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Limits on sex

comes into play when you want to master Yoga. I guess martial arts masters also have some limitations like this.

That is a grossly wrong assessment. First of all, you make this too naive by using the phrase "limits on sex", because that is not under consideration at all. The issue is of self-control, and since you seem unaware I must tell you that actions based on self-control is also part of Yoga called the Karma-Yog. And it has been suggested as one of the greatest means for uplifiting of the self.

Old saying: A man who can conquer himself, can conquer anything.

For the common people like you and me, it's perfectly alright to have sex within the boundary drawn by limits of our body.

So you want to remain as "common people" and do not want to alleviate your self...well then so be it. But I must tell you that life takes you either up or down, you can't remain stuck at one place for long.

Sexual desire is considered one of the toughest desires to control, other than anger and ego. A person who cannot control these three feelings falls towards darkness, thus making his character weak.

And how can we forget Kama-Sutra? Surely, that art and science was not studied for 'reproduction purpose'! :smitten:

Yes, that is why it is revered in the west but has no significance in Indian culture. People who are obsessed with sex are the kind of people who need Kama-Sutra.
Each human being has various needs - Kaama (sensual desire), Artha (prosperity), Dharma (desire for natural righteousness), and Moksha (enlightenment).

However, depending upon the level of evolution, the emphasis is different. There could be some whose predominant goal is Kaama, and there could be others whose predominant goal is Moksha.

At different stages of evolution, the behaviors that are appropriate are different.

Rightly put! So now we all agree that different desires takes us to different levels of evolution?

To Paritosh,

I have answers to all your arguments, but I think I should let this slip now. I hope you did not felt that I was trying to impose my views, because all I wanted to do was to present an idea that leads to stronger character, and hence stronger nation.
That is a grossly wrong assessment. First of all, you make this too naive by using the phrase "limits on sex", because that is not under consideration at all. The issue is of self-control, and since you seem unaware I must tell you that actions based on self-control is also part of Yoga called the Karma-Yog. And it has been suggested as one of the greatest means for uplifiting of the self.

Old saying: A man who can conquer himself, can conquer anything.

LOL. Buddy, you seem to have deep interest in 'Adhyatma'. Alright, let me try.

The things you are talking about are considered as ideal way of living life. But is that possible for everybody? No. One should always try to make progress, but it isn't possible for everyone.

So, what others do? Are they not worth living? They are. And most beautiful thing about Hindu Dharma is - it considers everybody. Naturally they have a way for such people who are only interested in day-to-day life. The lifestyle recommended for them is known as 'Gruhasth-ashram'. You wont find any rule saying "have sex only when you have to reproduce" for this class. These people are supposed help and please others of their class, as much as they can. Husband and wife are supposed to make each other happy and satisfied. That includes sexual life.

So you want to remain as "common people" and do not want to alleviate your self...well then so be it. But I must tell you that life takes you either up or down, you can't remain stuck at one place for long.

Well, depends on what you consider as important. There are examples in which saints had a regular life. When you marry, you are supposed to fulfill all your duties which come along. Only condition is - don't get stuck in there. There is nothing wrong with having regular sex life. It has nothing to do with getting near to God.

Sexual desire is considered one of the toughest desires to control, other than anger and ego. A person who cannot control these three feelings falls towards darkness, thus making his character weak.

I never supported uncontrolled sex. It should be within our bodily limits. Also, we should be faithful to partner. That's it. It does not mean "sex for reproduction only". Sex is a need of a body. Why ignore it? It's like eating. You should see what you eat and how much you eat. Same goes with sex.

Yes, that is why it is revered in the west but has no significance in Indian culture. People who are obsessed with sex are the kind of people who need Kama-Sutra.

Who told you it has no significance? Sure it has. Just your view should be healthy.

Everything is significant in life and life is significant in Hindutva. This is something to be proud of. We are followers of a religion, which covers everything under the sun, and beyond it.
The things you are talking about are considered as ideal way of living life. But is that possible for everybody? No. One should always try to make progress, but it isn't possible for everyone.

