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Bahrain agrees to a military base for Britain's Royal Navy

The entire GCC is working closely militarily (Peninsula Shield Force etc.) and the navy is no exception. Currently the GCC as a whole and each country is about to strengthen their navies which is something that is in bad need.

The navy is rather weak compared to the air force for instance.

This article gives a quick overview.

GCC Naval Group To Focus on Coastal Threats | Defense News | defensenews.com

You are confusing internal matters that concern only the Arab people with foreign policies. And yes, I am not in favor of any negative meddling by foreigners in the Arab world (regardless of who they are) as this always influences the entire Arab world or very large parts of it.

So only "meddling" from KSA would be positive/legitimate, because they belong to the Arab race. Right?
Do not write such nonsense to me. KSA is number 34th on the Human Development Index as of 2014. 40 places better than your country. People in KSA live much better lives economically and have many more opportunities to excel. In a much richer country, much safer etc. They also get pampered much more than any Iranian woman.
there is a difference between :
- the country having a high development index (and it is good )
- the respect of human rights and the respect of women
Global Gender Gap Report 2012: The Best And Worst Countries For Women
again i agree that in Iran we are in bad conditions and we need to change lot of things
but stop show your country as a champion of human rights ... you need huge efforts

The only thing you can cry about is that "law" which is not really a law that was created in 1990. Women in the GCC live lives 1000 better than your average Iranian women. Otherwise those same women would not be coming to the same GCC while no GCC women are settling in Iran.
Iranians who live in GCC are either:
- get married to rich guys there (i know many)
- get married to an Iranian working there
they don't go GCC for business and success in life
If they want that , if they have a good modern mind, they go Canada, USA for exemple ;)
I do not believe your claim and your allegiance is clear. It's to Iran and not any Arab country and you are often apologetic to your regime.
yeah yeah sure .. i am so much pro that:
- i criticize directly Khamenei, which is something i couldn't do in Iran
- i dislike both Asad and most rebels in Syria
- i wish the best for Iraq for their independence
- i have spent lot of energy in forums in France to explain turks were not behind IS (which would be very strange attitude for someone who are there for propaganda of a regime lol)
Every single Arab country is my business as an Arab. Let alone a neighboring country that is part of the GCC. We have many problems to deal with and we can do that without listening to hostile people and their hypocrital rants.
then we are very very different about it .

Again i make it simple for you: both our countries have problems .
you see only one , i see two.
I have absolutely no problem with good GCC-Western relations, neither do I have any problems with good relations between my country and the west, my problem is that Arab countries think they need west for the security of the region and don't believe that it is possible to do it on our own, even if we are words apart on politics. We don't need foreign military presence in the region to provide 'security', there is no serious threat at all, like pirates or terrorist groups in the shorelines of Persian Gulf, neither on Iran's side or the Arabs side. And saying that they are here because of Iran is nonsense. Both you and I know that a base that size is not of considerable importance in a war scenario.

So buy as much arms as you like, but don't invite foreign forces in the region, be it Russia, China or the West, doesn't matter.

We will never have a permanent foreign base on our soil, no matter what.

Who are those Arab countries? You do know that there are 22 Arab countries and that the entire landmass of those 22 countries are connected all the way from Oman to Morocco. It's a closely tied region considering the huge landmass. The "Arab Spring" spread like fire for a reason. Countless of other examples.

Ok, so you have no problem with whoever GCC has relationships with but you have a problem if the GCC and allies chose to built even stronger ties by letting the former have a navy presence at the latter sovereign lands?

You are contradiction yourself.

To be frank whatever the GCC does is their business. You have no say in this and you can have a Chinese naval base if you want to as a counter. You think that anyone will complain? I won't.

Since when is Iran as rational player? You have made repeated threats against the smaller GCC states.

The smaller GCC states have no problem defending themselves against the threats that they face. The American bases in the region have never interfered in the local politics or events. Best example being Bahrain - the smallest GCC member state. So your argument is shallow.

Why do Germany, UK, Turkey etc. have American bases? Are they not capable countries able to defend themselves?

Anyway KSA has no foreign military bases but even if there were (and they had a benefitting purpose) I would have nothing against that. As long as it is allies obviously. I don't see German's having a problem with American bases on their lands.

