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Babri Masjid case- Indian Supreme Court unanimously strikes down Muslim's petition


India is not acting alone.

I have said this many times. India is working under patronage of Israel and America.

This is a litmus test for things to come.

If muslims across the world do not react to this act of state terrorism, then you better get ready for much worse.

Now where is the other place where they say a Mosque was build over a temple?? Any idea??

If the redline is not drawn now, then our first Qibla , the Al Aqsa Mosque will be the next target. It is EXACTLY the same pretext that will be played over there. A mosque build over so called Jewish temple that they want to rebuild by destroying the Mosque.

It amazes me the aloofness of Muslim world even Pakistani establishment not coming to terms and realization as to the true nature of Hindu terrorists/extremists links with their counterparts in Zionism.

According to Arabs it’s an Arab problem. Let come what may and once the population is shocked then they’ll wake up.

It always is unfortunately.

And you're right, far more worse things are to come...

Majority you mean saying that they don't need 5 acre Bheek? All is well always in India.

Let me clear all of misconception.
Except few opportunistic (right,left and all) parties no modern citizen in India gives a flying eff about what is happenening in Ayodhya .
As per one of Muslim leader in Kerala.
Past is past we needs to move forward .

Republic of India is not revolving around one Ayodhya .
Yeah like Sunny Deol is Sikh.

The road map is suggesting otherwise though, I hope India may continue on the same path.

Nothing to suggests otherwise.
New generation is the one that calls shots in India and they are tech savvy modern people and faiths is just a private matter to them now.
Our social media posts pointed to that delightful factor .
Everyone obeys SC order .
You are a Nair but your problem is muslims ? For centuries there was a custom in your land Where you used to supply your women to brahmin men (with no marriage rights whatsover) while having no right to their women at all. And their children were rejected by brahmin but you used to keep them.

Essentially it was complete humiliation of your caste by hindu heirarchy but your problem is to correct north indain muslim invasions - really ?

And gentlement this is how the evil of hinduism rolls. ANy other community in the world being forced in to such a "custom" would have rebelled and ended it. But here the nair keeps and cherishes the humiliation because he always has some other hindu caste that is below him. Currently that custom is gone but as upper caste the nair enjoys much higher social status among hindus (though not with muslims or chistians there). That is why he swallows the historic humiliation, develops hatred towards muslims and christian and sucks up to RSS chaddis knowing well they dont have any respect for his south indian origins.

Of Course my friend .I am a Nair and a proud one .
Did you actually our community follows the barbaric nature like yours where treated your woman as commodities?
Our woman were the rulers in our family .They could take decisions and was landladies.So we had Marumakkathayam .
Brahmins had a custom where elder one could only marry from their community wherr rest should from outside .
But our woman were educated and experts in martial arts and they could chose their own men .
Our community created the histories of Kerala .
Did you actually think anyone could take advantage of woman like your experience in your family?

If someone tried for that towards our woman they will suffer consequences and trust me they dont need their men support which is just another level.

And Gentlemen this is difference between a community that considers ,respects and give higher status to their woman and communitiesthat considered their woman as some kind of commodities .Something that happens even now.

Thanks for history lesson bro.

Do you want to know the history where Bongs supplied their woman to Pak Army in 1971?

You need to accept those who actually made India great. The mughals did that.

See if you can say the word "Mughal" without your face twisting and contorting in a hysterical fit of self loathing.

We accepted them because we gave them a favour because they were good traders and married our fisher woman.

Regarding Mughal,considering their current generations is living like hell in slums .
They have zero credibility among Indians.
Mughals will ultimately remain as invaders .

Our history can be seen from our national emblem.
Mauryan empire is our inspiration.

Mughals and British kept your lesser traditions in check. Now we know your real face every time a dalit is murdered for sitting in the wrong chair. You don't need to wipe anyone out for now - just subdue them all with threats of mob violence and occasional actual violence. Simple solution. Put into effect by Hindutva. The only group that actually stands in your way is the Indian Muslims...so you need to erase their history, erase their monuments, erase their identity, then subdue them like the others who have been dalitified. Nobody will get "wiped out"....as long as they play along, they will be merely subdued by Hindu India. The moment they step out of line, that's when the mobs will come.

Say that yourselves .

Noone will give flying eff about what you thinks .
And 99.999% of Indians dont flying eff what a Pakistani thinks .
They knows their nation and laws .
So again this is none of your business

Brilliant summary of the eternal psy-ops manipulations by brahminstanis.

If you're not Brahmin and you live in India, you're either a slave to them suffering with Stockholm syndrome, or you're resisting them and labelled anti-national terrorists due for mob justice imminently.

May be Chinese is imitiating now that in Pakistan.
Do you want links?

You should keep this primitive thoughts with you forever .
And we had already moved on
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Of Course my friend .I am a Nair and a proud one .
Did you actually our community follows the barbaric nature like yours where treated our woman as commodities?
Our woman were the rulers in our family .They could take decisions and was landladies.So we had Marumakkathayam .
Brahmins had a custom where elder one could only marry from their community wherr rest should from outside .
But our woman were educated and experts in martial arts and they could chose their own men .
Our community created the histories of Kerala .
Did you actually think anyone could take advantage of woman like your experience in your family?

If someone tried for that towards our woman they will suffer consequences and trust me they dont need their men support which is just another level.

And Gentlemen this is difference between a community that considers ,respects and give higher status to their woman and communitiesthat considered their woman as some kind of commodities .Something that happens even now.

Do you want to know the history where Bongs supplied their woman to Pak Army in 1971?

We accepted them because we gave them a favour because they were good traders and married our fisher woman.

