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Babri Mosque will not be allowed anywhere in India: VHP

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Babri Mosque will not be allowed anywhere in India: VHP

New Delhi. Aug17, 2010.

International General Secretary of Vishwa Hindu Parishad(VHP) Dr. Praveen Bhai Togadiya said that the glorious temple will be constructed at the birth place of lord Ram, No mosque would be allowed in the cultural boundaries of Ayodhya and Babri mosque is not allowed in any part of the country. He was Inaugurating a three months long countrywide mass awareness campaign called Hanumant Shakti Jagran in New Delhi. Speaking on the occasion he said that ayodhya is a birthplace of lord ram and he is worshipped there since ancient times when Islam was even not born so only temple of lord ram can be constructed at that place. General Secretary asked Indian parliament to pass a resolution for ram mandir like that was passed for the somnath temple so that a grand temple of lord ram can be built.

Giving details about the mass awareness campaign Co-Media Incharge Manish Rai said that chanting of hanuman chalisa will be performed on daily basis in 5000 temples across Delhi with the blessings of our saints and millions of people will participate in it and this will last till devouthan ekadashi (November 17). A signature campaign will also be undertaken for mass awaking.– PR

Babri Mosque will not be allowed anywhere in India: VHP | Farzana Shah
I sincerely request the moderators to ban the usage of blog posts in this forum. Especially from users who have a track record of spreading ill-intent!!! This would only decrease the standard of this forum..the above news is available in plenty of online news portals ...

Refrain from attacking members and accusing of spreading ill-intent.

Plenty of your own countrymen do the same and post only the negativity, so this is not the criteria for blocking posts from such people.

This forum is full of members from both sides, who hate each other and post ill-intended posts.

And as for blogs, the items posted from blogs depend on the material posted.

So even if this is from some blog and you have problem with the authenticity of the news, ask the source, if you get it, its ok, if you don't and find it to be bogus and based on a lie, then report it, we will deal with it.

As you yourself said, this news has other sources also, thus if its posted from a blog or from ToI or whatever source, it doesn't makes any difference.

So discuss the material of the post and not the messenger. I can understand the ill-intentions many Indian members have for Jana, but when jana will cross the limits, we will deal with it.

So no need to further discuss the messenger, if anyone did, he will be out. Discuss the message.
Refrain from attacking members and accusing of spreading ill-intent.

Plenty of your own countrymen do the same and post only the negativity, so this is not the criteria for blocking posts from such people.

This forum is full of members from both sides, who hate each other and post ill-intended posts.

And as for blogs, the items posted from blogs depend on the material posted.

So even if this is from some blog and you have problem with the authenticity of the news, ask the source, if you get it, its ok, if you don't and find it to be bogus and based on a lie, then report it, we will deal with it.

As you yourself said, this news has other sources also, thus if its posted from a blog or from ToI or whatever source, it doesn't makes any difference.

So discuss the material of the post and not the messenger. I can understand the ill-intentions many Indian members have for Jana, but when jana will cross the limits, we will deal with it.

So no need to further discuss the messenger, if anyone did, he will be out. Discuss the message.

Jana..I just visited the official website of VHP and I could not see anything related to this.
Can you please help.?
nobody care's what goons like togadiya(vhp) say or not.
whether ram mandir will be built or not will be decided by SC not by him.

i don't understand why the hell they would sent press release to a pakistan based reporter
seems like cheap publicity for the blog

Yes Mr. indopak you are very right I remember Indian Supreme Court ordered to demolish (shaheed) the Babari Mosque.
Dont tell this, you know it very well waht happen to Muslims of Gujrat. When the shamefull things happens to Muslims in India nobody is there to protect them even police.
nobody care's what goons like togadiya(vhp) say or not.
whether ram mandir will be built or not will be decided by SC not by him.

Amen! :tup:


If we let this happen today,tomorrow Qutub Minar may fall,someday even Taj Mahal.

Its better to cut the plant while its tender,before it grows up into a tree.
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Yes Mr. indopak you are very right I remember Indian Supreme Court ordered to demolish (shaheed) the Babari Mosque.
Dont tell this, you know it very well waht happen to Muslims of Gujrat. When the shamefull things happens to Muslims in India nobody is there to protect them even police.

How many times we have to discuss Gujarat.

Serioulsy ppl let us take care of our people.Are those Muslims in Guj Pakistanis so that you care so much about them.

.I hate to tell this..but u guys first take care of the Hindus,Sikhs,Christians,Shias,Ahmediya in your country and let us worry about Gujarat.
Jana..I just visited the official website of VHP and I could not see anything related to this.
Can you please help.?

Yes kindly PM me your email i will forward your their official release with contact numbers of the concerned people who are responsible for dealing with PRs and media releases.
All this hulla gulla from VHP, Bajrang Dal and co-hearts is because in 2 weeks time BABRI MASJID - AYODHYA session court is going to deliver the judgement. It is all political gimmic. They are trying to brew a storm in coffee cup.
Refrain from attacking members and accusing of spreading ill-intent.

Plenty of your own countrymen do the same and post only the negativity, so this is not the criteria for blocking posts from such people.

This forum is full of members from both sides, who hate each other and post ill-intended posts.

And as for blogs, the items posted from blogs depend on the material posted.

So even if this is from some blog and you have problem with the authenticity of the news, ask the source, if you get it, its ok, if you don't and find it to be bogus and based on a lie, then report it, we will deal with it.

As you yourself said, this news has other sources also, thus if its posted from a blog or from ToI or whatever source, it doesn't makes any difference.

So discuss the material of the post and not the messenger. I can understand the ill-intentions many Indian members have for Jana, but when jana will cross the limits, we will deal with it.

So no need to further discuss the messenger, if anyone did, he will be out. Discuss the message.

yeah I must have been clear when I said there are other portals with the news, what I meant was there was similar news with different content

VHP is going to follow the seers and all saints are clear - the Ram Mandir must be made at the same spot, there can be no mosque within the "shastriya seema(the mosque must be at such a distance that the sound of conch shell, bells and cymbals does not reach it these sounds are not approved by the Shariat'.)
" of Ayodhya and VHP will not allow another Babri - mosque named after an `invader' - anywhere in India, he reiterates, quoting the resolution passed at the three-day convention of the VHP held in Ayodhya last fortnight.
Amicable settlment for Ayodhya - Lucknow - City - The Times of India
whereas Jana's post claims "Babri mosque is not allowed in any part of the country"....without giving any reasons..hence my protest!!!!!!
Yes Mr. indopak you are very right I remember Indian Supreme Court ordered to demolish (shaheed) the Babari Mosque.

You remember? Maybe the Supreme Court of India only told you & forgot to tell the rest of us about their decision. Please spare us any more of your "remembered" thoughts.
yeah I must have been clear when I said there are other portals with the news, what I meant was there was similar news with different content


Amicable settlment for Ayodhya - Lucknow - City - The Times of India
whereas Jana's post claims "Babri mosque is not allowed in any part of the country"....without giving any reasons..hence my protest!!!!!!

I have posted what they sent me as it is :) its not my headache what they said.

I have not added even a comma to it
I have posted what they sent me as it is :) its not my headache what they said.

I have not added even a comma to it

no problems...anyway as of the TOI article there can be an "amicable settlement"..you say "no mosque in India"..and there is no another statement issued around the date you wrote the article... so should we stick with the "amicable settlement"????

so what are your views?
Oh please, not another stupid religious discussion.......because you are going to fight and fight on!
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