Lastly did your regime not invite American troops into Iraq and Afghanistan? Is that not inviting "foreigners" to the region? Your regime is on the same page in regards to fighting the ISIS as every other regional country. Another example.


You are trolling now or have only read 1% of my posts. I very much doubt that you have even visited one Arab country let alone the GCC and if so this must have been ages ago. Just in this very thread I wrote that the regimes of our region have nothing to envy the other yet you are writing this nonsense.


Another thing. Since 2003 Iraq has had a huge presence of American advisers, military etc. Even after that they withdrew in December 2010 they left their biggest foreign embassy (Green Zone in Baghdad) in the world and since the rise of ISIS hundreds of American advisers and soldiers have arrived further.

Turkey is a NATO member state. The Americans have a base there (NATO). They have even closer ties with the West and conduct military exercises on a yearly basis. They are also your neighbors. No problem again.

You don't seem to talk about this let alone have a problem with it. Strange as Iraq is the only Arab country that you guys border directly. You also border Turkey directly as I wrote.

I can answer why that is. You see the current Iraqi regime (maybe not so much anymore after the incompetent Al-Maliki was removed) as a ally in the region.

Yet if small GCC states (Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar) (countries that only have a sea border with you) have a similar presence it suddenly becomes a huge deal etc. We know why that is. It's solely because the GCC and Iran are regional enemies and not allies.

If they were not you would have no problem with it. That's the truth so please don't talk about not inviting foreigners (like no world power would have any interests in the ME or meddle, lol) when you are surrounded by states that cooperate with the "evil West". From Azerbaijan in the North to the South. Or Pakistan. Yet no word about them obviously.

Anyway I got to go.
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Al-Hasani please. Saudi Arabia needs a lot of work to work on itself in regards to many many many aspects. If you go back to my posts from earlier years you will see that I put a lot of faith in the younger generations to change things in this country.

It turns out the younger generation is more willing to blow themselves than the generation before it. So here is a little bit of advice for you, stay in Europe, get your degree and dig in. Don't come back, it's not worth it.

If you can get out of this country do so, this is not your country, you are here to work for certain people, keep your little serf head low and say yes master. Or you can get a name of yourself and be a highly skilled and trained individual, say an engineer or a surgeon etc. then be a highly sought after individual and take your pick, one thing this country does right is give you a good enough education for you to be like this totally for free, so take advantage of that and take the invitation. This is a brotherly advice. Take it to heart.
Al-Hasani please. Saudi Arabia needs a lot of work to work on itself in regards to many many many aspects. If you go back to my posts from earlier years you will see that I put a lot of faith in the younger generations to change things in this country.

It turns out the younger generation is more willing to blow themselves than the generation before it. So here is a little bit of advice for you, stay in Europe, get your degree and dig in. Don't come back, it's not worth it.

If you can get out of this country do so, this is not your country, you are here to work for certain people, keep your little serf head low and say yes master. Or you can get a name of yourself and be a highly skilled and trained individual, say an engineer or a surgeon etc. then be a highly sought after individual and take your pick, one thing this country does right is give you a good enough education for you to be like this totally for free, so take advantage of that and take the invitation. This is a brotherly advice. Take it to heart.

Nobody has ever denied this Mosab. This goes for the entire region. Yet the reality is that we (GCC) are in a much better position than most others let alone most non-Western countries of a similar size. I can tell you that. If you think that KSA is hopeless on some fields government wise (indeed it is) then please frequent other Arab countries or countries in the region or other regions of the world entirely. As a person with family in several Arab countries I know this for a fact.

I think that we are almost part of the same generation. I am in my earliest 20's. I have very much faith in the new generation especially the women. This new generation is much better positioned to succeed than any other past generation. This is a reality. This goes for all generations of the region let alone world. History will tell if the right decisions were made by that generation but there is no reason to lose all hope already before the history has been written.

Bro, I have lived half of my life in Europe and I am eligible for French citizenship whenever I want to. In fact I have siblings born in that country.