Glad to know that you are aware of that "ideal way of living". And it is good to know that you think that we should strive to make progress towards that. :)

Everything is significant in life and life is significant in Hindutva. This is something to be proud of. We are followers of a religion, which covers everything under the sun, and beyond it.

Indeed! In this Sanatan-Dharma, there is no significance of the word "forbidden". Everything is cause and effect.
I have no objection to interfaith dialogue. I have personally listened to Evangelists, Atheists, Agnostics and also to Dalai Lama. IMO one must be broad minded enough to try to understand how the people of the other faiths think.

I find it strange that the Hindu faith, where there is a god of love (Kam Dev) and Book of Love (Kama Sutra), erotic religious sculptures such as at Khajuraho and heroes such as Krishna who had sixteen thousand wives and also includes cases of polyandry (Darupadi with 5 husbands); can also accommodate near celibate Preachers like Baba Ramdev.

I however respect the views of Baba Ramdev and all those who think that sex is only for reproduction. I personally believe that life without a healthy sex life especially with the one you love; isn’t worth living and despite being an old man I still enjoy sex.
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I personally believe that life without a healthy sex life especially with the one you love; isn’t worth living and despite being an old man I still enjoy sex.

There are several factors that come into the picture - whether there is a loyal relationship with one person, or whether whether there are multiple partners; whether the focus is more on love and intimacy, or more on the physical; how frequently sex occurs ...

What works best for different individuals may be different.

However, it can be said that highly frequent sex would be incompatible with activity that demands deep concentration.
Who called homosexuality as a mental disease?

Sounds like my type of guy.

It is positive to see that not all Hindus have succumbed to staunch homosexual pressure; they forbid evil and peruse goodness.
I have no objection to interfaith dialogue. I have personally listened to Evangelists, Atheists, Agnostics and also to Dalai Lama. IMO one must be broad minded enough to try to understand how the people of the other faiths think.

I find it strange that the Hindu faith, where there is a god of love (Kam Dev) and Book of Love (Kama Sutra), erotic religious sculptures such as at Khajuraho and heroes such as Krishna who had sixteen thousand wives and also includes cases of polyandry (Darupadi with 5 husbands); can also accommodate near celibate Preachers like Baba Ramdev.

I however respect the views of Baba Ramdev and all those who think that sex is only for reproduction. I personally believe that life without a healthy sex life especially with the one you love; isn’t worth living and despite being an old man I still enjoy sex.

Man, I've got a whole speech here!

Don't worry, I will try to make my points as short as possible

Hindu Dhanrma is also known as 'Sanatan Dharma' (meaning : Dharma which always existed)
There is nothing like starting point for Hindu Dharma. Because it was not defined and set by a single person. It has evolved through experiences, experiments, discussions and debates. Even the holiest book in Hinduism, Gita (full name : Shrimatbhagvadgita) is in the form of debate. So, variety of opinions is not new for Hinduism.
Personally I am a firm believer in the "If you don't use it, you lose it" paradigm.

And I thank God for making me human every time the neighbourhood dogs go on heat.

Cheers, Doc
Personally I am a firm believer in the "If you don't use it, you lose it" paradigm.

And I thank God for making me human every time the neighbourhood dogs go on heat.

Cheers, Doc

you are asking for it bro...i received my carnal commentary pages back...
and i firmly believe that sex is a physical abuse to one's body and mind...and your d!ck is one embarrassment you have to carry...
btw baba ramdev is hot...is he not?
a tad grizzly...though...
LOL .... saw a few posts only and decided to jump in ..... wonder how this thread flew under the radar though! Let me go through the posts first .... should be interesting!

BTW, I keep flitting b/w the news channels and Doordarshan Sport's Yoga channel every morning .... try it.

Cheers, Doc

P.S. Read them and I agree with Toxic ..... there is an urgent need of some copulative therapy (procreative or not .... we live in a Democracy .... with the Right to Expression and Artistic Licence) for some of you here.

Or one day you will all be old farts painting nudes.
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I however respect the views of Baba Ramdev and all those who think that sex is only for reproduction. I personally believe that life without a healthy sex life especially with the one you love; isn’t worth living and despite being an old man I still enjoy sex.

Right on ... i dont know why sex is such a taboo subject in the subcontinent...
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