Regarding Mughal,considering their current generations is living like hell in slums .
They have zero credibility among Indians.
Mughals will ultimately remain as invaders .

Our history can be seen from our national emblem.
Mauryan empire is our inspiration.

Say that yourselves .

Noone will give flying eff about what you thinks .
And 99.999% of Indians dont flying eff what a Pakistani thinks .
They knows their nation and laws .
So again this is none of your business

May be Chinese is imitiating now that in Pakistan.
Do you want links?

You should keep this primitive thoughts with you forever .
And we had already moved on
Yes keep "evolving", "advancing" and "progressing" backwards. Keep this marginalisation of society up while rationalizing it with the above b.S. and someone will eventually nuke you or you will be nuked from within. I guess you will be out of your delusion then.

The Mauryans were just as brutal as anyone else during their era. So why make special dispensation for them? Why disregard what the mughals did to build India? Why are the mughals "invaders" but the "Aryans" are not? You ignorant lesser castes worship these Brahmins who teach you that mughals were invaders mughals were invaders mughals were invaders....who the f were these Aryans who apparently invented your religion and imposed this caste hierarchy upon you??

You're so bloody brainwashed it's beyond belief.
Why are the mughals "invaders" but the "Aryans" are not? You ignorant lesser castes worship these Brahmins who teach you that mughals were invaders mughals were invaders mughals were invaders....who the f were these Aryans who apparently invented your religion and imposed this caste hierarchy upon you??

Even Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi and Sultan Shahabuddin Ghori were not invaders, by strict definition; since both were born in current day Afghanistan, in the valley of Indus.:lol:

The fact is that according to these Bhakts and Sanghis, if some medieval Hindu Ruler, from Maharashtra attacks Punjab, he is not invader; but if a Muslim, from Kabul, attacks Peshawar, he is an invader.:sarcastic:

Real issue is religion.
Yes keep "evolving", "advancing" and "progressing" backwards. Keep this marginalisation of society up while rationalizing it with the above b.S. and someone will eventually nuke you or you will be nuked from within. I guess you will be out of your delusion then.

The Mauryans were just as brutal as anyone else during their era. So why make special dispensation for them? Why disregard what the mughals did to build India? Why are the mughals "invaders" but the "Aryans" are not? You ignorant lesser castes worship these Brahmins who teach you that mughals were invaders mughals were invaders mughals were invaders....who the f were these Aryans who apparently invented your religion and imposed this caste hierarchy upon you??

You're so bloody brainwashed it's beyond belief.

No point arguing with bhakts as it is like throwing pearls in front of pigs, they will be trampled upon.

India used to be a somewhat secular society but now just like after Trump, the WASP (neo-nazi) goons started coming out of the woodworks, so have goo-mutra goons taken over. Great deal of indians are still sane but the mindwashing machinary of rss is quickly consuming them aka sinking ship.

Early mughals were invaders but they eventually did settle here. But bhakt logic says all muslims are invaders and everybody who dont agree with them is an enemy.
Didn't the Muslims get allocated land to build a mosque?

It is a win-win for both parties. There will be a mosque and a temple built. It is just that the disputed land will be where the temple will be built.

Let me clear all of misconception.
Except few opportunistic (right,left and all) parties no modern citizen in India gives a flying eff about what is happenening in Ayodhya ...
Republic of India is not revolving around one Ayodhya .
My fellow Paks, come on people look at the posts above, lol, you are wasting intelligible posts on trolls hell bent on proving all is well in India for minorities...when there is fascism in the name of democracy and bigotry in the name of rule of law.


This is present day RSS India with a different color of skin Nazis no less, all be it, one with diminutive and mediocre mindset.

All is well always in India.
The base needs to be kept constantly energized with an increasing tempo....
Mauryan war crimes have long been forgotten and forgiven. Modern Hindus practically worship the Mauryan era.

"Meetha Meetha Hup Hup
Karhwa Karhwa Thoo Thoo"

The fact is that import of ancient and medieval concepts, personalities and proceedings, in the present day dealings, is a sure recipe for destruction. But, these Sanghis and Bhakts are not ready to accept and realize it.
SC actually kowtow to wakf board, they don't even deserve a inch of land around that area

Why not ??

...I hope they build a grand hospital & education institute on the land alloted to them with free education & health facilities :)

I agree. A college for all communities with provision of free or subsidized education and a hospital with free treatment is much better than a mosque.

The Hindu parties in the Babri dispute should also have insisted on a college and a hospital instead of calling for a temple.
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My fellow Paks, come on people look at the posts above, lol, you are wasting intelligible posts on trolls hell bent on proving all is well in India for minorities...when there is fascism in the name of democracy and bigotry in the name of rule of law.

View attachment 588548

This is present day RSS India with a different color of skin Nazis no less, all be it, one with diminutive and mediocre mindset.

Repeat it for thousand times .
But what your are doing in Pakistan is not a concern in India or other world

Yes keep "evolving", "advancing" and "progressing" backwards. Keep this marginalisation of society up while rationalizing it with the above b.S. and someone will eventually nuke you or you will be nuked from within. I guess you will be out of your delusion then.

The Mauryans were just as brutal as anyone else during their era. So why make special dispensation for them? Why disregard what the mughals did to build India? Why are the mughals "invaders" but the "Aryans" are not? You ignorant lesser castes worship these Brahmins who teach you that mughals were invaders mughals were invaders mughals were invaders....who the f were these Aryans who apparently invented your religion and imposed this caste hierarchy upon you??

You're so bloody brainwashed it's beyond belief.

ChandraGupta Mauryan was an orphan boy and Mauryan empire only cares about merit .
Castes and creed was nothing at that time .
So ours is Mauryan Empire
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