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Azerbaijan downs Armenian helicopter

The one who brought the Enemy Choppa down has been named and image distributed.

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Maybe Russia is doing these provocations through Armenia to start regional war in Caucasus and deter the Azeri-Georgian-Turkish pipeline.

It could be, but I just see them up to their necks on their Western borders. I don't think they have the time or resources for it. I'm also sure we would have seen a more aggressive Armenia had that been the case.
can any of Azeri brothers tell me why Azerbaijan republic is not taking its occupied lands? What is missed or lacked by Azeris? They don,t have even a road directly to karabak... what is the reason behind Azeris not attacking and get their land back?? I always wondered about this weird war... Azerbaijan has all the equipment and trained soldiers... why they just don,t give it a shot? Political solutions are not working as it seems... if u get my point.. you know.. a separate big land of yours is under siege and this can,t last... it is not good actually.. another question, is the local governing body in occupied land with Azeris or they are one more problem too?

PS: my personal idea about all this conflict is to hold back of Azeris... they have a piece of land sieged... they are 99% like my people...and to be honest I don,t like all that armenia creating armenian lobby like those of Zion lobby... they are trying to make world believe they are the victims here.,, any azeri brothers ... please enlighten me with this if you can... but some Real Zeri from Azerbaijan republic I mean....

First of all, Persians are not our brethren. Second, it's off topic to discuss it in this thread.
Anyway, the reasons behind it are different. One is the position of Russia about this conflict, and another reason is that we need to defeat the enemy with lowest costs. We are in a rising trend and our enemies are in a falling trend. so, we can remain patient for some time to have a better result. Also, political solutions were on the table as well, until this happened:
before this happens, political solution was not far fetched either. Anyway, there are still some talks going on as well, but having a political solution is unclear, now.
Is n,t it effective to come to Iran and make it an ally for azerbaijan in order to use both Iranian lands to access their other part and to countermass Russian influence on Armenias? I hope the problem can be addressed by UN security counsil or some sort of arrangement.. Azeri and Armenians suffered a lot due to this war... but somebody tell me..what is the motive from Armenian side to keep that part of Azerbaijan? and in case of Azeribaijan re join to karabak, is Armenian border line with Iran will be erased??

mental people , they even want part of Turkey and Georgia to be part of Armenia.
First of all, Persians are not our brethren. Second, it's off topic to discuss it in this thread.
Anyway, the reasons behind it are different. One is the position of Russia about this conflict, and another reason is that we need to defeat the enemy with lowest costs. We are in a rising trend and our enemies are in a falling trend. so, we can remain patient for some time to have a better result. Also, political solutions were on the table as well, until this happened:
before this happens, political solution was not far fetched either. Anyway, there are still some talks going on as well, but having a political solution is unclear, now.
Thanks my Not-brother friend (if I can be honored to be your friend) for the info. But
1- Is it enough good reason to let your occupied land in enemy's hands just becoz Russian are on Armenia's side? I,m saying this becoz throughout modern history, there were always some countries act in favor of other weaker nations. So, Is it really credible to let a part of your heart and body in enemies hands??
2- Defeat the enemy at lowest costs? really? can this war EVER be wrapped up in LOW COST? what do you mean by low cost?
3- If you are in a rising trend and they are falling..then why do Azeris complain about Armenians have so much lobbying in west and Russia on their back? To my eyes, if you feel stronger (even if I feel weaker) I sacrifice a lot to impose my will to the enemy.. would you explain how do u see them falling and you rising?
4- Is there really a WILL to wrap the problem up by political solutions? and how that desired political solution will be from Azeri point of view? Do they bring back your occupied land? I have heard about some land exchange...but is really Azerbaijan occupied Armenian lands so they exchange it with azeri lands?

