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Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

The vid is confirming my post.

I don't think so.
Are you sure? Azerbaijan is looking towards west since years, they are heavily cooperating with NATO and are a potential future member, this is another reason for Russia to prevent any solution because Karabakh issue is the main obstacle in NATO Mebership of Azerbaijan.
Not to mention that Turkey would heavily lobby for a Azeri membership.

Ilham Aliyev: Azerbaijan-NATO relations elevated to level of strategic cooperation
- Trend.Az

NISA – NATO International School of Azerbaijan » Azerbaijan-NATO Partnership
The vid is confirming my post.
Yup, that's why I posted it ;) Actually, he very well describes the Russian policy about Eastern European countries including Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
Are you sure? Azerbaijan is looking towards west since years, they are heavily cooperating with NATO and are a potential future member, this is another reason for Russia to prevent any solution because Karabakh issue is the main obstacle in NATO Mebership of Azerbaijan.
Not to mention that Turkey would heavily lobby for a Azeri membership.

Ilham Aliyev: Azerbaijan-NATO relations elevated to level of strategic cooperation
- Trend.Az

NISA – NATO International School of Azerbaijan » Azerbaijan-NATO Partnership
Azerbaijan would try to have a balance. We have economic relations with Russia, and having more trade, and political partners is always better. BTW, cutting all relations with Russia is not realistic.
Azerbaijan would try to have a balance. We have economic relations with Russia, and having more trade, and political partners is always better. BTW, cutting all relations with Russia is not realistic.
We also have economic relations with Russia but its a fact that we are in opposite camp and will stay so, Azerbaijan will go the same path as Turkey once it frees itself from Russian grasp, Azerbaijan knows very well that Russia is the main reason for their problems and they wont forgive it.
A NATO membership is the only logical way for Azerbaijan to get rid of Russian influence once for all, and im sure NATO would also welcome access to Kaspian Sea plus a member with Oil.
It would be interestig to hear what you think.
you wanna face the russian openly this will be madness they will throw every thing on azerbijan make'em weak and start propaganda and calming azerbijan gov is incompetent nato means nothing it only means something when russian do something in poland or germany have u forget Georgia what nato did for them ? ??? it will take long process to get out of russian influnce and u will free from russian grasp only all turkic country enter union become stronger than this , union can make alliance with russia and china instead of fighting them this will worth it but if turkic countries act alone than they will just doom them self
you wanna face the russian openly this will be madness they will throw every thing on azerbijan make'em weak and start propaganda and calming azerbijan gov is incompetent nato means nothing it only means something when russian do something in poland or germany have u forget Georgia what nato did for them ? ??? it will take long process to get out of russian influnce and u will free from russian grasp only all turkic country enter union become stronger than this , union can make alliance with russia and china instead of fighting them this will worth it but if turkic countries act alone than they will just doom them self
I Agree :tup:
well the silence from turkish memeber i guess shows they didin't like it so much :lol:

but this is realistic and best option we can have we should play between east and west and russia is our future partners lest say far future partners ;)
well the silence from turkish memeber i guess shows they didin't like it so much :lol:

but this is realistic and best option we can have we should play between east and west and russia is our future partners lest say far future partners ;)

Yeah, maybe they think that cooperating with Russia would interfere in relations with Turkey ;) They had the same reaction a few days ago, in this thread, when I defended buying some arms from Russia for now. Anyway, maybe they thought that I am a Russophile while I am obviously not. I am a conservative liberal, in which my ideology is exactly opposite to Russians. But, still I am a realistic person, and I know how much is important to have a reasonable relation with Russia who is the strongest neighbor of all Turks. Even for Karabagh issue, Russia's position is extremely important to resolve the conflict. The key to take back karabagh is in Moscow. I said this a few days ago, before karabagh conflict escalates again, in which it saddened my turkish brothers. But, as we speak, Russian president is talking with presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia in Sochi, in black sea coasts, for pacifying the recent conflict ;)
you wanna face the russian openly this will be madness they will throw every thing on azerbijan make'em weak and start propaganda and calming azerbijan gov is incompetent nato means nothing it only means something when russian do something in poland or germany have u forget Georgia what nato did for them ? ??? it will take long process to get out of russian influnce and u will free from russian grasp only all turkic country enter union become stronger than this , union can make alliance with russia and china instead of fighting them this will worth it but if turkic countries act alone than they will just doom them self
What do you mean with openly facing Russia? I didnt said you should go to war with them, anyways the recent developements show that Azerbaijan is interested in a Partnership with NATO.
And about Georgia they are not NATO member and cant be one as long as they have territorial disputes just like Azerbaijan, Russia is playing here the divide and control tactic.

