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Azerbaijan downs Armenian helicopter

God bless Azerbaijan Army, Best regards.
I hope they have enough AA and AD missiles on the borderline...

No worries bro ;)

2014 was a really humiliating year for Armenians. They tried to attack us near Aghdam, a couple of months ago, and got hardly kicked in their ***. Then, they talked big about investing and using an airport in occupied Karabagh as @Kamil_baku mentioned, and got kicked hardly on today :lol: These goons will never learn their lesson :lol:
Also, more humiliation is going on for them in the next year, when Azerbaijan hosts multiple events like European Games, while they cannot even host the lowest possible international events, and live dirt poor. These goons need to get out from the Caucasus and get back to Eastern Anatolia, or Northern Syria/Iraq, or wherever else they emigrated from or go to their beloved Russia. No caucasian wants to live besides these foreigner Russian stooges. I am sure we will remove this cancer in future.
2014 was a really humiliating year for Armenians. They tried to attack us near Aghdam, a couple of months ago, and got hardly kicked in their ***. Then, they talked big about investing and using an airport in occupied Karabagh as @Kamil_baku mentioned, and got kicked hardly on today These goons will never learn their lesson
Also, more humiliation is going on for them in the next year, when Azerbaijan hosts multiple events like European Games, while they cannot even host the lowest possible international events, and live dirt poor. These goons need to get out from the Caucasus and get back to Eastern Anatolia, or Northern Syria/Iraq, or wherever else they emigrated from or go to their beloved Russia. No caucasian wants to live besides these foreigner Russian stooges. I am sure we will remove this cancer in future.

Im against war, but there is no other way to solve this problem except war.
and there is no peaceful solution to this conflict... :coffee:
No worries bro ;)

2014 was a really humiliating year for Armenians. They tried to attack us near Aghdam, a couple of months ago, and got hardly kicked in their ***. Then, they talked big about investing and using an airport in occupied Karabagh as @Kamil_baku mentioned, and got kicked hardly on today :lol: These goons will never learn their lesson :lol:
Also, more humiliation is going on for them in the next year, when Azerbaijan hosts multiple events like European Games, while they cannot even host the lowest possible international events, and live dirt poor. These goons need to get out from the Caucasus and get back to Eastern Anatolia, or Northern Syria/Iraq, or wherever else they emigrated from or go to their beloved Russia. No caucasian wants to live besides these foreigner Russian stooges. I am sure we will remove this cancer in future.
Thanks but no thanks :lol:

We have 200 00 of them in Turkey. I don't have a problem if they obide the rules of the country and respect the territorial integrity but I doubt it.

I think US would like them. As far away as possible and after one generation they become Kim Kardashian, sleep with a black and assimilate.
Azerbaijan did it to give Armenian lesson about the AIrport they invested to open in occupied Azerbaijani region. Before, Azerbaijan mentioned that any airplane without permission from Azerbaijan will be downed and Armenian president responded that he will be the first passenger of the airplane. But after this message, I hardly believe they could find a brave pilot to drive it...
It is also at the same day when Iranian president visited and showed his support to Azerbaijan in Nagorno Karabakh conflict.. Azerbaijan want to show Armenians and Russians that they better to give the land back before they lose more..
Good job Azerbaijan...
Lets see if Armenian president still wants to go as first, and these guys want to invade East Turkey, too much Red Bull i guess.

Haddinizi bilin dingiller.

İlkin Muradov, the soldier who had shot down the heli rewarded by Defence Ministry of Azerbaycan... :tup:

Azerbaycan'dan o asker için jet karar - DÜNYA Haberleri

We are with Azeri people in case of conflict ... But azerbaijan should have given warning to the armenian helicopter if it violate the azeri airspace

Shooting down without warnings isn't appropriate
We are with Azeri people in case of conflict ... But azerbaijan should have given warning to the armenian helicopter if it violate the azeri airspace

Shooting down without warnings isn't appropriate

this isn't just a normal border
this is a contact line , with armies ready to go to war on either side at any moment
with cease fire violations occurring on daily basis.
I don't know how stupid one must of been , to send 2 attack helicopters on a training flight
over the contact line. Their stupidity cost them lives , the soldiers took appropriate action to help secure positions upfront
Wasn't this conflict about to end recently, with some land swaps?
LOL :lol:

Armenia warns Baku of consequences of helicopter shooting

Armenian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Artsrun Hovannisyan, said on Wednesday, “This is an unprecedented escalation and the consequences for Azerbaijan will be grave."

Earlier in the day, Azerbaijan announced it had downed an Armenian MI-24 combat helicopter after it “attempted to attack positions of the Azerbaijani army near (Karabakh's) Agdam district."

However, Yerevan rejected Baku’s claim, saying the military helicopter was merely carrying out a training flight.

the Armenian media reported that all the three crew members of the helicopter lost their lives in the deadly incident,.

The two ex-Soviet Caucasus nations claim the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, which is largely populated by Armenians but located in Azerbaijan.

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