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Bahrain agrees to a military base for Britain's Royal Navy

Come now, Mike-san. Let us give the Government of KSA credit for trying to help out the region as it sought fit. Given that there are some individuals in the Kingdom who have questionable motives, in regards to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, she is an example of a staunch ally of the United States, Japan, and the European Union.

Let us show appreciation to our Saudi allies and friends. :)

ok i get your message my firend Nihonji san. I show appreciation to our Saudi allies/friends for the stability they help us establish in the region.;):D
Exactly my friend Nihonji. Its good to see we are expanding our influence in the world and in the middle east as well. I'm indeed sure we are going to maintain peace and stability in the region together with our ally the U.S.
As you said earlier the middle east/muslims nations in this region can be very troublesome due to extremism/senseless religious radicialism and ultrnationalism...all these can indeed be a real powder keg. Just look at how my Sunni Saudi friend Al hasani reacts towards his shia 'Iranian mulsim brothers' on here and vice versa. Both of their messages conveys a huge hatred/resentment for each other i.e Sunnis and Shias (even though most of us in the west/East Asia dont even know even know the difference between them, since we all just see them as Muslims full stop.lol). I have pointed this out recently in another post, as long as middle eastern/msulim countries in the region prioritse religion and dont seperate religion from government, then they will always be growing far below their potential(unable to fully exploit all their true capabilities), as they will be involved in senseless wars like we have seen in Syria, which benefits no side and just destroys contries/create chaos/instability and deeper religious divides/radicalism in the region.

Muslims/middle eastern countries should know that no country will ever come help you develop your country except you. We can maybe provide some partnerships/joint training/military equipments sales/establish military bases to maintain peace and stability in the region, but then again thats also in our interests, since we have lots of interests in rich gulf states(to be honest its not really because we like them or want to help them per se), its just that we want peace and stability in these gulf countries for our own interests. However, as far this interests match with that of countries like Bahrain, U.A.E,SAUDI ARABIA, Qatar, etc then i dont find anything wrong in that. I do admit though that Bahrain is obviously a monarchy and a dictatorship, everybody knows this, no need in denying this.lol But then again our foreign policy(and any world power foreign policy for that matter) isn't based on democracy/freedom or whatever, so we couldnt really care less if Bahrain is a dictatorship or whetever, why should we? As far as we our interests are protected and the Bahraini leadershop thinks having our military in their country will serves their interests, so be it. I dont find anything wrong in that. Overall, each country should seek for their interests only, thats how politics works, if that interests matches with another countries own, then they can indeed forge a partnership/come to an nderstanding(which in this case led to the eastablishment of our military base in Bahrain.:-)).

Finally im surprised by Hasani reaction. I was thinking him being a muslim ultranationlist(i thought.lol), he will be completely against our presence in this region.:cheesy: Anyway, its good to see he is a realist and knows world powers will always have an interests/influence over an oil rich region like the middle east. Thats indeed quite clever, since it useless to be overtly against powers you know you are far weaker than, since we(west/U.S) are by far the most powerful bloack in the wolrd. So its better not to go head on against us/be over confrontational like Iran, since it will only lead to your isolation/sanctions and economic trouble for that country for no real gain. So its serves no real purpose going head on against us, better be realistic and know how to play the great game.:buba_phone::smokin::cheers:

Its a good deal for us bro. It couldnt be any better than this. They pay for the cost of us setting a military base in their country, while we not only increase our influence/presence in the region but also help further our interests in oil rich gulf states. It will be rather Naive to think its not a good deal for us to be honest. Maybe it wont be a good deal for Bahrain leadership/dictatorial monarchy, but then again that remains to be seen. Since it will hard for the oppositions groups/civilians who are against the Monarchy to topple them, since the odds are overwhelmingly against them(read west/U.S, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc). So i think its a good deal for both of us as a whole.:cheers:

Peace & stability & THE USA don't come together in a sentence
Peace & stability & THE USA don't come together in a sentence

@Echo_419 ,

But is it fair to lay blame on the United States with the woes of the world? Surely you cannot lay blame on the issues affecting Kashmiris on the USA? Surely you can't lay blame on the genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka to the USA. Surely the conquest of Tibet by China in 1949 was not due to the USA? I am critical of the USA , yet at the same time one should be realistic on world events issues.

