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Babri Masjid case- Indian Supreme Court unanimously strikes down Muslim's petition

You are a Nair but your problem is muslims ? For centuries there was a custom in your land Where you used to supply your women to brahmin men (with no marriage rights whatsover) while having no right to their women at all. And their children were rejected by brahmin but you used to keep them.

Essentially it was complete humiliation of your caste by hindu heirarchy but your problem is to correct north indain muslim invasions - really ?

And gentlement this is how the evil of hinduism rolls. ANy other community in the world being forced in to such a "custom" would have rebelled and ended it. But here the nair keeps and cherishes the humiliation because he always has some other hindu caste that is below him. Currently that custom is gone but as upper caste the nair enjoys much higher social status among hindus (though not with muslims or chistians there). That is why he swallows the historic humiliation, develops hatred towards muslims and christian and sucks up to RSS chaddis knowing well they dont have any respect for his south indian origins.

Thanks for history lesson bro.
it. But here the nair keeps and cherishes the humiliation because he always has some other hindu caste that is below him. Currently that custom is gone but as upper caste the nair enjoys much higher social status among hindus (though not with muslims or chistians there). That is why he swallows the historic humiliation, develops hatred towards muslims and christian and sucks up to RSS chaddis knowing well they dont have any respect for his south indian origins.
Brilliant summary of the eternal psy-ops manipulations by brahminstanis.

If you're not Brahmin and you live in India, you're either a slave to them suffering with Stockholm syndrome, or you're resisting them and labelled anti-national terrorists due for mob justice imminently.
This pretty much sums it up. The Brahmins were always with the victor.

If Imran Khan magically comes to power in Delhi, these snakes will speak of him as the next incarnation of Vishnu.
Nailed it bro. Buddha was an avatar of vishni, british were another avatar to get rid of muslims. Here is a tweet you may enjoy reading :

But, I don't think that they will touch Taj Mahal. Their greed would overpower their hatred.:lol:

Chamrhi jaaye, per damrhi na jaaye:sarcastic:
Sita was born in Nepal. Taj Mahal was a Shiva temple.

True.. and we, the humans were living on Mars at that time. Not only that there was a fire on the planet earth and moon was in Andromeda galaxy.

Ab bata lambi lambi chornay mei tu jeeta kai mei ?????
Alternatively, How about a win win situation where a new piece of land is given to temple where as the masjid will remain at the existing land.

Sounds equally good? Or better?

I'm sure it would've been accepted too. And yes that would've been a win win too.

Had they been able to prove there was no temple ever in that place before mosque was built.
I'm sure it would've been accepted too. And yes that would've been a win win too.

Had they been able to prove there was no temple ever in that place before mosque was built.

So in a civil title suit, merely owning property papers today is not enough? You need to prove that no temple ever existed?

Bhakt logic is simply amazing.

India is not acting alone.

I have said this many times. India is working under patronage of Israel and America.

This is a litmus test for things to come.

If muslims across the world do not react to this act of state terrorism, then you better get ready for much worse.

Now where is the other place where they say a Mosque was build over a temple?? Any idea??

If the redline is not drawn now, then our first Qibla , the Al Aqsa Mosque will be the next target. It is EXACTLY the same pretext that will be played over there. A mosque build over so called Jewish temple that they want to rebuild by destroying the Mosque.

It amazes me the aloofness of Muslim world even Pakistani establishment not coming to terms and realization as to the true nature of Hindu terrorists/extremists links with their counterparts in Zionism.
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