PS: one last question. Can you as an Iranian azeri citizen, leave Iranian citizenship and get Azerbaijani republic citizenship? Do they grant you their citizenship?
I was serious in all my questions and I would like to know about the answers... As an Azerbaijani I guess you are as informed as you are in Iranian stuff.. I always had these questions and your kind replies would be more than appreciated my not-brother neigbour
But Azerbaijan also has USA and Isreail on their back... is n,t it enough? If it was Iran losing such a huge part of land to enemy we rather die all and one by one than leave it on their hand...this was exactly the story behind lasting the Iran - Iraq war that long... We couldn,t afford to lose a centimeter...
anyway, If I was in Azeri shoes, I would do the same and lobby in all important countries and it is sad to see Russia is the same bully crap as other ones... I wish freedom and prosperity for my brothers in Azerbaijan
Dude, its easy to talk.. We had not bullets in Karabakh war. No communication.. Which you dont even know whom you are fighting with, and Russians could listen and tell Armenians the whole plan.. WHen Russian army left Baku in 1990 20 january, they took all army technologies... Now, any Azerbaijani wants war, and thats the reason our president feel huge pressure on him. But, every year, we get way stronger. Imagine, you fight them now, or with Atak Helicopter, Altay Tank, and some other missiles against Russian Jets. According to NATO reports, Azerbaijan is capable to take Armenian and Georgia within 48 hours. But, you have to think the afterwards. We wait Russia to loose some power and then get the best moment. I think we are going to see it very very soon.. And we Azeris, are ready to fight.. thats the reason that even Russia doesnt want to satrt any war with Azerbaijan
Dude, its easy to talk.. We had not bullets in Karabakh war. No communication.. Which you dont even know whom you are fighting with, and Russians could listen and tell Armenians the whole plan.. WHen Russian army left Baku in 1990 20 january, they took all army technologies... Now, any Azerbaijani wants war, and thats the reason our president feel huge pressure on him. But, every year, we get way stronger. Imagine, you fight them now, or with Atak Helicopter, Altay Tank, and some other missiles against Russian Jets. According to NATO reports, Azerbaijan is capable to take Armenian and Georgia within 48 hours. But, you have to think the afterwards. We wait Russia to loose some power and then get the best moment. I think we are going to see it very very soon.. And we Azeris, are ready to fight.. thats the reason that even Russia doesnt want to satrt any war with Azerbaijan
Exactly right
mental people , they even want part of Turkey and Georgia to be part of Armenia.
Why they claim those lands
Dude, its easy to talk.. We had not bullets in Karabakh war. No communication.. Which you dont even know whom you are fighting with, and Russians could listen and tell Armenians the whole plan.. When Russian army left Baku in 1990 20 january, they took all army technologies... Now, any Azerbaijani wants war, and that's the reason our president feel huge pressure on him. But, every year, we get way stronger. Imagine, you fight them now, or with Atak Helicopter, Altay Tank, and some other missiles against Russian Jets. According to NATO reports, Azerbaijan is capable to take Armenian and Georgia within 48 hours. But, you have to think the afterwards. We wait Russia to loose some power and then get the best moment. I think we are going to see it very very soon.. And we Azeris, are ready to fight.. thats the reason that even Russia doesnt want to satrt any war with Azerbaijan
Could you please give me the source for NATO saying Az can take Arm and Geo within 48 hours?
2- What if Russia never got weakened and grow stronger? You don,t do anything then?
3- It is not easy to talk..I understand..it is a huge burden on your shoulders as a part of your land is seiged...
4- what is Armenian connection to Karabak? are they Armenian or christian in karabak? Did Armenia owned karabak historically? what is their reason to hold it seiged?
5- Why Az don,t use its Israeli and American support in favor of getting back karabak?
6- The Iranian war with Iraq lasted 8 years only becoz Iran could n,t afford to lose a meter of land. Thousands of thousands of young Iranians got killed in order to put the invader out. The war was over after both side stuck in a dead end situation only a year after war started. They asked for peace then but Iran and despite all world being against Iran and Iran having no decent or enough military resisted and even captured Iraqi lands so she can get its piece of land back. I know Azeris are warriors and pretty brave. we have them as one of the bravest people of Iran in last 5000 years. I know the war can,t be JUST started at will..but If you see you are stronger on paper and you have US and Israeli support then I would finish the job if I was Elham.
Why they claim those lands

