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Baba Ramdev to address 500,000 Deobandi Maulanas

Not all off topic. I have posted the news with link . It is very much related to this topic. It is linked to this Ramdave's exercise classes to Muslims.

I havent heard in the world that any fitness/exercise class/session is started with singing of any national song.

Go tell this to anyone and everyone either would laugh of suspect the intention of such an instructor.

Post-Colonial: we had already discussed whether it is unislamic or not. It is very much Un-Islamic to sing that and do not tell me about filmi people they even married Hindus so that does not make it Islamic.

If you have not heard then you are wrong see him and many Muslims do attend his sessions,You cannot call him unfit he follows his beliefs.
If you do not like him then ignore him he simply does not become unfit.
If you have not heard then you are wrong see him and many Muslims do attend his sessions,You cannot call him unfit he follows his beliefs.
If you do not like him then ignore him he simply does not become unfit.

ehh all right over the fitness comment. And no not because of his belief but seriously i dont see him as smart.

But i do not see any reason for singing a "national cum religiouse" song for starting the exercise class or session. Hope you can give it a neutral thinking.
Who gave you the authority to Judge what is Islamic and what is not? Who gave these maulanas the authority to judge the same?

You people (Pakistanis) are very quick to point out "Unislamic" Practices when it comes to Hinduism.

But you don't realize that these same Maulanas would consider your own lives to be highly "deviant" and "Unislamic". Do you have any idea what they preach in Deoband?

You've made a huge emotive issue out of this Vande Mataram song, but I"m willing to be that most of these supposedly "Pious Muslims" don't pray 5 times a day, drink plenty of alcohol and bribe their local policeman.
ehh all right over the fitness comment. And no not because of his belief but seriously i dont see him as smart.

But i do not see any reason for singing a "national cum religiouse" song for starting the exercise class or session. Hope you can give it a neutral thinking.

He follows his beliefs if someone does not like his beliefs then the person should not attend right ? who is forcing?
ehh all right over the fitness comment. And no not because of his belief but seriously i dont see him as smart.

But i do not see any reason for singing a "national cum religiouse" song for starting the exercise class or session. Hope you can give it a neutral thinking.

What is your expectation Jana? Are you expecting a model for you to consider fit, in that case Salman Khan will fit the bill (Even though he drinks almost everyday).

Fitness does not mean model fitness where if you have flat belley you are fit, that way SRK is very fit with 6 packs (Chain Smoker).
Who gave you the authority to Judge what is Islamic and what is not? Who gave these maulanas the authority to judge the same?

You people (Pakistanis) are very quick to point out "Unislamic" Practices when it comes to Hinduism.

But you don't realize that these same Maulanas would consider your own lives to be highly "deviant" and "Unislamic". Do you have any idea what they preach in Deoband?

You've made a huge emotive issue out of this Vande Mataram song, but I"m willing to be that most of these supposedly "Pious Muslims" don't pray 5 times a day, drink plenty of alcohol and bribe their local policeman.

Not me its what basics of Islam. Bowing in no way is part of Islam.

What they teach in Deoband in no way can change the basics of Islam simple as that.

And it is not an emotive issue.

Just for a simple logic if you can give me any reason why some fitness class be started by singing vande mataram or for that matter any filmi song or a national song or any song.
What is your expectation Jana? Are you expecting a model for you to consider fit, in that case Salman Khan will fit the bill (Even though he drinks almost everyday).

Fitness does not mean model fitness where if you have flat belley you are fit, that way SRK is very fit with 6 packs (Chain Smoker).

Hey come on why getting emotional man.

everyone has own criteria for declaring anything smart or not smart.
Baba Halaku Khan, we appreciate your feedback but Baba Ram Dev is apparently the SME on Yoga and religious scholars (ulema-e-din) are the SMEs on Islam so I will stick with their oppnions.

Indians should be happy that this event can serve as bringing two major communities in India close - why create fuss over the mantra?

Baba Ramdev says that those who don't want to say the Aum chant, for example, need not say it. And that's perfectly correct.

But Yoga is not just physical exercise - there are deeper aspects. One will have to discuss the concept of Prana (life-force), the Nadis (the channels through which Prana flows), the Chakras (Pranic centers), the relationship of sound to Prana, and so on. Sanskrit Mantras are built upon this empirical science.

Those who do Yoga as pure exercise will definitely benefit, but there is a lot that they will be missing.
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Baba Ramdev says that those who don't want to say the Aum chant, for example, need not say it. And that's perfectly correct.

But Yoga is not just physical exercise - there are deeper aspects. One will have to discuss the concept of Prana (life-force), the Nadis (the channels through which Prana flows), the Chakras (Pranic centers), the relationship of sound to Prana, and so on. Sanskrit Mantras are built upon this empirical science.

Those who do Yoga as pure exercise will definitely benefit, but there is a lot that they will be missing.

And what is this concept? what is its origion??
Just for a simple logic if you can give me any reason why some fitness class be started by singing vande mataram or for that matter any filmi song or a national song or any song.

It's a simple matter - the vast majority of the people attending his classes are Indians, and Vande Mataram is India's national song, which in fact does not cause any theological difficulties for Muslims, if you translate it correctly.

In any case, nobody is being forced to say it.
There are some stray dogs and bitches whose sex lives you guys may find inspiring.

well they do listen to the yogi baba now don't they?
i am not into beastality and $hit like that...but would not link sexual liberty to animal behavior...two willing partners...is all it takes bro.
this ramdev baba should stick to yoga preaching...and should refrain from making political statements...and he's made plenty.
And what is this concept? what is its origion??

Prana is Life energy. This concept is not recognized in Western medical science. But even a beginner in Yoga can feel it for himself or herself, relatively easily.

The Nadis are channels along which Prana flows, and the Chakras are centers of Prana along the spine.
For naive people of modern time, sane talk = boring lecture. :frown:
no bro...don't judge me from the lingo...try me.
Certainly, I hate condoms because they have become symbol of illegitimate and surely sinful sexual relations. Besides, it is totally unnatural to use condoms.
you hate condoms cus...
a)they have become a symbol of illegitimate and sinful sexual relations
do tell me before the advent of condoms...were there no illegitimate and sinful sexual relations?
condoms just have resulted in a lower pregnancy rate...something we Indians should welcome....
and there is a cool new disease it's called AIDS...it fukcs you over before you die eventually in pain...and the only cure is the hateble condom.

b)totally unnatural to use condoms.
is it natural to use air-conditioners?cars...mobile phones...or computers?
just stand in front of the mirror and have a good look at yourself...god put meat on you to attract mates...he wants you to get laid....those broad shoulders and hoarse voice have more than one functions.
being on a forum...forbids us from getting into personal details...but I am positive that 99.99% would have sex more times than they'd have children.
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