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Bahrain, first Arab country to put Hezbollah on terrorist list

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Sanctions were never intended to harm the Iranian government, but only to reduce Iran's economic power. Talks between KSA and Iran?

Yeah, regarding the current issues. I think KSA and Iran should always try to maintain a political dialogue.
Actually I think Somalis are even older then you. Doesn't make them any less of a failed nation, the same that it doesn't make you any less of a failure lizard eater.

He does not even know Iranians civilization is 8000 years old and our first king is from 5000 years ago from Elam and jiroft. and he talks about his 3000 year old lizard worshipping qeer king who pretended to be a women.
Cyrus the great was the first of the great kings, not the first Iranian king. There were kings from 2500 years before him
But you make this illiterate bedouin understand that.

Over my dead body and most of Saudis and Arabs to have a dialogue with Kazakh Nomads and sect members. Other than the dialogue of the Arab conquest II of Persia.

You didn't say how your camel is today?
Over my dead body and most of Saudis and Arabs to have a dialogue with Kazakh Nomads and sect members. Other than the dialogue of the Arab conquest II of Persia.

Indeed at least not with the zombis in charge right now.
My family lineage is the oldest in the world. You on the other hand are either one of ethnic groups of Iran who were Persianized (all of them aside from Arabs are insignificant and without any history) or a Persian who originates on the Kazakh Steppe.

I would rather have originated from the beautiful Kazakh Steppe, than the desert-like Arabian Peninsula. Anyway, every minority in Iran has a greater history than which Arab people whatsoever.

Your ancestors are probably all either sect members or fire worshippers. Go flog yourself and cry aloud. Preferably collect a key straight to jahannam Kazakh Nomad.

We don't have sects or tribes like Arabs.

Arabs were all either Jews, Christians or worshipped ancient Semitic religions (oldest civilizations in the world) when you Persians were still living as primitive nomads on the Kazakh Steppe.

Semitic religions were influenced by Iranian religions, which is more older than even Judaism. Ask Mary Boyce. Persians were not living (only) as nomads, but also had cities in those areas. Eventually there isn't a time in history in which your pathetic civilization was greater than ours. We came in the Middle East, defeated all those Semitic empires and established the first world super power.

500 years before your Gypsy the Great we had Queen Sheeba who was the first queen in history and was mentioned in the Torah 3000 years ago.

The Torah as a historical source? Who are you kidding? And you may want to read about Iran's legacy in applying female commanders into its army. And don't let me speak about those backward Semitic religions like Judaism who promoted sexual interaction with little girls.

You as most Iranians are sissies from heart who are unable to fight or resist anything. The language itself sounds like sissies speaking.

Come say that in my face. We ruled the world for more than 1000 years and you want to teach us something about fighting?

Remember the Conquest of Persia. You will get another on this time once for good.

Remember the conquest of Babylonia, Assyria, etc. We ruled your Semitic ***** more than you guys ever ruled us.
@Aeronaut, I know hezbollah is a terroiste entity also recognized by Canadienne governmente but some members here claim a secetarian motivation behind this recognition, now I do not want to start a religious topic as it is totally offtopic but I am curious how do you differentiate between a sanni or shiat muslim for it to be claimed a sectarian reason, I thought all followers of prophet muhammed were called muslim? :what: . I mean what does belief have to do with recognizing a terroriste entity that commits murders on innocent israel civilians not to say that I look over the human rights violation that israeli government also have committed, as there is always two angles to a story and no body is an angel as fox broadcast displays on ordinateur! :disagree:

Edit: My humble apologies to any non muslim reading this, I was curious about the secetarian angle which some members were claiming and I by no means am preaching my beliefs but simply questioning what some members have posted above. Also I do consider hezbollah a terroriste entity so I by no means am symphatizing with them either.
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You're acting as if Iranians leaders are falling in line asking for a relation with saudis.
Iran will not get any relation with 'Saudi' Arabia until you get humans to lead you countries.

Change that to "Iran will never have any relation with Saudi Arabia". Having relations with Saudi Arabia is very worthless. It is not like we have a shortage of sand.
@liontk you need to differentiate b/t Muslims and fire worshipping.
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None of them are Persian civilizations Kazakh Nomad. Does not belong to you. Worry about worshipping fire as your primitive Kazakh Nomads did on the steppe then I will worry about being part of the oldest group of people (Semitic) with the oldest and greatest history and religion (s).

How do you know they were not Persian? because they did not speak Persian or call themselves that?
98% of all Iranians are Iranic people from 8000 years ago till today. Only our laguages and names may change but we will alway remain Iranian.

Only civilization you have is eating lizards and marrying camels. I hardly call that 'greatest history'. Matter of fact, The UN needs to do it's best to destroy any remain of your pathetic 50 year old bedoun culture. I don't want any outer space aliens ever coming to earth and first place they see is yemen and see it's 'great culture'. All they'll see is camel worshiping and mating.
And all those pathetic kingdoms in Yemen or elsewhere in the Peninsula were insignificant, and nobody in the world knew about them nor thought of it as a high civilization. Who were the Greeks and Romans fascinated with? Not Arabs, but Persians. We made an end to all those Semitic empires, which were all barbaric in nature, and eventually established a thousand-year rule in the Middle East, until Arabic zealots managed to defeat two empires (Sassanids + Byzantanium) who where on the decline anyway. And hundred year after that conquest, Iran freed themselves from Arab occupation and resurrected Persian culture.

Babak Khorramdin confronted Arabs in a way nobody has ever done.
LOL, beautiful Kazakh Steppe. You do realize that Arabs are originally from Yemen right. That is one of the most beautiful and diverse places on earth in terms of landscapes. Moreover it is one of the oldest civilizations on the earth. Go take your flat ugly Kazakh Steppe with no history and hide it where the sun never shines.

Kazakhstan has more history than the whole Arab Peninsula together. Your people is a desert-people, who lived from eating lizards and camel-meat.

If your Gypsy the Great had not encountered Semitic people in current day Iraq that he could copy (he even copied the Aramaic language which was the language of diplomacy and trade (Semitic language) of the civilized world, you would still be living as nomads on the Kazakh Steppe where you crawled out from 2800 years ago, 200 years before we Arabs had Queen Sheeba, the first recorded Queen in human history of any significance.

Well, he did conquer those Semitic people and eventually even completely owned them in every way; culture, bureaucracy, architecture, tolerance, etc. Cyrus the Great invented things no Semitic empire ever did.

Never have a Persian sissy ever conquered any Arab. On the contrary we conquered you.

So how did we exactly rule Semites more than 1000 years?

Also your language is a the language of sissies, virtually every people say that, and your people dress like homosexuals. You have no culture of fighting or honor. Hence why you are a sheep of a bunch of Mullahs who ruled you for the 35th straight year. All you have done in the last 100 years is to copy the French thinking that you will have any ties to it, LOL.

Our language has been called the French of East, while you speak an aggressive, unattractive and barbaric language. And don't bother, because we Persians even developed your language. Ask Ibn Khaldun.

Your forgot to say Merci with that sissy accent only a Iranian can do.

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