Could you please give me the source for NATO saying Az can take Arm and Geo within 48 hours?
2- What if Russia never got weakened and grow stronger? You don,t do anything then?
3- It is not easy to talk..I understand..it is a huge burden on your shoulders as a part of your land is seiged...
4- what is Armenian connection to Karabak? are they Armenian or christian in karabak? Did Armenia owned karabak historically? what is their reason to hold it seiged?
5- Why Az don,t use its Israeli and American support in favor of getting back karabak?
6- The Iranian war with Iraq lasted 8 years only becoz Iran could n,t afford to lose a meter of land. Thousands of thousands of young Iranians got killed in order to put the invader out. The war was over after both side stuck in a dead end situation only a year after war started. They asked for peace then but Iran and despite all world being against Iran and Iran having no decent or enough military resisted and even captured Iraqi lands so she can get its piece of land back. I know Azeris are warriors and pretty brave. we have them as one of the bravest people of Iran in last 5000 years. I know the war can,t be JUST started at will..but If you see you are stronger on paper and you have US and Israeli support then I would finish the job if I was Elham.
Well, US and Israel were also behind Georgia and Ukraine... The specific thing about Turks is we dont believe others. Through history, we have been cheated a lot by other nations. Thats why, until we know that we will be self relied, we dont want to do anything.. Also, we Turks think long term.. Instead of killing armenians and the world call it massacre, we killed their economy and eventually their population decreased to 1.5 millions. Recently, all their news started writing bad about Russia as we purchased army technologies from Russia and down their helicopter with russian technology. Our army might do it intentionally to kill their friendship too. If you ask any Armenian now, 80% probably hate Russia these days.As Russia sold tanks, helicopters and all other technologies even though they knew it would be used against armenia.
Our foreign policy works perfect... The reason everybody interested in Azerbaijan is, we really dont rely on anybody and always keep an open door for discussion and never accept to become puppet of others. This is real face of nation.. We Turks ever accept it!!
If Russia dont, we will get upper technology(which is the plan) to push Russia not to even think about it. And let me tell you this.. in 3-5 years, even Russia will not be able to stop Azerbaijan from attacking Armenia. thats why they will solve it probably until that.. write it down ;)
you are %100 right... I leave it for readers to read history and verify this claims... But I still repeat:
we are the most coward, independent, invaded, weak country on earth... Does this makes you justifiable not to show your braveness and get back your beloved land? I,m coward..we Persians are Coward... you that are BRAVE HEART ... explain why didn,t you get your land for years..and the armenians are doing whatever they like??
We got into the trouble before even we get independent, and have an army. Also, me and Kamil explained other reasons for you. Try to use your brain and control your emotions.
and Yes, we are Arab, Turk, Mughul, Afghan and other nations..what is the problem?? I,m very very much proud of all these nations... Arabs are my heart... Turks are my Pasha (server), Mughul are my angry friends (historically angry..now seems too tired of war!!), Afghans are my brothers, Pakistanis as my other brother and Indians as smart lovely relatives... and I,m not cacusian..although they listed me as one in university in Canada...
Caucasian has two meanings. One is caucasian race, another one means a person from Caucasus(Ghafghaz as you farsis say). You are not the second one, like Armenians, or Arabs. got it?
Did you know we dirty Iranian have a leader which is Azeri btw??
He is not Azerbaijani. He just speaks Azerbaijani with a broken persian accent.
What about Iran? They have threatened Azerbaijan. What do Azeri think about farsis?
in 2001, Iran said that todays Azeri oil fields is Irans oil. They refused to comply Azeri rules and claimed that otherwise they will bomb it. But, Turkey sent 10 f16 to Baku and after that day Iran never everrrr crossed the Azeri airspace.. Now, you brave Iranian, probably has never heard about it.. But, its obvious that you didnt get "balls" to start the war or simply keep your words.. I can show you more examples, so you better come up with some other questions..
Turkey Plays Big Brother to Azerbaijan in Opening Skirmishes Over Control of Caspian Resources | 2001 November
Türk jetleri Baku üzerinde uçacak - 2001-08-17
We are with Azeri people in case of conflict ... But azerbaijan should have given warning to the armenian helicopter if it violate the azeri airspace

Shooting down without warnings isn't appropriate

Not our fight, so not our business....their internal affair

and yes - Pakistan stands by Azerbeyjan. A friendly, Muslim, nation. I hope Ngorno-Karabakh conflict will be solved.
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