Yet, I could easily live in Europe or elsewhere and enjoy life (like certain of my relatives are doing and parents did for a great deal of their life's) but that's not what I want. I want to play an active role in KSA and possibly the Arab world. It would be so easy for me to just not care. Very easy. But if all did that you can guess what would happen. To tell you the truth. I can't stop carrying. No matter what. See this as some feeling of duty and maybe a slight obsession even.

I cannot imagine not to have anything to do with KSA as of now or the Arab world. Just like I cannot imagine having nothing to do with France and Europe.

Changes will come. They are inevitable. Belief is very important in this aspect.

You as a successful member of the society is also obligated to do your work or at least try. I know that it is difficult and I might be deluded on this front but that's my advice.

I know that the current events in the Arab world and ME are getting to all of us Arabs whether we like it or not or pretend otherwise but I am sure that better times will arrive. For sure they won't if we just all gave up…Belief is the last thing that you cannot lose. Why do it voluntarily in your privileged position? Let's be clear, the GCC is several times better on many crucial fronts than the worst case scenario.

I am sure that you know my views, expectations and what kind of changes I want to see happening in not only KSA but the GCC as a whole and Arab world.
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Yeah, just like the U.S. 'stole' Iraqs' oil. NOT !! :nana:

Who gives a flying f#ck about Iran ?
The Al-Khalifa dynasty has been ruling Bahrain for 250 years. Only in the last 4 years have there been any major unrest. Which is getting more and more sporadic.

Bahrain have their own challenges that they need to solve themselves if they want to advance further. They don't need Iran for that.

Is that so? Why were none Americans involved in the unrest in Bahrain then? Only the local army, police and other GCC states (read KSA). That was enough to calm the situation down.

What do Iran need all those terrorist proxies for let alone Basij in the hundred of thousands (if not millions) such as those if they do not fear their own people?

How did the regime deal with the peaceful protests in 2009 once again?


Or later and earlier protests?

How do they deal with dissent? I tell you. Either long prison sentences (torture obligatory of course) or death.

Let's not throw stones if we live in a glasshouse mate.

Lastly if regimes of the ME trusted each other there would be no foreigners or at least it would be much harder for them to establish themselves in the region but this process already started over 100 years ago…..Iran learnt it the hard way too.

If Bahrain's problems was supposed to be solved by themselves , Then why did Saudis send troops there ?
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If Bahrain's was supposed to be solved by themselves , Then why did Saudis send troops there ?

Another poor troll attempt from you. Another post obsessing about internal Arab matters. Don't you have anything better to do? Why don't you show the same enthusiasm for your brothers in Tajikistan and Afghanistan? The people that you are constantly obsessing about are evil Arabs that hate your guts and you hate them. Why bother?

Let me explain this to you so you will also understand this.

Each and every country have their own problems and challenges that they face. Those challenges must be solved by their own countrymen. This is logical. But there is also something called cooperation, brotherhood, living in the same region, being part of the same military and economic alliance etc. Nobody, or at least very few people and countries, live on some isolated island surrounded solely by oceans. Yes, you have such countries but you don't hear about them in the news unless on Discovery Channel or National Geographic. Why, because of the very same reason I gave you.

Now, the Bahraini government ASKED KSA (a fellow GCC member state) to interfere which they did. The Saudi Arabian troops stationed in Bahrain do not take part in the local politics nor have they clashed with any protestors let alone killed a single. Maybe your Mullah's are telling you different fairytales. I don't know and I honestly don't care.

Is there more you want to know? If not then you can solve some of the mysteries that I put forward in my post number 48 in this very thread. None of your compatriots have bothered to reply to it. Wonder why…..

I have to go though. As a member of the University's Board we are going to welcome dozens of foreign students from across the world in 1.5-2 hours and go dine with them. I have to get ready so if you will excuse me….
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Another poor troll attempt from you. Another post obsessing about internal Arab matters. Don't you have anything better to do? Why don't you show the same enthusiasm for your brothers in Tajikistan and Afghanistan? The people that you are constantly obsessing about are evil Arabs that hate your guts and you hate them. Why bother?

Let me explain this to you so you will also understand this.

Each and every country have their own problems and challenges that they face. Those challenges must be solved by their own countrymen. This is logical. But there is also something called cooperation, brotherhood, living in the same region, being part of the same military and economic alliance etc. Nobody, or at least very few people and countries, live on some isolated island surrounded solely by oceans. Yes, you have such countries but you don't here about them in the news unless on Discovery Channel or National Geographic. Why, because of the very same reason I gave you.

