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B-21 Bomber unveiling tonight

This is the key point. You don't even know the exact performance and specifications of this plane.

How could you make exaggerated claim about something you know nothing about?Everything on Staff Grady's speech,sounds exactly like one of those shiny commercial PPT,where they make all kind of grandiose claims,brag about how good their new product is,but vague when it comes to details.

What exactly is inside this "next generation" “stealth" bomber?Can you provide any parameter to prove why this plane is so deadly?Is it double the range of B-2?double the payload of B-2?1/10 RCS of B-2?Do you know anything?I say B-21 is less stealthy than B-2,can you prove I'm wrong?

Because at the moment,all these exaggerated claim are made out of thin air,with NOTHING to backup.

Using "classified info" is a nice excuse. Anybody could come out with a stealth bomber and claiming to be "unparalleled",and when asked what exactly makes this plane so special. Sorry, cannot tell you,it's "classified info".

  • The B-21’s actual performance specifications remain classified.

Hundred of years ago,there was another country combination of money, access to the most advanced technologies,and it was the US playing catch up to that country.

Sure China will try and catch up, but US combination of money, access to the most advanced technologies, and decades of experience working and deploying stealth aircraft is unassailable.
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China has to develop and widely utilize H-20 to understand how to do it better.

That’s what they look like they are going to do. Gaining experience, but not blow to large a portion of their funds on defense. They’re not like the Sovs trying to operate near CONUS, but want to become dominant in the first island chain and be able to operate/contest second island chain air space, which is where Taiwan comes into the picture. They haven’t indicated a desire to do ops East of Guam.

It just looks like a more robust A2AD strategy to protect their economic ambitions to ensure the survival of the government. The Russians at their peak were only at 40% of just the GDP of the US, the Chinese are at 75% of US GDP today. They’ll seem like they will be preoccupied with their economy and coming out of Covid for the next year, and the a few more years of deflating the bubbles in their economy before contemplating any major operations. During which time they will be building up their platform fleets across all service branches.
All new batch of J-10/J-16/J-20 are based on WS-10 variant

As for the existing fleet,why would anyone replace the engine when it's still working?Do you know these engines cost millions of dollars each?

Engines that are reliable enough that you will immediately replace your entire air force's Soviet engines with ones based on a variant of it.
Nice and cute, an evolution but not revolution.

Bro, I do not want to speak low about any country (most of all about those that were destroyed in war), but I wanted to give a reality check to him.

OP thinks very low of the country that provides for him. He is very under-appreciative of how many ground-breaking technologies US have created and how many benchmarks US have set in various domains for the rest of the world to envy and attempt to emulate.

Sure, no country is perfect in strictly social context. But he needs to get out and live in other countries to see their imperfections in comparison. Then he will get it.

I completely agree with you. But unfortunately, sometimes, nationalism blinds people or their pride, and that ends up costing them more. There are ways to punish the U.S. if one is serious, but we fail to maintain silence; instead, we make baseless statements like the North Koreans, Iranians, and Iraq (Saddam Era). This noise attracts unwanted attention.

Technology-wise, the U.S. is far ahead of other nations and will continue to remain so due to its character of questioning one's peers and superiors. Those peers and leaders will take the input and perfect themselves. Just look at Russia and Pakistan, you can't ask the upper echelon, or you'll either be radiation poisoned or in the back of a black Vigo being raw dogged. Then we come back to the same question why are we where we are?

As for your statement, trust me, I've said far worse. Lol.
Nice and cute, an evolution but not revolution.

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Actually, it is.

Look at the engine on B-21. Now I would assume this is the flying configuration as is (ie it is like that when it flew sometime next year) and my brother who work for the Boeing, comment on the engine when I talked to him yesterday.

Notice the engine hide inside the fuselage and engine cowling, this is very obviously done to increase the bomber stealth feature but is very hard to achieve, notice that B-21 is most likely going to be subsonic bomber, yet the engine will still burn to over 2300F + or 1300C + if we go by commercial engine, which mean if the engine is hiding inside the cowling, you are constantly burning it when your engine is in operation.

Boeing tried at least 20 years to get pass this is do what NG do here and to no success according to my brother, and he said NG either able to make a diverted funnel of sort to divert the back blast of the engine or have made a material that can withstand that operational temperature so they can hide inside the cowling and become stealthier.

