media reports. I wud suggest u to relax and play a waiting game. Soon they will come out with the newz. Currently mobilization of paramilitary is on. Once everyone are in their position to control any riot. the newz will be out.

a very proactive and tactical step by politicians to control any untoward incident.
Relax guyz. dont tell us some unconfirmed media reports. I wud suggest u to relax and play a waiting game. Soon they will come out with the newz. Currently mobilization of paramilitary is on. Once everyone are in their position to control any riot. the newz will be out.

a very proactive and tactical step by politicians to control any untoward incident.

He is off the ventilator and doing well...
Relax guyz. dont tell us some unconfirmed media reports. I wud suggest u to relax and play a waiting game. Soon they will come out with the newz. Currently mobilization of paramilitary is on. Once everyone are in their position to control any riot. the newz will be out.

a very proactive and tactical step by politicians to control any untoward incident.

Looks like you quoted the wrong post.
He is not dead yet.

He is dead already...don't believe what's being said in the media// the security arrangement are being done over night...tomm Diwali is over and they will declare it in the morning..the Tiger is dead

the shiv sena will be digging pitches in his mourning :lol:

Ya..same thing ***** did when Osama died..and btw Cricket pitches in pakistan are useless fr nw..since no matches..you can dig them still for his Barsi
He is dead already...don't believe what's being said in the media// the security arrangement are being done over night...tomm Diwali is over and they will declare it in the morning..the Tiger is dead

My first cousin was in front of his bed 20 minutes ago reading his vital signs... Feeble but stable.. He still may croak in a couple days but certainly not dead now.. Even if he survives the docs are not giving him more than a few weeks..
My first cousin was in front of his bed 20 minutes ago reading his vital signs... Feeble but stable.. He still may croak in a couple days but certainly not dead now.. Even if he survives the docs are not giving him more than a few weeks..

and Who is your first cousin ?
Here I already wished him "Rest in Peace" and here he is alive :rofl:

OK even if he is dead, lets wait for official news, until then this thread is Closed
Mumbai: Bal Thackeray is no more.
The Shiv Sena supremo Bal
Thackeray passed away on Saturday
after protracted illness at his home
‘Matoshree’ in suburban Mumbai.
Thousands of Shiv Sainiks who had
converged outside the Thackeray
residence in Bandra (East) broke
into tears on hearing the news and
started chanting ‘Jai Shivaji’ in
honour of their leader who
championed the cause of ‘Marathi
Manoos’ cries.
The passing away of 86-year-old
‘Balasaheb’, as Thackeray Senior
was fondly called, has created a
void that will be difficult to fill for
the Shiv Sena, which has always
revolved around him. To party
workers he was more like the
family patriarch and not just the
founder of the Shiv Sena.
As much as he was revered and
adored, he was prone to
controversies that he kicked up
with his provocative, at times
vitriolic, statements meant to fire
up Marathi nationalism and Hindu
hard line politics.
Thackeray had been keeping unwell
for some time and had been under
the care of a team of doctors from
the Leelavati Hospital.
At the Sena's Dussehra rally in
Mumbai recently, he addressed
party workers via a recorded video
message, asking them to support
his son Uddhav and grandson
Aditya. “I have collapsed
physically... I can't walk... I am
tired,” he said.
Hundreds of policemen and RAF
personal have been deployed in the
area and elsewhere in the city as a
precautionary measure.
Bal Thackeray, a former cartoonist,
had founded the Shiv Sena in 1966
as a "sons of the soil" movement.
The Shiv Sena later formed
government in the state with the
BJP from 1995 to 1999.
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Bal Thackeray passes away

Passed away at 3:30 PM today

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