Let's be fair and objective, shall we?
@Echo_419 ,

But is it fair to lay blame on the United States with the woes of the world? Surely you cannot lay blame on the issues affecting Kashmiris on the USA? Surely you can't lay blame on the genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka to the USA. Surely the conquest of Tibet by China in 1949 was not due to the USA? I am critical of the USA , yet at the same time one should be realistic on world events issues.

Let's be fair and objective, shall we?

You took my comment to srsly
It was for our British friend & shouldn't there be a little sarcasm in life
Peace & stability & THE USA don't come together in a sentence

hiihiihihihihihihiihihih......dont always blame uncle sam. Others coutnries too have themselves to blame. Afterall, in geo politics its every country/everone for himself bros. If you cant help yourself, dont expect us to help you. Its up to you to know how to protect your own interests.:D
hiihiihihihihihihiihihih......dont always blame uncle sam. Others coutnries too have themselves to blame. Afterall, in geo politics its every country/everone for himself bros. If you cant help yourself, dont expect us to help you. Its up to you to know how to protect your own interests.:D
You took my comment to srsly
It was for our British friend & shouldn't there be a little sarcasm in life

You're right @Echo_419 , and if i seemed brash in my response, then i apologize for that.

hiihiihihihihihihiihihih......dont always blame uncle sam. Others coutnries too have themselves to blame. Afterall, in geo politics its every country/everone for himself bros. If you cant help yourself, dont expect us to help you. Its up to you to know how to protect your own interests.:D

Mike-san, this reminds me of the B.F Skinner's works regarding moral determinism and external-internal reciprocity. Is man a product of his own character, or is his character a product of his own environment , and if so, does the character influence environment in any way? Something to ponder on. :)
hiihiihihihihihihiihihih......dont always blame uncle sam. Others coutnries too have themselves to blame. Afterall, in geo politics its every country/everone for himself bros. If you cant help yourself, dont expect us to help you. Its up to you to know how to protect your own interests.:D

well, the person you replied to is from india, whose governments until now - unfortunately - are the most expert in how to look after india's own interest, to the cost of other societies in the world.

while india claims to be friend of palestinians, india has also become the number one customer of israeli armaments... while india claims to be want peace in west asia and africa, india has supported every western government position on libya and syria... and participated in the nato campaign in libya.

but what is india's self-interest?? india has become "suicide capital of the world" and leader in "honor killing"... dogs and religious idols have food, humans die of hunger.
Saudi Wahhabi creation is by terrorism (something like today's ISIS). That devil only supply interests of Western countries. Bahrain is composed of 75% Shias and 25% moderate Sunni but they are ruling by a Wahhabi monarch. The devil Saudis have killed thousands of Bahrainis and thousands of Bahrainis are in jail.

Exactly my friend Nihonji. Its good to see we are expanding our influence in the world and in the middle east as well. I'm indeed sure we are going to maintain peace and stability in the region together with our ally the U.S.
As you said earlier the middle east/muslims nations in this region can be very troublesome due to extremism/senseless religious radicialism and ultrnationalism...all these can indeed be a real powder keg. Just look at how my Sunni Saudi friend Al hasani reacts towards his shia 'Iranian mulsim brothers' on here and vice versa. Both of their messages conveys a huge hatred/resentment for each other i.e Sunnis and Shias (even though most of us in the west/East Asia dont even know even know the difference between them, since we all just see them as Muslims full stop.lol). I have pointed this out recently in another post, as long as middle eastern/msulim countries in the region prioritse religion and dont seperate religion from government, then they will always be growing far below their potential(unable to fully exploit all their true capabilities), as they will be involved in senseless wars like we have seen in Syria, which benefits no side and just destroys contries/create chaos/instability and deeper religious divides/radicalism in the region.