Now, the Bahraini government ASKED KSA (a fellow GCC member state) to interfere which they did. The Saudi Arabian troops stationed in Bahrain do not take part in the local politics nor have they clashed with any protestors let alone killed a single. Maybe your Mullah's are telling you different fairytales. I don't know and I honestly don't care.

Is there more you want to know? If not then you can solve some of the mysteries that I put forward in my post number 48 in this very thread. None of your compatriots have bothered to reply to it. Wonder why…..

I have to go though. As a member of the University's Board we are going to welcome dozens of foreign students from across the world in 1.5-2 hours and go dine with them. I have to get ready so if you will excuse me….

Was it a logical answer ?!
I just read that Bahrain will be paying most of the cost so it doesn't sound that bad for us in financial terms. I still don't think it's a good idea though as it could strengthen the revolt against the monarchy or risk a 1983 Beirut style attack on our sailors.
Good point, Steve, perhaps we can ask the Mods to merge the two threads together. May I ask for your intervention Sirs @Chak Bamu , @waz , @WebMaster , @Horus , @Manticore.

On a side note, what's your opinion on this issue? I'd like to hear from other British citizens such as @mike2000 , @hinduguy , @UKBengali et al.
As much as I have a lot of respect and admiration for many of the Nations in the Mideast (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain), I believe that there are areas where extremism and ultranationalism can cause a powder keg. The lessons we learn from the Syrian conflict is just too real, to close to home. The GCC region is a strategic value area, given its massive energy supply role. A conflict here would devastate the world economy , and thus whatever means can be done to guarantee a prevention of crisis proportion should and must be realized. The British Navy's permanent presence here helps to make the region ever more stable.

There is a Japanese proverb that bears significance in this context: 挨拶は時の氏神

It means, "The presence of Arbitration in a quarrel is a gift from God".

Exactly my friend Nihonji. Its good to see we are expanding our influence in the world and in the middle east as well. I'm indeed sure we are going to maintain peace and stability in the region together with our ally the U.S.
As you said earlier the middle east/muslims nations in this region can be very troublesome due to extremism/senseless religious radicialism and ultrnationalism...all these can indeed be a real powder keg. Just look at how my Sunni Saudi friend Al hasani reacts towards his shia 'Iranian mulsim brothers' on here and vice versa. Both of their messages conveys a huge hatred/resentment for each other i.e Sunnis and Shias (even though most of us in the west/East Asia dont even know even know the difference between them, since we all just see them as Muslims full stop.lol). I have pointed this out recently in another post, as long as middle eastern/msulim countries in the region prioritse religion and dont seperate religion from government, then they will always be growing far below their potential(unable to fully exploit all their true capabilities), as they will be involved in senseless wars like we have seen in Syria, which benefits no side and just destroys contries/create chaos/instability and deeper religious divides/radicalism in the region.

Muslims/middle eastern countries should know that no country will ever come help you develop your country except you. We can maybe provide some partnerships/joint training/military equipments sales/establish military bases to maintain peace and stability in the region, but then again thats also in our interests, since we have lots of interests in rich gulf states(to be honest its not really because we like them or want to help them per se), its just that we want peace and stability in these gulf countries for our own interests. However, as far this interests match with that of countries like Bahrain, U.A.E,SAUDI ARABIA, Qatar, etc then i dont find anything wrong in that. I do admit though that Bahrain is obviously a monarchy and a dictatorship, everybody knows this, no need in denying this.lol But then again our foreign policy(and any world power foreign policy for that matter) isn't based on democracy/freedom or whatever, so we couldnt really care less if Bahrain is a dictatorship or whetever, why should we? As far as we our interests are protected and the Bahraini leadershop thinks having our military in their country will serves their interests, so be it. I dont find anything wrong in that. Overall, each country should seek for their interests only, thats how politics works, if that interests matches with another countries own, then they can indeed forge a partnership/come to an nderstanding(which in this case led to the eastablishment of our military base in Bahrain.:-)).

