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Bahrain agrees to a military base for Britain's Royal Navy

Actually it's not a too far-fetched idea. Judging from how we Arabs and Iranians conduct ourselves when issues of mutual interest are discussed this is not such a crazy idea. I also understand that no world power is going to trust any leadership of the region 100%. Look at my post number 22 in this thread for further explanation.

As much as I have a lot of respect and admiration for many of the Nations in the Mideast (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain), I believe that there are areas where extremism and ultranationalism can cause a powder keg. The lessons we learn from the Syrian conflict is just too real, to close to home. The GCC region is a strategic value area, given its massive energy supply role. A conflict here would devastate the world economy , and thus whatever means can be done to guarantee a prevention of crisis proportion should and must be realized. The British Navy's permanent presence here helps to make the region ever more stable.

Off course it is our business. We regard this is as a security threat. What nation would not prefer to NOT have foreign military bases in its immediate neighborhood?

Obviously the Bahrain regime (and the rest of GCC for that matter) looks at it from a different set of glasses, as they rely on foreign powers such as the UK and US for regime survival.

There is a Japanese proverb that bears significance in this context: 挨拶は時の氏神

It means, "The presence of Arbitration in a quarrel is a gift from God".
Actually it's not a too far-fetched idea. Judging from how we Arabs and Iranians conduct ourselves when issues of mutual interest are discussed this is not such a crazy idea. I also understand that no world power is going to trust any leadership of the region 100%. Look at my post number 22 in this thread for further explanation.

It's a shame that you believe western countries are needed to provide 'peace' or security to the region, which shows you are looking up on them. You don't hesitate to write a novel about 'powerful, big, independent' Arab empires, but ironically, you accept them as your protectors.

As a person who claims to know history, I expected you at least to know very well the history of western countries in ME and many deaths and destructions they caused directly and indirectly.

But instead of having decency to admit that what Bahrain is doing is wrong, you chose to write your usual insults only because they are Arabs and we are Iranians and since Iranians are always wrong and Arabs are always right, it must be a good thing that good hearted British saviors are coming here, after the American saviors.

I understand your concerns. But in my opinion the presence of the Royal Navy may be serve as guarantor of peace in the region, lest any trigger-happy Bahraini, Irani, Saudi, Emirati navy captain should start a shooting war in this strategic region. Given the fact that this region is a major energy supplier of the world, the justified concern of many powers is understandable.

I see the presence of the Royal Navy as a good, and may prove to be beneficial for not only the GCC states, but also for Iran. This is my humble opinion.
I don't blame you for not being familiar with the nature of the differences and the role of the very same 'Western protectors' in many bloodshed and wars happened or happening in ME. The last thing I'm going to believe is that they are here for compeley innocent and peaceful intentions.
That's none of your business as a Farsi. Bahrain is not your country. No Arab country is. Bahrain is an ancient sovereign Arab state.
Iran is a much worse dictatorship than Bahrain. Don't throw stones if you live in a glasshouse.
That's the business of everyone to care about human rights, be Americans, Iranians , Arabs or who ever( like Japanese people) .
Stop your stupid idioty: i am half Arab but it doesn't give me more right to care about Arab dictatorships than anyone else. Except people who are habitants from there : and neither you and me are living there.
And as you know, for the hundred times, i am not pro Khamenei at all. I think we need big changes in Iran , but wise changes for respect of everyone (including the people who have faith).
And don't give me a lesson about my country : yours is worst. see you don't allow women to have a fair life . at least in Iran they drive and work. so before criticizing our country, which is your right (i would say obsession too), criticize the dictator and the idiot bigots in your country who don't allow the good changes.

I don't blame you for not being familiar with the nature of the differences and the role of the very same 'Western protectors' in many bloodshed and wars happened or happening in ME. The last thing I'm going to believe is that they are here for compeley innocent and peaceful intentions.

And I respect your differing position @Serpentine . For me, as a citizen of a nation that has a bilateral trade with GCC nations that exceeds $190 Billion per annum, the freedom of navigation of oil tankers headed for Japan is a must.

I wish the best for your nation, Iran, and I also wish for peace and tranquility in the Arab Gulf / Persian Gulf and continued Freedom of Navigation of merchant ships.

It's a shame that you believe western countries are needed to provide 'peace' or security to the region, which shows you are looking up on them. You don't hesitate to write a novel about 'powerful, big, independent' Arab empires, but ironically, you accept them as your protectors.

As a person who claims to know history, I expected you at least to know very well the history of western countries in ME and many deaths and destructiona they caused directly and indirectly.

But instead of having decency to admit that what Bahrain is doing is wrong, you chose to write your usual insults only because they are Arabs and we are Iranians and since Iranians are always wrong and Arabs are always right, it must be a good thing that good hearted British saviors are coming here, after the American saviors.