Muslims/middle eastern countries should know that no country will ever come help you develop your country except you. We can maybe provide some partnerships/joint training/military equipments sales/establish military bases to maintain peace and stability in the region, but then again thats also in our interests, since we have lots of interests in rich gulf states(to be honest its not really because we like them or want to help them per se), its just that we want peace and stability in these gulf countries for our own interests. However, as far this interests match with that of countries like Bahrain, U.A.E,SAUDI ARABIA, Qatar, etc then i dont find anything wrong in that. I do admit though that Bahrain is obviously a monarchy and a dictatorship, everybody knows this, no need in denying this.lol But then again our foreign policy(and any world power foreign policy for that matter) isn't based on democracy/freedom or whatever, so we couldnt really care less if Bahrain is a dictatorship or whetever, why should we? As far as we our interests are protected and the Bahraini leadershop thinks having our military in their country will serves their interests, so be it. I dont find anything wrong in that. Overall, each country should seek for their interests only, thats how politics works, if that interests matches with another countries own, then they can indeed forge a partnership/come to an nderstanding(which in this case led to the eastablishment of our military base in Bahrain.:-)).

Finally im surprised by Hasani reaction. I was thinking him being a muslim ultranationlist(i thought.lol), he will be completely against our presence in this region.:cheesy: Anyway, its good to see he is a realist and knows world powers will always have an interests/influence over an oil rich region like the middle east. Thats indeed quite clever, since it useless to be overtly against powers you know you are far weaker than, since we(west/U.S) are by far the most powerful bloack in the wolrd. So its better not to go head on against us/be over confrontational like Iran, since it will only lead to your isolation/sanctions and economic trouble for that country for no real gain. So its serves no real purpose going head on against us, better be realistic and know how to play the great game.:buba_phone::smokin::cheers:

Its a good deal for us bro. It couldnt be any better than this. They pay for the cost of us setting a military base in their country, while we not only increase our influence/presence in the region but also help further our interests in oil rich gulf states. It will be rather Naive to think its not a good deal for us to be honest. Maybe it wont be a good deal for Bahrain leadership/dictatorial monarchy, but then again that remains to be seen. Since it will hard for the oppositions groups/civilians who are against the Monarchy to topple them, since the odds are overwhelmingly against them(read west/U.S, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc). So i think its a good deal for both of us as a whole.:cheers:

As a person of Arab and European descent, a person that comes from a very cosmopolitan background with family members based on 3 continents, and myself having lived on 3 continents while yet in my earliest 20's it would be very strange if it was any different.

I just have a weakness which is my low level of tolerance for enemies of KSA and the Arab nation. Outside of low IQ people that get on my nerve. This might be silly as many regard nationalism as a silly belief (some part of me probably agrees) but that's how it is.

Now just because of the above it does not mean that I agree with everything the West is doing (read the US as they are the party that pulls all the strings) which is obviously not the case. I am critical of both the West and certainly also the GCC, Arab world, ME and the Muslim world as a whole whenever I see fit.


I do not like your tone at all when you are speaking with or about countries, people etc. not from Western Europe or the US. Sometimes you come off as a jerk and I expect more from a person that is probably at least in his 30's and that claims to be married to a Cameroonian women. You should stop that.

Also you should stop talking about this news like it only benefits your country (UK) and that you can do whatever you feel like. If Bahrain or the GCC did not see benefits in this deal then there would be no deal.

Yes, I am a Muslim and no I do not care about whether someone is a Sunni, Shia or whatever. As I have told repeatedly then I have Muslim, Christian (Catholic) and Atheist family members.

My problem with Iran is limited to Farsis and their government which is bound in those two groups hatred for any Arab or Semitic. Yet other than that I got no problem with Persians and I know several in real life and there are no problems other than friendly banter.

You are obviously unfamiliar with the historical dimensions of the ME which is otherwise the cradle of civilization.

Regarding the governemnt of KSA. I am not their biggest fan and disagree with much that they are doing and have done (first of all) but you have obviously no clue about the internal dynamics of KSA or the immediate region. KSA's regime is very much a trusted regime for the West and their partners and a crucial ally for those regimes.

Your hatred for anything Arab and Muslim is clouding your judgement.

Also what's your problem with Bahrain (a fellow GCC member state and neighbor and ally of KSA) asking KSA for help in order to crush unnecesary unrest? You don't have a problem running around the US when they are deciding to invade country x or y or impose sanctions on country x or y.