And the Turkic Alliance with Russia and China you are mentioning will be without Turkey since we are in another camp as them.

The key to take back karabagh is in Moscow. I said this a few days ago, before karabagh conflict escalates again, in which it saddened my turkish brothers. But, as we speak, Russian president is talking with presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia in Sochi, in black sea coasts, for pacifying the recent conflict ;)
Russia wont solve anything in favor of Azerbaijan, if you believe this then i dont know what to say anymore.
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Azerbaijan would probably break all its ties with Russia once Karabakh issue is solved
let me tell u when the karabakh problem will solved when turkmenistan send it's gas via azerbijan , kazakhistan and uzbekistan will join this too than all the pip-line could go via azerbijan to Europe this will open the azeri hand on both russia and Europe u will see russians will abandend armenians if turkic or better say azerbijan Cooperate with russian on selling gas in EU (gas price ) in other hand azerbijan can threat EU to cut the energy on them if they dont shut up about armenian we will have upper hand armenians know this so they will attack azeri border guard they will blow the pipeline
Russia wont solve anything in favor of Azerbaijan, if you believe this then i dont know what to say anymore.
Then, I would say that you don't know Russians. We don't need Russians to do anything in our favor. we need the green light to attack Armenia, and Russia refrains from Support. Russians are extremely smart people and would choose their decisions solely based on their interests.
We need to get independent from them and show them that we have upper-hand, by doing projects like building pipelines and control transferring gas from central asia as @asena_great said, then we need to show them that we don't want confrontation and we do want cooperation and show them that they will have interests in dealing with us. Then they would backstab(if you want to call it backstabbing) Armenia, exactly like how they backstabbed Iran. You need to know how to play the game with Russians. Americans know how to play with Russia, and as we speak, Russia has gave green light to USA to screw Iran, which was, and is, Russia's so called friend.
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Then, I would say that you don't know Russians. We don't need Russians to do anything in our favor. we need the green light to attack Armenia, and Russia refrains from Support. Russians are extremely smart people and would choose their decisions solely based on their interests.
We need to get independent from them and show them that we have upper-hand, by doing projects like building pipelines and control transferring gas from central asia as @asena_great said, then we need to show them that we don't want confrontation and we do want cooperation and show them that they will have interests in dealing with us. Then they would backstab(if you want to call it backstabbing) Armenia, exactly like how they backstabbed Iran. You need to know how to play the game with Russians. Americans know how to play with Russia, and as we speak, Russia has gave green light to USA to screw Iran, which was, and is, Russia's ally.
Correct me if im wrong but isnt Russia the main reason why you cant take back your lands since decades? Why would they start supporting you or at least giving green light to attack Armenia, their strategic partner where they have several military bases exactly for the purpose to counter Azerbaijani military in case of war, after you built pipelines to Europe and become their rival in supplying Europe? TBH i dont get the logic here.

You shouldnt compare Iran with Armenia since its in Russian interest to back up Armenia to break the Western/Turkic axis in caucasus, even if you say Azerbaijan will have a balanced relations, Azerbaijan will mantain its strategic partnership with Turkey as its biggest supporter which is a NATO member, as you said Russians arent stupid, if they let fall Armenia then they can say good bye to their influence in caucasus.

Not to mention that once the Karabakh issue is solved the borders to Armenia would be opened on booth sides which would drag Armenia in the arms of West because Russians ''backstabbed'' them, none of these is in Russias interest otherwise the conflict would have been solved years ago.
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