Finally im surprised by Hasani reaction. I was thinking him being a muslim ultranationlist(i thought.lol), he will be completely against our presence in this region.:cheesy: Anyway, its good to see he is a realist and knows world powers will always have an interests/influence over an oil rich region like the middle east. Thats indeed quite clever, since it useless to be overtly against powers you know you are far weaker than, since we(west/U.S) are by far the most powerful bloack in the wolrd. So its better not to go head on against us/be over confrontational like Iran, since it will only lead to your isolation/sanctions and economic trouble for that country for no real gain. So its serves no real purpose going head on against us, better be realistic and know how to play the great game.:buba_phone::smokin::cheers:

I just read that Bahrain will be paying most of the cost so it doesn't sound that bad for us in financial terms. I still don't think it's a good idea though as it could strengthen the revolt against the monarchy or risk a 1983 Beirut style attack on our sailors.

Its a good deal for us bro. It couldnt be any better than this. They pay for the cost of us setting a military base in their country, while we not only increase our influence/presence in the region but also help further our interests in oil rich gulf states. It will be rather Naive to think its not a good deal for us to be honest. Maybe it wont be a good deal for Bahrain leadership/dictatorial monarchy, but then again that remains to be seen. Since it will hard for the oppositions groups/civilians who are against the Monarchy to topple them, since the odds are overwhelmingly against them(read west/U.S, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc). So i think its a good deal for both of us as a whole.:cheers:
Finally im surprised by Hasani reaction. I was thinking him being a muslim ultranationlist(i thought.lol), he will be completely against our presence in this region.:cheesy: Anyway, its good to see he is a realist and knows world powers will always have an interests/influence over an oil rich region like the middle east.

Im actually very fond of our friend @al-Hasani because he has an enlightened view regarding the West, including Western Europe and the United States. I've had the pleasure of sharing very pleasurable interaction with him in his studies in the US, and he has provided me very qualitative information regarding the strategic interests of the KSA and the greater GCC region, something that is of shared value by the United States , Nato and Japan. To be honest, I believe much can be achieved when the KSA finally signs a peace treaty with Israel. And I believe that the KSA is one of the most stabilizing forces in the region.

Its a good deal for us bro. It couldnt be any better than this. They pay for the cost of us setting a military base in their country, while we not only increase our influence/presence in the region but also help further our interests in oil rich gulf states. It will be rather Naive to think its not a good deal for us to be honest. Maybe it wont be a good deal for Bahrain leadership/dictatorial monarchy, but then again that remains to be seen. Since it will hard for the oppositions groups/civilians who are against the Monarchy to topple them, since the odds are overwhelmingly against them(read west/U.S, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc). So i think its a good deal for both of us as a whole.:cheers:

Precisely, Mike-san. The United Kingdom's presence ensures that the instance of flareups in the region of the Strait of Hormuz is nill. This ensures continued freedom of navigation of merchant ships, continued supply of much needed energy to the rest of the world. I'm actually glad to see the active participation of the United Kingdom in this region, and quite thankful to see the Government of Bahrain taking the initiative here. :)
If Bahrain's problems was supposed to be solved by themselves , Then why did Saudis send troops there ?
Im actually very fond of our friend @al-Hasani because he has an enlightened view regarding the West, including Western Europe and the United States. I've had the pleasure of sharing very pleasurable interaction with him in his studies in the US, and he has provided me very qualitative information regarding the strategic interests of the KSA and the greater GCC region, something that is of shared value by the United States , Nato and Japan. To be honest, I believe much can be achieved when the KSA finally signs a peace treaty with Israel. And I believe that the KSA is one of the most stabilizing forces in the region.

loool I agreed completely with all your statement/comment my firend Nihonj......well until you mentioned the last bold sentence.:o:.........:rofl::rofl::rofl::omghaha::omghaha:
loool I agreed completely with all your statement/comment my firend Nihonj......well until you mentioned the last bold sentence.:o:.........:rofl::rofl::rofl::omghaha::omghaha:

Come now, Mike-san. Let us give the Government of KSA credit for trying to help out the region as it sought fit. Given that there are some individuals in the Kingdom who have questionable motives, in regards to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, she is an example of a staunch ally of the United States, Japan, and the European Union.

Let us show appreciation to our Saudi allies and friends. :)

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