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Babri Mosque will not be allowed anywhere in India: VHP

There is already a lot of evidence.Even the official ASI reports state that a temple existed there which pre- dates the mosque by atleast a 1000 years.
Who is going to decide the evidence is credible or not? Come to the court and decide it. If the court says, that a temple was there, then a temple was there.
Maintain status quo at the disputed site and let SC take the land under its control. No need to make anything there.

There is no shortage of temples and mosques in India.
Maintain status quo at the disputed site and let SC take the land under its control. No need to make anything there.

There is no shortage of temples and mosques in India.

Agreed! Build anything but Mandir, Masjid there. Either maintain the status quo or give the land to some university or research centre.
It's sad babri mosque was destroyed this caused even many innocent hindus in pakistan to suffer coz sadly many hindu temples were destroyed in pakistan in revenge but this is indians muslims concern they are not pakistanis and nothing to do with us we have our own problems to sort out so let indians deal with it amongst themselves.
It's sad that Justice in India is something other than that presentred by our Indian forum members - The courts seem unwilling or unable to counter the radical Hindu politicians who use the Hindu religion to mask their bigotry.

Hindu politicians inspired Hindus to destroy the Babri Masjid as a demonstration of their Hinduness, sadly, under the spell of emotion and bigotry, Hindus obliged these radical politiicans - yet who among these radical politicians has been sentenced for instigating or hate speech or even disturbing the peace? Perhaps in the future, there may be an accounting but it is more likely that as the destruction of the Babri masjid has gone unpunished, the world will witness more such horriific examples of barbarity and bigotry disguised as revisionist history.
Always important to think more and feel less when it comes ideologies that seek to instigate people.
I think the source issue has been clarified as the same news has been replicated in another source as well:

Amicable settlment for Ayodhya - Lucknow - City - The Times of India

Anyway anybody claiming that a Ram Mandir existed on the location of the Babri Masjid or that Ram was born there... Please present any evidence in court. If you can prove that a Ram Mandir existed then you can build the temple. If you can't prove it, a mosque has to be rebuilt there.


It will be easy to prove that a temple was there - the ASI has garnered enough evidence. The mosque was built on the site of a razed temple. The point before the court is - if the mosque stood for 400 odd years, is it right to tear it down? The Congress is the messiah of the Muslims, they will never build a temple - even though it was Rajiv Gandhi who allowed Shilanyas to be performed there and Narsimha Rao was PM when the mosque was demolished. BJP will not build it - its NDA allies will not allow it.
The Babari Masjid was built in Muslim neighborhood of Ayodhya and on the ruins of an earler Muslim mosque. Muslim graveyard was discovered that date back before the era of Babari Masjid. These facts were ignored and were not excavated by Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). In fact, two Muslim graves were also recovered in the excavation as reported in Outlook weekly. While the ASI videographed and photographed the graves in 1992, it did not perform a detailed analysis of them. The skeletons found at the site were not sent for carbon-dating, neither were the graves measured.. Anirudha Srivastava a former ASI archaeologist said that in some trenches, some graves, terracotta and lime mortar and surkhi were also discovered which indicated Muslim habitation and it was also surmised that there existed some mosque on the site and that Babri was built on the site of another mosque.
Archaeological excavations by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) in 1970, 1992 and 2003 in and around the disputed site have indicated a large Hindu complex existed on the site.

In 2003, by the order of an Indian Court, The Archaeological Survey of India was asked to conduct a more indepth study and an excavation to ascertain the type of structure that was beneath the rubble.[13] The summary of the ASI report [14] indicated definite proof of a temple under the mosque. In the words of ASI researchers, they discovered "distinctive features associated with... temples of north India". The excavations yielded:
“ stone and decorated bricks as well as mutilated sculpture of a divine couple and carved architectural features, including foliage patterns, amalaka, kapotapali, doorjamb with semi-circular shrine pilaster, broke octagonal shaft of black schist pillar, lotus motif, circular shrine having pranjala (watershute) in the north and 50 pillar bases in association with a huge structure"
In Lahore, a Muslim mosque and its surroundind land was occupied during the Sikh rule. The Sikhs demolished the mosque and built Gurdwara during British rule. After independence, the Muslims of Lahore could have demolished that Gurdwara and could have rebuilt Masjid any time but it has not been done. While the Hundutva lunatic brigade has been attacking Muslims and destroying and targeting mosques.

Ayodhya in reverse
In Lahore, a Muslim mosque and its surroundind land was occupied during the Sikh rule. The Sikhs demolished the mosque and built Gurdwara during British rule. After independence, the Muslims of Lahore could have demolished that Gurdwara and could have rebuilt Masjid any time but it has not been done. While the Hundutva lunatic brigade has been attacking Muslims and destroying and targeting mosques.

Ayodhya in reverse

One Mosque Destroyed where 1000 others are alive, Dont Let me Bring out the facts how many Hindu temples were destroyed In Pakistan , more than 242 Temples were destroyed since 1992 in Pakistan and Out of which a hundred Year old Temple is used as a Auto repair shop in karachi.... Hindus as In An Islamic Republic of pakistan, cannot revolt unlike those muslims in India, But that does not make You guys any Saints
It will be easy to prove that a temple was there - the ASI has garnered enough evidence. The mosque was built on the site of a razed temple.

Fair enough, If as you say, manufacturing such evidence will be "easy", why has this "evidence" not been presented and been accepted by Indian Justice system?

What in your opinion is holding "justice" back?
Fair enough, If as you say, manufacturing such evidence will be "easy", why has this "evidence" not been presented and been accepted by Indian Justice system?

What in your opinion is holding "justice" back?

Because any judgment whether in favor of the Hindus or in favor of the Muslims would be and will be construed as unfair by a section of the population. Besides, "justice" for whom? Justice for Muslims whose mosque was torn down or justice for Hindus whose temple was torn down earlier? One can argue that when the temple was demolished, India was not a republic - so it would be ideal to build a mosque there. Equally, if India is looked upon not as a republic which is 63 years old but as a civilization that is over 4000 years old - then the Hindus have every right to correct what they thing was a historical wrong. What could any judge do?

I shall also ask you this - let's say some major place of religious importance in Islam was destroyed by Israel - say in Mecca or Medina and they build some Temple of Solomon replica there. Even after 400-500 years, would Muslims give up their claim to that land?

As I said, for Muslims Ayodhya is just another mosque - and let's be honest that the creation of a mosque in one of the holiest cities of Hinduism was meant to be a slight. The case of the Gyanvapi mosque built on top of Kashi Vishwanath in Benares is another such mosque. Ayodhya and Benares are to Hindus - what Mecca and Medina are to Muslims. Which religious group would not be outraged?
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