You can blame our leadership for that. Whatever you can criticize the GCC leaders for or other Arab leaders (that you Iranians like to criticize) we can do the exact same about you and sometimes even worse.

That's a historical context. No sane person today would claim that the ME region was a superpower. It was for several millenniums. More than any other region actually.

Look, I have no illusions but what is the alternative?

I did not write any insults. It was your compatriots as usual that were meddling. Tell me, since when has any Arab user here meddled in your internal affairs?

You can get a Chinese naval base tomorrow. How does that concern me? Your choice.

Which saviors? Are those few military bases hurting anybody? Can you not understand that the GCC leaders and the West are allies? You think that they have no interest in the GCC? One of the richest areas on the planet in terms of oil, gas and other valuable minerals? A very strategic place located between Europe, Africa and the remaining Asia? Bordering extremely strategic seas. 25% (!) of the entire international ship trade goes through the Red Sea. You know about the Gulf and how strategically it is for the world powers.

I do not agree that the West and GCC relations are necessarily bad. In fact the West has done very little wrong towards the GCC. I can mention hundreds of good things that GCC-Western cooperation has given but only a few negative ones. You won't understand this as you have lived in Iran for your entire life (maybe not visited the outside world much either, I don't know but I know that you Iranians are not traveling abroad as frequently as GCC people at all) where the main enemy (aside from Western allies in the region and obviously Arabs) has been the evil West.

While had you been living under the Shah you would probably have supported Iranian-Western ties as most of the upper classes and middle classes in Iran did. In fact you might very well have studied abroad right now.
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And I respect your differing position @Serpentine . For me, as a citizen of a nation that has a bilateral trade with GCC nations that exceeds $190 Billion per annum, the freedom of navigation of oil tankers headed for Japan is a must.

I wish the best for your nation, Iran, and I also wish for peace and tranquility in the Arab Gulf / Persian Gulf and continued Freedom of Navigation of merchant ships.

I wish for best in Japan in the conflict with China over Senkaku Islands/Diaoyu Islands. Maybe you need to give the sovereignty of those islands over to the all-knowing and enlightened Western states, because apparently you and China are too immature to manage this by yourselves.

Sound good?
That's the business of everyone to care about human rights, be Americans, Iranians , Arabs or who ever( like Japanese people) .
Stop your stupid idioty: i am half Arab but it doesn't give me more right to care about Arab dictatorships than anyone else. Except people who are habitants from there : and neither you and me are living there.
And as you know, for the hundred times, i am not pro Khamenei at all. I think we need big changes in Iran , but wise changes for respect of everyone (including the people who have faith).
And don't give me a lesson about my country : yours is worst. see you don't allow women to have a fair life . at least in Iran they drive and work. so before criticizing our country, which is your right (i would say obsession too), criticize the dictator and the idiot bigots in your country who don't allow the good changes.


Do not write such nonsense to me. KSA is number 34th on the Human Development Index as of 2014. 40 places better than your country. People in KSA live much better lives economically and have many more opportunities to excel. In a much richer country, much safer etc. They also get pampered much more than any Iranian woman.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The only thing you can cry about is that "law" which is not really a law that was created in 1990. Women in the GCC live lives 1000 better than your average Iranian women. Otherwise those same women would not be coming to the same GCC while no GCC women are settling in Iran.

I do not believe your claim and your allegiance is clear. It's to Iran and not any Arab country and you are often apologetic to your regime.

Every single Arab country is my business as an Arab. Let alone a neighboring country that is part of the GCC. We have many problems to deal with and we can do that without listening to hostile people and their hypocrital rants.
Do not write such nonsense to me. KSA is number 34th in the Human Development Index as of 2014. 40 places better than your country. People in KSA live much better lives economically and have many more opportunities to excel.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The only thing you can cry about is that "law" which is not really a law that was created in 1990. Women in the GCC live lives 1000 better than your average Iranian women. Otherwise those same women would not be coming to the same GCC while no GCC women are settling in Iran.

I do not believe your claim and your allegiance is clear. It's to Iran and not any Arab country and you are often apologetic to your regime.

Every single Arab country is my business as an Arab. Let alone a neighboring country that is part of the GCC. We have many problems to deal with and we can do that without listening to hostile people and their hypocrital rants.

If every single Arab country is your business, then we have legitimate business as well because we are in ME.
You can not claim you have more legitimacy in the Arab world outside KSA, because you are an Arab. This does not make any sense.
I wish for best in Japan in the conflict with China over Senkaku Islands/Diaoyu Islands. Maybe you need to give the sovereignty of those islands over to the all-knowing and enlightened Western states, because apparently you and China are too immature to manage this by yourselves.

Sound good?

Assalamu Alaikom warahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu. :)
If every single Arab country is your business, then we have legitimate business as well because we are in ME.
You can not claim you have more legitimacy in the Arab world outside KSA, because you are an Arab.