This achievement is along the line the technology being developed during WW2 to use in their bomber so the turret will not shot off the tail of a plane, nobody knows or care but is very important for the aircraft operation, my grand dad (Who was a B-17 navigator) told me about that (something like a timing device) but I forgot what it called or how it work, but without that, you simply can't put a top turret on bomber because it would have just shoot your own tail off when you firing at enemy fighter, and a B-17/B-24/B-25 without Top Turret is useless.

My brother also said, there are seems to be material revolution as looking at the leading edge of the bomber, but without watching it flew or have access to the data, he can't put his hand on, but he said the shape is weird and should be unstable, so if this flew, then there have to be some sort of great leap in technology with those parameters.
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Nice and cute, an evolution but not revolution.

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That’s not the B-21, it’s a fake photo. This is the real B-21.


The advances in stealth technology alone is a revolution, not to mention 30 years of advances in digital technology, software, and sensors.

Looks like your inhaling a heavy dose of copium
Idk why does it feel like DoD is showing off like they just came up with second iteration of like iPhone 3 or 4.

Now Pre-Order yours for the low low price of $799 million.
Nice and cute, an evolution but not revolution.

View attachment 902794

Forget the B-21, the rest of the world, Europe included, will take decades to match the technology of the B-2 bomber which was made decades ago.

This B-21 underscores America’s unmatched unrivaled technological superiority.
Forget the B-21, the rest of the world, Europe included, will take decades to match the technology of the B-2 bomber which was made decades ago.

This B-21 underscores America’s unmatched unrivaled technological superiority.

US has advantage that it's one country vs Europe what is made up with many smaller countries of then with their own military industries, just take a look how many 6th generation fighter programs there is going on, and all have smaller budgets than what America uses in one project.

Europe could only match America if it was Federation but thats not gonna happen.
🇺🇸 NEW VIDEO: New US B-21 Raider Illustrates Waste in Western Defense Spending Giving Russia-China the Edge

▪️The US has unveiled the stealth B-21 Raider - its newest bomber;

▪️The B-21 Raider may cost over 700 million (or more) US dollars per warplane;

▪️It will not fly until next year at the earliest and still requires extensive design reviews;

▪️Western analysts admit it faces major challenges going against modern integrated air defense systems produced by nations like Russia and China;

▪️Rather than depend on its stealth, analysts suggest it could use tactics already used by conventional aircraft to carry out standoff strikes using long-range precision guided weapons;

▪️If used to carry out standoff strikes, there is no need for expensive stealth capabilities;

▪️This is an illustration of how the US "out-spends" Russia and China but because of corruption & waste, produces far fewer actual capabilities in the process.

B-21 is in "development phase."

Nobody privy to development of B-21 has complained that it faces major challenges going against modern integrated air defense systems produced by nations like Russia and China. This typical narrative is floated around as a "cover-up."

B-2A is good enough to penetrate, degrade and destroy defenses of (any) country in its current modernized form [an operation will involve use of multiple units], let alone B-21 which is a major leap from it.

These aircraft represent the pinnacle of evolution in stealthy sciences and applications - design and features are informed by extensive testing in anechoic chamber(s) and data gathered from operations around the world. They know what they are doing.
🇺🇸 NEW VIDEO: New US B-21 Raider Illustrates Waste in Western Defense Spending Giving Russia-China the Edge

▪️The US has unveiled the stealth B-21 Raider - its newest bomber;

▪️The B-21 Raider may cost over 700 million (or more) US dollars per warplane;

▪️It will not fly until next year at the earliest and still requires extensive design reviews;

▪️Western analysts admit it faces major challenges going against modern integrated air defense systems produced by nations like Russia and China;

▪️Rather than depend on its stealth, analysts suggest it could use tactics already used by conventional aircraft to carry out standoff strikes using long-range precision guided weapons;

▪️If used to carry out standoff strikes, there is no need for expensive stealth capabilities;

▪️This is an illustration of how the US "out-spends" Russia and China but because of corruption & waste, produces far fewer actual capabilities in the process.

This is pure copium folks. The B-21 is the most advanced warplane the world has seen to date.

Sec Austin clearly stated even the most advanced air defense networks won’t be able overcome the B-21. A reality check for China and Russia.
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