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Babri Masjid case- Indian Supreme Court unanimously strikes down Muslim's petition

There is only one PM in India .
Mr Narendra Modi.
Only one Home minister .
Amit Anil Chandra Shah.

Yeah like Sunny Deol is Sikh.

Of Course .
NDA wants to make India the top nation in the world .That is why they are solving each of these controversial issues.

The road map is suggesting otherwise though, I hope India may continue on the same path.
When every institution is against you - yes your will gets broken. When you have been battered for years - yes your will gets broken. When you know that if you rise up, other innocent Muslims will suffer - yes your will gets broken. When you are 10-15% scattered over a large country with the majority hating you at every corner - yes your will gets broken.

"Khoon e Israel aa jata hae aakhir josh main
Torh daita hae koi Musa talism e Saamri"

خون اسرائیل آ جاتا ھے آخر جوش میں
توڑ دیتا ھے کوئی موسیٰ طلسم سامری
Except few conservatives and opportunist politicians .Majority of Indian Muslims accepted this verdict .
Why should they make problems with their fellow brethrens for a mosque that wasnt even used for Namaz before 1856 ?
It was a temple and there is an idol inside mosque .

I am not that active here .

Majority you mean saying that they don't need 5 acre Bheek? All is well always in India.
It is a win-win for both parties. There will be a mosque and a temple built. It is just that the disputed land will be where the temple will be built.

Alternatively, How about a win win situation where a new piece of land is given to temple where as the masjid will remain at the existing land.

Sounds equally good? Or better?
Hindu tradition was like Nazis,then minorities,Parsis everyone would had been wipe out when thousands of years ago.
Mughals and British kept your lesser traditions in check. Now we know your real face every time a dalit is murdered for sitting in the wrong chair. You don't need to wipe anyone out for now - just subdue them all with threats of mob violence and occasional actual violence. Simple solution. Put into effect by Hindutva. The only group that actually stands in your way is the Indian Muslims...so you need to erase their history, erase their monuments, erase their identity, then subdue them like the others who have been dalitified. Nobody will get "wiped out"....as long as they play along, they will be merely subdued by Hindu India. The moment they step out of line, that's when the mobs will come.
For me, it has always been a painful experience to hear about the plight of Indian Muslims. I don't like the comments of the Pakistani posters, who claim that we have nothing to do with Indian Muslims. We also fail to realize their compulsions and constraints. I have enjoyed a freedom from Hindu subjugation in this country, though my forefathers hardly played any role in struggle for Pakistan. It was by mere stroke of destiny, that I am beneficiary of this freedom.

Lol.......:lol:...........indian so called "Muslims" hate Pakistan and Pakistanis just as much if not more so than even indian hindus and sikhs. Hope they all wipe each other out. They are all the enemies of the Pakistani race and nation.
Lol.......:lol:...........indian so called "Muslims" hate Pakistan and Pakistanis just as much if not more so than even indian hindus and sikhs. Hope they all wipe each other out. They are all the enemies of the Pakistani race and nation.
TBH situation mazy ki ho gai hai mery liye to :lol: wo jisky feet chaat rahy thy usi ne unko laat mar di moo per :lol:

Ayodhya ,Banaras we had a lots of hindu civilization icons in UP .
That was already there several thousands of years ago.
Islam arrived there through the invasion of foreigners in North India.
So whatever was it there it would be our temple or cultural centres.Most of the mosques in there was on top of temples.

Dont care .
As far as I am concerned ,almost all good Indian members already abstained from this forum.

You are a Nair but your problem is muslims ? For centuries there was a custom in your land Where you used to supply your women to brahmin men (with no marriage rights whatsover) while having no right to their women at all. And their children were rejected by brahmin but you used to keep them.

Essentially it was complete humiliation of your caste by hindu heirarchy but your problem is to correct north indain muslim invasions - really ?

And gentlement this is how the evil of hinduism rolls. ANy other community in the world being forced in to such a "custom" would have rebelled and ended it. But here the nair keeps and cherishes the humiliation because he always has some other hindu caste that is below him. Currently that custom is gone but as upper caste the nair enjoys much higher social status among hindus (though not with muslims or chistians there). That is why he swallows the historic humiliation, develops hatred towards muslims and christian and sucks up to RSS chaddis knowing well they dont have any respect for his south indian origins.
When every institution is against you - yes your will gets broken. When you have been battered for years - yes your will gets broken. When you know that if you rise up, other innocent Muslims will suffer - yes your will gets broken. When you are 10-15% scattered over a large country with the majority hating you at every corner - yes your will gets broken.
Assalam bro. Where are you from?
Lol.......:lol:...........indian so called "Muslims" hate Pakistan and Pakistanis just as much if not more so than even indian hindus and sikhs. Hope they all wipe each other out. They are all the enemies of the Pakistani race and nation.

Shows how much you know. But that's okay...not everyone knows everything.
You need to accept those who actually made India great. The mughals did that.

See if you can say the word "Mughal" without your face twisting and contorting in a hysterical fit of self loathing.
Mughals were no doubt a superior civilization to the brahminical hinduism. They bought in wonderful vast architecture, poetry, complex cusiine etc which perhaps were there in india but destroyed by always seeking domination of brahminism.
But unfortunately the brahmins succesfully sucked up to mughals like they did with british and now usa(maybe china in future) to keep their privilege intact. Once mughals are gone his wrath is against the muslim and his egalatrianism.
Mughals were no doubt a superior civilization to the brahminical hinduism. They bought in wonderful vast architecture, poetry, complex cusiine etc which perhaps were there in india but destroyed by always seeking domination of brahminism.
But unfortunately the brahmins succesfully sucked up to mughals like they did with british and now usa to keep their privilege intact. Once mughals are gone his wrath is against the muslim and his egalatrianism.

This pretty much sums it up. The Brahmins were always with the victor.

If Imran Khan magically comes to power in Delhi, these snakes will speak of him as the next incarnation of Vishnu.
Brahmins are very tribal and primitive owning to their origins. They got knowledge to write from west asians and harappans. They were made priests and given respect. And what is the first thing they wrote? Freaking caste laws to declare all others low caste. Like seriously? You couldnt come up with better shit then that?

After that they started sucking up to every central asian invader. Declaring people high caste or low caste on whim. Till central asians that invaded were muslims who wouldnt give shit about brahminisn.
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