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Babri Masjid case- Indian Supreme Court unanimously strikes down Muslim's petition

Has FuzlaGang in Isl said anything against the GanguFacistRegime regarding Babri Masjid? @RIWWIR @PakSword @Verve


Nothing. He is as silent as thief in the night.
Eunuch Indian muslims are happy with verdict. Why Pakistanis are pissed off?
no one is pissed off i am happy indian unity is breaking apart

Strong independent Judiciary is like the last line of defence in a country ruled by bigoted mobs and fascists and once it is destroyed it means the country has gone to dogs and it is heading towards the ultimate disaster.
its one of the pillers of country after kashmir now indian muslims learnt courts in india are in pocket of RSS . it will further weaken indian union .
place a hospital community

Hospital for millions and crores of brain dead Sanghis, Koi faida nahi hai.

As Jinnah has said Indian Hindus are incorrigible(unka koi ilaj nahi hai). They will always find excuses, they will look for deceit and falsehood, they will look with suspicion at everything Muslims are doing...paranoid and incurable they are.

Indian Hindus: correction Indian Modi Bhakts.
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Hospital for millions and crores of brain dead Sanghis, Koi faida nahi hai.

As Jinnah has said Indian Hindus are incorrigible(unka koi ilaj nahi hai). They will always find excuses, they will look for deceit and falsehood, they will look at suspicion at everything Muslims are doing...paranoid and incurable they are.

Indian Hindus: correction Indian Modi Bhakts.
sometime i wonder how jinnah can see modi's india in 1940
sometime i wonder how jinnah can see modi's india in 1940

It is good that RSS was founded in 1925 by Sarwarkar, Golwalkar and Jinnah knew about the main agenda of Hindus once Britishers are out.

And he knew how clever and shrewd Gandhi Jee was with all his talks of peace and brotherhood(Nathuram Godse thought the love between Gandhi jee and Muslims was real) and he killed him.

And Jinnah was intelligent enough to use and manipulate, coerce Britishers and Hindus alike, no other leader could have done this.
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The same fascists that rule India now, existed then. And then we had the Congress party - who were nothing more than the bodyguards of the fascists
indian muslims are doomed i can see they have no will to resist or even rise voices . now i believe in power of guns . yes border starts at the point our gun barrel end . its true . without power no one will respect you .

It is good that RSS was founded in 1925 by Sarwarkar, Golwalkar and Jinnah knew about the main agenda of Hindus once Britishers are out.

And he knew how clever and shrewd Gandhi Jee was with all his talks of peace and brotherhood(Nathuram Godse thought the love between Gandhi jee and Muslims was real) and he killed him.

And Jinnah was intelligent enough to use and manipulate, coerce Britishers and Hindus alike, no other leader could have done this.
indian muslims are doomed i can see they have no will to resist or even rise voices . now i believe in power of guns . yes border starts at the point our gun barrel end . its true . without power no one will respect you .

When every institution is against you - yes your will gets broken. When you have been battered for years - yes your will gets broken. When you know that if you rise up, other innocent Muslims will suffer - yes your will gets broken. When you are 10-15% scattered over a large country with the majority hating you at every corner - yes your will gets broken.
indian muslims are doomed i can see they have no will to resist or even rise voices . now i believe in power of guns . yes border starts at the point our gun barrel end . its true . without power no one will respect you .


Kartarpur opening is a huge event, only time will tell, and most of the Sikh population will visit it in due course of time(there are about 3 crore Sikhs in India), and many are visiting from world over. Lots of respect and goodwill for Pakistan from Sikh community.

They are a strong homogeneous group in India in Indian Punjab, rich and powerful(unlike Indian Muslims), all at the same place in India not scattered...and wields lots of power in India.

And Sikhs are in the govt. in Canada, UK, US in many other countries, in Canada they have a lot of clout, UK too. Many other countries. The 1984 genocide and golden temple attacks have not been forgotten by Sikhs.

This is a very wise and foresighted decision by PM IK and PA.

When every institution is against you - yes your will gets broken. When you have been battered for years - yes your will gets broken. When you know that if you rise up, other innocent Muslims will suffer - yes your will gets broken. When you are 10-15% scattered over a large country with the majority hating you at every corner - yes your will gets broken.

Extremely unfortunate and painful to hear.
You keep saying this on all threads like it's a badge of honour stitched on your forehead.

Yes you know your nation. Indeed, you know what you've done. BJP isn't a dictatorship forced upon you. You the common man, Hindu, Muslim, non-Hindu, rich, poor, Brahmin, dalit, you all voted for this fascist brahministani agenda. You all may have had different reasons or been duped by different lies. But you all voted for this nevertheless. You sleepwalked towards this gross slur upon Indian heritage. Now have your cake and eat it.

This is why it is correct to compare Hindutva with Naziism, rather than some tin pot dictatorship. They too came into power in a populist fascist majoritarian ticket. Whatever the future holds for India has been brought upon it by Indians. Nobody else can be blamed.

Repeat it for thousand times ,but nothing going to change ,if our Hindu tradition was like Nazis,then minorities,Parsis everyone would had been wipe out when thousands of years ago.

We knows our politics ,challenges,parties etc .
For at in next 15 years NDA will rule until an opposition that recognize our tradition comes in India

That is nothing as compare to the address by real PM of India...

There is only one PM in India .
Mr Narendra Modi.
Only one Home minister .
Amit Anil Chandra Shah.

It is good that RSS was founded in 1925 by Sarwarkar, Golwalkar and Jinnah knew about the main agenda of Hindus once Britishers are out.

And he knew how clever and shrewd Gandhi Jee was with all his talks of peace and brotherhood(Nathuram Godse thought the love between Gandhi jee and Muslims was real) and he killed him.

And Jinnah was intelligent enough to use and manipulate, coerce Britishers and Hindus alike, no other leader could have done this.

And then what happened to Jinnah and Pakistan?
it was not surprised move this fate was written on wall since ages

For me, it has always been a painful experience to hear about the plight of Indian Muslims. I don't like the comments of the Pakistani posters, who claim that we have nothing to do with Indian Muslims. We also fail to realize their compulsions and constraints. I have enjoyed a freedom from Hindu subjugation in this country, though my forefathers hardly played any role in struggle for Pakistan. It was by mere stroke of destiny, that I am beneficiary of this freedom.
Temple to be built upon Masjid, will be not just the concern to Muslim all around the world but in-fact, Indian Muslims will remember the same as what really Jinnah said & Iqbal dreamed long ago.

All good Indian members already abstained from this Forum. Your post timing is 8:28 pm on 09.11.2019.

By the way, such dialogues are old and are boring. Those who have to leave or join, have their choice.... Doesn't matter as you said.

Except few conservatives and opportunist politicians .Majority of Indian Muslims accepted this verdict .
Why should they make problems with their fellow brethrens for a mosque that wasnt even used for Namaz before 1856 ?
It was a temple and there is an idol inside mosque .

I am not that active here .

While there are few that understands as what RSS/BJP and Modi have been up-to... whats next? A new extremist uprising to cover failures back at home.

Of Course .
NDA wants to make India the top nation in the world .That is why they are solving each of these controversial issues.

The inferiority complex is strong with this one. Carry on.

Its a fact while in South India we accepted Arabs and everything was peaceful.

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