Is this even serious? Of course Arab matters and the Arab world as a whole is the business of every single Arab. Not foreigners. Let alone those that hate us in the majority.
Do not write such nonsense to me. KSA is number 34th on the Human Development Index as of 2014. 40 places better than your country. People in KSA live much better lives economically and have many more opportunities to excel. In a much richer country, much safer etc. They also get pampered much more than any Iranian woman.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The only thing you can cry about is that "law" which is not really a law that was created in 1990. Women in the GCC live lives 1000 better than your average Iranian women. Otherwise those same women would not be coming to the same GCC while no GCC women are settling in Iran.

I do not believe your claim and your allegiance is clear. It's to Iran and not any Arab country and you are often apologetic to your regime.

Every single Arab country is my business as an Arab. Let alone a neighboring country that is part of the GCC. We have many problems to deal with and we can do that without listening to hostile people and their hypocrital rants.

@al-Hasani , do you happen to know how much or how deep the naval cooperation there is between the KSA, and Bahrain? I know that its quite cooperative between KSA and UAE.
You can blame our leadership for that. Whatever you can criticize the GCC leaders for or other Arab leaders (that you Iranians like to criticize) we can do the exact same about you and sometimes even worse.

That's a historical context. No sane person today would claim that the ME region was a superpower. It was for several millenniums. More than any other region actually.

Look, I have no illusions but what is the alternative?

I did not write any insults. It was your compatriots as usual that were meddling. Tell me, since when has any Arab user here meddled in your internal affairs?

You can get a Chinese naval base tomorrow. How does that concern me? Your choice.

Which saviors? Are those few military bases hurting anybody? Can you not understand that the GCC leaders and the West are allies? You think that they have no interest in the GCC? One of the richest areas on the planet in terms of oil, gas and other valuable minerals? A very strategic place located between Europe, Africa and the remaining Asia? Bordering extremely strategic seas. 25% (!) of the entire international ship trade goes through the Red Sea. You know about the Gulf and how strategically it is for the world powers.

I do not agree that the West and GCC relations are necessarily bad. In fact the West has done very little wrong towards the GCC. I can mention hundreds of good things that GCC-Western cooperation has given but only a few negative ones. You won't understand this as you have lived in Iran for your entire life (maybe not visited the outside world much either, I don't know but I know that you Iranians are not traveling abroad as frequent as GCC people at all) where the main enemy (aside from Western allies in the region and obviously Arabs) has been the evil West.

While had you been living under the Shah you would probably have supported Iranian-Western ties as most of the upper classes and middle classes in Iran did. In fact you might very well have studied abroad right now.

I have absolutely no problem with good GCC-Western relations, neither do I have any problems with good relations between my country and the west, my problem is that Arab countries think they need west for the security of the region and don't believe that it is possible to do it on our own, even if we are worlds apart on politics. We don't need foreign military presence in the region to provide 'security', there is no serious threat at all, like pirates or terrorist groups in the shorelines of Persian Gulf, neither on Iran's side or the Arabs side. And saying that they are here because of Iran is nonsense. Both you and I know that a base that size is not of considerable importance in a war scenario.

So buy as much arms as you like, but don't invite foreign forces in the region, be it Russia, China or the West, doesn't matter.

We will never have a permanent foreign base on our soil, no matter what.
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Is this even serious? Of course Arab matters and the Arab world as a whole is the business of every single Arab. Not foreigners. Let alone those that hate us in the majority.

I want to bring another example other than Iran. Because obviously Iran is Shaytan and has no right to breath.
Lets say Turkey.

You are saying that KSA has more legitimate interests in say Iraq (a country that both KSA and Turkey borders), on the account of KSA being Arab?
KSA has more legitimate reason to have influence in Iraq over Turkey, because you belong to the Arab race?
@al-Hasani , do you happen to know how much or how deep the naval cooperation there is between the KSA, and Bahrain? I know that its quite cooperative between KSA and UAE.

The entire GCC is working closely militarily (Peninsula Shield Force etc.) and the navy is no exception. Currently the GCC as a whole and each country is about to strengthen their navies which is something that is in bad need.

The navy is rather weak compared to the air force for instance.

This article gives a quick overview.

GCC Naval Group To Focus on Coastal Threats | Defense News | defensenews.com

I want to bring another example other than Iran. Because obviously Iran is Shaytan and has no right to breath.
Lets say Turkey.

You are saying that KSA has more legitimate interests in say Iraq (a country that both KSA and Turkey borders), on the account of KSA being Arab?
KSA has more legitimate reason to have influence in Iraq over Turkey, because you belong to the Arab race?

You are confusing internal matters that concern only the Arab people with foreign policies. And yes, I am not in favor of any negative meddling by foreigners in the Arab world (regardless of who they are) as this always influences the entire Arab world or very large parts of it.

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