Now you will notice that parts of my reply contain a similar tone like the ones that you have become quite famous for whenever you discuss ME affairs. I just want to give you a slight taste of your own manners.

If you stopped this then I am sure that we could have interesting discussions instead.

A little side comment buddy. You are possibly the only person on PDF that might write longer posts than me on average. I just wanted to salute you for this very reason.:lol:

Im actually very fond of our friend @al-Hasani because he has an enlightened view regarding the West, including Western Europe and the United States. I've had the pleasure of sharing very pleasurable interaction with him in his studies in the US, and he has provided me very qualitative information regarding the strategic interests of the KSA and the greater GCC region, something that is of shared value by the United States , Nato and Japan. To be honest, I believe much can be achieved when the KSA finally signs a peace treaty with Israel. And I believe that the KSA is one of the most stabilizing forces in the region.

Precisely, Mike-san. The United Kingdom's presence ensures that the instance of flareups in the region of the Strait of Hormuz is nill. This ensures continued freedom of navigation of merchant ships, continued supply of much needed energy to the rest of the world. I'm actually glad to see the active participation of the United Kingdom in this region, and quite thankful to see the Government of Bahrain taking the initiative here. :)

Appreciate bro. We had many interesting talks and discussions about many matters. Not only politics if I recall. Anyway to be honest, as I have explained to many, then I might be a too complex person to put into boxes. Whenever I look at a certain angle I look at 100 other at the same time. I do have some core values that I do not negotiate about and you might guess what does are. Besides in my age you are constantly rethinking your positions, learning more etc. I do read quite a lot when I get the time. It helps. As do the cosmopolitan upbringing. It helps me see the issues from more than just the standard angles that your average ME person would or Westerner. I do admit that I might appear reactionary from time to time but that's due to the amount of trolls here.
Saudi Wahhabi creation is by terrorism (something like today's ISIS). That devil only supply interests of Western countries. Bahrain is composed of 75% Shias and 25% moderate Sunni but they are ruling by a Wahhabi monarch. The devil Saudis have killed thousands of Bahrainis and thousands of Bahrainis are in jail.

Here comes the Farsi suicide troll with his lies and obsession about KSA and the 450 million Arabs.

In order words this individual has returned;

@kouroshkourosh @Resurrection5782 @YA-Mahdi @Best Land @Ghulam-Alazhar aka @Mohsenam2 @MOHSENAM

@WebMaster @Horus @Chak Bamu @Manticore @Emmie @Jungibaaz @Jungibaaz

P.S. Nice fantasy avatar you have. Did you draw those fake territories? Farsis inventing fake history as usual.:lol:

@rmi5 your best "mate" has returned bro.:lol:
Saudi Wahhabi creation is by terrorism (something like today's ISIS). That devil only supply interests of Western countries. Bahrain is composed of 75% Shias and 25% moderate Sunni but they are ruling by a Wahhabi monarch. The devil Saudis have killed thousands of Bahrainis and thousands of Bahrainis are in jail.

Wrong history there. Britain only became close to the Saudis in the 1970s. Before that we were allied to their enemies, the Hashemites. We nearly fought a war with them in the 1950s over the Buriami oasis in Oman.
Their main Western ally was always the US not Britain.
I was missing him, bro. :lol:

Mindless drones like him make you step down to their level occasionally and they are very good trolls if they can do that I would say. If you make 20-30 users in total and have 15 of them permanently banned that might be a message for you. This is what indoctrination can do to you and lack of critical thinking.

Such people are proving time and time again what a shithole the ME has sadly become and will remain for a long time to come.

We should indeed stay out as much as possible. I am sick and tired of this nonsense. The whole area is messed up to the bone.

You are right @Mosamania .
East India Company 2 in making, this time diving resources of Arab land

France takes UAE sets up base there after some initial gifts of planes

Uk does same in bahrain

Sounds so much like Indian Subcontinent , when East India company and Portugese tried to get into India and they initially gifted some cannons and guns as gifts to win the heart of local rajas kinds and then came the WHAAAAM......strike on local population and enslavement

Review : The East India Company in India from history books how UK took over things

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